.Dd $Mdocdate: May 22 2024 $ .Dt SI 7 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm SI .Nd The International System of Units .Sh SOURCE NIST SP 330, .Em The International System of Units (SI) , 2019 edition, .Lk https://doi.org/10.6028/NIST.SP.330-2019 . Some data from the .Sx NOT-ACCEPTABLE NON-SI UNITS STILL IN USE section are from NIST SP 811, .Em NIST Guide for the Use of the International System of Units (SI) , 2008, .Lk https://www.nist.gov/pml/special-publication-811 . The IEC binary prefixes are defined in ISO/IEC 80000-13. .Sh PREFIXES .TS allbox tab( ); c | c | c || c | c | c l c r || l c r. Name Prefix Power Name Prefix Power quetta Q 30 quecto q -30 ronna R 27 ronto r -27 yotta Y 24 yocto y -24 zetta Z 21 zepto z -21 exa E 18 atto a -18 peta P 15 femto f -15 tera T 12 pico p -12 giga G 9 nano n -9 mega M 6 micro \(mc -6 kilo k 3 milli m -3 hecto h 2 centi c -2 deka da 1 deci d -1 .TE .Sh BINARY PREFIXES Binary prefixes multiply a unit by a power of 2. They not a part of the SI system. Most people will say .Dq kilobyte instead of .Dq kibibyte , .Dq megabyte instead of .Dq mebibyte , and so on. Mac OSX and Linux utilities commonly report units using the binary prefixes ( .Dq KiB , .Dq MiB , etc). .TS allbox tab( ); c | c | c l c r. Name Prefix Power Related kibi Ki 10 kilo mebi Mi 20 mega gibi Gi 30 giga tebi Ti 40 tera pebi Pi 50 peta exbi Ei 60 exa zebi Zi 70 zetta yobi Yi 80 yotta .TE .Sh BASE UNITS .TS allbox; r | l | c | c r l c c. Quantity Unit Symbol Dimension time second s T length meter m L kilogram mass m M current ampere A I temperature kelvin K \(*H luminosity candela cd J Unitless = 1 = .TE Unitless quantities (like indices of refraction) are usually written with no symbol at all, or with a conventional symbol, like .Dq rad (see below). .Sh DERIVED UNITS .TS allbox; r | l | c | c | c l l c c c. Quantity Unit Symbol Base Units Equivalent plane angle radian rad m/m 1 solid angle steradian sr m\(S2/m\(S2 1 frequency hertz Hz s⁻¹ = force newton N kg m s⁻² = T{ pressure, stress T} pascal Pa kg m⁻¹ s⁻² N m⁻² T{ energy, work, heat T} joule J kg m² s⁻² N m T{ power, radiant flux T} watt W kg m² s⁻³ J/s T{ electric potential difference T} volt V kg m² s⁻³ A⁻¹ W/A charge columb C A s = capacitance farad F kg⁻¹ m⁻² s⁴ A² C/V resistance ohm \(*W kg m² s⁻³ A⁻² V/A conductance siemens S kg⁻¹ m⁻² s³ A² A/V T{ magnetic flux T} weber Wb kg m² s⁻² A⁻¹ V s T{ magnetic flux density T} tesla T kg s⁻² A⁻¹ Wb m⁻² inductance henry H kg m² s⁻² A⁻² Wb/A T{ temperature, celsius T} celsius \(de C K + 273.15 = T{ luminous flux T} lumen lm cd sr = T{ illuminance T} lux cd sr m⁻² lm m⁻² T{ activity referred to a radionuclide T} becquerel Bq s⁻¹ = T{ absorbed dose, kerma T} gray m² s⁻² J/kg T{ dose equivalent T} sievert Sv m² s⁻² J/kg T{ catalytic activity T} katal kat mol s⁻¹ = .TE The equivalent units for pressure do not appear in the source. .Sh SAMPLE OF OTHER DERIVED UNITS .TS allbox; l r r. Quantity Units Base dynamic viscosity Pa s kg m⁻¹ s⁻¹ surface tension N m kg m² s⁻² T{ angular velocity, angular frequency T} rad s⁻¹ s⁻¹ T{ heat flux density, irradiance T} W m⁻² kg s⁻³ T{ heat capacity, entropy T} J K⁻¹ kg m² s⁻² K⁻¹ T{ specific heat capacity, specific entropy T} J K⁻¹ kg⁻¹ m² s⁻² K⁻¹ T{ thermal conductivity T} W m⁻¹ K⁻¹ kg m s⁻³ K⁻¹ T{ electric field strength T} V m⁻¹ kg m⁻¹ s⁻³ A⁻¹ permittivity F m⁻¹ kg⁻¹ m⁻³ s⁴ A² permeability H m⁻¹ kg m s⁻² A⁻² T{ radiant intensity T} W sr⁻¹ kg m² s⁻³ radiance W sr⁻¹ m⁻² kg s⁻³ .TE The sources give more examples. .Sh NON-SI UNITS ACCEPTED FOR USE IN SI .TS allbox; l l c r. Quantity Name Sym. Value time minute min 1 min = 60 s \^ hour h 1 h = 60 min = 3600 s \^ day d 1 d = 24 h = 86400 s length T{ astronomical unit T} au T{ 1 au = 149 597 870 700 m T} angle degree \(de 1\(de = (\(*p/180) rad \^ minute \(fm T{ 1\(fm = (1/60)\(de = (\(*p/10 800) rad T} \^ second \(sd T{ 1\(sd = (1/60)\(de = (\(*p/648 000) rad T} area hectare ha 1 ha = 1 hm² = 10⁴ m² volume liter L 1 L = 1 dm³ = 10³ cm³ = 10⁻³ m³ mass metric ton t 1 t = 10³ kg \^ dalton Da 1 Da = 1.660 539 040 (20) E-27 kg energy electronvolt eV 1 eV = 1.602 176 634 e-19 J T{ logarithmic quantities T} neper Np natural log \^ bel B base-10 log \^ decibel dB 1 dB = 10⁻¹ B .TE .Sh NOT-ACCEPTABLE NON-SI UNITS STILL IN USE .TS allbox; l l c r. Quantity Name Sym. Value length ångström \(oA 10⁻¹⁰ m \^ micron \(*m 1 \(*mm \^ parsec pc 1 pc = 3.085 678E+16 m T{ radiation dose T} rad rad OR rd 1 rd = 10⁻² Gy pressure T{ millimeter of mercury T} mmHg 1 mmHg \(=~ 133.322 Pa T{ magnetic flux density T} gauss G OR Gs 1 G = 100 μT .TE .Sh INFO This file is public domain. Manual page version 2024.01.