551 lines
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551 lines
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; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Arvydas Silanskas
; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Bradley Lucier
; SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
;; Parameters
(define current-random-source (make-parameter default-random-source))
(define (with-random-source random-source thunk)
(unless (random-source? random-source)
(error "expected random source"))
(parameterize ((current-random-source random-source))
;; Carefully return consecutive substreams of the s'th
;; SRFI 27 stream of random numbers. See Sections 1.2 and
;; 1.3 of "An object-oriented random-number package with many
;; long streams and substreams", by Pierre L'Ecuyer, Richard
;; Simard, E. Jack Chen, and W. David Kelton, Operations Research,
;; vol. 50 (2002), pages 1073-1075.
;; https://doi.org/10.1287/opre.50.6.1073.358
(define (make-random-source-generator s)
(if (not (and (exact? s)
(integer? s)
(not (negative? s))))
(error "make-random-source-generator: Expect nonnegative exact integer argument: " s)
(let ((substream 0))
(lambda ()
(let ((new-source (make-random-source))) ;; deterministic
(random-source-pseudo-randomize! new-source s substream)
(set! substream (+ substream 1))
;; Primitive randoms
(define (make-random-integer-generator low-bound up-bound)
(unless (and (integer? low-bound)
(exact? low-bound))
(error "expected exact integer for lower bound"))
(unless (and (integer? up-bound)
(exact? up-bound))
(error "expected exact integer for upper bound"))
(unless (< low-bound up-bound)
(error "upper bound should be greater than lower bound"))
(let ((rand-int-proc (random-source-make-integers (current-random-source)))
(range (- up-bound low-bound)))
(lambda ()
(+ low-bound (rand-int-proc range)))))
(define (make-random-u1-generator)
(make-random-integer-generator 0 2))
(define (make-random-u8-generator)
(make-random-integer-generator 0 256))
(define (make-random-s8-generator)
(make-random-integer-generator -128 128))
(define (make-random-u16-generator)
(make-random-integer-generator 0 65536))
(define (make-random-s16-generator)
(make-random-integer-generator -32768 32768))
(define (make-random-u32-generator)
(make-random-integer-generator 0 (expt 2 32)))
(define (make-random-s32-generator)
(make-random-integer-generator (- (expt 2 31)) (expt 2 31)))
(define (make-random-u64-generator)
(make-random-integer-generator 0 (expt 2 64)))
(define (make-random-s64-generator)
(make-random-integer-generator (- (expt 2 63)) (expt 2 63)))
(define (clamp-real-number lower-bound upper-bound value)
(cond ((not (real? lower-bound))
(error "expected real number for lower bound"))
((not (real? upper-bound))
(error "expected real number for upper bound"))
((not (<= lower-bound upper-bound))
(error "lower bound must be <= upper bound"))
((< value lower-bound) lower-bound)
((> value upper-bound) upper-bound)
(else value)))
(define (make-random-real-generator low-bound up-bound)
(unless (and (real? low-bound)
(finite? low-bound))
(error "expected finite real number for lower bound"))
(unless (and (real? up-bound)
(finite? up-bound))
(error "expected finite real number for upper bound"))
(unless (< low-bound up-bound)
(error "lower bound must be < upper bound"))
(let ((rand-real-proc (random-source-make-reals (current-random-source))))
(lambda ()
(define t (rand-real-proc))
;; alternative way of doing lowbound + t * (up-bound - low-bound)
;; is susceptible to rounding errors and would require clamping to be safe
;; (which in turn requires 144 for adjacent float function)
(+ (* t low-bound)
(* (- 1.0 t) up-bound)))))
(define (make-random-rectangular-generator
real-lower-bound real-upper-bound
imag-lower-bound imag-upper-bound)
(let ((real-gen (make-random-real-generator real-lower-bound real-upper-bound))
(imag-gen (make-random-real-generator imag-lower-bound imag-upper-bound)))
(lambda ()
(make-rectangular (real-gen) (imag-gen)))))
(define make-random-polar-generator
((magnitude-lower-bound magnitude-upper-bound)
(make-random-polar-generator 0+0i magnitude-lower-bound magnitude-upper-bound 0 (* 2 PI)))
((origin magnitude-lower-bound magnitude-upper-bound)
(make-random-polar-generator origin magnitude-lower-bound magnitude-upper-bound 0 (* 2 PI)))
((magnitude-lower-bound magnitude-upper-bound angle-lower-bound angle-upper-bound)
(make-random-polar-generator 0+0i magnitude-lower-bound magnitude-upper-bound angle-lower-bound angle-upper-bound))
((origin magnitude-lower-bound magnitude-upper-bound angle-lower-bound angle-upper-bound)
(unless (complex? origin)
(error "origin should be complex number"))
(unless (and (real? magnitude-lower-bound)
(real? magnitude-upper-bound)
(real? angle-lower-bound)
(real? angle-upper-bound))
(error "magnitude and angle bounds should be real numbers"))
(unless (and (<= 0 magnitude-lower-bound)
(<= 0 magnitude-upper-bound))
(error "magnitude bounds should be positive"))
(unless (< magnitude-lower-bound magnitude-upper-bound)
(error "magnitude lower bound should be less than upper bound"))
(when (= angle-lower-bound angle-upper-bound)
(error "angle bounds shouldn't be equal"))
(let* ((b (square magnitude-lower-bound))
(m (- (square magnitude-upper-bound) b))
(t-gen (make-random-real-generator 0. 1.))
(phi-gen (make-random-real-generator angle-lower-bound angle-upper-bound)))
(lambda ()
(let* ((t (t-gen))
(phi (phi-gen))
(r (sqrt (+ (* m t) b))))
(+ origin (make-polar r phi))))))))
(define (make-random-boolean-generator)
(define u1 (make-random-u1-generator))
(lambda ()
(zero? (u1))))
(define (make-random-char-generator str)
(when (not (string? str))
(error "expected string"))
(unless (> (string-length str) 0)
(error "given string is of length 0"))
(let* ((int-gen (make-random-integer-generator 0 (string-length str))))
(lambda ()
(string-ref str (int-gen)))))
(define (make-random-string-generator k str)
(let ((char-gen (make-random-char-generator str))
(int-gen (make-random-integer-generator 0 k)))
(lambda ()
(generator->string char-gen (int-gen)))))
;; Non-uniform distributions
(define PI (* 4 (atan 1.0)))
(define (make-bernoulli-generator p)
(unless (real? p)
(error "expected p to be real"))
(unless (<= 0 p 1)
(error "expected 0 <= p <= 1"))
(let ((rand-real-proc (random-source-make-reals (current-random-source))))
(lambda ()
(if (<= (rand-real-proc) p)
(define (make-categorical-generator weights-vec)
(define weight-sum
(lambda (sum p)
(unless (and (number? p)
(> p 0))
(error "parameter must be a vector of positive numbers"))
(+ sum p))
(define length (vector-length weights-vec))
(let ((real-gen (make-random-real-generator 0 weight-sum)))
(lambda ()
(define roll (real-gen))
(let it ((sum 0)
(i 0))
(define newsum (+ sum (vector-ref weights-vec i)))
(if (or (< roll newsum)
;; in case of rounding errors and no matches, return last element
(= i (- length 1)))
(it newsum
(+ i 1)))))))
;; Normal distribution (continuous - generates real numbers)
;; Box-Muller algorithm
;; NB: We tested Ziggurat method, too,
;; only to find out Box-Muller is faster about 12% - presumably
;; the overhead of each ops is larger in Gauche than C/C++, and
;; so the difference of cost of log or sin from the primitive
;; addition/multiplication are negligible.
;; NOTE: this implementation is not thread safe
(define make-normal-generator
(make-normal-generator 0.0 1.0))
(make-normal-generator mean 1.0))
((mean deviation)
(let ((rand-real-proc (random-source-make-reals (current-random-source)))
(state #f))
(unless (and (real? mean)
(finite? mean))
(error "expected mean to be finite real number"))
(unless (and (real? deviation)
(finite? deviation)
(> deviation 0))
(error "expected deviation to be positive finite real number"))
(lambda ()
(if state
(let ((result state))
(set! state #f)
(let* ((r (sqrt (* -2 (log (rand-real-proc)))))
(theta (* 2 PI (rand-real-proc))))
(set! state (+ mean (* deviation r (cos theta))))
(+ mean (* deviation r (sin theta))))))))))
(define (make-exponential-generator mean)
(unless (and (real? mean)
(finite? mean)
(positive? mean))
(error "expected mean to be finite positive real number"))
(let ((rand-real-proc (random-source-make-reals (current-random-source))))
(lambda ()
(- (* mean (log (rand-real-proc)))))))
(define (make-geometric-generator p)
(define (log1p x)
;; Adapted from SRFI 144
(let ((u (+ 1.0 x)))
(cond ((= u 1.0)
x) ;; gets sign of zero result correct
((= u x)
(log u)) ;; large arguments and infinities
(* (log u) (/ x (- u 1.0)))))))
(unless (and (real? p)
(> p 0)
(<= p 1))
(error "expected p to be real number, 0 < p <= 1"))
(if (zero? (- p 1.))
;; p is indistinguishable from 1.
(lambda () 1)
(let ((c (/ (log1p (- p))))
(rand-real-proc (random-source-make-reals (current-random-source))))
(lambda ()
(exact (ceiling (* c (log (rand-real-proc)))))))))
;; Draw from poisson distribution with mean L, variance L.
;; For small L, we use Knuth's method. For larger L, we use rejection
;; method by Atkinson, The Computer Generation of Poisson Random Variables,
;; J. of the Royal Statistical Society Series C (Applied Statistics), 28(1),
;; pp29-35, 1979. The code here is a port by John D Cook's C++ implementation
;; (http://www.johndcook.com/stand_alone_code.html )
;; NOTE: this implementation calculates and stores a table of log(n!) on first invocation of L >= 36
;; and therefore is not entirely thread safe (should still produce correct result, but with performance hit if table
;; is recalculated multiple times)
(define (make-poisson-generator L)
(unless (and (real? L)
(finite? L)
(> L 0))
(error "expected L to be finite positive real number"))
(let ((rand-real-proc (random-source-make-reals (current-random-source))))
(if (< L 30)
(make-poisson/small rand-real-proc L)
(make-poisson/large rand-real-proc L))))
;; private
(define (make-poisson/small rand-real-proc L)
(lambda ()
(do ((exp-L (exp (- L)))
(k 0 (+ k 1))
(p 1.0 (* p (rand-real-proc))))
((<= p exp-L) (- k 1)))))
;; private
(define (make-poisson/large rand-real-proc L)
(let* ((c (- 0.767 (/ 3.36 L)))
(beta (/ PI (sqrt (* 3 L))))
(alpha (* beta L))
(k (- (log c) L (log beta))))
(define (loop)
(let* ((u (rand-real-proc))
(x (/ (- alpha (log (/ (- 1.0 u) u))) beta))
(n (exact (floor (+ x 0.5)))))
(if (< n 0)
(let* ((v (rand-real-proc))
(y (- alpha (* beta x)))
(t (+ 1.0 (exp y)))
(lhs (+ y (log (/ v (* t t)))))
(rhs (+ k (* n (log L)) (- (log-of-fact n)))))
(if (<= lhs rhs)
;; private
;; log(n!) table for n 1 to 256. Vector, where nth index corresponds to log((n+1)!)
;; Computed on first invocation of `log-of-fact`
(define log-fact-table #f)
;; private
;; computes log-fact-table
;; log(n!) = log((n-1)!) + log(n)
(define (make-log-fact-table!)
(define table (make-vector 256))
(vector-set! table 0 0)
(do ((i 1 (+ i 1)))
((> i 255) #t)
(vector-set! table i (+ (vector-ref table (- i 1))
(log (+ i 1)))))
(set! log-fact-table table))
;; private
;; returns log(n!)
;; adapted from https://www.johndcook.com/blog/2010/08/16/how-to-compute-log-factorial/
(define (log-of-fact n)
(when (not log-fact-table)
((<= n 1) 0)
((<= n 256) (vector-ref log-fact-table (- n 1)))
(else (let ((x (+ n 1)))
(+ (* (- x 0.5)
(log x))
(- x)
(* 0.5
(log (* 2 PI)))
(/ 1.0 (* x 12.0)))))))
(define (gsampling . generators-lst)
(let ((gen-vec (list->vector generators-lst))
(rand-int-proc (random-source-make-integers (current-random-source))))
;remove exhausted generator at index
(define (remove-gen index)
(define new-vec (make-vector (- (vector-length gen-vec) 1)))
;when removing anything but first, copy all elements before index
(when (> index 0)
(vector-copy! new-vec 0 gen-vec 0 index))
;when removing anything but last, copy all elements after index
(when (< index (- (vector-length gen-vec) 1))
(vector-copy! new-vec index gen-vec (+ 1 index)))
(set! gen-vec new-vec))
;randomly pick generator. If it's exhausted remove it, and pick again
;returns value (or eof, if all generators are exhausted)
(define (pick)
(let* ((index (rand-int-proc (vector-length gen-vec)))
(gen (vector-ref gen-vec index))
(value (gen)))
(if (eof-object? value)
(remove-gen index)
(if (= (vector-length gen-vec) 0)
(lambda ()
(if (= 0 (vector-length gen-vec))
;;; Code for binomial random variable generation.
;;; Written by Brad Lucier, lucier@math.purdue.edu
;;; binomial-geometric is somewhat classical, the
;;; "First waiting time algorithm" from page 525 of
;;; Devroye, L. (1986), Non-Uniform Random Variate
;;; Generation, Springer-Verlag, New York.
;;; binomial-rejection is algorithm BTRS from
;;; Hormann, W. (1993), The generation of binomial
;;; random variates, Journal of Statistical Computation
;;; and Simulation, 46:1-2, 101-110,
;;; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00949659308811496
;;; stirling-tail and BTRD (mentioned in the comments)
;;; are also from that paper.
;;; Another implementation of the same algorithm is at
;;; https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/master/tensorflow/core/kernels/random_binomial_op.cc
;;; That implementation pointed out at least two bugs in the
;;; BTRS paper.
(define (stirling-tail k)
;; Computes
;; \log(k!)-[\log(\sqrt{2\pi})+(k+\frac12)\log(k+1)-(k+1)]
(let ((small-k-table
;; Computed using computable reals package
;; Matches values in paper, which are given
;; for 0\leq k < 10
(if (< k 20)
(vector-ref small-k-table k)
;; the correction term (+ (/ (* 12 (+ k 1))) ...)
;; in Stirling's approximation to log(k!)
(let* ((inexact-k+1 (inexact (+ k 1)))
(inexact-k+1^2 (square inexact-k+1)))
(/ (- #i1/12
(/ (- #i1/360
(/ #i1/1260 inexact-k+1^2))
(define (make-binomial-generator n p)
(if (not (and (real? p)
(<= 0 p 1)
(exact-integer? n)
(positive? n)))
(error "make-binomial-generator: Bad parameters: " n p)
(cond ((< 1/2 p)
(let ((complement (make-binomial-generator n (- 1 p))))
(lambda ()
(- n (complement)))))
((zero? p)
(lambda () 0))
((< (* n p) 10)
(binomial-geometric n p))
(binomial-rejection n p)))))
(define (binomial-geometric n p)
(let ((geom (make-geometric-generator p)))
(lambda ()
(let loop ((X -1)
(sum 0))
(if (< n sum)
(loop (+ X 1)
(+ sum (geom))))))))
(define (binomial-rejection n p)
;; call when p <= 1/2 and np >= 10
;; Use notation from the paper
(let* ((spq
(inexact (sqrt (* n p (- 1 p)))))
(+ 1.15 (* 2.53 spq)))
(+ -0.0873
(* 0.0248 b)
(* 0.01 p)))
(+ (* n p) 0.5))
(- 0.92
(/ 4.2 b)))
;; The formula in BTRS has 1.5 instead of 5.1;
;; The formula for alpha in algorithm BTRD and Table 1
;; and the tensorflow code uses 5.1, so we use 5.1
(* (+ 2.83 (/ 5.1 b)) spq))
(log (/ p (- 1 p))))
(exact (floor (* (+ n 1) p))))
(random-source-make-reals (current-random-source))))
(lambda ()
(let loop ()
(let* ((u (rand-real-proc))
(v (rand-real-proc))
(- u 0.5))
(- 0.5 (abs u)))
(+ (* (+ (* 2. (/ a us)) b) u) c)))))
(cond ((or (< k 0)
(< n k))
((and (<= 0.07 us)
(<= v v_r))
(let ((v
;; The tensorflow code notes that BTRS doesn't have
;; this logarithm; BTRS is incorrect (see BTRD, step 3.2)
(log (* v (/ alpha
(+ (/ a (square us)) b))))))
(if (<= v
(+ (* (+ m 0.5)
(log (* (/ (+ m 1.)
(- n m -1.)))))
(* (+ n 1.)
(log (/ (- n m -1.)
(- n k -1.))))
(* (+ k 0.5)
(log (* (/ (- n k -1.)
(+ k 1.)))))
(* (- k m) lpq)
(- (+ (stirling-tail m)
(stirling-tail (- n m)))
(+ (stirling-tail k)
(stirling-tail (- n k))))))