
506 lines
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/* Copyright (C) 2024 Peter McGoron
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this program. If not, see
* <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <stdio.h>
/* XXX: Currently valgrind marks the header region as valid for all
* functions, when it should only be valid inside allocator calls.
# include <valgrind/valgrind.h>
# include <valgrind/memcheck.h>
# define REDZONE 16
# define REDZONE 0
# define VALGRIND_CREATE_MEMPOOL(pool, rzB, is_zeroed) (void)0
# define VALGRIND_DESTROY_MEMPOOL(pool) (void)0
# define VALGRIND_MEMPOOL_ALLOC(pool, ptr, siz) (void)0
# define VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_DEFINED(p, len) (void)0
# define VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_NOACCESS(p, len) (void)0
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "uns.h"
#include "cheney_c89.h"
struct ctx {
/** Pointer to the beginning of the heap. */
unsigned char *tospace;
/** Pointer to one past the end of the heap. */
unsigned char *tospace_end;
/** Pointer to the next place to alloc data. This may be one
* past the end of the heap, meaning there is no space left
* on the heap.
unsigned char *tospace_alloc;
/** A value set by the user to control the next heap size after
* a collection.
size_t new_heap_size;
uns_cheney_c89_collect_callback cb;
struct uns_cheney_c89_statistics stats;
void uns_cheney_c89_deinit(Uns_GC gc)
struct ctx *ctx = uns_ctx(gc);
void uns_cheney_c89_set_collect_callback(
Uns_GC gc,
uns_cheney_c89_collect_callback cb
struct ctx *ctx = uns_ctx(gc);
ctx->cb = cb;
void uns_cheney_c89_set_new_heap_size(Uns_GC gc, size_t l)
struct ctx *ctx = uns_ctx(gc);
ctx->new_heap_size = l;
size_t uns_cheney_c89_get_new_heap_size(Uns_GC gc)
struct ctx *ctx = uns_ctx(gc);
return ctx->new_heap_size;
/** Header of a allocated region is a single uns_sword.
* 0: Relocated. What follows is a pointer to the relocated region.
* Positive: allocated bytes.
* Negative: allocated record of pointers with this many bytes.
* All lengths must be representable in positive and negative.
* Hence UNS_SWORD_MIN and UNS_SWORD_MAX are disallowed length
* values.
* Relocated pointers only exist during copying and are not present
* during normal execution.
/** Destructured header. "len" is always the readable length of the
* region in bytes (it is always positive).
struct hdr {
enum {
} typ;
uns_sword len;
/** Number of fields in a record. */
#define REC_FIELDS(n) ((n)/sizeof(void*))
/** Size in bytes of the header. */
#define HDR_LEN sizeof(uns_sword)
/** Extract a header from a pointer to a region. */
#define HDR_PTR(p) ((unsigned char *)p - HDR_LEN)
/** Minimum size of a region. */
#define MIN_REG_LEN sizeof(void*)
/** Destructure header pointed to by p
* # Parameters
* - `out notnull hdr`: Destructured header.
* - `notnull p`: Pointer to a header. This is not a pointer to a region.
* For a pointer to a region, use `hdr_extract`.
static void hdr_read(struct hdr *hdr, unsigned char *p)
memcpy(&hdr->len, p, HDR_LEN);
if (hdr->len < 0) {
hdr->typ = RECORD;
hdr->len = -hdr->len;
} else if (hdr->len == 0) {
hdr->typ = RELO;
hdr->len = sizeof(void*);
} else {
hdr->typ = REGION;
/** Destructure header from a pointer to a region.
* # Parameters
* - `out notnull hdr`: Destructured header.
* - `notnull p`: Pointer to a region. This is not a pointer to the
* header.
#define hdr_extract(h,p) hdr_read(h, HDR_PTR(p))
/** Write a header to a location.
* # Parameters
* - `notnull hdr`: Header description with all fields filled out. This
* function does not do sanity checking and may overflow if given
* bad data.
* - `notnull p`: Header to where the header should be written to.
* This will overwrite data at the pointer location. The pointer
* becomes a pointer to a header, not a pointer to a region.
static void hdr_write_direct(struct hdr *hdr, unsigned char *p)
uns_sword s;
switch (hdr->typ) {
case REGION: s = hdr->len; break;
case RELO: s = 0; break;
case RECORD: s = -hdr->len; break;
memcpy(p, &s, HDR_LEN);
/** Write to the header of a region.
* # Parameters
* - `notnull hdr`: See `hdr_write_direct`.
* - `notnull p`: Header to a region. The call will do pointer arithmetic
* to get the pointer to the header, and write to the header. It will
* not overwrite region data.
#define hdr_write(h, p) hdr_write_direct(h, HDR_PTR(p))
/** Returns true if there is enough space in the heap for a region with
* length `bytes`.
static int enough_space(struct ctx *ctx, uns_sword bytes)
return ctx->tospace_end - ctx->tospace_alloc >= bytes + HDR_LEN + REDZONE;
/** Allocate region without bounds checking.
* # Parameters
* - `len`: Length in bytes of the entire record. This includes the header
* region. The length should have been adjusted by the caller to include
* the minimum region length.
* # Returns
* A pointer to a region.
static void *raw_alloc(struct ctx *ctx, uns_sword len, int is_record)
unsigned char *p;
struct hdr hdr = {0};
assert(len >= HDR_LEN + MIN_REG_LEN);
hdr.len = len - HDR_LEN;
if (is_record) {
hdr.typ = RECORD;
} else {
hdr.typ = REGION;
assert(enough_space(ctx, len));
p = ctx->tospace_alloc;
VALGRIND_MEMPOOL_ALLOC(ctx->tospace, p + HDR_LEN, len - HDR_LEN);
hdr_write_direct(&hdr, p);
ctx->tospace_alloc += len + REDZONE;
return p + HDR_LEN;
/** Move an entire object to the new heap during collection.
* This function does nothing if `p` is NULL. Otherwise, `p` is a pointer
* to a region.
* If `p` was relocated (typ == `RELO`), then this function returns a
* pointer to the relocated header in tospace.
* Otherwise, it allocates memory in the tospace, copies the entire region
* with its header to the tospace, and modifies the region in the fromspace
* to be a region of type `RELO`.
static unsigned char *relocate(struct ctx *ctx, unsigned char *p)
void *res;
struct hdr hdr = {0};
if (!p)
return NULL;
hdr_extract(&hdr, p);
if (hdr.typ == RELO) {
memcpy(&res, p, sizeof(void*));
return res;
assert(hdr.len >= MIN_REG_LEN);
/* Write entire region to memory */
res = raw_alloc(ctx, HDR_LEN + hdr.len, hdr.typ == RECORD);
memcpy(res, p, hdr.len);
hdr_write(&hdr, res);
/* Change old pointer to relocation pointer */
hdr.typ = RELO;
hdr_write(&hdr, p);
memcpy(p, &res, sizeof(void*));
return res;
/** Calculate the starting byte index of an element in a record.
* # Parameters
* - `notnull p`: Pointer to a region.
* - `loc`: Index into the region.
static size_t record_index(Uns_ptr p, size_t loc)
struct hdr hdr = {0};
hdr_extract(&hdr, p);
assert(hdr.typ == RECORD);
/* Turn hdr.len into the number of records in the region */
assert(loc < hdr.len / sizeof(void*));
assert(loc < SIZE_MAX/sizeof(void*));
return loc * sizeof(void*);
void *uns_cheney_c89_get(Uns_ptr p, size_t loc,
enum uns_fld_type *typ)
void *r;
if (typ)
loc = record_index(p, loc);
memcpy(&r, (unsigned char *)p + loc, sizeof(void*));
return r;
void uns_cheney_c89_set(Uns_ptr p, size_t loc,
enum uns_fld_type typ, void *newp)
assert(typ == UNS_POINTER);
loc = record_index(p, loc);
memcpy((unsigned char *)p + loc, &newp, sizeof(void*));
/** Relocate each pointer in a record and record its new pointer.
* # Parameters
* - `notnull p`: Pointer to a record.
* - `len`: Number of elements in the record.
static void scan_record(struct ctx *ctx, void *p, size_t len)
size_t i;
void *newp;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
newp = relocate(ctx,
uns_cheney_c89_get(p, i, NULL));
uns_cheney_c89_set(p, i, UNS_POINTER, newp);
/** Main section of the copying algorithm. */
static void relocate_everything(Uns_GC gc)
unsigned char *scanptr;
struct uns_ctr *root;
struct ctx *ctx = uns_ctx(gc);
struct hdr hdr = {0};
/* Relocate roots */
for (root = uns_roots(gc); root; root = root->next)
root->p = relocate(ctx, root->p);
/* Scan the heap until the end of allocated space. If there
* is a record at this location, read the record and relocate
* all values, and then change each field to the relocated
* record pointer.
scanptr = ctx->tospace;
while (scanptr != ctx->tospace_alloc) {
/* scanptr currently points to the header data. */
hdr_read(&hdr, scanptr);
scanptr += HDR_LEN;
if (hdr.typ == RECORD)
scan_record(ctx, scanptr, (size_t)hdr.len/sizeof(void*));
scanptr += hdr.len + REDZONE;
int uns_cheney_c89_collect(Uns_GC gc)
/* Save fromspace */
struct ctx *ctx = uns_ctx(gc);
unsigned char *fromspace = ctx->tospace;
unsigned char *fromspace_lim = ctx->tospace_alloc;
size_t newlen = ctx->new_heap_size;
ctx->stats.usage_before = fromspace_lim - fromspace;
/* Bail out immediately if allocation fails. This preserves
* the objects as they were.
assert(newlen >= fromspace_lim - fromspace);
ctx->tospace = malloc(newlen);
if (!ctx->tospace) {
ctx->tospace = fromspace;
return 1;
/* Setup context to be valid for the allocator */
ctx->tospace_end = ctx->tospace + newlen;
ctx->tospace_alloc = ctx->tospace;
ctx->stats.usage_after = ctx->tospace_alloc - ctx->tospace;
ctx->stats.collection_number += 1;
if (ctx->cb)
ctx->cb(gc, &ctx->stats);
return 1;
static void *alloc(Uns_GC gc, size_t bytes, int is_record)
struct ctx *ctx = uns_ctx(gc);
uns_sword bytes_as_sword;
if (bytes >= UNS_SWORD_MAX) {
return NULL;
} else if (bytes < MIN_REG_LEN) {
bytes = MIN_REG_LEN;
bytes_as_sword = (uns_sword)bytes + HDR_LEN;
/* Make sure to check for header space when allocating */
if (!enough_space(ctx, bytes_as_sword)) {
if (!enough_space(ctx, bytes_as_sword)) {
return NULL;
return raw_alloc(ctx, HDR_LEN + bytes, is_record);
void *uns_cheney_c89_alloc(Uns_GC gc, size_t bytes, enum uns_bytes_type typ)
assert(typ == UNS_NOEXEC);
return alloc(gc, bytes, 0);
void *uns_cheney_c89_alloc_rec(Uns_GC gc, size_t len, enum uns_record_type typ)
void *p;
size_t i;
assert(typ == UNS_POINTERS_ONLY);
if (len >= SIZE_MAX/sizeof(void*)) {
return NULL;
} else if (len == 0) {
len = 1;
p = alloc(gc, len*sizeof(void*), 1);
if (p == NULL)
return NULL;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
uns_cheney_c89_set(p, i, UNS_POINTER, NULL);
return p;
int uns_cheney_c89_init(Uns_GC gc, size_t heap_size)
struct ctx *ctx = malloc(sizeof(struct ctx));
if (!ctx)
return 0;
ctx->tospace_alloc = ctx->tospace = malloc(heap_size);
if (!ctx->tospace) {
return 0;
ctx->stats.usage_before = ctx->stats.usage_after
= ctx->stats.collection_number = 0;
ctx->tospace_end = ctx->tospace + heap_size;
ctx->new_heap_size = heap_size;
ctx->cb = NULL;
uns_set_ctx(gc, ctx);
uns_set_deinit(gc, uns_cheney_c89_deinit);
uns_set_collect(gc, uns_cheney_c89_collect);
uns_set_alloc(gc, uns_cheney_c89_alloc);
uns_set_alloc_rec(gc, uns_cheney_c89_alloc_rec);
uns_set_set(gc, uns_cheney_c89_set);
uns_set_get(gc, uns_cheney_c89_get);
return 1;