Peter McGoron 4f7847b2c0 Major API reorganization, test infrastructure
The API is now hidden behind functions. The GC struct can have an
unstable layout without affecting any compiled binaries (users of
Universal Service or collectors hidden behind the API). The
collectors can be called directly if desired.

The API now allows for different allocation flags. These will be
used in future extensions (like weak pointers). For now none are

Tests are compiled for each collector. I can't think of a good
solution that will encompass everything I want to write, but for
now this will work on POSIX systems.
2024-07-08 19:58:22 -04:00

2002 lines
64 KiB

const char *names[] = {"anopheles",
"pinacate bug",
"water feather-foil",
"train dispatcher",
"millefiore glass",
"civil service commission",
"ironbark tree",
"gallipoli oil",
"bunsen cell",
"beta rays",
"lumber state",
"souari nut",
"hague tribunal",
"sea squirt",
"broom corn",
"bitumen process",
"non liquet",
"spanking breeze",
"tuxedo coat",
"sea snake",
"palo blanco",
"huia bird",
"clash gear",
"kefir grains",
"bromid paper",
"tree calf",
const char *values[] = {"A genus of mosquitoes which are secondary hosts of the malaria parasites, and whose bite is the usual, if not the only, means of infecting human beings with malaria",
"See Nonoclinal",
"A sort of petticoat worn by both sexes in Java and the Malay Archipelago",
"A muscle which contracts the skin of the forehead into wrinkles",
"A genus of plants including the cashew tree",
"Full of knots; hard; tough; hence, capable of enduring or resisting much",
"A pustule raised on the surface of the body in variolous and vaccine diseases",
"A tumor developed on, or connected with, a nerve, esp",
"A large rope made of three strands each containing many yarns",
"That jolts; as, a jolty coach",
"The condition of being proterandrous",
"Pertaining to, or designating, an acid obtained from leucin, and called also oxycaproic acid",
"The process of changing into stone; petrification",
"A ludicrous descent from the elevated to the low, in writing or speech; anticlimax",
"The act of pleasing highly; the state of being greatly pleased; delight",
"To tread over or upon",
"Same as Tænioidea",
"Sport; merriment; frolicsome amusement",
"One who, or that which, mixes",
"One who spreads reports or blazes matters abroad",
"A write of elegies",
"One who engages in a conspiracy; a plotter",
"A game at cards in which the object is to make fifteen points",
"See Wabble",
"Feigning; simulating; pretending",
"A modern transliteration of the Hebrew word translated Jehovah in the Bible; -- used by some critics to discriminate the tribal god of the ancient Hebrews from the Christian Jehovah",
"Following the course of the sun; as, solisequious plants",
"Clustered in grains at intervals; grumous",
"A deposit more or less resembling an inverted stalactite, formed by calcareous water dropping on the floors of caverns; hence, a similar deposit of other material",
"A combining form meaning six; as, sexdigitism; sexennial",
"One who beats a drum",
"See Fakir",
"Formed according to old or obsolete fashion or pattern; adhering to old customs or ideas; as, an old-fashioned dress, girl",
"The class of skin disease developed by the dartrous diathesis",
"Any of several clumsy, wingless beetles of the genus Eleodes, found in the Pacific States",
"The state or practice of an athlete; the characteristics of an athlete",
"The science of heat",
"The act of pleading for or supporting; work of advocating; intercession",
"A cage for confining birds",
"Capable of being reflected, or thrown back; reflexible",
"Contaminated with illegality",
"A kind of empyreumatic oil produced by the combustion of textures of hemp, linen, or cotton in a copper vessel, -- formerly used as a remedial agent",
"The water violet (Hottonia palustris); also, the less showy American plant H",
"A rubbing or kneading of the body, especially when performed as a hygienic or remedial measure",
"One who owls; esp",
"Of or pertaining to selenium; derived from, or containing, selenium; specifically, designating those compounds in which the element has a higher valence as contrasted with selenious compounds",
"To exceed in noise; to surpass in noisiness",
"A cover; a shelter; a protection",
"To lay asleep; to put to sleep; to quiet",
"Same as Underclothes",
"To beg",
"One who oversees; a superintendent; a supervisor; as, an overseer of a mill; specifically, one or certain public officers; as, an overseer of the poor; an overseer of highways",
"The act of inflicting pain on one's self; pain inflicted on one's self",
"The quality or state of being sunny",
"In a manner that forbids alienation; as, rights inalienably vested",
"Having the quality of relaxing; laxative",
"A seller of low-priced or second goods; a hawker",
"A stable keeper",
"A nitrogenous base C10H9N, extracted from coal-tar naphtha, as an oily liquid",
"One who elopes",
"To victual again",
"Having two successive sets of teeth (deciduous and permanent), one succeeding the other; as, a diphyodont mammal; diphyodont dentition; -- opposed to monophyodont",
"An inflated ball to be kicked in sport, usually made in India rubber, or a bladder incased in Leather",
"An artist's model of wood or other material",
"A boy that drives or guides a team in plowing; a young rustic",
"A breed of large dogs noted for strength and courage",
"To strip of, or as of, a plume, or plumes; to deprive of decoration; to dishonor; to degrade",
"A subsequent disseizin committed by one of lands which the disseizee had before recovered of the same disseizor; a writ founded on such subsequent disseizin, now abolished",
"A combination of alloxanic acid and a base or base or positive radical",
"Rigged like a catboat",
"Relating to the alcoholometer or alcoholometry",
"Good against apoplexy",
"Not prudent; wanting in prudence or discretion; indiscreet; injudicious; not attentive to consequence; improper",
"Same as Scagliola",
"An instrument for determining the strength or purity of wine by measuring its density",
"A large, strong rope, reaching from the foremast head to the bowsprit, to support the mast",
"A French game of cards, played by a banker and punters",
"See Calceolaria",
"The office, or the term of office, of a questor",
"Weak in intellect; foolish; empty-headed",
"See Salite",
"A salt of nitric acid",
"In a temporizing or yielding manner",
"Transmitted or transmissible from father to son, or from age, by oral communication; traditional",
"Of or pertaining to diastole",
"In a traditional manner",
"A general name for the several coloring matters, red, green, yellow, etc",
"Pertaining to electrolysis; as, electrolytic action",
"See Typhoon",
"Encompassing on all sides; circumfused; investing",
"To divest of reality; to make uncertain",
"Spurious; fictitious; sham; -- a cant term originally applied to counterfeit coin, and hence denoting anything counterfeit",
"One of the numerous small spinning tubes on the spinnerets of spiders",
"Belonging to, or used in, a country; native; domestic; popular; common; -- said especially of the written characters employed by the common people of ancient Egypt, in distinction from the hieroglyphics",
"The state or quality of being solemn; solemnity; impressiveness; gravity; as, the solemnness of public worship",
"One who brews; one whose occupation is to prepare malt liquors",
"A punch-cutting tool, or machine for deepening and enlarging the spaces between the teeth of a worn saw",
"To thunder",
"Of or pertaining to Noctiluca",
"The state or quality of being copious; abudance; plenty; also, diffuseness in style",
"Considered as pure entity; abstracted from all circumstances",
"Lying on the bottom of a river or other water; sunk",
"Pertaining to fustet or fisetin",
"Same as Columbate",
"That may be challenged",
"An animal that yelps, or makes a yelping noise",
"A ray of light from the moon",
"One who prosecutes or sues another",
"A starfish, or brittle star",
"(a) One of an active and hardy body of soldiers in the French service, originally Arabs, but now composed of Frenchmen who wear the Arab dress",
"Given to light, familiar talk; talkative",
"A Roman copper coin, equal to one third of the as",
"Having the front of the head, or the skull, nearly perpendicular, not retreating backwards above the jaws; -- opposed to Ant: prognathous",
"Of or pertaining to ivy",
"An order of ganoid fishes, including the modern gar pikes and many allied fossil forms",
"Like or related to man; human",
"Pertaining to, or designating, an acid called also disulphuric acid) obtained by distillation of certain sulphates, as a colorless, thick, oily liquid, H2S2O7 resembling sulphuric acid",
"A religious war against infidels or Mohammedan heretics; also, any bitter war or crusade for a principle or belief",
"Possessing or exhibiting valor; brave; courageous; valiant; intrepid",
"The doctrines taught, or system of principles maintained, by the Manichæans",
"A local division of the people in ancient Athens; a clan; a tribe",
"An obsequious; a flatterer",
"A grappling; close fight or embrace",
"A peculiar species of poetry, for the most part devoted to moral and religious topics, and commonly satirical, -- often used by the troubadours of the Middle Ages",
"A foot consisting of three long syllables and one short syllable",
"Lying outside the visible spectrum at its red end; -- said of rays less refrangible than the extreme red rays",
"A drawing nigh; approach",
"Inharmonious; unmusical; discordant",
"The quality or state of being trashy",
"Narrow; strait",
"A native phosphate of yttrium occurring in yellowish-brown tetragonal crystals",
"Suitable for exportation; as, exportable products",
"An official who gives the orders on a railroad as to the running of trains and their right of way",
"Hopelessly insensible or stupid; not easily aroused or excited; dull; impassive; foolish",
"Going about much, needlessly or without purpose",
"One of a large class of organic substances resembling the aldehydes, obtained by the distillation of certain salts of organic acids and consisting of carbonyl (CO) united with two hydrocarbon radicals",
"Suffering or sensibility in a single organ or function",
"Very minutely downy",
"Instability; unstableness",
"To put an equal value upon; to put (something) on a par with another thing",
"Slender rods or tubes of colored glass fused together and embedded in clear glass; -- used for paperweights and other small articles",
"The state of being abstracted; abstract character",
"A copier; a transcriber; an imitator; a plagiarist",
"A genus of small, slender fishes, remarkable for their habit of living as commensals in other animals",
"(a) A second growth of grass; aftergrass",
"To think wrongly",
"The moor cock, or red grouse",
"Of or pertaining to hydraulics, or to fluids in motion; conveying, or acting by, water; as, an hydraulic clock, crane, or dock",
"Having the nasal bones contiguous",
"Pertaining to, or in the manner of, an apotghem; sententious; pithy",
"Filthy; worthless",
"A termination denoting state, condition, quality, character, totality, as in manhood, childhood, knighthood, brotherhood",
"To cause to cease to be pagan; to divest of pagan character",
"Tending to moisten",
"A reader of lectures or discourses; a lecturer",
"The quality of being revocable; as, the revocability of a law",
"Of or pertaining to drinking or tippling",
"A movement or phase of post-impressionism (which see, below)",
"Same as Nutlet",
"A superficial affection of the skin, characterized by irregular patches of thin scales which are shed in branlike particles",
"name of contempt for a flatterer of persons high in social or official life; as, the Jenkins employed by a newspaper",
"Having horns turning backward and then forward, like those of a ram",
"Beneath the stars or heavens; terrestrial",
"The act of substituting one person in the place of another",
"Of, from, in, or pertaining to, the belly or the intestines; as, alvine discharges; alvine concretions",
"In a desirable manner",
"To instruct in the gospel; to preach the gospel to; to convert to Christianity; as, to evangelize the world",
"To express deep sorrow for, as by wailing; to lament; to wail over",
"Having a valence of one; univalent",
", adv",
"See Army organization, above",
"In an inexorable manner; inflexibly",
"A central or retired work within any other work",
"Any jager gull; especially, the Megalestris skua; -- called also boatswain",
"Viciously proud",
"A servant who has charge of the dairy; a dairymaid",
"In the United States, a commission appointed by the President, consisting of three members, not more than two of whom may be adherents of the same party, which has the control, through examinations, of appointments and promotions in the classified civil service",
"A spermoblast",
"The state of being exposed, laid open, or unprotected; as, an exposedness to sin or temptation",
"See Axis cylinder, under Axis",
"Having the mandibles large and palmate, or branched somewhat like the antlers of a stag; -- said of certain beetles",
"Epidermal; connected with the skin or the bark",
"To impregnate with aroma; to render aromatic; to give a spicy scent or taste to; to perfume",
"In a romping manner",
"Capable or deserving of being kicked",
"To surpass in canting",
"(a) The act or process of making the grooves in a rifled cannon or gun barrel",
"See Intendant, n",
"Not adequate; unequal to the purpose; insufficient; deficient; as, inadequate resources, power, conceptions, representations, etc",
"That does not cloy",
"A tasteless, yellow, crystalline substance, obtained from the gentian; -- called also gentianin",
"In a brainsick manner",
"See Galiot",
"The state of being blear-eyed",
"Capable of resuscitation; as, resuscitable plants",
"Relating to, or produced by, flesh or animal food; as, creatic nausea",
"Arising; coming to light",
"A signal call on a trumpet or cornet for entrance or exit on the stage",
"A drink consisting of eggs beaten up with sugar, milk, and (usually) wine or spirits",
"See Miocene",
"To pour out",
"Having a valence of four; capable of combining with, being replaced by, or compared with, four monad atoms; tetravalent; -- said of certain atoms and radicals; thus, carbon and silicon are quadrivalent elements",
"Combining forms designating fire or heat; specifically (Chem",
"Seven times as much; multiplied by seven; sevenfold",
"To give heart to; to fill with courage; to embolden",
"Forcible manipulation of a dislocated, stiff, or painful joint",
"Having a channel or groove, as in the leafstalks of most palms",
"To make pale",
"A genus of gigantic trees, chiefly Brazilian, of the order Myrtaceæ, having woody capsules opening by an apical lid",
"To annual, as orders",
"A handle for a pen",
"Pertaining to the Adriatic Sea; as, Adrian billows",
"Like a bed; -- applied to several processes on the inner side of the sphenoid bone",
"Bearing inscription; of the character or nature of an inscription",
"A pistol shot",
"A fruit like that of the rose, consisting of a cup formed of the calyx tube and receptacle, and containing achenes",
"Somewhat pellucid; nearly pellucid",
"(a) Producing anthers, as plants",
"An extinct division of Hydrozoa which includes the graptolities",
"Of or relating to beeches",
"A shovel with a turned-up edge, for frit, sand, etc",
"Palmate, with the divisions separated but little more than halfway to the common center",
"One of the mobile male reproductive bodies in the antheridia of cryptogams",
"The quality or state of being uncreated",
"One of a body of Dutch Anabaptists who separated from the Mennonites in the sixteenth century; -- so called from a district in North Holland denominated Waterland",
"A parasite inhabiting the blood; esp",
"To cringe",
"A renewing, or making whole again",
"Lying down, with their heads in opposite directions; -- said of animals borne in a coat of arms",
"Of, pertaining to, or derived from, cacodyl",
"Same as Garish, Garishly, Garishness",
"A kind of brass",
"A skipping or leaping about in frolic; a hop; a sportive prank",
"The refuse whale blubber, used as a manure, and in the manufacture of Prussian blue",
"Brittle; crisp",
"Any one of various species of small carnivores belonging to the genus Putorius, as the ermine and ferret",
"To place on a throne; hence, to induct into office, as a bishop",
"The horny covering of the bill of birds",
"A combining form used in anatomy to indicate connection with, or relation to, the tibia; as, tibiotarsus, tibiofibular",
"One of the steps in which a gable wall is often finished in place of a continuous slope; -- also called crowstep",
"A letter ( Note: This form identifies it with the Latin F, though in sound it is said to have been nearer V",
"Having a head like a pig; hence, figuratively: stupidity obstinate; perverse; stubborn",
"An outer garment made of the skins of birds or mammals, worn by Eskimos, etc",
"Formed with different shapes; having various forms; variform",
"A figure or trope by which a part of a thing is put for the whole (as, fifty sail for fifty ships), or the whole for a part (as, the smiling year for spring), the species for the genus (as, cutthroat for assassin), the genus for the species (as, a creature for a man), the name of the material for the thing made, etc",
"Of or pertaining to Ahura-Mazda, or Ormuzd, the beneficent deity in the Zoroastrian dualistic system; hence, Zoroastrian",
"Such as can be lifted",
"(a) The administration of ether to produce insensibility",
"Like, or pertaining to, the family Cyathophyllidæ",
"An instrument from tetanizing a muscle by irritating its nerve by successive mechanical shocks",
"The study or knowledge of antiquities, esp",
"A ferruginous hydrate of alumina",
"Same as Hollo",
"An instrument for recording the respiratory movements, as the sphygmograph does those of the pulse",
"Of or pertaining to, or designating, an acid derived from meconic acid",
"The Australian Eucalyptus Sideroxylon, used largely by carpenters and shipbuilders; -- called also ironwood",
"That which accompanies; something that attends as a circumstance, or which is added to give greater completeness to the principal thing, or by way of ornament, or for the sake of symmetry",
"An extinct gigantic quaternary mammal, allied to the ant-eaters and sloths",
"Capable of being penetrated, entered, or pierced",
"See Cimmerian",
"The state or quality of being horrible; dreadfulness; hideousness",
"The act of supplementing",
"Capable of neutralizing, or of combining with, several molecules of a monacid base; having several hydrogen atoms capable of being replaced by basic radicals; -- said of certain acids; as, sulphuric acid is polybasic",
"A rival; a corrival",
"One who establishes",
"An inferior kind of olive oil, brought from Gallipoli, in Italy",
"A female procurer, or pander",
"A zinc-carbon cell in which the zinc (amalgamated) is surrounded by dilute sulphuric acid, and the carbon by nitric acid or a chromic acid mixture, the two plates being separated by a porous cup",
"The wheatear",
"To explain; to unfold",
"Pertaining to an acroterium; as, ornaments",
"The 20th letter (U, u) of the Greek alphabet, a vowel having originally the sound of oo as in room, becoming before the 4th century b",
"Having the quality of mitigating or curing fever",
"See Lieutenancy",
"The basal part of the labium of insects",
"A talebearer",
"Having the axis of an ovule or seed straight from the hilum and chalaza to the orifice or the micropyle; atropous",
"A collection of pus or purulent matter in any tissue or organ of the body, the result of a morbid process",
"Excision of a varicosity",
"Deceiving, or tending of deceive; fallacious; illusive; as, illusory promises or hopes",
"One who undermines",
"Penetrating rays readily deflected by a magnetic or electric field, emitted by radioactive substances, as radium",
"To transform, as the venous blood, into arterial blood by exposure to oxygen in the lungs; to make arterial",
"The act or process of being Russified",
"Compressing, or having power or tendency to compress; as, a compressive force",
"A stammerer",
"Maine; -- a nickname",
"A telelectric apparatus for producing images of visible objects at a distance",
"A condiment made from the sap of the bitter cassava (Manihot utilissima) deprived of its poisonous qualities, concentrated by boiling, and flavored with aromatics",
"In a numerical manner; in numbers; with respect to number, or sameness in number; as, a thing is numerically the same, or numerically different",
"One who abstractedly wanders or gazes about, as if moonstruck",
"Somewhat blue; as, bluish veins",
"A genus of fishes, common on the Atlantic coast, including the yellow or goldon mackerel",
"On this side of the Atlantic Ocean; -- used of the eastern or the western side, according to the standpoint of the writer",
"Serving to unite or consolidate; having the quality of consolidating or making firm",
"Sea-green in color",
"The least quantity assignable, admissible, or possible, in a given case; hence, a thing of small consequence; -- opposed to Ant: maximum",
"Infantile; childish",
"One of the bones or cartilages of the carpus; esp",
"A disproportionately rapid growth of the upper surface of dorsiventral organs, such as leaves, through the stimulus of exposure to light",
"Weariness; fatigue",
"Dewy; bedewed",
"Baboonish behavior",
"Of or pertaining to diarrhea; like diarrhea",
"A genus of edentates, covered with large, hard, triangular scales, with sharp edges that overlap each other like tiles on a roof",
"A genus of freeswimming oceanic tunicates, allied to Salpa, and having alternate generations",
"A small room from which the magazine of a naval vessel is lighted, being separated from the magazine by heavy glass windows",
"Same as Supracretaceous",
"A large genus of plants having monopetalous flowers, including the common bindweed (C",
"That can be detached",
"The fine, hard parts of wheat, rounded by the attrition of the millstones, -- used in cookery",
"Of or pertaining to pyæmia; of the nature of pyæmia",
"Containing several tungsten atoms or radicals; as, polytungstic acid",
"Constituting an object of expectation; contingent",
"A sportsman; esp",
"An instrument for ascertaining the quantity of a fluid evaporated in a given time; an atmometer",
"Giving pleasure or satisfaction; causing agreeable emotion; agreeable; delightful; as, a pleasing prospect; pleasing manners",
"To clip with scissors",
"Want of affability or sociability; reticence",
"A substance used to prevent polarization, as upon the negative plate of a voltaic battery",
"An acrid, poisonous, crystallizable substance, obtained from some species of anemone",
"A genus of huge, carnivorous, dinosaurian reptiles from the Cretaceous formation of the United States",
"The act or blazoning; blazoning; emblazonment",
"To feel or grope in the dark",
"A small sloop-rigged racing yacht carrying about six hundred square feet of sail, distinguished from a knockabout by having a short bowsprit",
"The quality of being sapient; wisdom; sageness; knowledge",
"A petty fellow; an inferior agent; an underling",
"A variety of limestone, consisting of small round grains, resembling the roe of a fish",
"To inform, fill, or animate, excessively",
"Having the form or appearance of three petals; appearing as if furnished with three petals",
"Not to become; to suit ill; not to befit or be adapted to",
"Having much intellectual power",
"Bearing within; laden; burdened; pregnant",
"Making or doing throughly; efficient; effectual",
"Causing vomiting; emetic; vomitive",
"The state of being health",
"Denoting a part; as, a partitive genitive",
"Same as Feticide",
"Not risible",
"A name designating the East Indies, also the West Indies",
"The state or quality of being crustaceous or having a crustlike shell",
"The state of being freckled",
"Speaking in a riddle or riddles; containing a riddle",
"To talk a weak and silly manner, like one whose faculties are decayed; to prate; to prattle",
"The doctrine or belief that all men will be saved, or made happy, in the future state",
"The act or process of changing to a polymeric form; the condition resulting from such change",
"A genus of small Arctic fishes",
"To make torpid; to deprive of sensation or sensibility; to stupefy; as, a hand or foot benumbed by cold",
"One who distributes alms, esp",
"Wonderfully; wondrously",
"The sheatfish; -- called also waller",
"A doorpost",
"Of or pertaining to the Triandria; having three distinct and equal stamens in the same flower",
"Of or pertaining to Linnæus, the celebrated Swedish botanist",
"The quality or state of being greasy, oiliness; unctuousness; grossness",
"The knave of trumps at gleek",
"A kind of stout pasteboard",
"Of or pertaining to dipsomania",
"The larva of a small tortricid moth which eats the leaves of the cranberry, so that the vines look as if burned; -- called also cranberry worm",
"The powdered leaves of the baobab tree, used by the Africans to mix in their soup, as the southern negroes use powdered sassafras",
"See Mestee",
"Bringing to a close; decisive; conclusive",
"The act or practice of regrating",
"To frighten; to strike with sudden fear; to alarm",
"With scoffing or insulting language",
"A word used as the designation or appellation of a creature or thing, existing in fact or in thought; a substantive",
"One who proceeds",
"The large edible nutlike seed of a tall tropical American tree (Caryocar nuciferum) of the same natural order with the tea plant; -- also called butternut",
"(a) Situated under a horny part or layer",
"The second letter of the Greek alphabet, B, b",
"Usefulness or agency, as means to an end; instrumentality",
"A channel or furrow",
"To stain; to paint; to daub",
"Absence or lack of intelligence; unwisdom; ignorance",
"The state or conduct of a cicisbeo",
"Full of, or prone to, revenge; vindictive; malicious; revenging; wreaking revenge",
"See Fiend, and cf",
"One who enjoins",
"divination practiced with water in a basin, by throwing three stones into it, and invoking the demon whose aid was sought",
"Expression of the passions; the science of the signs by which human passions are indicated",
"One to whom anything is allotted; one to whom an allotment is made",
"A storehouse for wares, or goods",
"Same as Midden",
"To apply wrongly; to use for a wrong purpose; as, to misapply a name or title; to misapply public money",
"Loathsome; disgusting; hateful",
"A plane parallel to two of the crystalline axes",
"Ripe for weeping; ready to weep",
"See Paleographer, Paleographic, etc",
"Pithy; robust",
"Composed of, or having, two parts of each kind",
"An extensive suborder of marine Bryozoa, mostly with calcareous shells",
"In plate armor, a suspended plate in from of the thigh",
"To take out from a tomb; a disinter",
"Quality of being dispensable",
"Formed like a scroll; contained in a scroll; adorned with scrolls; as, scrolled work",
"Of or pertaining to a region of the earth's surface including all of temperate and arctic North America and Greenland",
"To lay waste; to ravage; to desolate",
"Same as Arrack",
"A female Moor; a Moorish woman",
"Addicted to drinking",
"Conjectural; able to conjecture",
"A floral ornament, common in Greek and other ancient architecture; -- often called the honeysuckle ornament",
"To higgle in trading",
"Titanic iron",
"Clasping a support; as, amplectant tendrils",
"To deprive of, or free from, nitrogen",
"To inhabit",
"To shade; to darken; to cloud",
"See Willful, Willfully, and Willfulness",
"A turban",
"To shut up or out; to preclude; to stop; to prevent; to bar; to exclude",
"To crystallize again",
"Reproduction by fission; fissiparism",
"(a) A small domesticated cyprinoid fish (Carassius auratus); -- so named from its color",
"Capable of being, or liable to be, deprived; liable to be deposed",
"Pertaining to ulmin; designating an acid obtained from ulmin",
"Belonging to a library",
"That which prevents; -- incorrectly used instead of preventive",
"Situated above, or on the anterior side of, the scapula",
"The state of being a son, or of bearing the relation of a son; filiation",
"Destitute of ships",
"See Dakotas",
"One who drubs",
"An exclamation expressing exultation or surprise, etc",
"In a stealthy manner",
"(Dredging, Pile Driving, etc",
"A treatise on the art of testing, as in assaying metals, etc",
"Educated by one's own efforts, without instruction, or without pecuniary assistance from others",
"Color blindness; achromatopsy",
"Three-flowered; having or bearing three flowers; as, a triflorous peduncle",
"A species of Ranunculus (R",
"Green; not withered",
"In a fluttering manner",
"Cutting of the teeth; dentition",
"A trisulphide",
"To destroy the organic structure or regular system of (a government, a society, a party, etc",
"Themselves; -- used reflexively",
"(a) Formerly, the taking and feeding of other men's cattle in the king's forests",
"An examination into one's own state, conduct, and motives, particularly in regard to religious feelings and duties",
"The state or quality of being desidiose, or indolent",
"A large copper vessel used for hot amalgamation",
"Of or pertaining to eulogy; characterized by eulogy; bestowing praise; panegyrical; commendatory; laudatory; as, eulogistic speech or discourse",
"One who is given to meditation",
"To separate (a pair)",
"Warehouse for storing goods",
"A rolling of a body; a wallowing",
"An ingot",
"Somewhat steep",
"One skilled in the theory or construction of machines; a machinist",
"A color of a delicate purple, violet, or lilac",
"To express deep grief for by moaning; to express sorrow for; to lament; to bewail; to pity or sympathize with",
"See Pight",
"To exceed in building, or in durability of building",
"The inner germ layer; endoderm",
"A toothpick",
"Of, pertaining to, or discovered by, Napier, or Naper",
"A yellow or greenish yellow gas, first prepared by Davy, evolved from potassium chlorate and hydrochloric acid",
"Anterior in age to the lowest rocks which contain organic remains",
"To take profit of; to make profitable",
"One of the two bodies or nuclei (called male and female pronuclei) which unite to form the first segmentation nucleus of an impregnated ovum",
"An arcograph",
"Pertaining to, or designating, certain acids analogous to the phosphonic acids, but containing two hydrocarbon radicals, and derived from the secondary phosphines by oxidation",
"The fifth power of a number; as, a is the sursolid of a, or 32 that of 2",
"A lepidop terous insect with partially transparent wings, of the family Ægeriadæ, of which the currant and peach-tree borers are examples",
"A poetic foot of three short syllables, as, mèlì\'dcs",
"The fruit of several species of bramble (Rubus); also, the plant itself",
"A modification of the magic lantern, used esp",
"The American golden-eye",
"Of the nature of, or containing, actinolite",
"(a) A rope used to retain the bars of the capstan in their sockets while men are turning it",
"Same as Glycerin",
"A political writer",
"One of the Teleosti",
"Sizelike; viscous; glutinous; as, sizy blood",
"A magistrate; one of a body of five magistrates chosen by the people of ancient Sparta",
"Like an ament, or bearing aments; amentaceous",
"A servant at a hotel or elsewhere, who cleans and blacks the boots and shoes",
"An apothecary",
"See Chlorometry",
"The quality or state of being barbarous; barbarity; barbarism",
"Furnished with, or formed like, a small turret or turrets; somewhat turreted",
"To join mutually; to unite",
"Of or pertaining to ethnology",
"An impure, massive, flintlike quartz or hornstone, of a dull color",
"Carried forward; advanced",
"An under-garment, worn by women, usually covering the neck, shoulders, and breast",
"A short, distorted hand; also, the deformity of having such a hand",
"The state or quality of being manageable; manageableness",
"Not bearing fruit; not fructiferous",
"To cure, as herrings, by salting and smoking them; to bloat",
"A meeting; a clash; a collision",
"One who confuses things",
"See Sergeant, Sergeantcy, etc",
"The teasel",
"Foreseeing; prescient",
"In a tight manner; closely; nearly",
"Man worship",
"The principal grounds of a college or school, between the buildings or within the main inclosure; as, the college campus",
"Deserving a curse; execrable; hateful; detestable; abominable",
"A buccaneer; an American pirate",
"State of being aloof",
"Plump; chubby; short and stuffy; as a fubsy sofa",
"A suborder of Dipnoi, including the Ceratodus",
"The permanent court of arbitration created by the International Convention for the Pacific Settle of International Disputes",
"The common title of honor in Persia, prefixed to the surname of an individual",
"Following in a train or succession",
"To legitimate",
", & i",
"Having a paddle wheel at the stern; as, a stern-wheel steamer",
"A bitter principle extracted as a white crystalline substance from the calumba root",
"To withdraw, or take out, as a rope from a block, thimble, or the like",
"An integrating anemometer",
"The office of an executor",
"False optics",
"To convert into wood or into a ligneous substance",
"One of the Monandria",
"(a) Any periwinkle",
"Foreknowledge of a disease; prognosis",
"Resembling a rush; weak",
"Pertaining to consultation; having the privilege or right of conference",
"Hazarding; pertaining to the act of one who wagers",
"A weevil or curculio of various species, as the corn weevil",
"To steal in small quantities, or articles of small value; to practice petty theft",
"Pertaining to a workman, or to work in stone, metal, wood etc",
"The reading of the leveling staff in its unchanged position when the leveling instrument has been taken to a new position; a sight directed backwards to a station previously occupied",
"The ahu or Asiatic gazelle",
"An opinionist",
"A forked tool used by clothiers in dressing cloth",
"Pertaining to, or in relation with, both dermal and neural structures; as, the dermoneural spines or dorsal fin rays of fishes",
"Pertaining to, or derived from, vanilla or vanillin; resembling vanillin; specifically, designating an alcohol and an acid respectively, vanillin being the intermediate aldehyde",
"The act of typifying, or representing by a figure",
"An ascidian",
"See Waive",
"A tribe or confederacy of North American Indians, including the Muskogees, Seminoles, Uchees, and other subordinate tribes",
"Any marsupial of the genus Perameles, which includes numerous species found in Australia",
"The quality or state of being beggarly; meanness",
"One whose ambition it is to gain admiration by showy dress; a coxcomb; an inferior dandy",
"A maker of tapestry; an upholsterer",
"See Meliphagous",
"Combined with hydrogen sulphide",
"The anterior of the body of an animal, as of a cephalopod; the thorax of an arthropod",
"A division of beetles, including a large number of species, in which the antennæ are very long",
"Not wormed; not having had the worm, or lytta, under the tongue cut out; -- said of a dog",
"Forming or producing parts of the skeleton",
"In France, interest payable by government on indebtedness; the bonds, shares, stocks, etc",
"The state of being without a father",
"Irascible; choleric",
"To sprinkle or cover with powder; to powder",
"A fossil bivalve mollusk of the genus Hippurites, of many species, having a conical, cup-shaped under valve, with a flattish upper valve or lid",
"The quality or state of being preferable; preferableness",
"A variety of Sorghum vulgare, having a joined stem, like maize, rising to the height of eight or ten feet, and bearing its seeds on a panicle with long branches, of which brooms are made",
"Belonging, or relating, to the secondary or reptilian age, or the era between the Paleozoic and Cenozoic",
"The act or process of repairing lesions made by ulcers, especially by a plastic operation",
"To fill with breath; to puff up",
"Having two eyes",
"The jerboa",
"The ruddy duck",
"The office or jurisdiction of a warden",
"One who wooes; one who courts or solicits in love; a suitor",
"of Dwell",
"One who ameliorates",
"A native or inhabitant of Corfu, an island in the Mediterranean Sea",
"To issue a second time",
"A remedy for all diseases; a panacea",
"A mineral occurring in hexagonal crystals, also massive, generally of a yellow color, containing silica, alumina, lime, soda, and carbon dioxide",
"Covered with clay; miry",
"To putrefy",
"A footprint; a track or vestige",
"Spurge laurel",
"To appear, or to appear to be; to have a show or semblance; to present an appearance; to look; to strike one's apprehension or fancy as being; to be taken as",
"The act of domiciliating; permanent residence; inhabitancy",
"One who rejects, discards, or dismisses; as, a cashierer of monarchs",
"A photographic picture copied from the negative on glass; a photographic transparency",
"One who stipulates, contracts, or covenants",
"Powdered fledspar, kaolin, or quartz, used in the manufacture of porcelain",
"Same as Garish, Garishly, Garishness",
"To aggravate; to make worse; to lie heavy on",
"One of the Unguiculata",
"Inability to utter articulate sounds, due either to paralysis of the larynx or to that form of aphasia, called motor, or ataxis, aphasia, due to loss of control of the muscles of speech",
"A play among children, in which a cherry, hung so as to bob against the mouth, is to be caught with the teeth",
"Fond of the arts",
"A flatterer",
"Of, pertaining to, or containing, platinum; -- used specifically to designate those compounds in which the element has a lower valence, as contrasted with the platinic compounds; as, platinous chloride (PtCl2)",
"Low land overflowed, or covered wholly or partially with water, but producing sedge, coarse grasses, or other aquatic plants; boggy land; moor; marsh",
"The search for the traces of anything",
"A man engaged in rafting",
"Either one of the Bears",
"A dagger or short sword used by the Malays, commonly having a serpentine blade",
"The middle part of the day; noon",
"The quality of being impatient; want of endurance of pain, suffering, opposition, or delay; eagerness for change, or for something expected; restlessness; chafing of spirit; fretfulness; passion; as, the impatience of a child or an invalid",
"Any process in which advantage is taken of the fact that prepared bitumen is rendered insoluble by exposure to light, as in photolithography",
"One who alliterates",
"A white crystalline nitrogenous substance (C2H4N4); -- called also dicyandiamide",
"The act of sending abroad",
"An extinct genus of marine reptiles; -- so named from their short, biconcave vertebræ, resembling those of fishes",
"Having spots or blotches; maculate",
"A treatise upon, or description of, the intestinal glands",
"The quality or state of being severe",
"A trifoliate plant used as a national emblem by the Irish",
"See Manioc",
"Pertaining to the sacculus and utriculus of the ear",
"Existing at the same time; contemporaneous",
"A poisonous amido acid, C6H13NO2, separated by Brieger from decaying horseflesh",
"Any wading bird of the genus Ardea and allied genera, of the family Ardeidæ",
"Stripped of hair; scant of hair; bald",
"The wych-elm; -- so called because its leaves are like those of the hazel",
"Facial neuralgia",
"Pertaining to, or resembling, a labyrinth; intricate; labyrinthian",
"In a logical manner; as, to argue logically",
"United closely; confederated; chemically united",
"A systematic view of all branches of human knowledge; a work of universal information",
"Having a hilt; -- used in composition; as, basket-hilted, cross-hilted",
"See Dinoceras",
"A whirling blast or wind",
"See Gynæceum",
"Pertaining to, or designating, a monobasic acid, HPO3, analogous to nitric acid, and, by heating phosphoric acid, obtained as a crystalline substance, commonly called glacial phosphoric acid",
"A seat in churches near the altar, to which offenders formerly fled for sanctuary",
"Pertaining to gems; of the nature of gems; resembling gems",
"One who, or that which, tempers; specifically, a machine in which lime, cement, stone, etc",
"A room for cookery; a kitchen; the galley or caboose of a ship",
"See Hemoglobin",
"See Antiorgastic",
"Girded with a sword",
"A narrow space between the foot of the rampart and the scarp of the ditch, serving to receive the earth that may crumble off or be washed down, and prevent its falling into the ditch",
"A stick used in playing the game of trapball; hence, fig",
"It is not clear; -- a verdict given by a jury when a matter is to be deferred to another day of trial",
"Lofty with pride; haughty; dictatorial; overbearing; arrogant; as, a supercilious officer; asupercilious air; supercilious behavior",
"Long-continued contraction of the pupil of the eye",
"Of or pertaining to the family Scincidæ, or skinks",
"Of or pertaining to Mount Sinai; given or made at Mount Sinai; as, the Sinaitic law",
"a strong breeze",
"The person who binds himself, or gives his bond to another",
"The prominence at the posterior extremity of a bird's body, which supports the feathers of the tail; the rump; -- sometimes called pope's nose",
"To hang",
"A board with sixty-four squares of alternate color, used for playing checkers or draughts",
"Hook-billed; having the upper mandible longer than the lower",
"The feast of All Saints; Hallowmas",
"Of or pertaining to the masseter",
"Lasting or continuing through life",
"The albumin from white of eggs; egg albumin; -- in distinction from serum albumin",
"The integument of the under surface of the bell, or disk-shaped body, of a jellyfish",
"Same as Backsheesh",
"Fine clay or ocher made up into balls, used for marking sheep",
"One who wails or laments",
"Capable of being revealed",
"Same as Habitant, 2",
"A measure by the ell; formerly a sworn officer in England, whose duty was to inspect act measure woolen cloth, and fix upon it a seal",
"The aspect of planets when separated the fifth part of the zodiac, or 72º",
"(a) Any one of several species of Asiatic singing birds belonging to the genera Ianthia and Larvivora",
"Pertaining to, or consisting of, excrement; of the nature of excrement",
"A kind of black coat for evening dress made without skirts; -- so named after a fashionable country club at Tuxedo Park, New York",
"A sweet cake or cooky containing aromatic seeds, as caraway",
"The state of being lax; laxity",
"Free from sickness",
"Wine, --chiefly used in Pharmacy in the name of solutions of some medicinal substance in wine; as: vina medicata, medicated wines; vinum opii, wine of opium",
"In a busy manner",
"Wearing a surplice",
"A West African pie (Ptilostomus Senegalensis)",
"Beginning; commencement; incipient state",
"A substance resembling inulin, found in the unripe bulbs of the dahila",
"A precious stone, probably a carnelian, one of which was set in Aaron's breastplate",
"A genus of plants (Uvularia) with yellowish bell-shaped flowers",
"Bitten by a tarantula; affected with tarantism",
"Hydroxy benzene",
"Not directed; aimless",
"Gum arabic",
"In hieroglyphics",
"Of or pertaining to the Oligochæta",
"A rare element of the light platinum group, found associated with platinum ores, and isolated as a hard, brittle steel-gray metal which is very infusible",
"A weapon, used in discharging arrows, formed by placing a bow crosswise on a stock",
"False writing; forgery",
"One who has been excommunicated",
"Species; kind",
"An instrument for measuring the specific gravity of fluids; a form hydrometer",
"Argillaceous schist or slate; clay slate",
"A worshiper of the sun",
"Any one of many species of venomous aquatic snakes of the family Hydrophidæ, having a flattened tail and living entirely in the sea, especially in the warmer parts of the Indian and Pacific Oceans",
"Vast woodland plains of South America",
"A name of several shrubs with white berries; as, the Symphoricarpus racemosus of the Northern United States, and the Chiococca racemosa of Florida and tropical America",
"The act of partitioning",
"Taking from one to another; metaphorical",
"To open the seam or seams of; to rip; to cut; to cut open",
"Six times ten; fifty-nine and one more; threescore",
"A genus of fishes comprising the hairtails",
"To begin; to initiate",
"A whitish soluble powder used as a developer in photography",
"Partially amplexicaul; embracing the stem half round, as a leaf",
"Pertaining to the art of engraving by the action of light",
"With egotism",
"To nurse; to rear; to bring up",
"Pitiless; cruel",
"(a) A western American hackberry (Celtis reticulata), having light- colored bark",
"The French middle class, particularly such as are concerned in, or dependent on, trade",
"Having power to foretell future events; prophetic; fatiloquent; as, the fatidical oak",
"One of the Greeks of Constantinople who after the Turkish conquest became powerful in clerical and other offices under Turkish patronage",
"Relating to, or containing, rubble",
"The quality or state of being pertinacious; obstinacy; perseverance; persistency",
"Thriftily; prudently",
"In a merry manner; with mirth; with gayety and laughter; jovially",
"An old game at cards",
"A form of sentence among the ancient Syracusans by which they banished for five years a citizen suspected of having dangerous influence or ambition",
"Of the nature of recompense; serving to recompense",
"Existence at the same time; contemporaneousness",
"A New Zealand starling (Heteralocha acutirostris), remarkable for the great difference in the form and length of the bill in the two sexes, that of the male being sharp and straight, that of the female much longer and strongly curved",
"Having a false heart; deceitful; treacherous",
"The doctrines or philosophical system of the peripatetics",
"Same as Bunyon",
"To hurt; to harm; to injure",
"A certain Oriental system of theosophy",
"Of or pertaining to the Ratitæ",
"Capable of being plowed; arable",
"One who eats, or subsists on, fish",
"See Calumba",
"A change-speed gear in which the gears are changed by sliding endwise",
"The quality or condition of being unkinged; abolition of monarchy",
"A curve generated by a point in the plane of a circle when the circle is rolled along a straight line, keeping always in the same plane",
"The operation of introducing a catheter",
"One of a species of aromatic oils, resembling carvacrol",
"Bearing, or having, a leaf or leaves; having folds; -- used in combination; as, a four-leaved clover; a two-leaved gate; long- leaved",
"See Sleave, untwisted thread",
"The rust of any metal, esp",
"The state or symptoms characteristic of asystole",
"Small hard yellowish aggregations found in the Caucasus region, and containing various yeasts and bacteria",
"A sensitized paper coated with gelatin impregnated with bromide of silver, used in contact printing and in enlarging",
"(a) The barn owl",
"A missile weapon of offense, slender, pointed, and usually feathered and barbed, to be shot from a bow",
"Apparent death, or suspended animation; the condition which results from interruption of respiration, as in suffocation or drowning, or the inhalation of irrespirable gases",
"One who does not belong, or refuses to belong, to a trades union",
"Beset; put in peril",
"One who shampoos",
"To deprive of the rudder, as a ship",
"Same as Sheeling",
"That which characterizes a blockhead; stupidity",
"The quality of being charitable; the exercise of charity",
"The quality or condition of being scarce; smallness of quantity in proportion to the wants or demands; deficiency; lack of plenty; short supply; penury; as, a scarcity of grain; a great scarcity of beauties",
"A South American ruminant (Auchenia llama), allied to the camels, but much smaller and without a hump",
"To fail to serve; to do injury or mischief to; to damage; to hurt; to harm",
"In an ingenuous manner; openly; fairly; candidly; artlessly",
"A bright brown polished calfskin binding of books, stained with a conventional treelike design",
"See Collodion",
"A charitable gift or contribution; a gift; an alms; a dole; a largess; a sportula",
"Disk-shaped; discoid",
"Having no fold",
"One who burls or dresses cloth",
"See Paduasoy",
"A genus including many species of small mites",
"In a tumultuary manner",
"A species of sand grouse (Syrrghaptes Pallasii) found in Asia and rarely in southern Europe",
"To slide back; to fall away; esp",
"A rough gale of wind",
"The lumpfish",
"One who, or that which, signifies",
"A storehouse or repository for grain, esp",
"Crystallized litharge, obtained by fusion in the form of fine yellow scales",
"Cutting off; abstracting",
"Capable of being husbanded, or managed with economy",
"Shipwreck; ruin",
"(a) The commander of a trireme",
"A suffix signifying something written, a writing; also, a writer; as autograph, crystograph, telegraph, photograph",
"See Crawl",
"A combining form meaning a grain, granular, granular cartilage, cartilaginous; as, the chondrocranium, the cartilaginous skull of the lower vertebrates and of embryos",
"An experimenter",
"Situated behind, or posterior to, the mouth",
"A prefix used adjectively and adverbially in the sense of amiss, wrong, ill, wrongly, unsuitably; as, misdeed, mislead, mischief, miscreant",
"The condition of being heterostyled",
"See Roynish",
"To lose utterly",
"A glassy volcanic rock of a grayish color and pearly luster, often having a spherulitic concretionary structure due to the curved cracks produced by contraction in cooling",
"To venture; to dare",
"To recall what is done by shouting",
"The quality of being chargeable or expensive",
"Too high",
"The act of driving a chariot or a carriage",
"Same as Yokefellow",
"Like, or pertaining to, the goby, or the genus Gobius",
"The state or quality of being canonical; agreement with the canon",
"The act of inditing",
"To take leave with the customary civilities; to bow or courtesy",
"Designed to facilitate discharges of phlegm or mucus from mouth or nostrils",
"A somersault made with the assistance of the hands placed upon the ground",
"One who talks in the same strain or on the same subject until weariness is produced",
"One who bets; a better",
"Pertaining to, or according to the rules or principles of, geometry; determined by geometry; as, a geometrical solution of a problem",
"A native or inhabitant of north or South Carolina",
"A small inflammatory tumor; a pustule",
"Yoga, or its practice",
"Growing; advancing from childhood to maturity",
"A glimpse, glance, or gleam",
"A wandering; state of being in error"