SpinalHDL 1.9.4

This commit is contained in:
Dolu1990 2023-11-01 09:42:59 +01:00
commit 07b0d7788b
5 changed files with 131 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -1295,6 +1295,42 @@ Write Address 0x04 ->
The OpenOCD port is here: <https://github.com/SpinalHDL/openocd_riscv>
#### EmbeddedRiscvJtag
VexRiscv also support the official RISC-V debug specification (Thanks Efinix for the funding !).
To enable it, you need to add the EmbeddedRiscvJtag to the plugin list :
new EmbeddedRiscvJtag(
p = DebugTransportModuleParameter(
addressWidth = 7,
version = 1,
idle = 7
withTunneling = false,
withTap = true
And turn on the withPrivilegedDebug option in the CsrPlugin config.
Here is an example of openocd tcl script to connect :
set _CHIPNAME riscv
jtag newtap $_CHIPNAME cpu -irlen 5 -expected-id 0x10002FFF
target create $_TARGETNAME.0 riscv -chain-position $_TARGETNAME
#### YamlPlugin
This plugin offers a service to other plugins to generate a useful Yaml file describing the CPU configuration. It contains, for instance, the sequence of instructions required

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
val spinalVersion = "1.9.3"
val spinalVersion = "1.9.4"
lazy val root = (project in file(".")).

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import spinal.lib.com.jtag.xilinx.Bscane2BmbMasterGenerator
import spinal.lib.generator._
import spinal.core.fiber._
import spinal.idslplugin.PostInitCallback
import spinal.lib.cpu.riscv.debug.{DebugModule, DebugModuleCpuConfig, DebugModuleParameter, DebugTransportModuleParameter, DebugTransportModuleTunneled}
import spinal.lib.misc.plic.PlicMapping
import spinal.lib.system.debugger.SystemDebuggerConfig
import vexriscv.ip.{DataCacheAck, DataCacheConfig, DataCacheMemBus, InstructionCache, InstructionCacheConfig}
@ -30,7 +31,9 @@ case class VexRiscvSmpClusterParameter(cpuConfigs : Seq[VexRiscvConfig],
withExclusiveAndInvalidation : Boolean,
forcePeripheralWidth : Boolean = true,
outOfOrderDecoder : Boolean = true,
fpu : Boolean = false)
fpu : Boolean = false,
privilegedDebug : Boolean = false,
hardwareBreakpoints : Int = 0)
class VexRiscvSmpClusterBase(p : VexRiscvSmpClusterParameter) extends Area with PostInitCallback{
val cpuCount = p.cpuConfigs.size
@ -52,10 +55,12 @@ class VexRiscvSmpClusterBase(p : VexRiscvSmpClusterParameter) extends Area with
implicit val interconnect = BmbInterconnectGenerator()
val debugBridge = debugCd.outputClockDomain on JtagInstructionDebuggerGenerator(p.jtagHeaderIgnoreWidth)
debugBridge.jtagClockDomain.load(ClockDomain.external("jtag", withReset = false))
val customDebug = !p.privilegedDebug generate new Area {
val debugBridge = debugCd.outputClockDomain on JtagInstructionDebuggerGenerator(p.jtagHeaderIgnoreWidth)
debugBridge.jtagClockDomain.load(ClockDomain.external("jtag", withReset = false))
val debugPort = Handle(debugBridge.logic.jtagBridge.io.ctrl.toIo)
val debugPort = Handle(debugBridge.logic.jtagBridge.io.ctrl.toIo).setName("debugPort")
val dBusCoherent = BmbBridgeGenerator()
val dBusNonCoherent = BmbBridgeGenerator()
@ -80,12 +85,66 @@ class VexRiscvSmpClusterBase(p : VexRiscvSmpClusterParameter) extends Area with
cpu.dBus -> List(dBusCoherent.bmb)
debugCd = debugCd.outputClockDomain,
resetCd = systemCd,
mapping = SizeMapping(cpuId*0x1000, 0x1000)
if(!p.privilegedDebug) {
debugCd = debugCd.outputClockDomain,
resetCd = systemCd,
mapping = SizeMapping(cpuId * 0x1000, 0x1000)
interconnect.addConnection(customDebug.debugBridge.bmb, cpu.debugBmb)
} else {
cpu.enableRiscvDebug(debugCd.outputClockDomain, systemCd)
val privilegedDebug = p.privilegedDebug generate new Area{
val jtagCd = ClockDomain.external("jtag", withReset = false)
val systemReset = Handle(Bool())
systemCd.relaxedReset(systemReset, ResetSensitivity.HIGH)
val p = DebugTransportModuleParameter(
addressWidth = 7,
version = 1,
idle = 7
interconnect.addConnection(debugBridge.bmb, cpu.debugBmb)
val logic = hardFork(debugCd.outputClockDomain on new Area {
val XLEN = 32
val dm = DebugModule(
version = p.version + 1,
harts = cpuCount,
progBufSize = 2,
datacount = XLEN / 32 + cores.exists(_.cpu.config.get.FLEN == 64).toInt,
hartsConfig = cores.map(c => DebugModuleCpuConfig(
xlen = XLEN,
flen = c.cpu.config.get.FLEN,
withFpuRegAccess = c.cpu.config.get.FLEN == 64
systemReset := dm.io.ndmreset
for ((cpu, i) <- cores.zipWithIndex) {
val privBus = cpu.cpu.debugRiscv
privBus <> dm.io.harts(i)
privBus.dmToHart.removeAssignments() <-< dm.io.harts(i).dmToHart
val clintStop = (cores.map(e => e.cpu.logic.cpu.service(classOf[CsrPlugin]).stoptime).andR)
val tunnel = DebugTransportModuleTunneled(
p = p,
jtagCd = jtagCd,
debugCd = ClockDomain.current
dm.io.ctrl <> tunnel.io.bus
val debugPort = Handle(tunnel.io.instruction.toIo).setName("debugPort")
@ -157,9 +216,10 @@ class VexRiscvSmpClusterWithPeripherals(p : VexRiscvSmpClusterParameter) extends
if(p.privilegedDebug) hardFork(clint.logic.io.stop := privilegedDebug.logic.clintStop)
//python3 -m litex_boards.targets.digilent_nexys_video --cpu-type=vexriscv_smp --with-privileged-debug --sys-clk-freq 50000000 --cpu-count 1 --build --load
object VexRiscvSmpClusterGen {
def vexRiscvConfig(hartId : Int,
ioRange : UInt => Bool = (x => x(31 downto 28) === 0xF),

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@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import spinal.lib.bus.misc.{AddressMapping, DefaultMapping, SizeMapping}
import spinal.lib.bus.wishbone.{WishboneConfig, WishboneToBmbGenerator}
import spinal.lib.generator.GeneratorComponent
import spinal.lib.sim.SparseMemory
import vexriscv.demo.smp.VexRiscvLitexSmpClusterCmdGen.exposeTime
import vexriscv.demo.smp.VexRiscvSmpClusterGen.vexRiscvConfig
import vexriscv.ip.fpu.{FpuCore, FpuParameter}
import vexriscv.plugin.{AesPlugin, DBusCachedPlugin, FpuPlugin}
@ -17,7 +18,8 @@ case class VexRiscvLitexSmpClusterParameter( cluster : VexRiscvSmpClusterParamet
liteDramMapping : AddressMapping,
coherentDma : Boolean,
wishboneMemory : Boolean,
cpuPerFpu : Int)
cpuPerFpu : Int,
exposeTime : Boolean)
class VexRiscvLitexSmpCluster(p : VexRiscvLitexSmpClusterParameter) extends VexRiscvSmpClusterWithPeripherals(p.cluster) {
@ -97,10 +99,13 @@ class VexRiscvLitexSmpCluster(p : VexRiscvLitexSmpClusterParameter) extends VexR
interconnect.setPipelining(iBridge.bmb)(cmdHalfRate = true)
interconnect.setPipelining(dBridge.bmb)(cmdReady = true)
val clint_time = p.exposeTime generate hardFork(clint.logic.io.time.toIo)
object VexRiscvLitexSmpClusterCmdGen extends App {
Handle.loadHandleAsync = true
var cpuCount = 1
var iBusWidth = 64
var dBusWidth = 64
@ -108,6 +113,8 @@ object VexRiscvLitexSmpClusterCmdGen extends App {
var dCacheSize = 8192
var iCacheWays = 2
var dCacheWays = 2
var privilegedDebug = false
var hardwareBreakpoints = 0
var liteDramWidth = 128
var coherentDma = false
var wishboneMemory = false
@ -121,9 +128,10 @@ object VexRiscvLitexSmpClusterCmdGen extends App {
var iTlbSize = 4
var dTlbSize = 4
var wishboneForce32b = false
var exposeTime = false
assert(new scopt.OptionParser[Unit]("VexRiscvLitexSmpClusterCmdGen") {
help("help").text("prints this usage text")
opt[Unit]("coherent-dma") action { (v, c) => coherentDma = true }
opt[Unit] ("coherent-dma") action { (v, c) => coherentDma = true }
opt[String]("cpu-count") action { (v, c) => cpuCount = v.toInt }
opt[String]("ibus-width") action { (v, c) => iBusWidth = v.toInt }
opt[String]("dbus-width") action { (v, c) => dBusWidth = v.toInt }
@ -131,6 +139,8 @@ object VexRiscvLitexSmpClusterCmdGen extends App {
opt[String]("dcache-size") action { (v, c) => dCacheSize = v.toInt }
opt[String]("icache-ways") action { (v, c) => iCacheWays = v.toInt }
opt[String]("dcache-ways") action { (v, c) => dCacheWays = v.toInt }
opt[Boolean]("privileged-debug") action { (v, c) => privilegedDebug = v }
opt[Int] ("hardware-breakpoints") action { (v, c) => hardwareBreakpoints = v }
opt[String]("litedram-width") action { (v, c) => liteDramWidth = v.toInt }
opt[String]("netlist-directory") action { (v, c) => netlistDirectory = v }
opt[String]("netlist-name") action { (v, c) => netlistName = v }
@ -143,6 +153,7 @@ object VexRiscvLitexSmpClusterCmdGen extends App {
opt[String]("rvc") action { (v, c) => rvc = v.toBoolean }
opt[String]("itlb-size") action { (v, c) => iTlbSize = v.toInt }
opt[String]("dtlb-size") action { (v, c) => dTlbSize = v.toInt }
opt[String]("expose-time") action { (v, c) => exposeTime = v.toBoolean }
}.parse(args, Unit).nonEmpty)
val coherency = coherentDma || cpuCount > 1
@ -160,6 +171,7 @@ object VexRiscvLitexSmpClusterCmdGen extends App {
iCacheWays = iCacheWays,
dCacheWays = dCacheWays,
coherency = coherency,
privilegedDebug = privilegedDebug,
iBusRelax = true,
earlyBranch = true,
withFloat = fpu,
@ -168,8 +180,8 @@ object VexRiscvLitexSmpClusterCmdGen extends App {
loadStoreWidth = if(fpu) 64 else 32,
rvc = rvc,
injectorStage = rvc,
iTlbSize = iTlbSize,
dTlbSize = dTlbSize
iTlbSize = iTlbSize,
dTlbSize = dTlbSize
if(aesInstruction) c.add(new AesPlugin)
@ -178,13 +190,16 @@ object VexRiscvLitexSmpClusterCmdGen extends App {
forcePeripheralWidth = !wishboneMemory || wishboneForce32b,
outOfOrderDecoder = outOfOrderDecoder,
fpu = fpu,
jtagHeaderIgnoreWidth = 0
jtagHeaderIgnoreWidth = 0,
privilegedDebug = privilegedDebug,
hardwareBreakpoints = hardwareBreakpoints
liteDram = LiteDramNativeParameter(addressWidth = 32, dataWidth = liteDramWidth),
liteDramMapping = SizeMapping(0x40000000l, 0x40000000l),
coherentDma = coherentDma,
wishboneMemory = wishboneMemory,
cpuPerFpu = cpuPerFpu
cpuPerFpu = cpuPerFpu,
exposeTime = exposeTime
def dutGen = {
@ -260,7 +275,8 @@ object VexRiscvLitexSmpClusterOpenSbi extends App{
liteDramMapping = SizeMapping(0x80000000l, 0x70000000l),
coherentDma = false,
wishboneMemory = false,
cpuPerFpu = 4
cpuPerFpu = 4,
exposeTime = false
def dutGen = {

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@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ class PlicBench(inputCount : Int) extends Component{
val targets = Seq(
id = 0,
gateways = gateways,
priorityWidth = priorityWidth