deduplicae VexRiscv wishbone

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Dolu1990 2020-04-21 10:33:51 +02:00
parent b383b4b98b
commit 0e55caacab
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@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
package spinal.lib.bus.wishbone
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib._
/** This class is used for configuring the Wishbone class
* @param addressWidth size in bits of the address line
* @param dataWidth size in bits of the data line
* @param selWidth size in bits of the selection line, deafult to 0 (disabled)
* @param useSTALL activate the stall line, default to false (disabled)
* @param useLOCK activate the lock line, default to false (disabled)
* @param useERR activate the error line, default to false (disabled)
* @param useRTY activate the retry line, default to false (disabled)
* @param tgaWidth size in bits of the tag address linie, deafult to 0 (disabled)
* @param tgcWidth size in bits of the tag cycle line, deafult to 0 (disabled)
* @param tgdWidth size in bits of the tag data line, deafult to 0 (disabled)
* @param useBTE activate the BTE line, deafult to 0 (disabled)
* @param useCTI activate the CTI line, deafult to 0 (disabled)
* @example {{{
* val wishboneBusConf = new WishboneConfig(32,8).withCycleTag(8).withDataTag(8)
* val wishboneBus = new Wishbone(wishboneBusConf)
* }}}
* @todo test example
case class WishboneConfig(
val addressWidth : Int,
val dataWidth : Int,
val selWidth : Int = 0,
val useSTALL : Boolean = false,
val useLOCK : Boolean = false,
val useERR : Boolean = false,
val useRTY : Boolean = false,
val tgaWidth : Int = 0,
val tgcWidth : Int = 0,
val tgdWidth : Int = 0,
val useBTE : Boolean = false,
val useCTI : Boolean = false
def useTGA = tgaWidth > 0
def useTGC = tgcWidth > 0
def useTGD = tgdWidth > 0
def useSEL = selWidth > 0
def isPipelined = useSTALL
def pipelined : WishboneConfig = this.copy(useSTALL = true)
def withDataTag(size : Int) : WishboneConfig = this.copy(tgdWidth = size)
def withAddressTag(size : Int) : WishboneConfig = this.copy(tgaWidth = size)
def withCycleTag(size : Int) : WishboneConfig = this.copy(tgdWidth = size)
/** This class rappresent a Wishbone bus
* @param config an istance of WishboneConfig, it will be used to configurate the Wishbone Bus
case class Wishbone(config: WishboneConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave {
val CYC = Bool
val STB = Bool
val ACK = Bool
val WE = Bool
val ADR = UInt(config.addressWidth bits)
val DAT_MISO = Bits(config.dataWidth bits)
val DAT_MOSI = Bits(config.dataWidth bits)
val SEL = if(config.useSEL) Bits(config.selWidth bits) else null
val STALL = if(config.useSTALL) Bool else null
val LOCK = if(config.useLOCK) Bool else null
val ERR = if(config.useERR) Bool else null
val RTY = if(config.useRTY) Bool else null
// TAGS //
val TGD_MISO = if(config.useTGD) Bits(config.tgdWidth bits) else null
val TGD_MOSI = if(config.useTGD) Bits(config.tgdWidth bits) else null
val TGA = if(config.useTGA) Bits(config.tgaWidth bits) else null
val TGC = if(config.useTGC) Bits(config.tgcWidth bits) else null
val BTE = if(config.useBTE) Bits(2 bits) else null
val CTI = if(config.useCTI) Bits(3 bits) else null
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
// def isCycle : Bool = if(config.useERR) !ERR && CYC else CYC
// def isWrite : Bool = isCycle && WE
// def isRead : Bool = isCycle && !WE
// def isReadCycle : Bool = isRead && STB
// def isWriteCycle : Bool = isWrite && STB
// def isStalled : Bool = if(config.isPipelined) isCycle && STALL else False
// def isAcknoledge : Bool = isCycle && ACK
// def isStrobe : Bool = isCycle && STB
// def doSlaveWrite : Bool = this.CYC && this.STB && this.WE
// def doSlaveRead : Bool = this.CYC && this.STB && !this.WE
// def doSlavePipelinedWrite : Bool = this.CYC && this.WE
// def doSlavePipelinedRead : Bool = this.CYC && !this.WE
/** Connect the istance of this bus with another, allowing for resize of data
* @param that the wishbone instance that will be connected and resized
* @param allowDataResize allow to resize "that" data lines, default to false (disable)
* @param allowAddressResize allow to resize "that" address lines, default to false (disable)
* @param allowTagResize allow to resize "that" tag lines, default to false (disable)
def connectTo(that : Wishbone, allowDataResize : Boolean = false, allowAddressResize : Boolean = false, allowTagResize : Boolean = false) : Unit = {
this.CYC <> that.CYC
this.STB <> that.STB
this.WE <> that.WE
this.ACK <> that.ACK
this.DAT_MISO.resized <> that.DAT_MISO
this.DAT_MOSI <> that.DAT_MOSI.resized
} else {
this.DAT_MOSI <> that.DAT_MOSI
this.DAT_MISO <> that.DAT_MISO
this.ADR <> that.ADR.resized
} else {
this.ADR <> that.ADR
if(this.config.useSTALL && that.config.useSTALL) this.STALL <> that.STALL
if(this.config.useERR && that.config.useERR) this.ERR <> that.ERR
if(this.config.useRTY && that.config.useRTY) this.RTY <> that.RTY
if(this.config.useSEL && that.config.useSEL) this.SEL <> that.SEL
if(this.config.useCTI && that.config.useCTI) this.CTI <> that.CTI
// TAGS //
if(this.config.useTGA && that.config.useTGA)
if(allowTagResize) this.TGA <> that.TGA.resized else this.TGA <> that.TGA
if(this.config.useTGC && that.config.useTGC)
if(allowTagResize) this.TGC <> that.TGC.resized else this.TGC <> that.TGC
if(this.config.useBTE && that.config.useBTE)
if(allowTagResize) this.BTE <> that.BTE.resized else this.BTE <> that.BTE
if(this.config.useTGD && that.config.useTGD){
this.TGD_MISO <> that.TGD_MISO.resized
this.TGD_MOSI <> that.TGD_MOSI.resized
} else {
this.TGD_MISO <> that.TGD_MISO
this.TGD_MOSI <> that.TGD_MOSI
/** Connect common Wishbone signals
* @example{{{wishbone1 <-> wishbone2}}}
def <-> (sink : Wishbone) : Unit = {
sink.CYC <> this.CYC
sink.ADR <> this.ADR
sink.DAT_MOSI <> this.DAT_MOSI
sink.DAT_MISO <> this.DAT_MISO
sink.STB <> this.STB
sink.WE <> this.WE
sink.ACK <> this.ACK
if(this.config.useSTALL && sink.config.useSTALL) sink.STALL <> this.STALL
if(this.config.useERR && sink.config.useERR) sink.ERR <> this.ERR
if(this.config.useRTY && sink.config.useRTY) sink.RTY <> this.RTY
if(this.config.useSEL && sink.config.useSEL) sink.SEL <> this.SEL
// TAGS //
if(this.config.useTGA && sink.config.useTGA) sink.TGA <> this.TGA
if(this.config.useTGC && sink.config.useTGC) sink.TGC <> this.TGC
if(this.config.useCTI && sink.config.useCTI) sink.CTI <> this.CTI
if(this.config.useBTE && sink.config.useBTE) sink.BTE <> this.BTE
if(this.config.useTGD && sink.config.useTGD){
sink.TGD_MISO <> this.TGD_MISO
sink.TGD_MOSI <> this.TGD_MOSI
/** Clear all the relevant signals in the wishbone bus
* @example{{{
* val wishbone1 = master(Wishbone(WishboneConfig(8,8)))
* val wishbone2 = slave(Wishbone(WishboneConfig(8,8)))
* val wishbone2 = slave(Wishbone(WishboneConfig(8,8).withDataTag(8)))
* // this will clear only the following signals: CYC,ADR,DAT_MOSI,STB,WE
* wishbone1.clearAll()
* // this will clear only the following signals: DAT_MISO,ACK
* wishbone2.clearAll()
* // this will clear only the following signals: DAT_MISO,ACK,TGD_MISO
* wishbone3.clearAll()
* }}}
def clearAll() : Unit = {
if( isMasterInterface) this.CYC.clear()
if( isMasterInterface) this.ADR.clearAll()
if( isMasterInterface) this.DAT_MOSI.clearAll()
if(!isMasterInterface) this.DAT_MISO.clearAll()
if( isMasterInterface) this.STB.clear()
if( isMasterInterface) this.WE.clear()
if(!isMasterInterface) this.ACK.clear()
if(this.config.useSTALL && !isMasterInterface) this.STALL.clear()
if(this.config.useERR && !isMasterInterface) this.ERR.clear()
if(this.config.useRTY && !isMasterInterface) this.RTY.clear()
if(this.config.useSEL && isMasterInterface) this.SEL.clearAll()
// TAGS //
if(this.config.useTGA && isMasterInterface) this.TGA.clearAll()
if(this.config.useTGC && isMasterInterface) this.TGC.clearAll()
if(this.config.useCTI && isMasterInterface) this.CTI.clearAll()
if(this.config.useBTE && isMasterInterface) this.BTE.clearAll()
if(this.config.useTGD && !isMasterInterface) this.TGD_MISO.clearAll()
if(this.config.useTGD && isMasterInterface) this.TGD_MOSI.clearAll()