fpu f2i rounding ok and full shifter

This commit is contained in:
Dolu1990 2021-02-03 14:27:52 +01:00
parent ef011fa0d4
commit 1d0eecdcb0
3 changed files with 179 additions and 127 deletions

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@ -57,13 +57,11 @@ case class FpuCore( portCount : Int, p : FpuParameter) extends Component{
case class ShortPipInput() extends Bundle{
val source = Source()
val opcode = p.Opcode()
val rs2 = p.internalFloating()
val rs1Raw = Bits(widthOf(rs2) bits)
val rs1, rs2 = p.internalFloating()
val lockId = lockIdType()
val rd = p.rfAddress()
val value = Bits(32 bits)
val arg = Bits(2 bits)
def rs1 = rs1Raw.as(p.internalFloating)
val roundMode = FpuRoundMode()
@ -261,7 +259,6 @@ case class FpuCore( portCount : Int, p : FpuParameter) extends Component{
input.ready setWhen(shortPipHit && shortPip.ready)
shortPip.valid := input.valid && shortPipHit
shortPip.rs1Raw := read.output.rs1.asBits
val divSqrtHit = input.opcode === p.Opcode.DIV || input.opcode === p.Opcode.SQRT
val divSqrt = Stream(DivSqrtInput())
@ -461,49 +458,46 @@ case class FpuCore( portCount : Int, p : FpuParameter) extends Component{
val f2iShift = input.rs1.exponent - U(exponentOne)
val isF2i = input.opcode === FpuOpcode.F2I
val needRecoding = List(FpuOpcode.FMV_X_W, FpuOpcode.STORE).map(_ === input.opcode).orR && isSubnormal
val manTop = Reg(UInt(log2Up(p.internalMantissaSize) bits))
val counter = Reg(UInt(log2Up(p.internalMantissaSize+1) bits))
val done, boot = Reg(Bool())
val isZero = input.rs1.isZero// || input.rs1.exponent < exponentOne-1
val overflow = input.rs1.exponent > (input.arg(0) ? U(exponentOne+30) | U(exponentOne+31)) && !input.rs1.sign
val underflow = input.rs1.exponent > (input.arg(0) ? U(exponentOne+30) | U(exponentOne-1)) && input.rs1.sign // && !(input.arg(0) && input.rs1.exponent === exponentOne-31 && input.rs)
val shift = new Area{
val by = Reg(UInt(log2Up(p.internalMantissaSize max 33) bits))
val input = UInt(p.internalMantissaSize max 33 bits).assignDontCare()
var logic = input
val scrap = Reg(Bool)
for(i <- by.range){
scrap setWhen(by(i) && logic(0, 1 << i bits) =/= 0)
logic \= by(i) ? (logic |>> (BigInt(1) << i)) | logic
scrap := False
val output = RegNextWhen(logic, !done)
shift.input := (U(!isZero) @@ input.rs1.mantissa) << 9
when(input.valid && (needRecoding || isF2i) && !done){
halt := True
when(underflow || overflow){
done := True
val low = overflow
val high = input.arg(0) ^ overflow
input.rs1Raw.getDrivingReg(0, 32 bits) := (31 -> high, default -> low)
} otherwise {
manTop := (U(exponentOne + 31) - input.rs1.exponent).resized //TODO merge
input.rs1Raw.getDrivingReg(0, 32 bits) := input.rs1Raw(0, 23 bits) << 9
shift.by := (U(exponentOne + 31) - input.rs1.exponent).min(U(33)).resized //TODO merge
} otherwise {
manTop := (U(exponentOne - 127) - recoded.exponent).resized
shift.by := (U(exponentOne - 127+10) - recoded.exponent).resized
boot := False
} otherwise {
input.rs1Raw.getDrivingReg(0, 32 bits) := (B(counter === 0 && !isZero) ## input.rs1Raw(0, 32 bits)) >> 1
} otherwise {
input.rs1Raw.getDrivingReg(0, 23 bits) := (B(counter === 0) ## input.rs1Raw(0, 23 bits)) >> 1
counter := counter + 1
when(counter === manTop) {
done := True
done := True
f32.exp := 0
f32.man := shift.output(22 downto 0)
counter := 0
done := False
boot := True
@ -526,12 +520,30 @@ case class FpuCore( portCount : Int, p : FpuParameter) extends Component{
// val f2iShift = input.rs1.exponent - U(exponentOne)
// val f2iShifted = (U"1" @@ input.rs1.mantissa) << (f2iShift.resize(5 bits))
// val f2iUnsigned = f2iShifted >> p.internalMantissaSize
// val f2iResult = (f2iUnsigned.twoComplement(input.arg(0) && input.rs1.sign)).asBits.resize(32 bits)
val f2iUnsigned = input.rs1Raw(0, 32 bits).asUInt
val f2iResult = (f2iUnsigned.twoComplement(input.arg(0) && input.rs1.sign)).asBits.resize(32 bits)
val f2i = new Area{ //Will not work for 64 bits float max value rounding
val unsigned = fsm.shift.output >> 1
val resign = input.arg(0) && input.rs1.sign
val round = fsm.shift.output(0) ## fsm.shift.scrap
val increment = input.roundMode.mux(
FpuRoundMode.RNE -> (round(1) && (round(0) || unsigned(0))),
FpuRoundMode.RTZ -> False,
FpuRoundMode.RDN -> (round =/= 0 && input.rs1.sign),
FpuRoundMode.RUP -> (round =/= 0 && !input.rs1.sign),
FpuRoundMode.RMM -> (round(1))
val result = (Mux(resign, ~unsigned, unsigned) + (resign ^ increment).asUInt)
val overflow = RegNext((input.rs1.exponent > (input.arg(0) ? U(exponentOne+30) | U(exponentOne+31)) || input.rs1.isInfinity) && !input.rs1.sign || input.rs1.isNan)
val underflow = RegNext((input.rs1.exponent > U(exponentOne+30) || !input.arg(0) || input.rs1.isInfinity) && input.rs1.sign)
val isZero = input.rs1.isZero
result := 0
} elsewhen(underflow || overflow) {
val low = overflow
val high = input.arg(0) ^ overflow
result := (31 -> high, default -> low)
val bothZero = input.rs1.isZero && input.rs2.isZero
val rs1Equal = input.rs1 === input.rs2
@ -569,7 +581,7 @@ case class FpuCore( portCount : Int, p : FpuParameter) extends Component{
is(FpuOpcode.STORE) { result := recodedResult }
is(FpuOpcode.FMV_X_W) { result := recodedResult } //TODO
is(FpuOpcode.F2I) { result := f2iResult }
is(FpuOpcode.F2I) { result := f2i.result.asBits }
is(FpuOpcode.CMP) { result := cmpResult.resized } //TODO
is(FpuOpcode.FCLASS) { result := fclassResult.resized }
@ -1057,6 +1069,13 @@ case class FpuCore( portCount : Int, p : FpuParameter) extends Component{
port.address := input.source @@ input.rd
port.data := input.value
if(p.sim) when(port.data.isZero || port.data.isInfinity){
if(p.sim) when(port.data.special){
port.data.exponent(p.internalExponentSize-1 downto 2).assignDontCare()
assert(!(port.data.exponent === 0 && !port.data.special), "Special violation")
assert(!(port.data.exponent === port.data.exponent.maxValue && !port.data.special), "Special violation")

View file

@ -106,7 +106,8 @@ object FpuRoundModeInstr extends SpinalEnum(){
case class FpuParameter( internalMantissaSize : Int,
withDouble : Boolean){
withDouble : Boolean,
sim : Boolean = false){
val storeLoadType = HardType(Bits(if(withDouble) 64 bits else 32 bits))
val internalExponentSize = (if(withDouble) 11 else 8) + 1

View file

@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ class FpuTest extends FunSuite{
val portCount = 1
val p = FpuParameter(
internalMantissaSize = 23,
withDouble = false
withDouble = false,
sim = true
val config = SimConfig
@ -46,16 +47,19 @@ class FpuTest extends FunSuite{
class TestCase(op : String){
def build(arg : String) = new ProcessStream(s"testfloat_gen $arg -forever -$op"){
def f32_2 ={
val l = next
val s = new Scanner(l)
val s = new Scanner(next)
(b2f(s.nextLong(16).toInt), b2f(s.nextLong(16).toInt), b2f(s.nextLong(16).toInt), s.nextInt(16))
def i32_f32 ={
val l = next
val s = new Scanner(l)
val s = new Scanner(next)
(s.nextLong(16).toInt, b2f(s.nextLong(16).toInt), s.nextInt(16))
def f32_i32 = {
val s = new Scanner(next)
(b2f(s.nextLong(16).toInt), s.nextLong(16).toInt, s.nextInt(16))
val RNE = build("-rnear_even")
val RTZ = build("-rminMag")
@ -75,10 +79,12 @@ class FpuTest extends FunSuite{
val f32 = new {
val add = new TestCase("f32_add")
val sub = new TestCase("f32_sub")
val mul = new TestCase("f32_mul")
val ui2f = new TestCase("ui32_to_f32")
val i2f = new TestCase("i32_to_f32")
val f2ui = new TestCase("f32_to_ui32")
val f2i = new TestCase("f32_to_i32")
val cpus = for(id <- 0 until portCount) yield new {
@ -147,14 +153,14 @@ class FpuTest extends FunSuite{
storeRaw(rs){rsp => body(b2f(rsp.value.toLong.toInt))}
def mul(rd : Int, rs1 : Int, rs2 : Int, rounding : FpuRoundMode.E = FpuRoundMode.RNE): Unit ={
def fpuF2f(rd : Int, rs1 : Int, rs2 : Int, rs3 : Int, opcode : FpuOpcode.E, arg : Int, rounding : FpuRoundMode.E = FpuRoundMode.RNE): Unit ={
cmdQueue += {cmd =>
cmd.opcode #= cmd.opcode.spinalEnum.MUL
cmd.opcode #= opcode
cmd.rs1 #= rs1
cmd.rs2 #= rs2
cmd.rd #= rd
cmd.arg #= 0
cmd.arg #= arg
cmd.roundMode #= rounding
commitQueue += {cmd =>
@ -163,90 +169,51 @@ class FpuTest extends FunSuite{
def fpuF2i(rs1 : Int, rs2 : Int, opcode : FpuOpcode.E, arg : Int, rounding : FpuRoundMode.E = FpuRoundMode.RNE)(body : FpuRsp => Unit): Unit ={
cmdQueue += {cmd =>
cmd.opcode #= opcode
cmd.rs1 #= rs1
cmd.rs2 #= rs2
cmd.arg #= arg
cmd.roundMode #= rounding
rspQueue += body
def mul(rd : Int, rs1 : Int, rs2 : Int, rounding : FpuRoundMode.E = FpuRoundMode.RNE): Unit ={
fpuF2f(rd, rs1, rs2, Random.nextInt(32), FpuOpcode.MUL, 0, rounding)
def add(rd : Int, rs1 : Int, rs2 : Int, rounding : FpuRoundMode.E = FpuRoundMode.RNE): Unit ={
cmdQueue += {cmd =>
cmd.opcode #= cmd.opcode.spinalEnum.ADD
cmd.rs1 #= rs1
cmd.rs2 #= rs2
cmd.rd #= rd
cmd.arg #= 0
cmd.roundMode #= rounding
commitQueue += {cmd =>
cmd.write #= true
cmd.sync #= false
fpuF2f(rd, rs1, rs2, Random.nextInt(32), FpuOpcode.ADD, 0, rounding)
def div(rd : Int, rs1 : Int, rs2 : Int): Unit ={
cmdQueue += {cmd =>
cmd.opcode #= cmd.opcode.spinalEnum.DIV
cmd.rs1 #= rs1
cmd.rs2 #= rs2
cmd.rd #= rd
commitQueue += {cmd =>
cmd.write #= true
cmd.sync #= false
def sub(rd : Int, rs1 : Int, rs2 : Int, rounding : FpuRoundMode.E = FpuRoundMode.RNE): Unit ={
fpuF2f(rd, rs1, rs2, Random.nextInt(32), FpuOpcode.ADD, 1, rounding)
def sqrt(rd : Int, rs1 : Int): Unit ={
cmdQueue += {cmd =>
cmd.opcode #= cmd.opcode.spinalEnum.SQRT
cmd.rs1 #= rs1
cmd.rd #= rd
commitQueue += {cmd =>
cmd.write #= true
cmd.sync #= false
def div(rd : Int, rs1 : Int, rs2 : Int, rounding : FpuRoundMode.E = FpuRoundMode.RNE): Unit ={
fpuF2f(rd, rs1, rs2, Random.nextInt(32), FpuOpcode.DIV, Random.nextInt(4), rounding)
def fma(rd : Int, rs1 : Int, rs2 : Int, rs3 : Int): Unit ={
cmdQueue += {cmd =>
cmd.opcode #= cmd.opcode.spinalEnum.FMA
cmd.rs1 #= rs1
cmd.rs2 #= rs2
cmd.rs3 #= rs3
cmd.rd #= rd
cmd.arg #= 0
commitQueue += {cmd =>
cmd.write #= true
cmd.sync #= false
def sqrt(rd : Int, rs1 : Int, rounding : FpuRoundMode.E = FpuRoundMode.RNE): Unit ={
fpuF2f(rd, rs1, Random.nextInt(32), Random.nextInt(32), FpuOpcode.SQRT, Random.nextInt(4), rounding)
def fma(rd : Int, rs1 : Int, rs2 : Int, rs3 : Int, rounding : FpuRoundMode.E = FpuRoundMode.RNE): Unit ={
fpuF2f(rd, rs1, rs2, rs3, FpuOpcode.FMA, 0, rounding)
def cmp(rs1 : Int, rs2 : Int)(body : FpuRsp => Unit): Unit ={
cmdQueue += {cmd =>
cmd.opcode #= cmd.opcode.spinalEnum.CMP
cmd.rs1 #= rs1
cmd.rs2 #= rs2
cmd.arg #= 1
rspQueue += body
fpuF2i(rs1, rs2, FpuOpcode.CMP, 1, FpuRoundMode.elements.randomPick())(body)
def f2i(rs1 : Int, signed : Boolean)(body : FpuRsp => Unit): Unit ={
cmdQueue += {cmd =>
cmd.opcode #= cmd.opcode.spinalEnum.F2I
cmd.rs1 #= rs1
cmd.arg #= (if(signed) 1 else 0)
rspQueue += body
def f2i(rs1 : Int, signed : Boolean, rounding : FpuRoundMode.E = FpuRoundMode.RNE)(body : FpuRsp => Unit): Unit ={
fpuF2i(rs1, Random.nextInt(32), FpuOpcode.F2I, if(signed) 1 else 0, rounding)(body)
def i2f(rd : Int, value : Int, signed : Boolean, rounding : FpuRoundMode.E = FpuRoundMode.RNE): Unit ={
@ -388,6 +355,18 @@ class FpuTest extends FunSuite{
def testBinaryOp(op : (Int,Int,Int,FpuRoundMode.E) => Unit, a : Float, b : Float, ref : Float, flag : Int, rounding : FpuRoundMode.E, opName : String): Unit ={
val rs = new RegAllocator()
val rs1, rs2, rs3 = rs.allocate()
val rd = Random.nextInt(32)
load(rs1, a)
load(rs2, b)
op(rd,rs1,rs2, rounding)
storeFloat(rd){v =>
assert(f2b(v) == f2b(ref), f"## ${a} ${opName} $b = $v, $ref $rounding")
def testAddExact(a : Float, b : Float, ref : Float, flag : Int, rounding : FpuRoundMode.E): Unit ={
val rs = new RegAllocator()
val rs1, rs2, rs3 = rs.allocate()
@ -517,6 +496,31 @@ class FpuTest extends FunSuite{
def testF2iExact(a : Float, ref : Int, flag : Int, signed : Boolean, rounding : FpuRoundMode.E): Unit ={
val rs = new RegAllocator()
val rs1 = rs.allocate()
val rd = Random.nextInt(32)
load(rs1, a)
f2i(rs1, signed, rounding){rsp =>
if(signed) {
val v = rsp.value.toLong.toInt
var ref2 = ref
if(a >= Int.MaxValue) ref2 = Int.MaxValue
if(a <= Int.MinValue) ref2 = Int.MinValue
if(a.isNaN) ref2 = Int.MaxValue
assert(v == (ref2), f" <= f2i($a) = $v, $ref2, $rounding, $flag")
} else {
val v = rsp.value.toLong
var ref2 = ref.toLong & 0xFFFFFFFFl
if(a < 0) ref2 = 0
if(a >= 0xFFFFFFFFl) ref2 = 0xFFFFFFFFl
if(a.isNaN) ref2 = 0xFFFFFFFFl
assert(v == ref2, f" <= f2ui($a) = $v, $ref2, $rounding $flag")
def testI2f(a : Int, signed : Boolean): Unit ={
val rs = new RegAllocator()
val rd = Random.nextInt(32)
@ -538,7 +542,7 @@ class FpuTest extends FunSuite{
val aLong = if(signed) a.toLong else a.toLong & 0xFFFFFFFFl
val ref = b
// println(f"i2f($aLong) = $v, $ref")
assert(f2b(v) == f2b(ref))
assert(f2b(v) == f2b(ref), f"i2f($aLong) = $v, $ref")
@ -647,6 +651,7 @@ class FpuTest extends FunSuite{
// for(i <- 0 until 64){
// val rounding = FpuRoundMode.RMM
// val a = 24f
@ -656,36 +661,63 @@ class FpuTest extends FunSuite{
// testMulExact(a,b,c,f, rounding)
// }
for(_ <- 0 until 100000){
val binaryOps = List[(Int,Int,Int,FpuRoundMode.E) => Unit](add, sub, mul)
for(_ <- 0 until 10000){
val rounding = FpuRoundMode.elements.randomPick()
val (a,b,f) = f32.i2f(rounding).i32_f32
testI2fExact(a,b,f, true, rounding)
for(_ <- 0 until 100000){
for(_ <- 0 until 10000){
val rounding = FpuRoundMode.elements.randomPick()
val (a,b,f) = f32.ui2f(rounding).i32_f32
testI2fExact(a,b,f, false, rounding)
println("i2f done")
for(_ <- 0 until 10000){
val rounding = FpuRoundMode.elements.randomPick()
val (a,b,f) = f32.f2ui(rounding).f32_i32
testF2iExact(a,b, f, false, rounding)
for(_ <- 0 until 100000){
for(_ <- 0 until 10000){
val rounding = FpuRoundMode.elements.randomPick()
val (a,b,f) = f32.f2i(rounding).f32_i32
testF2iExact(a,b, f, true, rounding)
println("f2i done")
for(_ <- 0 until 10000){
val rounding = FpuRoundMode.elements.randomPick()
val (a,b,c,f) = f32.add(rounding).f32_2
testBinaryOp(add,a,b,c,f, rounding,"add")
for(_ <- 0 until 10000){
val rounding = FpuRoundMode.elements.randomPick()
val (a,b,c,f) = f32.sub(rounding).f32_2
testBinaryOp(sub,a,b,c,f, rounding,"sub")
println("Add done")
for(_ <- 0 until 10000){
val rounding = FpuRoundMode.elements.randomPick()
val (a,b,c,f) = f32.mul(rounding).f32_2
testMulExact(a,b,c,f, rounding)
testBinaryOp(mul,a,b,c,f, rounding,"mul")
println("Mul done")
for(_ <- 0 until 100000){
val rounding = FpuRoundMode.elements.randomPick()
val (a,b,c,f) = f32.add(rounding).f32_2
testAddExact(a,b,c,f, rounding)
println("Add done")