mirror of
synced 2025-01-03 03:43:39 -05:00
Add many cpu configs on regressions tests (some config are broken)
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 318 additions and 3 deletions
@ -3,8 +3,18 @@ package vexriscv
import vexriscv.plugin._
import spinal.core._
case class VexRiscvConfig(plugins : Seq[Plugin[VexRiscv]]){
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
object VexRiscvConfig{
def apply(plugins : Seq[Plugin[VexRiscv]]) : VexRiscvConfig = {
val config = VexRiscvConfig()
config.plugins ++= plugins
case class VexRiscvConfig(){
val plugins = ArrayBuffer[Plugin[VexRiscv]]()
//Default Stageables
object IS_RVC extends Stageable(Bool)
@ -49,8 +49,7 @@ trait PredictionInterface{
class BranchPlugin(earlyBranch : Boolean,
catchAddressMisaligned : Boolean,
historyWidth : Int = 2) extends Plugin[VexRiscv] with PredictionInterface{
catchAddressMisaligned : Boolean) extends Plugin[VexRiscv] with PredictionInterface{
lazy val branchStage = if(earlyBranch) pipeline.execute else pipeline.memory
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
package vexriscv
import java.io.File
import org.scalatest.FunSuite
import spinal.core.SpinalVerilog
import vexriscv.demo._
import vexriscv.plugin._
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.sys.process._
abstract class ConfigDimension[T](val name: String) {
def positions: Seq[T]
def default : Seq[T] = List(positions(0))
abstract class VexRiscvDimension(name: String) extends ConfigDimension[VexRiscvPosition](name)
class ShiftDimension extends VexRiscvDimension("Shift") {
override val positions = List(
new VexRiscvPosition("FullLate") {
override def applyOn(config: VexRiscvConfig): Unit = config.plugins += new FullBarrielShifterPlugin(earlyInjection = false)
new VexRiscvPosition("FullEarly") {
override def applyOn(config: VexRiscvConfig): Unit = config.plugins += new FullBarrielShifterPlugin(earlyInjection = true)
new VexRiscvPosition("Light") {
override def applyOn(config: VexRiscvConfig): Unit = config.plugins += new LightShifterPlugin
class BranchDimension extends VexRiscvDimension("Branch") {
override val positions = List(
new VexRiscvPosition("Late") {
override def applyOn(config: VexRiscvConfig): Unit = config.plugins += new BranchPlugin(
earlyBranch = false,
catchAddressMisaligned = false
new VexRiscvPosition("Early") {
override def applyOn(config: VexRiscvConfig): Unit = config.plugins += new BranchPlugin(
earlyBranch = true,
catchAddressMisaligned = false
class MulDivDimension extends VexRiscvDimension("MulDiv") {
override val positions = List(
new VexRiscvPosition("NoMulDiv") {
override def applyOn(config: VexRiscvConfig): Unit = {}
override def testParam = "MUL=no DIV=no"
new VexRiscvPosition("MulDiv") {
override def testParam = "MUL=yes DIV=yes"
override def applyOn(config: VexRiscvConfig): Unit = {
config.plugins += new MulPlugin
config.plugins += new MulDivIterativePlugin(
genMul = false,
genDiv = true,
mulUnroolFactor = 32,
divUnroolFactor = 1
class RegFileDimension extends VexRiscvDimension("RegFile") {
override val positions = List(
new VexRiscvPosition("Async") {
override def applyOn(config: VexRiscvConfig): Unit = config.plugins += new RegFilePlugin(
regFileReadyKind = plugin.ASYNC
new VexRiscvPosition("Sync") {
override def applyOn(config: VexRiscvConfig): Unit = config.plugins += new RegFilePlugin(
regFileReadyKind = plugin.SYNC
class HazardDimension extends VexRiscvDimension("Hazard") {
override val positions = List(
new VexRiscvPosition("Interlock") {
override def applyOn(config: VexRiscvConfig): Unit = config.plugins += new HazardSimplePlugin(
bypassExecute = false,
bypassMemory = false,
bypassWriteBack = false,
bypassWriteBackBuffer = false,
pessimisticUseSrc = false,
pessimisticWriteRegFile = false,
pessimisticAddressMatch = false
new VexRiscvPosition("BypassAll") {
override def applyOn(config: VexRiscvConfig): Unit = config.plugins += new HazardSimplePlugin(
bypassExecute = true,
bypassMemory = true,
bypassWriteBack = true,
bypassWriteBackBuffer = true,
pessimisticUseSrc = false,
pessimisticWriteRegFile = false,
pessimisticAddressMatch = false
new VexRiscvPosition("BypassExecute") {
override def applyOn(config: VexRiscvConfig): Unit = config.plugins += new HazardSimplePlugin(
bypassExecute = true,
bypassMemory = false,
bypassWriteBack = false,
bypassWriteBackBuffer = false,
pessimisticUseSrc = false,
pessimisticWriteRegFile = false,
pessimisticAddressMatch = false
new VexRiscvPosition("BypassMemory") {
override def applyOn(config: VexRiscvConfig): Unit = config.plugins += new HazardSimplePlugin(
bypassExecute = false,
bypassMemory = true,
bypassWriteBack = false,
bypassWriteBackBuffer = false,
pessimisticUseSrc = false,
pessimisticWriteRegFile = false,
pessimisticAddressMatch = false
new VexRiscvPosition("BypassWriteBack") {
override def applyOn(config: VexRiscvConfig): Unit = config.plugins += new HazardSimplePlugin(
bypassExecute = false,
bypassMemory = false,
bypassWriteBack = true,
bypassWriteBackBuffer = false,
pessimisticUseSrc = false,
pessimisticWriteRegFile = false,
pessimisticAddressMatch = false
new VexRiscvPosition("BypassWriteBackBuffer") {
override def applyOn(config: VexRiscvConfig): Unit = config.plugins += new HazardSimplePlugin(
bypassExecute = false,
bypassMemory = false,
bypassWriteBack = false,
bypassWriteBackBuffer = true,
pessimisticUseSrc = false,
pessimisticWriteRegFile = false,
pessimisticAddressMatch = false
class SrcDimension extends VexRiscvDimension("Src") {
override val positions = List(
new VexRiscvPosition("Early") {
override def applyOn(config: VexRiscvConfig): Unit = config.plugins += new SrcPlugin(
separatedAddSub = false,
executeInsertion = false
new VexRiscvPosition("Late") {
override def applyOn(config: VexRiscvConfig): Unit = config.plugins += new SrcPlugin(
separatedAddSub = false,
executeInsertion = true
new VexRiscvPosition("AddSub") {
override def applyOn(config: VexRiscvConfig): Unit = config.plugins += new SrcPlugin(
separatedAddSub = true,
executeInsertion = false
class IBusDimension extends VexRiscvDimension("IBus") {
override val positions = (for(prediction <- List(NONE, STATIC, DYNAMIC, DYNAMIC_TARGET);
latency <- List(1,3);
compressed <- List(false, true);
injectorStage <- List(false, true);
relaxedPcCalculation <- List(false, true);
if latency > 1 || injectorStage) yield new VexRiscvPosition("Simple" + latency + (if(relaxedPcCalculation) "Relax" else "") + (if(injectorStage) "InjStage" else "") + (if(compressed) "Rvc" else "") + prediction.getClass.getTypeName().replace("$","")) {
override def testParam = "IBUS=SIMPLE" + (if(compressed) " COMPRESSED=yes" else "")
override def applyOn(config: VexRiscvConfig): Unit = config.plugins += new IBusSimplePlugin(
resetVector = 0x80000000l,
relaxedPcCalculation = relaxedPcCalculation,
prediction = prediction,
catchAccessFault = false,
compressedGen = compressed,
busLatencyMin = latency,
injectorStage = injectorStage
}) :+ new VexRiscvPosition("FullRelaxed"){
override def testParam = "IBUS=SIMPLE"
override def applyOn(config: VexRiscvConfig): Unit = config.plugins += new IBusSimplePlugin(
resetVector = 0x80000000l,
relaxedPcCalculation = true,
relaxedBusCmdValid = true,
prediction = STATIC,
catchAccessFault = false,
compressedGen = true,
busLatencyMin = 3,
injectorStage = true
abstract class ConfigPosition[T](val name: String) {
def applyOn(config: T): Unit
var dimension : ConfigDimension[_] = null
abstract class VexRiscvPosition(name: String) extends ConfigPosition[VexRiscvConfig](name){
def testParam : String = ""
class TestIndividualFeatures extends FunSuite {
def doCmd(cmd: String): String = {
val stdOut = new StringBuilder()
class Logger extends ProcessLogger {
override def err(s: => String): Unit = {
if (!s.startsWith("ar: creating ")) println(s)
override def out(s: => String): Unit = {
stdOut ++= s
override def buffer[T](f: => T) = f
Process(cmd, new File("src/test/cpp/regression")).!(new Logger)
val dimensions = List(
new MulDivDimension,
new ShiftDimension,
new BranchDimension,
new HazardDimension,
new RegFileDimension,
new SrcDimension,
new IBusDimension
def genDefaultsPositions(dims : Seq[VexRiscvDimension], stack : List[VexRiscvPosition] = Nil) : Seq[List[VexRiscvPosition]] = dims match {
case head :: tail => head.default.flatMap(p => genDefaultsPositions(tail, p :: stack))
case Nil => List(stack)
dimensions.foreach(d => d.positions.foreach(_.dimension = d))
for (dimension <- dimensions) {
for (position <- dimension.positions) {
for(defaults <- genDefaultsPositions(dimensions.filter(_ != dimension))){
def gen = {
val config = VexRiscvConfig(
plugins = List(
new DBusSimplePlugin(
catchAddressMisaligned = false,
catchAccessFault = false
new DecoderSimplePlugin(
catchIllegalInstruction = false
new IntAluPlugin,
new YamlPlugin("cpu0.yaml")
for (dimensionOthers <- defaults) dimensionOthers.applyOn(config)
SpinalVerilog(new VexRiscv(config))
val name = dimension.name + "_ " + position.name + "_" + defaults.map(d => d.dimension.name + "_" + d.name).mkString("_")
test(name + "_gen") {
test(name + "_test") {
val testCmd = "make clean run REDO=10 DBUS=SIMPLE CSR=no MMU=no DEBUG_PLUGIN=no " + (position :: defaults).map(_.testParam).mkString(" ")
val str = doCmd(testCmd)
val intFind = "(\\d+\\.?)+".r
val dmips = intFind.findFirstIn("DMIPS per Mhz\\: (\\d+.?)+".r.findAllIn(str).toList.last).get.toDouble
Reference in a new issue