mirror of
synced 2025-01-03 03:43:39 -05:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/dev'
This commit is contained in:
16 changed files with 415 additions and 254 deletions
@ -156,8 +156,8 @@ sudo make install
## CPU generation
You can find two example CPU instances in:
- src/main/scala/vexriscv/GenFull.scala
- src/main/scala/vexriscv/GenSmallest.scala
- src/main/scala/vexriscv/demo/GenFull.scala
- src/main/scala/vexriscv/demo/GenSmallest.scala
To generate the corresponding RTL as a VexRiscv.v file, run the following commands in the root directory of this repository:
@ -1,25 +1,3 @@
//name := "VexRiscv"
//organization := "com.github.spinalhdl"
//version := "1.0.0"
//scalaVersion := "2.11.6"
//EclipseKeys.withSource := true
//libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
// "com.github.spinalhdl" % "spinalhdl-core_2.11" % "1.2.1",
// "com.github.spinalhdl" % "spinalhdl-lib_2.11" % "1.2.1",
// "org.scalatest" % "scalatest_2.11" % "2.2.1",
// "org.yaml" % "snakeyaml" % "1.8"
//addCompilerPlugin("org.scala-lang.plugins" % "scala-continuations-plugin_2.11.6" % "1.0.2")
//scalacOptions += "-P:continuations:enable"
//fork := true
lazy val root = (project in file(".")).
@ -29,16 +7,16 @@ lazy val root = (project in file(".")).
version := "1.0.0"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.github.spinalhdl" % "spinalhdl-core_2.11" % "1.3.1",
"com.github.spinalhdl" % "spinalhdl-lib_2.11" % "1.3.1",
"com.github.spinalhdl" % "spinalhdl-core_2.11" % "1.3.2",
"com.github.spinalhdl" % "spinalhdl-lib_2.11" % "1.3.2",
"org.scalatest" % "scalatest_2.11" % "2.2.1",
"org.yaml" % "snakeyaml" % "1.8"
name := "VexRiscv"
//lazy val spinalHdlSim = ProjectRef(file("../SpinalHDL"), "SpinalHDL-sim")
//lazy val spinalHdlCore = ProjectRef(file("../SpinalHDL"), "SpinalHDL-core")
//lazy val spinalHdlLib = ProjectRef(file("../SpinalHDL"), "SpinalHDL-lib")
//lazy val spinalHdlSim = ProjectRef(file("../SpinalHDL"), "sim")
//lazy val spinalHdlCore = ProjectRef(file("../SpinalHDL"), "core")
//lazy val spinalHdlLib = ProjectRef(file("../SpinalHDL"), "lib")
fork := true
@ -30,6 +30,13 @@ trait Pipeline {
filtered.length != 0
def serviceElse[T](clazz : Class[T], default : => T) : T = {
if(!serviceExist(clazz)) return default
val filtered = plugins.filter(o => clazz.isAssignableFrom(o.getClass))
assert(filtered.length == 1)
def update[T](that : PipelineConfig[T], value : T) : Unit = configs(that) = value
def apply[T](that : PipelineConfig[T]) : T = configs(that).asInstanceOf[T]
@ -39,6 +39,10 @@ trait PrivilegeService{
def isUser(stage : Stage) : Bool
case class PrivilegeServiceDefault() extends PrivilegeService{
override def isUser(stage: Stage): Bool = False
trait InterruptionInhibitor{
def inhibateInterrupts() : Unit
@ -28,20 +28,20 @@ import spinal.lib.eda.altera.{InterruptReceiverTag, ResetEmitterTag}
object TestsWorkspace {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
SpinalConfig(mergeAsyncProcess = false, anonymSignalPrefix = "zz_").generateVerilog {
val configFull = VexRiscvConfig(
def configFull = {
val config = VexRiscvConfig(
plugins = List(
// new IBusSimplePlugin(
// resetVector = 0x80000000l,
// cmdForkOnSecondStage = false,
// cmdForkPersistence = false,
// prediction = NONE,
// historyRamSizeLog2 = 10,
// catchAccessFault = false,
// compressedGen = false,
// busLatencyMin = 1,
// injectorStage = true
// ),
// new IBusSimplePlugin(
// resetVector = 0x80000000l,
// cmdForkOnSecondStage = false,
// cmdForkPersistence = false,
// prediction = NONE,
// historyRamSizeLog2 = 10,
// catchAccessFault = false,
// compressedGen = false,
// busLatencyMin = 1,
// injectorStage = true
// ),
new IBusCachedPlugin(
resetVector = 0x80000000l,
compressedGen = false,
@ -65,11 +65,12 @@ object TestsWorkspace {
portTlbSize = 4
// new DBusSimplePlugin(
// catchAddressMisaligned = true,
// catchAccessFault = false,
// earlyInjection = false
// ),
// ).newTightlyCoupledPort(TightlyCoupledPortParameter("iBusTc", a => a(30 downto 28) === 0x0 && a(5))),
// new DBusSimplePlugin(
// catchAddressMisaligned = true,
// catchAccessFault = false,
// earlyInjection = false
// ),
new DBusCachedPlugin(
config = new DataCacheConfig(
cacheSize = 4096,
@ -84,21 +85,21 @@ object TestsWorkspace {
catchMemoryTranslationMiss = true,
atomicEntriesCount = 2
// memoryTranslatorPortConfig = null
// memoryTranslatorPortConfig = null
memoryTranslatorPortConfig = MemoryTranslatorPortConfig(
portTlbSize = 6
// new StaticMemoryTranslatorPlugin(
// ioRange = _(31 downto 28) === 0xF
// ),
// new StaticMemoryTranslatorPlugin(
// ioRange = _(31 downto 28) === 0xF
// ),
new MemoryTranslatorPlugin(
tlbSize = 32,
virtualRange = _(31 downto 28) === 0xC,
ioRange = _(31 downto 28) === 0xF
new DecoderSimplePlugin(
catchIllegalInstruction = false
catchIllegalInstruction = true
new RegFilePlugin(
regFileReadyKind = plugin.ASYNC,
@ -109,7 +110,7 @@ object TestsWorkspace {
separatedAddSub = false
new FullBarrelShifterPlugin(earlyInjection = true),
// new LightShifterPlugin,
// new LightShifterPlugin,
new HazardSimplePlugin(
bypassExecute = true,
bypassMemory = true,
@ -119,8 +120,8 @@ object TestsWorkspace {
pessimisticWriteRegFile = false,
pessimisticAddressMatch = false
// new HazardSimplePlugin(false, true, false, true),
// new HazardSimplePlugin(false, false, false, false),
// new HazardSimplePlugin(false, true, false, true),
// new HazardSimplePlugin(false, false, false, false),
new MulPlugin,
new MulDivIterativePlugin(
genMul = false,
@ -128,31 +129,31 @@ object TestsWorkspace {
mulUnrollFactor = 32,
divUnrollFactor = 1
// new DivPlugin,
// new DivPlugin,
new CsrPlugin(CsrPluginConfig.all(0x80000020l)),
// new CsrPlugin(//CsrPluginConfig.all2(0x80000020l).copy(ebreakGen = true)/*
// CsrPluginConfig(
// catchIllegalAccess = false,
// mvendorid = null,
// marchid = null,
// mimpid = null,
// mhartid = null,
// misaExtensionsInit = 0,
// misaAccess = CsrAccess.READ_ONLY,
// mtvecAccess = CsrAccess.WRITE_ONLY,
// mtvecInit = 0x80000020l,
// mepcAccess = CsrAccess.READ_WRITE,
// mscratchGen = true,
// mcauseAccess = CsrAccess.READ_ONLY,
// mbadaddrAccess = CsrAccess.READ_ONLY,
// mcycleAccess = CsrAccess.NONE,
// minstretAccess = CsrAccess.NONE,
// ecallGen = true,
// ebreakGen = true,
// wfiGenAsWait = false,
// wfiGenAsNop = true,
// ucycleAccess = CsrAccess.NONE
// )),
// new CsrPlugin(//CsrPluginConfig.all2(0x80000020l).copy(ebreakGen = true)/*
// CsrPluginConfig(
// catchIllegalAccess = false,
// mvendorid = null,
// marchid = null,
// mimpid = null,
// mhartid = null,
// misaExtensionsInit = 0,
// misaAccess = CsrAccess.READ_ONLY,
// mtvecAccess = CsrAccess.WRITE_ONLY,
// mtvecInit = 0x80000020l,
// mepcAccess = CsrAccess.READ_WRITE,
// mscratchGen = true,
// mcauseAccess = CsrAccess.READ_ONLY,
// mbadaddrAccess = CsrAccess.READ_ONLY,
// mcycleAccess = CsrAccess.NONE,
// minstretAccess = CsrAccess.NONE,
// ecallGen = true,
// ebreakGen = true,
// wfiGenAsWait = false,
// wfiGenAsNop = true,
// ucycleAccess = CsrAccess.NONE
// )),
new DebugPlugin(ClockDomain.current.clone(reset = Bool().setName("debugReset"))),
new BranchPlugin(
earlyBranch = true,
@ -162,8 +163,28 @@ object TestsWorkspace {
new YamlPlugin("cpu0.yaml")
// import spinal.core.sim._
// SimConfig.withConfig(SpinalConfig(mergeAsyncProcess = false, anonymSignalPrefix = "zz_")).allOptimisation.compile(new VexRiscv(configFull)).doSimUntilVoid{ dut =>
// dut.clockDomain.forkStimulus(10)
// dut.clockDomain.forkSimSpeedPrinter(4)
// var iBus : InstructionCacheMemBus = null
// dut.plugins.foreach{
// case plugin: IBusCachedPlugin => iBus = plugin.iBus
// case _ =>
// }
// dut.clockDomain.onSamplings{
//// iBus.cmd.ready.randomize()
// iBus.rsp.data #= 0x13
// }
// }
SpinalConfig(mergeAsyncProcess = false, anonymSignalPrefix = "zz_").generateVerilog {
val toplevel = new VexRiscv(configFull)
// val toplevel = new VexRiscv(configLight)
@ -258,10 +258,12 @@ class Briey(config: BrieyConfig) extends Component{
val gpioACtrl = Apb3Gpio(
gpioWidth = 32
gpioWidth = 32,
withReadSync = true
val gpioBCtrl = Apb3Gpio(
gpioWidth = 32
gpioWidth = 32,
withReadSync = true
val timerCtrl = PinsecTimerCtrl()
@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ case class Murax(config : MuraxConfig) extends Component{
//******** APB peripherals *********
val apbMapping = ArrayBuffer[(Apb3, SizeMapping)]()
val gpioACtrl = Apb3Gpio(gpioWidth = gpioWidth)
val gpioACtrl = Apb3Gpio(gpioWidth = gpioWidth, withReadSync = true)
io.gpioA <> gpioACtrl.io.gpio
apbMapping += gpioACtrl.io.apb -> (0x00000, 4 kB)
@ -86,15 +86,17 @@ trait InstructionCacheCommons{
val pc : UInt
val physicalAddress : UInt
val data : Bits
val cacheMiss, error, mmuMiss, illegalAccess,isUser : Bool
val cacheMiss, error, mmuMiss, illegalAccess, isUser : Bool
case class InstructionCacheCpuFetch(p : InstructionCacheConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave with InstructionCacheCommons {
val isValid = Bool
val isStuck = Bool
val isRemoved = Bool
val isValid = Bool()
val isStuck = Bool()
val isRemoved = Bool()
val pc = UInt(p.addressWidth bits)
val data = Bits(p.cpuDataWidth bits)
val data = Bits(p.cpuDataWidth bits)
val dataBypassValid = Bool()
val dataBypass = Bits(p.cpuDataWidth bits)
val mmuBus = MemoryTranslatorBus()
val physicalAddress = UInt(p.addressWidth bits)
val cacheMiss, error, mmuMiss, illegalAccess,isUser = ifGen(!p.twoCycleCache)(Bool)
@ -102,7 +104,7 @@ case class InstructionCacheCpuFetch(p : InstructionCacheConfig) extends Bundle w
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
out(isValid, isStuck, isRemoved, pc)
inWithNull(error,mmuMiss,illegalAccess,data, cacheMiss,physicalAddress)
outWithNull(isUser, dataBypass, dataBypassValid)
@ -381,21 +383,21 @@ class InstructionCache(p : InstructionCacheConfig) extends Component{
val hit = if(!twoCycleRam) new Area{
val hit = (!twoCycleRam) generate new Area{
val hits = read.waysValues.map(way => way.tag.valid && way.tag.address === io.cpu.fetch.mmuBus.rsp.physicalAddress(tagRange))
val valid = Cat(hits).orR
val id = OHToUInt(hits)
val error = read.waysValues.map(_.tag.error).read(id)
val data = read.waysValues.map(_.data).read(id)
val word = data.subdivideIn(cpuDataWidth bits).read(io.cpu.fetch.pc(memWordToCpuWordRange))
io.cpu.fetch.data := word
io.cpu.fetch.data := (io.cpu.fetch.dataBypassValid ? io.cpu.fetch.dataBypass | word)
io.cpu.decode.data := RegNextWhen(io.cpu.fetch.data,!io.cpu.decode.isStuck)
} else null
if(twoCycleRam && wayCount == 1){
io.cpu.fetch.data := read.waysValues.head.data.subdivideIn(cpuDataWidth bits).read(io.cpu.fetch.pc(memWordToCpuWordRange))
io.cpu.fetch.data := (io.cpu.fetch.dataBypassValid ? io.cpu.fetch.dataBypass | read.waysValues.head.data.subdivideIn(cpuDataWidth bits).read(io.cpu.fetch.pc(memWordToCpuWordRange)))
io.cpu.fetch.mmuBus.cmd.isValid := io.cpu.fetch.isValid
@ -405,7 +407,6 @@ class InstructionCache(p : InstructionCacheConfig) extends Component{
io.cpu.fetch.physicalAddress := io.cpu.fetch.mmuBus.rsp.physicalAddress
val resolution = ifGen(!twoCycleCache)( new Area{
// def stage[T <: Data](that : T) = RegNextWhen(that,!io.cpu.decode.isStuck)
val mmuRsp = io.cpu.fetch.mmuBus.rsp
io.cpu.fetch.cacheMiss := !hit.valid
@ -432,17 +433,13 @@ class InstructionCache(p : InstructionCacheConfig) extends Component{
val error = tags(id).error
val data = fetchStage.read.waysValues.map(way => stage(way.data)).read(id)
val word = data.subdivideIn(cpuDataWidth bits).read(io.cpu.decode.pc(memWordToCpuWordRange))
word := stage(io.cpu.fetch.dataBypass)
io.cpu.decode.data := word
io.cpu.decode.cacheMiss := !hit.valid
// when( io.cpu.decode.isValid && io.cpu.decode.cacheMiss){
// io.cpu.prefetch.haltIt := True
// lineLoader.valid := True
// lineLoader.address := mmuRsp.physicalAddress //Could be optimise if mmu not used
// }
// when(io.cpu)
io.cpu.decode.error := hit.error
io.cpu.decode.mmuMiss := mmuRsp.miss
io.cpu.decode.illegalAccess := !mmuRsp.allowExecute || (io.cpu.decode.isUser && !mmuRsp.allowUser)
@ -271,6 +271,20 @@ class CsrPlugin(config: CsrPluginConfig) extends Plugin[VexRiscv] with Exception
val csrMapping = new CsrMapping()
case class InterruptSource(var cond : Bool, id : Int)
case class InterruptPrivilege(privilege : Int){
var privilegeCond : Bool = null
val sources = ArrayBuffer[InterruptSource]()
def getInterruptPrivilege(privilege : Int) = customInterrupts.getOrElseUpdate(privilege, InterruptPrivilege(privilege))
var customInterrupts = mutable.LinkedHashMap[Int, InterruptPrivilege]()
def addInterrupt(cond : Bool, id : Int, privilege : Int): Unit = {
getInterruptPrivilege(privilege).sources += InterruptSource(cond, id)
def createInterrupt(id : Int, privilege : Int) : Bool = { val ret = Bool(); addInterrupt(ret, id, privilege); ret}
override def r(csrAddress: Int, bitOffset: Int, that: Data): Unit = csrMapping.r(csrAddress, bitOffset, that)
override def w(csrAddress: Int, bitOffset: Int, that: Data): Unit = csrMapping.w(csrAddress, bitOffset, that)
override def onWrite(csrAddress: Int)(body: => Unit): Unit = csrMapping.onWrite(csrAddress)(body)
@ -338,6 +352,11 @@ class CsrPlugin(config: CsrPluginConfig) extends Plugin[VexRiscv] with Exception
allowInterrupts = True
allowException = True
for (privilege <- customInterrupts.values;
source <- privilege.sources){
source.cond = source.cond.pull()
def inhibateInterrupts() : Unit = allowInterrupts := False
@ -500,20 +519,22 @@ class CsrPlugin(config: CsrPluginConfig) extends Plugin[VexRiscv] with Exception
minstret := minstret + 1
case class InterruptSource(cond : Bool, id : Int)
case class InterruptPrivilege(privilege : Int, privilegeCond : Bool, sources : ArrayBuffer[InterruptSource])
val interruptModel = ArrayBuffer[InterruptPrivilege]()
if(supervisorGen) interruptModel += InterruptPrivilege(1, sstatus.SIE && privilege <= "01", ArrayBuffer(
InterruptSource(sip.STIP && sie.STIE, 5),
InterruptSource(sip.SSIP && sie.SSIE, 1),
InterruptSource(sip.SEIP && sie.SEIE, 9)
interruptModel += InterruptPrivilege(3, mstatus.MIE , ArrayBuffer(
if(supervisorGen) {
getInterruptPrivilege(1).privilegeCond = sstatus.SIE && privilege <= "01"
getInterruptPrivilege(1).sources ++= List(
InterruptSource(sip.STIP && sie.STIE, 5),
InterruptSource(sip.SSIP && sie.SSIE, 1),
InterruptSource(sip.SEIP && sie.SEIE, 9)
getInterruptPrivilege(3).privilegeCond = mstatus.MIE
getInterruptPrivilege(3).sources ++= List(
InterruptSource(mip.MTIP && mie.MTIE, 7),
InterruptSource(mip.MSIP && mie.MSIE, 3),
InterruptSource(mip.MEIP && mie.MEIE, 11)
case class DelegatorModel(value : Bits, source : Int, target : Int)
// def solveDelegators(delegators : Seq[DelegatorModel], id : Int, lowerBound : Int): UInt = {
@ -621,7 +642,7 @@ class CsrPlugin(config: CsrPluginConfig) extends Plugin[VexRiscv] with Exception
val interrupt = False
val interruptCode = UInt(4 bits).assignDontCare().addTag(Verilator.public)
val interruptDelegatorHit = interruptDelegators.map(d => (d -> False)).toMap
for(model <- interruptModel){
for(model <- customInterrupts.values.toSeq.sortBy(_.privilege)){
interrupt := True
@ -84,61 +84,79 @@ class DecoderSimplePlugin(catchIllegalInstruction : Boolean = false, forceLegalI
val stageables = (encodings.flatMap(_._2.map(_._1)) ++ defaults.map(_._1)).toSet.toList
var offset = 0
var defaultValue, defaultCare = BigInt(0)
val offsetOf = mutable.HashMap[Stageable[_ <: BaseType],Int]()
val stupidDecoder = false
if (catchIllegalInstruction || forceLegalInstructionComputation) insert(LEGAL_INSTRUCTION) := False
for(stageable <- stageables){
} else {
for((key, tasks) <- encodings){
when(input(INSTRUCTION) === key){
if (catchIllegalInstruction || forceLegalInstructionComputation) insert(LEGAL_INSTRUCTION) := True
for((stageable, value) <- tasks){
} else {
var offset = 0
var defaultValue, defaultCare = BigInt(0)
val offsetOf = mutable.HashMap[Stageable[_ <: BaseType], Int]()
//Build defaults value and field offset map
stageables.foreach(e => {
defaults.get(e) match {
case Some(value) => {
value.head.source match {
//Build defaults value and field offset map
stageables.foreach(e => {
defaults.get(e) match {
case Some(value) => {
value.head.source match {
case literal: EnumLiteral[_] => literal.fixEncoding(e.dataType.asInstanceOf[SpinalEnumCraft[_]].getEncoding)
case _ =>
defaultValue += value.head.source.asInstanceOf[Literal].getValue << offset
defaultCare += ((BigInt(1) << e.dataType.getBitsWidth) - 1) << offset
case _ =>
offsetOf(e) = offset
offset += e.dataType.getBitsWidth
//Build spec
val spec = encodings.map { case (key, values) =>
var decodedValue = defaultValue
var decodedCare = defaultCare
for ((e, literal) <- values) {
literal.head.source match {
case literal: EnumLiteral[_] => literal.fixEncoding(e.dataType.asInstanceOf[SpinalEnumCraft[_]].getEncoding)
case _ =>
defaultValue += value.head.source .asInstanceOf[Literal].getValue << offset
defaultCare += ((BigInt(1) << e.dataType.getBitsWidth) - 1) << offset
val offset = offsetOf(e)
decodedValue |= literal.head.source.asInstanceOf[Literal].getValue << offset
decodedCare |= ((BigInt(1) << e.dataType.getBitsWidth) - 1) << offset
case _ =>
(Masked(key.value, key.careAbout), Masked(decodedValue, decodedCare))
offsetOf(e) = offset
offset += e.dataType.getBitsWidth
//Build spec
val spec = encodings.map { case (key, values) =>
var decodedValue = defaultValue
var decodedCare = defaultCare
for((e, literal) <- values){
literal.head.source match{
case literal : EnumLiteral[_] => literal.fixEncoding(e.dataType.asInstanceOf[SpinalEnumCraft[_]].getEncoding)
case _ =>
val offset = offsetOf(e)
decodedValue |= literal.head.source.asInstanceOf[Literal].getValue << offset
decodedCare |= ((BigInt(1) << e.dataType.getBitsWidth)-1) << offset
// logic implementation
val decodedBits = Bits(stageables.foldLeft(0)(_ + _.dataType.getBitsWidth) bits)
decodedBits := Symplify(input(INSTRUCTION), spec, decodedBits.getWidth)
if (catchIllegalInstruction || forceLegalInstructionComputation) insert(LEGAL_INSTRUCTION) := Symplify.logicOf(input(INSTRUCTION), SymplifyBit.getPrimeImplicantsByTrueAndDontCare(spec.unzip._1.toSeq, Nil, 32))
//Unpack decodedBits and insert fields in the pipeline
offset = 0
stageables.foreach(e => {
insert(e).assignFromBits(decodedBits(offset, e.dataType.getBitsWidth bits))
// insert(e).assignFromBits(RegNext(decodedBits(offset, e.dataType.getBitsWidth bits)))
offset += e.dataType.getBitsWidth
// logic implementation
val decodedBits = Bits(stageables.foldLeft(0)(_ + _.dataType.getBitsWidth) bits)
decodedBits := Symplify(input(INSTRUCTION),spec, decodedBits.getWidth)
if(catchIllegalInstruction || forceLegalInstructionComputation) insert(LEGAL_INSTRUCTION) := Symplify.logicOf(input(INSTRUCTION), SymplifyBit.getPrimeImplicantsByTrueAndDontCare(spec.unzip._1.toSeq, Nil, 32))
//Unpack decodedBits and insert fields in the pipeline
offset = 0
stageables.foreach(e => {
insert(e).assignFromBits(decodedBits(offset, e.dataType.getBitsWidth bits))
// insert(e).assignFromBits(RegNext(decodedBits(offset, e.dataType.getBitsWidth bits)))
offset += e.dataType.getBitsWidth
decodeExceptionPort.valid := arbitration.isValid && input(INSTRUCTION_READY) && !input(LEGAL_INSTRUCTION) // ?? HalitIt to alow decoder stage to wait valid data from 2 stages cache cache ??
decodeExceptionPort.code := 2
@ -149,8 +167,8 @@ class DecoderSimplePlugin(catchIllegalInstruction : Boolean = false, forceLegalI
def bench(toplevel : VexRiscv): Unit ={
import toplevel.config._
toplevel.getAllIo.foreach{io =>
if(io.isInput) io.assignDontCare()
toplevel.getAllIo.toList.foreach{io =>
if(io.isInput) { io.assignDontCare()}
@ -5,10 +5,26 @@ import vexriscv.ip._
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib._
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
//class IBusCachedPlugin(config : InstructionCacheConfig, memoryTranslatorPortConfig : Any = null) extends Plugin[VexRiscv] {
// var iBus : InstructionCacheMemBus = null
// override def build(pipeline: VexRiscv): Unit = ???
case class TightlyCoupledBus() extends Bundle with IMasterSlave {
val enable = Bool()
val address = UInt(32 bits)
val data = Bits(32 bits)
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
out(enable, address)
case class TightlyCoupledPortParameter(name : String, hit : UInt => Bool)
case class TightlyCoupledPort(p : TightlyCoupledPortParameter, var bus : TightlyCoupledBus)
class IBusCachedPlugin(resetVector : BigInt = 0x80000000l,
relaxedPcCalculation : Boolean = false,
prediction : BranchPrediction = NONE,
@ -17,7 +33,8 @@ class IBusCachedPlugin(resetVector : BigInt = 0x80000000l,
keepPcPlus4 : Boolean = false,
config : InstructionCacheConfig,
memoryTranslatorPortConfig : Any = null,
injectorStage : Boolean = false) extends IBusFetcherImpl(
injectorStage : Boolean = false,
withoutInjectorStage : Boolean = false) extends IBusFetcherImpl(
resetVector = resetVector,
keepPcPlus4 = keepPcPlus4,
decodePcGen = compressedGen,
@ -27,15 +44,25 @@ class IBusCachedPlugin(resetVector : BigInt = 0x80000000l,
injectorReadyCutGen = false,
prediction = prediction,
historyRamSizeLog2 = historyRamSizeLog2,
injectorStage = !config.twoCycleCache || injectorStage){
injectorStage = (!config.twoCycleCache && !withoutInjectorStage) || injectorStage){
import config._
assert(!(withoutInjectorStage && injectorStage))
var iBus : InstructionCacheMemBus = null
var mmuBus : MemoryTranslatorBus = null
var privilegeService : PrivilegeService = null
var redoBranch : Flow[UInt] = null
var decodeExceptionPort : Flow[ExceptionCause] = null
val tightlyCoupledPorts = ArrayBuffer[TightlyCoupledPort]()
def newTightlyCoupledPort(p : TightlyCoupledPortParameter) = {
val port = TightlyCoupledPort(p, null)
tightlyCoupledPorts += port
object FLUSH_ALL extends Stageable(Bool)
object IBUS_ACCESS_ERROR extends Stageable(Bool)
@ -66,8 +93,7 @@ class IBusCachedPlugin(resetVector : BigInt = 0x80000000l,
mmuBus = pipeline.service(classOf[MemoryTranslator]).newTranslationPort(MemoryTranslatorPort.PRIORITY_INSTRUCTION, memoryTranslatorPortConfig)
privilegeService = pipeline.service(classOf[PrivilegeService])
privilegeService = pipeline.serviceElse(classOf[PrivilegeService], PrivilegeServiceDefault())
val report = pipeline.service(classOf[ReportService])
@ -98,21 +124,106 @@ class IBusCachedPlugin(resetVector : BigInt = 0x80000000l,
val cache = new InstructionCache(IBusCachedPlugin.this.config)
iBus = master(new InstructionCacheMemBus(IBusCachedPlugin.this.config)).setName("iBus")
iBus <> cache.io.mem
iBus.cmd.address.allowOverride := cache.io.mem.cmd.address // - debugAddressOffset
iBus.cmd.address.allowOverride := cache.io.mem.cmd.address
val stageOffset = if(relaxedPcCalculation) 1 else 0
def stages = iBusRsp.stages.drop(stageOffset)
//Connect prefetch cache side
cache.io.cpu.prefetch.isValid := stages(0).input.valid
cache.io.cpu.prefetch.pc := stages(0).input.payload
stages(0).halt setWhen(cache.io.cpu.prefetch.haltIt)
tightlyCoupledPorts.foreach(p => p.bus = master(TightlyCoupledBus()).setName(p.p.name))
val s0 = new Area {
//address decoding
val tightlyCoupledHits = Vec(tightlyCoupledPorts.map(_.p.hit(stages(0).input.payload)))
val tightlyCoupledHit = tightlyCoupledHits.orR
for((port, hit) <- (tightlyCoupledPorts, tightlyCoupledHits).zipped){
port.bus.enable := stages(0).input.fire && hit
port.bus.address := stages(0).input.payload(31 downto 2) @@ U"00"
//Connect prefetch cache side
cache.io.cpu.prefetch.isValid := stages(0).input.valid && !tightlyCoupledHit
cache.io.cpu.prefetch.pc := stages(0).input.payload
stages(0).halt setWhen (cache.io.cpu.prefetch.haltIt)
cache.io.cpu.fetch.isRemoved := flush
val iBusRspOutputHalt = False
cache.io.cpu.fetch.isRemoved := flush
val s1 = new Area {
val tightlyCoupledHits = RegNextWhen(s0.tightlyCoupledHits, stages(1).input.ready)
val tightlyCoupledHit = RegNextWhen(s0.tightlyCoupledHit, stages(1).input.ready)
cache.io.cpu.fetch.dataBypassValid := tightlyCoupledHit
cache.io.cpu.fetch.dataBypass := (if(tightlyCoupledPorts.isEmpty) B(0) else MuxOH(tightlyCoupledHits, tightlyCoupledPorts.map(e => CombInit(e.bus.data))))
//Connect fetch cache side
cache.io.cpu.fetch.isValid := stages(1).input.valid && !tightlyCoupledHit
cache.io.cpu.fetch.isStuck := !stages(1).input.ready
cache.io.cpu.fetch.pc := stages(1).input.payload
if (!twoCycleCache) {
cache.io.cpu.fetch.isUser := privilegeService.isUser(decode)
val s2 = twoCycleCache generate new Area {
val tightlyCoupledHit = RegNextWhen(s1.tightlyCoupledHit, stages(2).input.ready)
cache.io.cpu.decode.isValid := stages(2).input.valid && !tightlyCoupledHit
cache.io.cpu.decode.isStuck := !stages(2).input.ready
cache.io.cpu.decode.pc := stages(2).input.payload
cache.io.cpu.decode.isUser := privilegeService.isUser(decode)
if ((!twoCycleRam || wayCount == 1) && !compressedGen && !injectorStage) {
decode.insert(INSTRUCTION_ANTICIPATED) := Mux(decode.arbitration.isStuck, decode.input(INSTRUCTION), cache.io.cpu.fetch.data)
val rsp = new Area {
val iBusRspOutputHalt = False
val cacheRsp = if (twoCycleCache) cache.io.cpu.decode else cache.io.cpu.fetch
val cacheRspArbitration = stages(if (twoCycleCache) 2 else 1)
var issueDetected = False
val redoFetch = False //RegNext(False) init(False)
when(cacheRsp.isValid && cacheRsp.cacheMiss && !issueDetected) {
issueDetected \= True
redoFetch := iBusRsp.readyForError
//Refill / redo
assert(decodePcGen == compressedGen)
cache.io.cpu.fill.valid := redoFetch
cache.io.cpu.fill.payload := cacheRsp.physicalAddress
redoBranch.valid := redoFetch
redoBranch.payload := (if (decodePcGen) decode.input(PC) else cacheRsp.pc)
if (catchSomething) {
val accessFault = if (catchAccessFault) cacheRsp.error else False
val mmuMiss = if (catchMemoryTranslationMiss) cacheRsp.mmuMiss else False
val illegalAccess = if (catchIllegalAccess) cacheRsp.illegalAccess else False
decodeExceptionPort.valid := False
decodeExceptionPort.code := mmuMiss ? U(14) | 1
decodeExceptionPort.badAddr := cacheRsp.pc
when(cacheRsp.isValid && (accessFault || mmuMiss || illegalAccess) && !issueDetected) {
issueDetected \= True
decodeExceptionPort.valid := iBusRsp.readyForError
cacheRspArbitration.halt setWhen (issueDetected || iBusRspOutputHalt)
iBusRsp.output.valid := cacheRspArbitration.output.valid
cacheRspArbitration.output.ready := iBusRsp.output.ready
iBusRsp.output.rsp.inst := cacheRsp.data
iBusRsp.output.pc := cacheRspArbitration.output.payload
if (mmuBus != null) {
cache.io.cpu.fetch.mmuBus <> mmuBus
(if(twoCycleCache) stages(1).halt else iBusRspOutputHalt) setWhen(mmuBus.cmd.isValid && !mmuBus.rsp.hit && !mmuBus.rsp.miss)
(if (twoCycleCache) stages(1).halt else rsp.iBusRspOutputHalt) setWhen (mmuBus.cmd.isValid && !mmuBus.rsp.hit && !mmuBus.rsp.miss)
} else {
cache.io.cpu.fetch.mmuBus.rsp.physicalAddress := cache.io.cpu.fetch.mmuBus.cmd.virtualAddress
cache.io.cpu.fetch.mmuBus.rsp.allowExecute := True
@ -124,64 +235,6 @@ class IBusCachedPlugin(resetVector : BigInt = 0x80000000l,
cache.io.cpu.fetch.mmuBus.rsp.hit := False
//Connect fetch cache side
cache.io.cpu.fetch.isValid := stages(1).input.valid
cache.io.cpu.fetch.isStuck := !stages(1).input.ready
cache.io.cpu.fetch.pc := stages(1).input.payload
cache.io.cpu.decode.isValid := stages(2).input.valid
cache.io.cpu.decode.isStuck := !stages(2).input.ready
cache.io.cpu.decode.pc := stages(2).input.payload
cache.io.cpu.decode.isUser := (if (privilegeService != null) privilegeService.isUser(decode) else False)
if((!twoCycleRam || wayCount == 1) && !compressedGen && !injectorStage){
decode.insert(INSTRUCTION_ANTICIPATED) := Mux(decode.arbitration.isStuck, decode.input(INSTRUCTION), cache.io.cpu.fetch.data)
} else {
cache.io.cpu.fetch.isUser := (if (privilegeService != null) privilegeService.isUser(decode) else False)
// val missHalt = cache.io.cpu.fetch.isValid && cache.io.cpu.fetch.cacheMiss
val cacheRsp = if(twoCycleCache) cache.io.cpu.decode else cache.io.cpu.fetch
val cacheRspArbitration = stages(if(twoCycleCache) 2 else 1)
var issueDetected = False
val redoFetch = False //RegNext(False) init(False)
when(cacheRsp.isValid && cacheRsp.cacheMiss && !issueDetected){
issueDetected \= True
redoFetch := iBusRsp.readyForError
assert(decodePcGen == compressedGen)
cache.io.cpu.fill.valid := redoFetch
redoBranch.valid := redoFetch
redoBranch.payload := (if(decodePcGen) decode.input(PC) else cacheRsp.pc)
cache.io.cpu.fill.payload := cacheRsp.physicalAddress
val accessFault = if (catchAccessFault) cacheRsp.error else False
val mmuMiss = if (catchMemoryTranslationMiss) cacheRsp.mmuMiss else False
val illegalAccess = if (catchIllegalAccess) cacheRsp.illegalAccess else False
decodeExceptionPort.valid := False
decodeExceptionPort.code := mmuMiss ? U(14) | 1
decodeExceptionPort.badAddr := cacheRsp.pc
when(cacheRsp.isValid && (accessFault || mmuMiss || illegalAccess) && !issueDetected){
issueDetected \= True
decodeExceptionPort.valid := iBusRsp.readyForError
cacheRspArbitration.halt setWhen(issueDetected || iBusRspOutputHalt)
iBusRsp.output.rsp.inst := cacheRsp.data
iBusRsp.output.pc := cacheRspArbitration.output.payload
val flushStage = if(memory != null) memory else execute
flushStage plug new Area {
import flushStage._
@ -1192,6 +1192,43 @@ public:
#ifdef IBUS_TC
class IBusTc : public SimElement{
uint32_t nextData;
Workspace *ws;
VVexRiscv* top;
IBusTc(Workspace* ws){
this->ws = ws;
this->top = ws->top;
virtual void onReset(){
virtual void preCycle(){
if (top->iBusTc_enable) {
if((top->iBusTc_address & 0x70000000) != 0 || (top->iBusTc_address & 0x20) == 0){
printf("IBusTc access out of range\n");
bool error_next;
ws->iBusAccess(top->iBusTc_address, &nextData,&error_next);
virtual void postCycle(){
top->iBusTc_data = nextData;
struct IBusSimpleAvalonRsp{
@ -1274,6 +1311,12 @@ public:
bool error;
top->iBus_rsp_valid = 0;
if(pendingCount != 0 && (!ws->iStall || VL_RANDOM_I(7) < 100)){
#ifdef IBUS_TC
if((address & 0x70000000) == 0 && (address & 0x20) != 0){
printf("IBUS_CACHED access out of range\n");
top->iBus_rsp_payload_error = error;
@ -1960,6 +2003,11 @@ void Workspace::fillSimELements(){
simElements.push_back(new IBusCachedWishbone(this));
#ifdef IBUS_TC
simElements.push_back(new IBusTc(this));
simElements.push_back(new DBusSimple(this));
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
ifeq ($(DEBUG),yes)
@ -58,6 +59,11 @@ ifneq ($(RUN_HEX),no)
ifeq ($(IBUS_TC),yes)
ifeq ($(COMPRESSED),yes)
@ -284,6 +284,8 @@ class IBusDimension extends VexRiscvDimension("IBus") {
} else {
val compressed = r.nextBoolean()
val tighlyCoupled = r.nextBoolean()
// val tighlyCoupled = false
val prediction = random(r, List(NONE, STATIC, DYNAMIC, DYNAMIC_TARGET))
val catchAll = universes.contains(VexRiscvUniverse.CATCH_ALL)
val relaxedPcCalculation, twoCycleCache, injectorStage = r.nextBoolean()
@ -295,29 +297,33 @@ class IBusDimension extends VexRiscvDimension("IBus") {
wayCount = 1 << r.nextInt(3)
}while(cacheSize/wayCount < 512)
new VexRiscvPosition("Cached" + (if(twoCycleCache) "2cc" else "") + (if(injectorStage) "Injstage" else "") + (if(twoCycleRam) "2cr" else "") + "S" + cacheSize + "W" + wayCount + (if(relaxedPcCalculation) "Relax" else "") + (if(compressed) "Rvc" else "") + prediction.getClass.getTypeName().replace("$","")) with InstructionAnticipatedPosition{
override def testParam = "IBUS=CACHED" + (if(compressed) " COMPRESSED=yes" else "")
override def applyOn(config: VexRiscvConfig): Unit = config.plugins += new IBusCachedPlugin(
resetVector = 0x80000000l,
compressedGen = compressed,
prediction = prediction,
relaxedPcCalculation = relaxedPcCalculation,
injectorStage = injectorStage,
config = InstructionCacheConfig(
cacheSize = cacheSize,
bytePerLine = 32,
wayCount = wayCount,
addressWidth = 32,
cpuDataWidth = 32,
memDataWidth = 32,
catchIllegalAccess = catchAll,
catchAccessFault = catchAll,
catchMemoryTranslationMiss = catchAll,
asyncTagMemory = false,
twoCycleRam = twoCycleRam,
twoCycleCache = twoCycleCache
new VexRiscvPosition("Cached" + (if(twoCycleCache) "2cc" else "") + (if(injectorStage) "Injstage" else "") + (if(twoCycleRam) "2cr" else "") + "S" + cacheSize + "W" + wayCount + (if(relaxedPcCalculation) "Relax" else "") + (if(compressed) "Rvc" else "") + prediction.getClass.getTypeName().replace("$","")+ (if(tighlyCoupled)"Tc" else "")) with InstructionAnticipatedPosition{
override def testParam = "IBUS=CACHED" + (if(compressed) " COMPRESSED=yes" else "") + (if(tighlyCoupled)" IBUS_TC=yes" else "")
override def applyOn(config: VexRiscvConfig): Unit = {
val p = new IBusCachedPlugin(
resetVector = 0x80000000l,
compressedGen = compressed,
prediction = prediction,
relaxedPcCalculation = relaxedPcCalculation,
injectorStage = injectorStage,
config = InstructionCacheConfig(
cacheSize = cacheSize,
bytePerLine = 32,
wayCount = wayCount,
addressWidth = 32,
cpuDataWidth = 32,
memDataWidth = 32,
catchIllegalAccess = catchAll,
catchAccessFault = catchAll,
catchMemoryTranslationMiss = catchAll,
asyncTagMemory = false,
twoCycleRam = twoCycleRam,
twoCycleCache = twoCycleCache
if(tighlyCoupled) p.newTightlyCoupledPort(TightlyCoupledPortParameter("iBusTc", a => a(30 downto 28) === 0x0 && a(5)))
config.plugins += p
override def instructionAnticipatedOk() = !twoCycleCache || ((!twoCycleRam || wayCount == 1) && !compressed)
@ -523,8 +529,8 @@ class TestIndividualFeatures extends FunSuite {
// val testId = Some(mutable.HashSet[Int](0,28,45,93))
// val testId = Some(mutable.HashSet[Int](5))
// val seed = -2089952013329208578l
// val testId = Some(mutable.HashSet[Int](31))
// val seed = -7716775349351274630l
Reference in a new issue