SpinalHDL 1.1.2

Add Murax setup with Mul Div Barriel
This commit is contained in:
Dolu1990 2018-01-06 22:09:42 +01:00
parent 43d3ffd685
commit 9a89573942
3 changed files with 22 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ scalaVersion := "2.11.6"
EclipseKeys.withSource := true
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.github.spinalhdl" % "spinalhdl-core_2.11" % "1.1.1",
"com.github.spinalhdl" % "spinalhdl-lib_2.11" % "1.1.1",
"com.github.spinalhdl" % "spinalhdl-core_2.11" % "1.1.2",
"com.github.spinalhdl" % "spinalhdl-lib_2.11" % "1.1.2",
"org.yaml" % "snakeyaml" % "1.8"

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@ -301,6 +301,25 @@ object MuraxDhrystoneReady{
object MuraxDhrystoneReadyMulDivStatic{
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val config = MuraxConfig.fast.copy(onChipRamSize = 256 kB)
config.cpuPlugins += new MulPlugin
config.cpuPlugins += new DivPlugin
config.cpuPlugins +=new BranchPlugin(
earlyBranch = false,
catchAddressMisaligned = false,
prediction = STATIC
config.cpuPlugins += new FullBarrielShifterPlugin
//Will blink led and echo UART RX to UART TX (in the verilator sim, type some text and press enter to send UART frame to the Murax RX pin)
object MuraxWithRamInit{
def main(args: Array[String]) {

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@ -43,15 +43,7 @@ case class Masked(value : BigInt,care : BigInt){
class DecoderSimplePlugin(catchIllegalInstruction : Boolean, forceLegalInstructionComputation : Boolean = false) extends Plugin[VexRiscv] with DecoderService {
override def add(encoding: Seq[(MaskedLiteral, Seq[(Stageable[_ <: BaseType], Any)])]): Unit = encoding.foreach(e => this.add(e._1,e._2))
override def add(key: MaskedLiteral, values: Seq[(Stageable[_ <: BaseType], Any)]): Unit = {
// val instructionModel = encodings.getOrElseUpdate(key,ArrayBuffer[(Stageable[_ <: BaseType], BaseType)]())
val instructionModel = encodings.find(x => x._1.careAbout == key.careAbout && x._1.width == key.width && x._1.value == key.value) match {
case Some(x) => x._2
case _ => {
val model = ArrayBuffer[(Stageable[_ <: BaseType], BaseType)]()
encodings.put(key, model)
val instructionModel = encodings.getOrElseUpdate(key,ArrayBuffer[(Stageable[_ <: BaseType], BaseType)]())
values.map{case (a,b) => {
assert(!instructionModel.contains(a), s"Over specification of $a")
val value = b match {