mirror of
synced 2025-01-03 03:43:39 -05:00
IBusFetcher disable pcRegReusedForSecondStage when using fetch prediction.
Fix some fetch flush DYNAMIC_PREDICTION start to work again
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 218 additions and 217 deletions
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ abstract class IBusFetcherImpl(val resetVector : BigInt,
val decodePcGen : Boolean,
val compressedGen : Boolean,
val cmdToRspStageCount : Int,
val pcRegReusedForSecondStage : Boolean,
val allowPcRegReusedForSecondStage : Boolean,
val injectorReadyCutGen : Boolean,
val prediction : BranchPrediction,
val historyRamSizeLog2 : Int,
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ abstract class IBusFetcherImpl(val resetVector : BigInt,
injectionPort = Stream(Bits(32 bits))
def pcRegReusedForSecondStage = allowPcRegReusedForSecondStage && prediction != DYNAMIC_TARGET
var predictionJumpInterface : Flow[UInt] = null
override def haltIt(): Unit = fetcherHalt := True
@ -68,19 +68,19 @@ abstract class IBusFetcherImpl(val resetVector : BigInt,
pipeline(RVC_GEN) = compressedGen
// prediction match {
// case NONE =>
// case STATIC | DYNAMIC => {
// predictionJumpInterface = createJumpInterface(pipeline.decode)
// decodePrediction = pipeline.service(classOf[PredictionInterface]).askDecodePrediction()
// }
// case DYNAMIC_TARGET => {
// fetchPrediction = pipeline.service(classOf[PredictionInterface]).askFetchPrediction()
// if(compressedGen && cmdToRspStageCount > 1){
// dynamicTargetFailureCorrection = createJumpInterface(pipeline.decode)
// }
// }
// }
prediction match {
case NONE =>
case STATIC | DYNAMIC => {
predictionJumpInterface = createJumpInterface(pipeline.decode)
decodePrediction = pipeline.service(classOf[PredictionInterface]).askDecodePrediction()
fetchPrediction = pipeline.service(classOf[PredictionInterface]).askFetchPrediction()
if(compressedGen && cmdToRspStageCount > 1){
dynamicTargetFailureCorrection = createJumpInterface(pipeline.decode)
pcValids = Vec(Bool, pipeline.stages.size)
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ abstract class IBusFetcherImpl(val resetVector : BigInt,
val booted = RegNext(True) init (False)
val inc = RegInit(False) clearWhen(corrected || pcRegPropagate) setWhen(output.fire) clearWhen(!output.valid && output.ready)
val pc = pcReg + (inc ## B"00").asUInt
// val predictionPcLoad = ifGen(prediction == DYNAMIC_TARGET) (Flow(UInt(32 bits)))
val predictionPcLoad = ifGen(prediction == DYNAMIC_TARGET) (Flow(UInt(32 bits)))
val redo = fetchRedoGen generate Flow(UInt(32 bits))
if(compressedGen) when(inc) {
@ -142,12 +142,12 @@ abstract class IBusFetcherImpl(val resetVector : BigInt,
corrected := True
pc := redo.payload
// if(predictionPcLoad != null) {
// when(predictionPcLoad.valid) {
// corrected := True
// pc := predictionPcLoad.payload
// }
// }
if(predictionPcLoad != null) {
when(predictionPcLoad.valid) {
corrected := True
pc := predictionPcLoad.payload
when(jump.pcLoad.valid) {
corrected := True
pc := jump.pcLoad.payload
@ -178,12 +178,12 @@ abstract class IBusFetcherImpl(val resetVector : BigInt,
pcReg := pcPlus
// val predictionPcLoad = ifGen(prediction == DYNAMIC_TARGET) (Flow(UInt(32 bits)))
// if(prediction == DYNAMIC_TARGET) {
// when(predictionPcLoad.valid) {
// pcReg := predictionPcLoad.payload
// }
// }
val predictionPcLoad = ifGen(prediction == DYNAMIC_TARGET) (Flow(UInt(32 bits)))
if(prediction == DYNAMIC_TARGET) {
when(predictionPcLoad.valid) {
pcReg := predictionPcLoad.payload
//application of the selected jump request
when(jump.pcLoad.valid && (!decode.arbitration.isStuck || decode.arbitration.isRemoved)) {
@ -205,26 +205,25 @@ abstract class IBusFetcherImpl(val resetVector : BigInt,
val input = Stream(UInt(32 bits))
val output = Stream(UInt(32 bits))
val halt = Bool()
val inputSample = Bool()
val flush = Bool()
stages(0).input << fetchPc.output
stages(0).inputSample := True
for(s <- stages) {
s.halt := False
s.output << s.input.haltWhen(s.halt)
stages.head.flush := getFlushAt(IBUS_RSP, stages.head == stages.last) || fetchFlush
stages.head.flush := False //getFlushAt(IBUS_RSP, stages.head == stages.last) || fetchFlush
for((s,sNext) <- (stages, stages.tail).zipped) {
val discardInputOnFlush = s != stages.head
sNext.flush := getFlushAt(IBUS_RSP, sNext == stages.last) || fetchFlush
if(s == stages.head && pcRegReusedForSecondStage) {
sNext.input.arbitrationFrom(s.output.toEvent().m2sPipeWithFlush(sNext.flush, s != stages.head, collapsBubble = false))
sNext.input.arbitrationFrom(s.output.toEvent().m2sPipeWithFlush(sNext.flush, false, collapsBubble = false, flushInput = s.flush))
sNext.input.payload := fetchPc.pcReg
fetchPc.pcRegPropagate setWhen(sNext.input.ready)
} else {
sNext.input << s.output.m2sPipeWithFlush(sNext.flush, s != stages.head, collapsBubble = false)
sNext.input << s.output.m2sPipeWithFlush(sNext.flush, false, collapsBubble = false, flushInput = s.flush)
@ -234,7 +233,7 @@ abstract class IBusFetcherImpl(val resetVector : BigInt,
val decompressor = ifGen(decodePcGen)(new Area{
def input = iBusRsp.output
val input = iBusRsp.output.clearValidWhen(iBusRsp.stages.last.flush)
val output = Stream(FetchRsp())
val flush = getFlushAt(DECOMPRESSOR)
@ -285,7 +284,7 @@ abstract class IBusFetcherImpl(val resetVector : BigInt,
val decodeInput = (if (injectorStage) {
val flushStage = getFlushAt(INJECTOR_M2S)
val decodeInput = inputBeforeStage.m2sPipeWithFlush(flushStage, collapsBubble = false)
val decodeInput = inputBeforeStage.m2sPipeWithFlush(flushStage, false, collapsBubble = false, flushInput = fetcherflushIt)
decode.insert(INSTRUCTION_ANTICIPATED) := Mux(decode.arbitration.isStuck, decode.input(INSTRUCTION), inputBeforeStage.rsp.inst)
iBusRsp.readyForError.clearWhen(decodeInput.valid) //Can't emit error when there is a instruction pending in the injector stage buffer
incomingInstruction setWhen (decodeInput.valid)
@ -397,11 +396,11 @@ abstract class IBusFetcherImpl(val resetVector : BigInt,
decode.input(PC) + 4)
// if(decodePc != null && decodePc.predictionPcLoad != null){
// when(decodePc.predictionPcLoad.valid){
// decode.insert(FORMAL_PC_NEXT) := decodePc.predictionPcLoad.payload
// }
// }
if(decodePc != null && decodePc.predictionPcLoad != null){
decode.insert(FORMAL_PC_NEXT) := decodePc.predictionPcLoad.payload
jumpInfos.foreach(info => {
when(info.interface.valid) {
@ -425,182 +424,181 @@ abstract class IBusFetcherImpl(val resetVector : BigInt,
(ifGen(compressedGen)(decompressorContext), injectorContextWire)
// val predictor = prediction match {
// case NONE =>
// case STATIC | DYNAMIC => {
// def historyWidth = 2
// val dynamic = ifGen(prediction == DYNAMIC) (new Area {
// case class BranchPredictorLine() extends Bundle{
// val history = SInt(historyWidth bits)
// }
// val historyCache = Mem(BranchPredictorLine(), 1 << historyRamSizeLog2)
// val historyWrite = historyCache.writePort
// val historyWriteLast = RegNextWhen(historyWrite, iBusRsp.stages(0).output.ready)
// val hazard = historyWriteLast.valid && historyWriteLast.address === (iBusRsp.stages(0).input.payload >> 2).resized
// case class DynamicContext() extends Bundle{
// val hazard = Bool
// val line = BranchPredictorLine()
// }
// val fetchContext = DynamicContext()
// fetchContext.hazard := hazard
// fetchContext.line := historyCache.readSync((fetchPc.output.payload >> 2).resized, iBusRsp.stages(0).output.ready || fetcherflushIt)
// object PREDICTION_CONTEXT extends Stageable(DynamicContext())
// decode.insert(PREDICTION_CONTEXT) := stage1ToInjectorPipe(fetchContext)._2
// val decodeContextPrediction = decode.input(PREDICTION_CONTEXT).line.history.msb
// val branchStage = decodePrediction.stage
// val branchContext = branchStage.input(PREDICTION_CONTEXT)
// val moreJump = decodePrediction.rsp.wasWrong ^ branchContext.line.history.msb
// historyWrite.address := branchStage.input(PC)(2, historyRamSizeLog2 bits) + (if(pipeline(RVC_GEN))
// ((!branchStage.input(IS_RVC) && branchStage.input(PC)(1)) ? U(1) | U(0))
// else
// U(0))
// historyWrite.data.history := branchContext.line.history + (moreJump ? S(-1) | S(1))
// val sat = (branchContext.line.history === (moreJump ? S(branchContext.line.history.minValue) | S(branchContext.line.history.maxValue)))
// historyWrite.valid := !branchContext.hazard && branchStage.arbitration.isFiring && branchStage.input(BRANCH_CTRL) === BranchCtrlEnum.B && !sat
// })
// val imm = IMM(decode.input(INSTRUCTION))
// val conditionalBranchPrediction = prediction match {
// case STATIC => imm.b_sext.msb
// case DYNAMIC => dynamic.decodeContextPrediction
// }
// decodePrediction.cmd.hadBranch := decode.input(BRANCH_CTRL) === BranchCtrlEnum.JAL || (decode.input(BRANCH_CTRL) === BranchCtrlEnum.B && conditionalBranchPrediction)
// val noPredictionOnMissaligned = (!pipeline(RVC_GEN)) generate new Area{
// val missaligned = decode.input(BRANCH_CTRL).mux(
// BranchCtrlEnum.JAL -> imm.j_sext(1),
// default -> imm.b_sext(1)
// )
// decodePrediction.cmd.hadBranch clearWhen(missaligned)
// }
// //TODO no more fireing depedancies
// predictionJumpInterface.valid := decode.arbitration.isValid && decodePrediction.cmd.hadBranch //TODO OH Doublon de priorité
// predictionJumpInterface.payload := decode.input(PC) + ((decode.input(BRANCH_CTRL) === BranchCtrlEnum.JAL) ? imm.j_sext | imm.b_sext).asUInt
// if(relaxPredictorAddress) KeepAttribute(predictionJumpInterface.payload)
// when(predictionJumpInterface.valid && decode.arbitration.isFiring){
// flushIt()
// }
// }
// case DYNAMIC_TARGET => new Area{
//// assert(!compressedGen || cmdToRspStageCount == 1, "Can't combine DYNAMIC_TARGET and RVC as it could stop the instruction fetch mid-air")
// case class BranchPredictorLine() extends Bundle{
// val source = Bits(30 - historyRamSizeLog2 bits)
// val branchWish = UInt(2 bits)
// val target = UInt(32 bits)
// val unaligned = ifGen(compressedGen)(Bool)
// }
// val history = Mem(BranchPredictorLine(), 1 << historyRamSizeLog2)
// val historyWrite = history.writePort
// val line = history.readSync((iBusRsp.stages(0).input.payload >> 2).resized, iBusRsp.stages(0).output.ready || fetcherflushIt)
// val hit = line.source === (iBusRsp.stages(1).input.payload.asBits >> 2 + historyRamSizeLog2) && (if(compressedGen)(!(!line.unaligned && iBusRsp.stages(1).input.payload(1))) else True)
// //Avoid stoping instruction fetch in the middle patch
val predictor = prediction match {
case NONE =>
case STATIC | DYNAMIC => {
def historyWidth = 2
val dynamic = ifGen(prediction == DYNAMIC) (new Area {
case class BranchPredictorLine() extends Bundle{
val history = SInt(historyWidth bits)
val historyCache = Mem(BranchPredictorLine(), 1 << historyRamSizeLog2)
val historyWrite = historyCache.writePort
val historyWriteLast = RegNextWhen(historyWrite, iBusRsp.stages(0).output.ready)
val hazard = historyWriteLast.valid && historyWriteLast.address === (iBusRsp.stages(0).input.payload >> 2).resized
case class DynamicContext() extends Bundle{
val hazard = Bool
val line = BranchPredictorLine()
val fetchContext = DynamicContext()
fetchContext.hazard := hazard
fetchContext.line := historyCache.readSync((fetchPc.output.payload >> 2).resized, iBusRsp.stages(0).output.ready || fetcherflushIt)
object PREDICTION_CONTEXT extends Stageable(DynamicContext())
decode.insert(PREDICTION_CONTEXT) := stage1ToInjectorPipe(fetchContext)._2
val decodeContextPrediction = decode.input(PREDICTION_CONTEXT).line.history.msb
val branchStage = decodePrediction.stage
val branchContext = branchStage.input(PREDICTION_CONTEXT)
val moreJump = decodePrediction.rsp.wasWrong ^ branchContext.line.history.msb
historyWrite.address := branchStage.input(PC)(2, historyRamSizeLog2 bits) + (if(pipeline(RVC_GEN))
((!branchStage.input(IS_RVC) && branchStage.input(PC)(1)) ? U(1) | U(0))
historyWrite.data.history := branchContext.line.history + (moreJump ? S(-1) | S(1))
val sat = (branchContext.line.history === (moreJump ? S(branchContext.line.history.minValue) | S(branchContext.line.history.maxValue)))
historyWrite.valid := !branchContext.hazard && branchStage.arbitration.isFiring && branchStage.input(BRANCH_CTRL) === BranchCtrlEnum.B && !sat
val imm = IMM(decode.input(INSTRUCTION))
val conditionalBranchPrediction = prediction match {
case STATIC => imm.b_sext.msb
case DYNAMIC => dynamic.decodeContextPrediction
decodePrediction.cmd.hadBranch := decode.input(BRANCH_CTRL) === BranchCtrlEnum.JAL || (decode.input(BRANCH_CTRL) === BranchCtrlEnum.B && conditionalBranchPrediction)
val noPredictionOnMissaligned = (!pipeline(RVC_GEN)) generate new Area{
val missaligned = decode.input(BRANCH_CTRL).mux(
BranchCtrlEnum.JAL -> imm.j_sext(1),
default -> imm.b_sext(1)
decodePrediction.cmd.hadBranch clearWhen(missaligned)
//TODO no more fireing depedancies
predictionJumpInterface.valid := decode.arbitration.isValid && decodePrediction.cmd.hadBranch //TODO OH Doublon de priorité
predictionJumpInterface.payload := decode.input(PC) + ((decode.input(BRANCH_CTRL) === BranchCtrlEnum.JAL) ? imm.j_sext | imm.b_sext).asUInt
if(relaxPredictorAddress) KeepAttribute(predictionJumpInterface.payload)
when(predictionJumpInterface.valid && decode.arbitration.isFiring){
case DYNAMIC_TARGET => new Area{
// assert(!compressedGen || cmdToRspStageCount == 1, "Can't combine DYNAMIC_TARGET and RVC as it could stop the instruction fetch mid-air")
case class BranchPredictorLine() extends Bundle{
val source = Bits(30 - historyRamSizeLog2 bits)
val branchWish = UInt(2 bits)
val target = UInt(32 bits)
val unaligned = ifGen(compressedGen)(Bool)
val history = Mem(BranchPredictorLine(), 1 << historyRamSizeLog2)
val historyWrite = history.writePort
//Avoid write to read hazard
val historyWriteLast = RegNextWhen(historyWrite, iBusRsp.stages(0).output.ready)
val hazard = historyWriteLast.valid && historyWriteLast.address === (iBusRsp.stages(1).input.payload >> 2).resized
val line = history.readSync((iBusRsp.stages(0).input.payload >> 2).resized, iBusRsp.stages(0).output.ready)
val hit = line.source === (iBusRsp.stages(1).input.payload.asBits >> 2 + historyRamSizeLog2) && (if(compressedGen)(!(!line.unaligned && iBusRsp.stages(1).input.payload(1))) else True)
//Avoid stoping instruction fetch in the middle patch
// if(compressedGen && cmdToRspStageCount == 1){
// hit clearWhen(!decompressor.output.valid)
// }
// //Avoid write to read hazard
// val historyWriteLast = RegNextWhen(historyWrite, iBusRsp.stages(0).output.ready)
// val hazard = historyWriteLast.valid && historyWriteLast.address === (iBusRsp.stages(1).input.payload >> 2).resized
// //TODO improve predictionPcLoad way of doing things
// fetchPc.predictionPcLoad.valid := line.branchWish.msb && hit && !hazard && iBusRsp.stages(1).output.valid //XXX && !(!line.unaligned && iBusRsp.inputPipeline(0).payload(1))
// fetchPc.predictionPcLoad.payload := line.target
// case class PredictionResult() extends Bundle{
// val hazard = Bool
// val hit = Bool
// val line = BranchPredictorLine()
// }
// val fetchContext = PredictionResult()
// fetchContext.hazard := hazard
// fetchContext.hit := hit
// fetchContext.line := line
// val (decompressorContext, injectorContext) = stage1ToInjectorPipe(fetchContext)
// if(compressedGen) {
// //prediction hit on the right instruction into words
// decompressorContext.hit clearWhen(decompressorContext.line.unaligned && (decompressor.bufferValid || (decompressor.isRvc && !decompressor.input.pc(1))))
// // if(compressedGen) injectorContext.hit clearWhen(decodePc.pcReg(1) =/= injectorContext.line.unaligned)
// decodePc.predictionPcLoad.valid := injectorContext.line.branchWish.msb && injectorContext.hit && !injectorContext.hazard && injector.decodeInput.fire
// decodePc.predictionPcLoad.payload := injectorContext.line.target
// when(decompressorContext.line.branchWish.msb && decompressorContext.hit && !decompressorContext.hazard && decompressor.output.fire){
// decompressor.bufferValid := False
// decompressor.input.ready := True
// }
// }
// object PREDICTION_CONTEXT extends Stageable(PredictionResult())
// pipeline.decode.insert(PREDICTION_CONTEXT) := injectorContext
// val branchStage = fetchPrediction.stage
// val branchContext = branchStage.input(PREDICTION_CONTEXT)
// fetchPrediction.cmd.hadBranch := branchContext.hit && !branchContext.hazard && branchContext.line.branchWish.msb
// fetchPrediction.cmd.targetPc := branchContext.line.target
// historyWrite.valid := False
// historyWrite.address := fetchPrediction.rsp.sourceLastWord(2, historyRamSizeLog2 bits)
// historyWrite.data.source := fetchPrediction.rsp.sourceLastWord.asBits >> 2 + historyRamSizeLog2
// historyWrite.data.target := fetchPrediction.rsp.finalPc
// if(compressedGen) historyWrite.data.unaligned := !fetchPrediction.stage.input(PC)(1) ^ fetchPrediction.stage.input(IS_RVC)
// when(fetchPrediction.rsp.wasRight) {
// historyWrite.valid := branchContext.hit
// historyWrite.data.branchWish := branchContext.line.branchWish + (branchContext.line.branchWish === 2).asUInt - (branchContext.line.branchWish === 1).asUInt
// } otherwise {
// when(branchContext.hit) {
// historyWrite.valid := True
// historyWrite.data.branchWish := branchContext.line.branchWish - (branchContext.line.branchWish.msb).asUInt + (!branchContext.line.branchWish.msb).asUInt
// } otherwise {
// historyWrite.valid := True
// historyWrite.data.branchWish := "10"
// }
// }
// historyWrite.valid clearWhen(branchContext.hazard || !branchStage.arbitration.isFiring)
// val predictionFailure = ifGen(compressedGen && cmdToRspStageCount > 1)(new Area{
// val predictionBranch = decompressorContext.hit && !decompressorContext.hazard && decompressorContext.line.branchWish(1)
// val unalignedWordIssue = decompressor.bufferFill && decompressor.input.rsp.inst(17 downto 16) === 3 && predictionBranch
// val decompressorFailure = RegInit(False) setWhen(unalignedWordIssue) clearWhen(fetcherflushIt)
// val injectorFailure = Delay(decompressorFailure, cycleCount=if(injectorStage) 1 else 0, when=injector.decodeInput.ready)
// val bypassFailure = if(!injectorStage) False else decompressorFailure && !injector.decodeInput.valid
// dynamicTargetFailureCorrection.valid := False
// dynamicTargetFailureCorrection.payload := decode.input(PC)
// when(injectorFailure || bypassFailure){
// historyWrite.valid := True
// historyWrite.address := (decode.input(PC) >> 2).resized
// historyWrite.data.branchWish := 0
// decode.arbitration.isValid := False
// decode.arbitration.flushNext := True
// dynamicTargetFailureCorrection.valid := True
// }
// })
// }
// }
fetchPc.predictionPcLoad.valid := line.branchWish.msb && hit && !hazard && iBusRsp.stages(1).input.valid
fetchPc.predictionPcLoad.payload := line.target
case class PredictionResult() extends Bundle{
val hazard = Bool
val hit = Bool
val line = BranchPredictorLine()
val fetchContext = PredictionResult()
fetchContext.hazard := hazard
fetchContext.hit := hit
fetchContext.line := line
val (decompressorContext, injectorContext) = stage1ToInjectorPipe(fetchContext)
if(compressedGen) {
//prediction hit on the right instruction into words
decompressorContext.hit clearWhen(decompressorContext.line.unaligned && (decompressor.bufferValid || (decompressor.isRvc && !decompressor.input.pc(1))))
// if(compressedGen) injectorContext.hit clearWhen(decodePc.pcReg(1) =/= injectorContext.line.unaligned)
decodePc.predictionPcLoad.valid := injectorContext.line.branchWish.msb && injectorContext.hit && !injectorContext.hazard && injector.decodeInput.fire
decodePc.predictionPcLoad.payload := injectorContext.line.target
when(decompressorContext.line.branchWish.msb && decompressorContext.hit && !decompressorContext.hazard && decompressor.output.fire){
decompressor.bufferValid := False
decompressor.input.ready := True
object PREDICTION_CONTEXT extends Stageable(PredictionResult())
pipeline.decode.insert(PREDICTION_CONTEXT) := injectorContext
val branchStage = fetchPrediction.stage
val branchContext = branchStage.input(PREDICTION_CONTEXT)
fetchPrediction.cmd.hadBranch := branchContext.hit && !branchContext.hazard && branchContext.line.branchWish.msb
fetchPrediction.cmd.targetPc := branchContext.line.target
historyWrite.valid := False
historyWrite.address := fetchPrediction.rsp.sourceLastWord(2, historyRamSizeLog2 bits)
historyWrite.data.source := fetchPrediction.rsp.sourceLastWord.asBits >> 2 + historyRamSizeLog2
historyWrite.data.target := fetchPrediction.rsp.finalPc
if(compressedGen) historyWrite.data.unaligned := !fetchPrediction.stage.input(PC)(1) ^ fetchPrediction.stage.input(IS_RVC)
when(fetchPrediction.rsp.wasRight) {
historyWrite.valid := branchContext.hit
historyWrite.data.branchWish := branchContext.line.branchWish + (branchContext.line.branchWish === 2).asUInt - (branchContext.line.branchWish === 1).asUInt
} otherwise {
when(branchContext.hit) {
historyWrite.valid := True
historyWrite.data.branchWish := branchContext.line.branchWish - (branchContext.line.branchWish.msb).asUInt + (!branchContext.line.branchWish.msb).asUInt
} otherwise {
historyWrite.valid := True
historyWrite.data.branchWish := "10"
historyWrite.valid clearWhen(branchContext.hazard || !branchStage.arbitration.isFiring)
val predictionFailure = ifGen(compressedGen && cmdToRspStageCount > 1)(new Area{
val predictionBranch = decompressorContext.hit && !decompressorContext.hazard && decompressorContext.line.branchWish(1)
val unalignedWordIssue = decompressor.bufferFill && decompressor.input.rsp.inst(17 downto 16) === 3 && predictionBranch
val decompressorFailure = RegInit(False) setWhen(unalignedWordIssue) clearWhen(fetcherflushIt)
val injectorFailure = Delay(decompressorFailure, cycleCount=if(injectorStage) 1 else 0, when=injector.decodeInput.ready)
val bypassFailure = if(!injectorStage) False else decompressorFailure && !injector.decodeInput.valid
dynamicTargetFailureCorrection.valid := False
dynamicTargetFailureCorrection.payload := decode.input(PC)
when(injectorFailure || bypassFailure){
historyWrite.valid := True
historyWrite.address := (decode.input(PC) >> 2).resized
historyWrite.data.branchWish := 0
decode.arbitration.isValid := False
decode.arbitration.flushNext := True
dynamicTargetFailureCorrection.valid := True
def stageXToIBusRsp[T <: Data](stage : Any, input : T): (T) ={
iBusRsp.stages.dropWhile(_ != stage).tail.foldLeft(input)((data,stage) => RegNextWhen(data, stage.output.ready))
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class IBusCachedPlugin(resetVector : BigInt = 0x80000000l,
decodePcGen = compressedGen,
compressedGen = compressedGen,
cmdToRspStageCount = (if(config.twoCycleCache) 2 else 1) + (if(relaxedPcCalculation) 1 else 0),
pcRegReusedForSecondStage = true,
allowPcRegReusedForSecondStage = true,
injectorReadyCutGen = false,
prediction = prediction,
historyRamSizeLog2 = historyRamSizeLog2,
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ class IBusSimplePlugin( resetVector : BigInt,
decodePcGen = compressedGen,
compressedGen = compressedGen,
cmdToRspStageCount = busLatencyMin + (if(cmdForkOnSecondStage) 1 else 0),
pcRegReusedForSecondStage = !(cmdForkOnSecondStage && cmdForkPersistence),
allowPcRegReusedForSecondStage = !(cmdForkOnSecondStage && cmdForkPersistence),
injectorReadyCutGen = false,
prediction = prediction,
historyRamSizeLog2 = historyRamSizeLog2,
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ object StreamForkVex{
object StreamVexPimper{
implicit class StreamFlushPimper[T <: Data](pimped : Stream[T]){
def m2sPipeWithFlush(flush : Bool, discardInput : Boolean = true, collapsBubble : Boolean = true): Stream[T] = {
def m2sPipeWithFlush(flush : Bool, discardInput : Boolean = true, collapsBubble : Boolean = true, flushInput : Bool = null): Stream[T] = {
val ret = cloneOf(pimped)
val rValid = RegInit(False)
@ -132,7 +132,10 @@ object StreamVexPimper{
pimped.ready := (Bool(collapsBubble) && !ret.valid) || ret.ready
when(pimped.ready) {
rValid := pimped.valid
if(flushInput == null)
rValid := pimped.valid
rValid := pimped.valid && !flushInput
rData := pimped.payload
Reference in a new issue