Add onWrite/onRead/isWriting/isReading on the CsrPlugin

This commit is contained in:
Dolu1990 2018-02-01 21:28:28 +01:00
parent 4ee2482cbf
commit b7d8ed8a81
8 changed files with 156 additions and 84 deletions

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@ -5,32 +5,30 @@ import vexriscv.plugin.{CsrInterface, Plugin}
import vexriscv.{DecoderService, Stageable, VexRiscv}
case class CustomCsrDemoArea(csrService : CsrInterface) extends Area{
val instructionCounter = Reg(UInt(32 bits))
val cycleCounter = Reg(UInt(32 bits)), instructionCounter)
csrService.r(0xB05, cycleCounter)
class CustomCsrDemoPlugin extends Plugin[VexRiscv]{
var csrStruct : CustomCsrDemoArea = null
//Callback to setup the plugin and ask for different services
override def setup(pipeline: VexRiscv): Unit = {
import pipeline.config._
val csrService = pipeline.service(classOf[CsrInterface])
csrStruct = pipeline plug CustomCsrDemoArea(csrService)
override def build(pipeline: VexRiscv): Unit = {
import pipeline._
import pipeline.config._
csrStruct.cycleCounter := csrStruct.cycleCounter + 1
when(writeBack.arbitration.isFiring) {
csrStruct.instructionCounter := csrStruct.instructionCounter + 1
pipeline plug new Area{
val instructionCounter = Reg(UInt(32 bits))
val cycleCounter = Reg(UInt(32 bits))
cycleCounter := cycleCounter + 1
when(writeBack.arbitration.isFiring) {
instructionCounter := instructionCounter + 1
val csrService = pipeline.service(classOf[CsrInterface]), instructionCounter)
csrService.r(0xB05, cycleCounter)
instructionCounter := 0
instructionCounter := 0x40000000

View file

@ -121,15 +121,21 @@ object CsrPluginConfig{
case class CsrWrite(that : Data, bitOffset : Int)
case class CsrRead(that : Data , bitOffset : Int)
case class CsrOnWrite(doThat :() => Unit)
case class CsrOnRead(doThat : () => Unit)
case class CsrMapping() extends CsrInterface{
val mapping = mutable.HashMap[Int,ArrayBuffer[Any]]()
def addMappingAt(address : Int,that : Any) = mapping.getOrElseUpdate(address,new ArrayBuffer[Any]) += that
def r(csrAddress : Int, bitOffset : Int, that : Data): Unit = addMappingAt(csrAddress, CsrRead(that,bitOffset))
def w(csrAddress : Int, bitOffset : Int, that : Data): Unit = addMappingAt(csrAddress, CsrWrite(that,bitOffset))
override def r(csrAddress : Int, bitOffset : Int, that : Data): Unit = addMappingAt(csrAddress, CsrRead(that,bitOffset))
override def w(csrAddress : Int, bitOffset : Int, that : Data): Unit = addMappingAt(csrAddress, CsrWrite(that,bitOffset))
override def onWrite(csrAddress: Int)(body: => Unit): Unit = addMappingAt(csrAddress, CsrOnWrite(() => body))
override def onRead(csrAddress: Int)(body: => Unit): Unit = addMappingAt(csrAddress, CsrOnRead(() => {body}))
trait CsrInterface{
def onWrite(csrAddress : Int)(doThat : => Unit) : Unit
def onRead(csrAddress : Int)(doThat : => Unit) : Unit
def r(csrAddress : Int, bitOffset : Int, that : Data): Unit
def w(csrAddress : Int, bitOffset : Int, that : Data): Unit
def rw(csrAddress : Int, bitOffset : Int,that : Data): Unit ={
@ -141,6 +147,21 @@ trait CsrInterface{
def r [T <: Data](csrAddress : Int, thats : (Int, Data)*) : Unit = for(that <- thats) r(csrAddress,that._1, that._2)
def rw[T <: Data](csrAddress : Int, that : T): Unit = rw(csrAddress,0,that)
def r [T <: Data](csrAddress : Int, that : T): Unit = r(csrAddress,0,that)
def isWriting(csrAddress : Int) : Bool = {
val ret = False
ret := True
def isReading(csrAddress : Int) : Bool = {
val ret = False
ret := True
@ -189,6 +210,8 @@ class CsrPlugin(config : CsrPluginConfig) extends Plugin[VexRiscv] with Exceptio
override def r(csrAddress: Int, bitOffset: Int, that: Data): Unit = csrMapping.r(csrAddress, bitOffset, that)
override def w(csrAddress: Int, bitOffset: Int, that: Data): Unit = csrMapping.w(csrAddress, bitOffset, that)
override def onWrite(csrAddress: Int)(body: => Unit): Unit = csrMapping.onWrite(csrAddress)(body)
override def onRead(csrAddress: Int)(body: => Unit): Unit = csrMapping.onRead(csrAddress)(body)
override def setup(pipeline: VexRiscv): Unit = {
import pipeline.config._
@ -483,9 +506,11 @@ class CsrPlugin(config : CsrPluginConfig) extends Plugin[VexRiscv] with Exceptio
val writeOpcode = (!((input(INSTRUCTION)(14 downto 13) === "01" && input(INSTRUCTION)(rs1Range) === 0)
|| (input(INSTRUCTION)(14 downto 13) === "11" && imm.z === 0)))
val writeInstruction = arbitration.isValid && input(IS_CSR) && writeOpcode
val readInstruction = arbitration.isValid && input(IS_CSR) && !writeOpcode
arbitration.haltItself setWhen(writeInstruction && !readDataRegValid)
val writeEnable = writeInstruction && !arbitration.isStuckByOthers && !arbitration.removeIt && readDataRegValid
val readEnable = readInstruction && !arbitration.isStuckByOthers && !arbitration.removeIt
when(arbitration.isValid && input(IS_CSR)) {
output(REGFILE_WRITE_DATA) := readData
@ -493,33 +518,45 @@ class CsrPlugin(config : CsrPluginConfig) extends Plugin[VexRiscv] with Exceptio
//Translation of the csrMapping into real logic
val csrAddress = input(INSTRUCTION)(csrRange)
switch(csrAddress) {
for ((address, jobs) <- csrMapping.mapping) {
is(address) {
val withWrite = jobs.exists(_.isInstanceOf[CsrWrite])
val withRead = jobs.exists(_.isInstanceOf[CsrRead])
if(withRead && withWrite) {
illegalAccess := False
} else {
if (withWrite) illegalAccess.clearWhen(writeOpcode)
if (withRead) illegalAccess.clearWhen(!writeOpcode)
Component.current.addPrePopTask(() => {
switch(csrAddress) {
for ((address, jobs) <- csrMapping.mapping) {
is(address) {
val withWrite = jobs.exists(j => j.isInstanceOf[CsrWrite] || j.isInstanceOf[CsrOnWrite])
val withRead = jobs.exists(j => j.isInstanceOf[CsrRead] || j.isInstanceOf[CsrOnRead])
if(withRead && withWrite) {
illegalAccess := False
} else {
if (withWrite) illegalAccess.clearWhen(writeOpcode)
if (withRead) illegalAccess.clearWhen(!writeOpcode)
when(writeEnable) {
for (element <- jobs) element match {
case element: CsrWrite => element.that.assignFromBits(writeData(element.bitOffset, element.that.getBitsWidth bits))
case element: CsrOnWrite =>
case _ =>
when(writeEnable) {
for (element <- jobs) element match {
case element: CsrWrite => element.that.assignFromBits(writeData(element.bitOffset, element.that.getBitsWidth bits))
case element: CsrRead if element.that.getBitsWidth != 0 => readData(element.bitOffset, element.that.getBitsWidth bits) := element.that.asBits
case _ =>
for (element <- jobs) element match {
case element: CsrRead if element.that.getBitsWidth != 0 => readData(element.bitOffset, element.that.getBitsWidth bits) := element.that.asBits
case _ =>
when(readEnable) {
for (element <- jobs) element match {
case element: CsrOnRead =>
case _ =>
illegalAccess setWhen(privilege.asUInt < csrAddress(9 downto 8).asUInt)
illegalAccess setWhen(privilege.asUInt < csrAddress(9 downto 8).asUInt)

View file

@ -9,34 +9,47 @@ Disassembly of section .crt_section:
4: b04020f3 csrr ra,mhpmcounter4
8: b0402173 csrr sp,mhpmcounter4
c: b04021f3 csrr gp,mhpmcounter4
10: 02114e63 blt sp,ra,4c <fail>
14: 0221cc63 blt gp,sp,4c <fail>
10: 06114863 blt sp,ra,80 <fail>
14: 0621c663 blt gp,sp,80 <fail>
18: 00200e13 li t3,2
1c: 005dc0b7 lui ra,0x5dc
20: 98a08093 addi ra,ra,-1654 # 5db98a <pass+0x5db932>
20: 98a08093 addi ra,ra,-1654 # 5db98a <pass+0x5db8fe>
24: b0409073 csrw mhpmcounter4,ra
28: b0402173 csrr sp,mhpmcounter4
2c: 02114063 blt sp,ra,4c <fail>
2c: 04114a63 blt sp,ra,80 <fail>
30: 00300e13 li t3,3
34: b05020f3 csrr ra,mhpmcounter5
38: b0502173 csrr sp,mhpmcounter5
3c: b05021f3 csrr gp,mhpmcounter5
40: 0020d663 ble sp,ra,4c <fail>
44: 00315463 ble gp,sp,4c <fail>
48: 0100006f j 58 <pass>
40: 0420d063 ble sp,ra,80 <fail>
44: 02315e63 ble gp,sp,80 <fail>
48: 00400e13 li t3,4
4c: b0609073 csrw mhpmcounter6,ra
50: b04020f3 csrr ra,mhpmcounter4
54: 10000113 li sp,256
58: 0220f463 bleu sp,ra,80 <fail>
5c: 00500e13 li t3,5
60: b07020f3 csrr ra,mhpmcounter7
64: b04020f3 csrr ra,mhpmcounter4
68: 40000137 lui sp,0x40000
6c: 10010113 addi sp,sp,256 # 40000100 <pass+0x40000074>
70: 400001b7 lui gp,0x40000
74: 0020f663 bleu sp,ra,80 <fail>
78: 0030e463 bltu ra,gp,80 <fail>
7c: 0100006f j 8c <pass>
0000004c <fail>:
4c: f0100137 lui sp,0xf0100
50: f2410113 addi sp,sp,-220 # f00fff24 <pass+0xf00ffecc>
54: 01c12023 sw t3,0(sp)
00000080 <fail>:
80: f0100137 lui sp,0xf0100
84: f2410113 addi sp,sp,-220 # f00fff24 <pass+0xf00ffe98>
88: 01c12023 sw t3,0(sp)
00000058 <pass>:
58: f0100137 lui sp,0xf0100
5c: f2010113 addi sp,sp,-224 # f00fff20 <pass+0xf00ffec8>
60: 00012023 sw zero,0(sp)
64: 00000013 nop
68: 00000013 nop
6c: 00000013 nop
70: 00000013 nop
74: 00000013 nop
78: 00000013 nop
0000008c <pass>:
8c: f0100137 lui sp,0xf0100
90: f2010113 addi sp,sp,-224 # f00fff20 <pass+0xf00ffe94>
94: 00012023 sw zero,0(sp)
98: 00000013 nop
9c: 00000013 nop
a0: 00000013 nop
a4: 00000013 nop
a8: 00000013 nop
ac: 00000013 nop

View file

@ -1,9 +1,12 @@

View file

@ -8,23 +8,23 @@ onChipRam 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000002000 w !xr
Linker script and memory map
LOAD build/src/crt.o
LOAD /opt/riscv/bin/../lib/gcc/riscv64-unknown-elf/7.1.1/rv32i/ilp32/libgcc.a
LOAD /opt/riscv/bin/../lib/gcc/riscv64-unknown-elf/7.2.0/rv32i/ilp32/libgcc.a
LOAD /opt/riscv/bin/../lib/gcc/riscv64-unknown-elf/7.1.1/../../../../riscv64-unknown-elf/lib/rv32i/ilp32/libc.a
LOAD /opt/riscv/bin/../lib/gcc/riscv64-unknown-elf/7.1.1/../../../../riscv64-unknown-elf/lib/rv32i/ilp32/libgloss.a
LOAD /opt/riscv/bin/../lib/gcc/riscv64-unknown-elf/7.2.0/../../../../riscv64-unknown-elf/lib/rv32i/ilp32/libc.a
LOAD /opt/riscv/bin/../lib/gcc/riscv64-unknown-elf/7.2.0/../../../../riscv64-unknown-elf/lib/rv32i/ilp32/libgloss.a
LOAD /opt/riscv/bin/../lib/gcc/riscv64-unknown-elf/7.1.1/rv32i/ilp32/libgcc.a
LOAD /opt/riscv/bin/../lib/gcc/riscv64-unknown-elf/7.2.0/rv32i/ilp32/libgcc.a
0x0000000000000000 . = 0x0
.crt_section 0x0000000000000000 0x7c
.crt_section 0x0000000000000000 0xb0
0x0000000000000000 . = ALIGN (0x4)
.text 0x0000000000000000 0x7c build/src/crt.o
.text 0x0000000000000000 0xb0 build/src/crt.o
0x0000000000000000 _start
OUTPUT(build/custom_csr.elf elf32-littleriscv)
.data 0x000000000000007c 0x0
.data 0x000000000000007c 0x0 build/src/crt.o
.data 0x00000000000000b0 0x0
.data 0x00000000000000b0 0x0 build/src/crt.o
.bss 0x000000000000007c 0x0
.bss 0x000000000000007c 0x0 build/src/crt.o
.bss 0x00000000000000b0 0x0
.bss 0x00000000000000b0 0x0 build/src/crt.o

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@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
13 0E 10 00 F3 20 40 B0 73 21 40 B0 F3 21 40 B0
63 4E 11 02 63 CC 21 02 13 0E 20 00 B7 C0 5D 00
93 80 A0 98 73 90 40 B0 73 21 40 B0 63 40 11 02
63 48 11 06 63 C6 21 06 13 0E 20 00 B7 C0 5D 00
93 80 A0 98 73 90 40 B0 73 21 40 B0 63 4A 11 04
13 0E 30 00 F3 20 50 B0 73 21 50 B0 F3 21 50 B0
63 D6 20 00 63 54 31 00 6F 00 00 01 37 01 10 F0
13 01 41 F2 23 20 C1 01 37 01 10 F0 13 01 01 F2
23 20 01 00 13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00
13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00
63 D0 20 04 63 5E 31 02 13 0E 40 00 73 90 60 B0
F3 20 40 B0 13 01 00 10 63 F4 20 02 13 0E 50 00
F3 20 70 B0 F3 20 40 B0 37 01 00 40 13 01 01 10
B7 01 00 40 63 F6 20 00 63 E4 30 00 6F 00 00 01
37 01 10 F0 13 01 41 F2 23 20 C1 01 37 01 10 F0
13 01 01 F2 23 20 01 00 13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00
13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00

View file

@ -26,6 +26,24 @@ _start:
bge x1, x2, fail
bge x2, x3, fail
//Test 4
li x28, 4
csrw 0xB06, x1
csrr x1, 0xB04
li x2, 0x100
bgeu x1, x2, fail
//Test 5
li x28, 5
csrr x1, 0xB07
csrr x1, 0xB04
li x2, 0x40000100
li x3, 0x40000000
bgeu x1, x2, fail
bltu x1, x3, fail
j pass
fail: //x28 => error code