mirror of
synced 2025-01-03 03:43:39 -05:00
fpu completion interface added + refractoring
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 67 additions and 102 deletions
@ -19,14 +19,9 @@ case class FpuCore( portCount : Int, p : FpuParameter) extends Component{
val Source = HardType(UInt(portCountWidth bits))
val exponentOne = (1 << p.internalExponentSize-1) - 1
// val commitPerportCount = 8
val rfLockCount = 5
val lockIdType = HardType(UInt(log2Up(rfLockCount) bits))
// io.port.rsp.valid := False
// io.port.rsp.payload.assignDontCare()
case class RfReadInput() extends Bundle{
val source = Source()
val opcode = p.Opcode()
@ -52,7 +47,7 @@ case class FpuCore( portCount : Int, p : FpuParameter) extends Component{
val lockId = lockIdType()
case class StoreInput() extends Bundle{
case class ShortPipInput() extends Bundle{
val source = Source()
val opcode = p.Opcode()
val rs1, rs2 = p.internalFloating()
@ -88,7 +83,7 @@ case class FpuCore( portCount : Int, p : FpuParameter) extends Component{
val rd = p.rfAddress()
val lockId = lockIdType()
case class WriteInput() extends Bundle{
val source = Source()
val lockId = lockIdType()
@ -111,6 +106,31 @@ case class FpuCore( portCount : Int, p : FpuParameter) extends Component{
val lockFreeId = OHMasking.first(lock.map(!_.valid))
val completion = for(source <- 0 until portCount) yield new Area{
def port = io.port(source)
port.completion.flag.NV := False
port.completion.flag.DZ := False
port.completion.flag.OF := False
port.completion.flag.UF := False
port.completion.flag.NX := False
val increments = ArrayBuffer[Bool]()
// def increment(): Unit ={
// //This is a SpinalHDL trick which allow to go back in time
// val swapContext = dslBody.swap()
// val cond = False
// swapContext.appendBack()
// cond := True
// incs += cond
// }
port.completion.count := increments.map(_.asUInt.resize(log2Up(increments.size + 1))).reduceBalancedTree(_ + _)
val commitFork = new Area{
val load, commit = Vec(Stream(FpuCommit(p)), portCount)
for(i <- 0 until portCount){
@ -141,16 +161,6 @@ case class FpuCore( portCount : Int, p : FpuParameter) extends Component{
// case class CommitLine() extends Bundle{
// val valid = Bool()
// val write = Bool()
// }
// val commits = for(i <- 0 until portCount) yield new Area{
// val lines = Vec(CommitLine(), commitPerportCount)
// lines.foreach(_.valid init(False))
// }
val read = new Area{
val arbiter = StreamArbiterFactory.noLock.lowerFirst.build(FpuCmd(p), portCount)
arbiter.io.inputs <> Vec(io.port.map(_.cmd))
@ -162,63 +172,20 @@ case class FpuCore( portCount : Int, p : FpuParameter) extends Component{
val useRs1, useRs2, useRs3, useRd = False
useRd := True
useRs2 := True
useRs1 := True
useRs2 := True
useRd := True
useRs1 := True
useRs2 := True
useRd := True
useRs1 := True
useRs2 := True
useRd := True
useRs1 := True
useRd := True
useRs1 := True
useRs2 := True
useRs3 := True //Can be delayed to have less hazard
useRd := True
useRd := True
useRs1 := True
useRd := True
useRs1 := True
useRs2 := True
useRs1 := True
useRs2 := True
useRd := True
useRs1 := True
useRs2 := True
useRs1 := True
useRd := True
is(p.Opcode.LOAD) { useRd := True }
is(p.Opcode.STORE) { useRs2 := True }
is(p.Opcode.ADD) { useRd := True; useRs1 := True; useRs2 := True }
is(p.Opcode.MUL) { useRd := True; useRs1 := True; useRs2 := True }
is(p.Opcode.DIV) { useRd := True; useRs1 := True; useRs2 := True }
is(p.Opcode.SQRT) { useRd := True; useRs1 := True }
is(p.Opcode.FMA) { useRd := True; useRs1 := True; useRs2 := True; useRs3 := True }
is(p.Opcode.I2F) { useRd := True }
is(p.Opcode.F2I) { useRs1 := True }
is(p.Opcode.MIN_MAX) { useRd := True; useRs1 := True; useRs2 := True }
is(p.Opcode.CMP) { useRs1 := True; useRs2 := True }
is(p.Opcode.SGNJ) { useRd := True; useRs1 := True; useRs2 := True }
is(p.Opcode.FMV_X_W) { useRs1 := True }
is(p.Opcode.FMV_W_X) { useRd := True}
val hits = List((useRs1, s0.rs1), (useRs2, s0.rs2), (useRs3, s0.rs3), (useRd, s0.rd)).map{case (use, reg) => use && rf.lock.map(l => l.valid && l.source === s0.source && l.address === reg).orR}
@ -261,32 +228,19 @@ case class FpuCore( portCount : Int, p : FpuParameter) extends Component{
val load = Stream(LoadInput())
load.valid := input.valid && loadHit
input.ready setWhen(loadHit && load.ready)
load.source := read.output.source
load.rd := read.output.rd
load.rs1 := read.output.rs1
load.lockId := read.output.lockId
val coreRspHit = List(FpuOpcode.STORE, FpuOpcode.F2I, FpuOpcode.CMP, FpuOpcode.I2F, FpuOpcode.MIN_MAX, FpuOpcode.SGNJ, FpuOpcode.FMV_X_W, FpuOpcode.FMV_W_X).map(input.opcode === _).orR
val coreRsp = Stream(StoreInput())
input.ready setWhen(coreRspHit && coreRsp.ready)
coreRsp.valid := input.valid && coreRspHit
coreRsp.source := read.output.source
coreRsp.opcode := read.output.opcode
coreRsp.rs1 := read.output.rs1
coreRsp.rs2 := read.output.rs2
coreRsp.lockId := read.output.lockId
coreRsp.rd := read.output.rd
coreRsp.value := read.output.value
val shortPipHit = List(FpuOpcode.STORE, FpuOpcode.F2I, FpuOpcode.CMP, FpuOpcode.I2F, FpuOpcode.MIN_MAX, FpuOpcode.SGNJ, FpuOpcode.FMV_X_W, FpuOpcode.FMV_W_X).map(input.opcode === _).orR
val shortPip = Stream(ShortPipInput())
input.ready setWhen(shortPipHit && shortPip.ready)
shortPip.valid := input.valid && shortPipHit
val divSqrtHit = input.opcode === p.Opcode.DIV || input.opcode === p.Opcode.SQRT
val divSqrt = Stream(DivSqrtInput())
input.ready setWhen(divSqrtHit && divSqrt.ready)
divSqrt.valid := input.valid && divSqrtHit
divSqrt.source := read.output.source
divSqrt.rs1 := read.output.rs1
divSqrt.rs2 := read.output.rs2
divSqrt.rd := read.output.rd
divSqrt.lockId := read.output.lockId
divSqrt.div := input.opcode === p.Opcode.DIV
val fmaHit = input.opcode === p.Opcode.FMA
@ -323,8 +277,6 @@ case class FpuCore( portCount : Int, p : FpuParameter) extends Component{
val load = new Area{
val input = decode.load.stage()
val filtred = commitFork.load.map(port => port.takeWhen(port.load))
@ -339,11 +291,8 @@ case class FpuCore( portCount : Int, p : FpuParameter) extends Component{
val shortPip = new Area{
val input = decode.coreRsp.stage()
val input = decode.shortPip.stage()
val rfOutput = Stream(WriteInput())
@ -407,6 +356,7 @@ case class FpuCore( portCount : Int, p : FpuParameter) extends Component{
def rsp = io.port(i).rsp
rsp.valid := input.valid && input.source === i && !toFpuRf
rsp.value := result
completion(i).increments += (RegNext(rsp.fire) init(False))
@ -689,6 +639,10 @@ case class FpuCore( portCount : Int, p : FpuParameter) extends Component{
port.valid := commited.valid && rf.lock.map(_.write).read(commited.lockId)
port.address := commited.source @@ commited.rd
port.data := commited.value
for(i <- 0 until portCount){
completion(i).increments += (RegNext(port.fire && commited.source === i) init(False))
@ -52,6 +52,15 @@ case class FpuParameter( internalMantissaSize : Int,
val Format = FpuFormat
case class FpuFlags() extends Bundle{
val NV, DZ, OF, UF, NX = Bool()
case class FpuCompletion() extends Bundle{
val flag = FpuFlags()
val count = UInt(2 bits)
case class FpuCmd(p : FpuParameter) extends Bundle{
val opcode = p.Opcode()
val value = Bits(32 bits) // Int to float
@ -75,9 +84,11 @@ case class FpuPort(p : FpuParameter) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave {
val cmd = Stream(FpuCmd(p))
val commit = Stream(FpuCommit(p))
val rsp = Stream(FpuRsp(p))
val completion = FpuCompletion()
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
master(cmd, commit)
@ -16,13 +16,13 @@ class FpuTest extends FunSuite{
val portCount = 1
val portCount = 4
val p = FpuParameter(
internalMantissaSize = 23,
withDouble = false
SimConfig.withFstWave.compile(new FpuCore(1, p)).doSim(seed = 42){ dut =>
SimConfig.withFstWave.compile(new FpuCore(portCount, p)).doSim(seed = 42){ dut =>
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