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Customizing the Makefiles
A powerful tool in creating your own designs is understanding how to generate your own Makefile to
compile projects. This tutorial walks you through some of the key aspects of working with Makefiles
and explains how you can create Makefiles for your own designs.
If you would like to use methods other than a Makefile to build and compile your designs
(such as python or bash scripts) or if you would like to learn more about the various Symbiflow
commands used by the Makefile to build and compile designs take a look at the
`Understanding Toolchain Commands <understanding-commands.html>`_ page.
Every example design in Symbiflow has its own Makefile. For example
`counter test <https://github.com/SymbiFlow/symbiflow-examples/blob/master/xc7/counter_test/Makefile>`_,
`Linux Litex demo <https://github.com/SymbiFlow/symbiflow-examples/blob/master/xc7/linux_litex_demo/Makefile>`_,
and `PicoSoC demo <https://github.com/SymbiFlow/symbiflow-examples/blob/master/xc7/picosoc_demo/Makefile>`_
all have there own unique Makefiles for compiling and building respective designs. To understand
how to set up a Makefile in Symbiflow, lets take a look at a simple Makefile. The following code
is based on the Makefile within `counter test <https://github.com/SymbiFlow/symbiflow-examples/blob/master/xc7/counter_test/Makefile>`_
and has been modified slightly for simplicity. Highlighted lines within the code below are of
particular interest and will change depending on your specific design elements and hardware.
Lines that are not highlighted do not change from design to design and can be copy and pasted
into your own Makefile.
.. code-block:: bash
:name: makefile-example
:emphasize-lines: 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 22, 25, 28, 31
mkfile_path := $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
current_dir := $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(mkfile_path)))
TOP := top
VERILOG := ${current_dir}/counter.v
DEVICE := xc7a50t_test
BUILDDIR := build
PARTNAME := xc7a35tcpg236-1
XDC := ${current_dir}/basys3.xdc
all: ${BOARD_BUILDDIR}/${TOP}.bit
mkdir -p ${BOARD_BUILDDIR}
cd ${BOARD_BUILDDIR} && symbiflow_synth -t ${TOP} -v ${VERILOG} -d ${BITSTREAM_DEVICE} -p ${PARTNAME} -x ${XDC} 2>&1 > /dev/null
cd ${BOARD_BUILDDIR} && symbiflow_pack -e ${TOP}.eblif -d ${DEVICE} 2>&1 > /dev/null
cd ${BOARD_BUILDDIR} && symbiflow_place -e ${TOP}.eblif -d ${DEVICE} -n ${TOP}.net -P ${PARTNAME} 2>&1 > /dev/null
cd ${BOARD_BUILDDIR} && symbiflow_route -e ${TOP}.eblif -d ${DEVICE} 2>&1 > /dev/null
cd ${BOARD_BUILDDIR} && symbiflow_write_fasm -e ${TOP}.eblif -d ${DEVICE}
cd ${BOARD_BUILDDIR} && symbiflow_write_bitstream -d ${BITSTREAM_DEVICE} -f ${TOP}.fasm -p ${PARTNAME} -b ${TOP}.bit
rm -rf ${BUILDDIR}
Adding HDL files to your design
:ref:`Line 3 <makefile-example>` in the Makefile shows how to define the name for your top level module. For example, if
your top module was named ``module switches ( ...`` then you would simply change line 3 to
``TOP := switches``.
.. warning::
If you change the name of your top level module then the command you use to download the bitstream to
your board using ``openocd`` will need to change slightly from what is provided in the examples. For
instance, if you changed the top level module name to ``TOP := my_module_top`` then the openocd command
would change to:
.. code-block:: bash
openocd -f <Your install directory>/xc7/conda/envs/xc7/share/openocd/scripts/board/digilent_arty.cfg -c "init; pld load 0 my_module_top.bit; exit"
Note that the only part of the command that changes is "<top module name>.bit;"
:ref:`Line 4 <makefile-example>` in the Makefile shows how to add HDL files to the design. The general syntax is:
``<HDL language>:=${current_dir}/<your HDL file path>``. You can also add multiple HDL files to a
design using the following syntax:
.. code-block:: bash
:name: multi-file-example
<HDL language> := ${current_dir}/<HDL file 1> \
${current_dir}/<HDL file 2> \
${current_dir}/<HDL file 3> \
${current_dir}/<HDL file 4> \
You could also use wildcards to collect all HDL file types of a specific extension and add them
to your design. For example, if you wanted to add all verilog files within the current directory
to your design, you could replace line 4 in the Makefile with:
.. code-block:: bash
:name: wildcard-example
VERILOG := ${current_dir}/*.v
To include SystemVerilog HDL in your designs simply change the ``.v`` extension in the examples
above to a ``.sv``. You might also want to change the ``VERILOG`` bash variables throughout the
Makefile to ``SYSTEM_VERILOG`` to improve readability.
.. note::
As of this writing, symbiflow only offers full support for Verilog by default.
SystemVerilog can also be run through the toolchain but more complicated
designs may not be fully supported.
Setting the Board Type and Part Name
:ref:`Line 5 <makefile-example>` in the example Makefile defines the device fabric
for the board being used in the project. Several different device fabrics are
supported and a listing of the commands for each follow:
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: Arty_35T
.. code-block:: bash
:name: example-counter-a35t-group
DEVICE := xc7a50t_test
.. group-tab:: Arty_100T
.. code-block:: bash
:name: example-counter-a100t-group
DEVICE := xc7a100t_test
.. group-tab:: Nexus 4 DDR
.. code-block:: bash
:name: example-counter-nexys4ddr-group
DEVICE := xc7a100t_test
.. group-tab:: Basys3
.. code-block:: bash
:name: example-counter-basys3-group
DEVICE := xc7a50t_test
.. group-tab:: Zybo Z7
.. code-block:: bash
:name: example-counter-zybo-group
DEVICE := xc7z010_test
.. group-tab:: Nexys Video
.. code-block:: bash
:name: example-counter-nexys_video-group
DEVICE := xc7a200t_test
:ref:`Line 7 <makefile-example>` defines the family for your FPGA. For example basys3 and arty boards are from the artix7
family while zybo boards are from the zynq7 series.
As shown on :ref:`line 9 <makefile-example>` of the example Makefile, you will also need to define the specific FPGA part
number for your chip. To do this, you need to add the following line of code to your Makefile
depending on your hardware:
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: Arty_35T
.. code-block:: bash
:name: example-part-a35t-group
PARTNAME := xc7a35tcsg324-1
.. group-tab:: Arty_100T
.. code-block:: bash
:name: example-part-a100t-group
PARTNAME := xc7a100tcsg324-1
.. group-tab:: Nexus 4 DDR
.. code-block:: bash
:name: example-part-nexys4ddr-group
PARTNAME := xc7a100tcsg324-1
.. group-tab:: Basys3
.. code-block:: bash
:name: example-part-basys3-group
PARTNAME := xc7a35tcpg236-1
.. group-tab:: Zybo Z7
.. code-block:: bash
:name: example-part-zybo-group
PARTNAME := xc7z010clg400-1
.. group-tab:: Nexys Video
.. code-block:: bash
:name: example-part-nexys_video-group
PARTNAME := xc7a200tsbg484-1
Constraint files
:ref:`Line 10 <makefile-example>` shows how you can specify what constraint files are being used for your design. The
general syntax depends on whether you are using XDC files or a SDC+PCF pair:
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: XDC
.. code-block:: bash
XDC := ${current_dir}/<name of XDC file>
.. group-tab:: SDC+PCF
.. code-block:: bash
PCF := ${current_dir}/<name of PCF file>
SDC := ${current_dir}/<name of SDC file>
Note that the :ref:`lines 22, 25, 28, and 31 <makefile-example>` (.eblif, net, place, and route) will also need to change
depending on if you use an XDC file or some combination of SDC and PCF files. The following
snippets show the differences and the areas that will need to change:
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: XDC
.. code-block:: bash
:lineno-start: 21
:emphasize-lines: 2
cd ${BOARD_BUILDDIR} && symbiflow_synth -t ${TOP} -v ${VERILOG} -d ${BITSTREAM_DEVICE} -p ${PARTNAME} -x ${XDC} 2>&1 > /dev/null
cd ${BOARD_BUILDDIR} && symbiflow_pack -e ${TOP}.eblif -d ${DEVICE} 2>&1 > /dev/null
cd ${BOARD_BUILDDIR} && symbiflow_place -e ${TOP}.eblif -d ${DEVICE} -n ${TOP}.net -P ${PARTNAME} 2>&1 > /dev/null
cd ${BOARD_BUILDDIR} && symbiflow_route -e ${TOP}.eblif -d ${DEVICE} 2>&1 > /dev/null
.. group-tab:: SDC+PCF
.. code-block:: bash
:lineno-start: 21
:emphasize-lines: 5, 8, 11
cd ${BOARD_BUILDDIR} && symbiflow_synth -t ${TOP} -v ${VERILOG} -d ${BITSTREAM_DEVICE} -p ${PARTNAME}
cd ${BOARD_BUILDDIR} && symbiflow_pack -e ${TOP}.eblif -d ${DEVICE} -s ${SDC}
cd ${BOARD_BUILDDIR} && symbiflow_place -e ${TOP}.eblif -d ${DEVICE} -p ${PCF} -n ${TOP}.net -P ${PARTNAME} -s ${SDC} 2>&1 > /dev/null
cd ${BOARD_BUILDDIR} && symbiflow_route -e ${TOP}.eblif -d ${DEVICE} -s ${SDC} 2>&1 > /dev/null
:ref:`Lines 33-37 <makefile-example>` (running ``symbiflow_write_fasm`` and ``symbiflow_write_bitstream``) typically do
not change within the Makefile from design to design.
A Note on the example designs use of ifeq/else ifeq blocks
If you look at the Makefiles from the example designs within Symbiflow
(i.e. counter test, Picosoc, etc.), you will find an ifeq else ifeq block. The following snippet
is from lines 9-39 of `the Makefile from counter test <https://github.com/SymbiFlow/symbiflow-examples/blob/master/xc7/counter_test/Makefile>`_:
.. code-block:: bash
:name: counter-test Makefile snippet
:lineno-start: 9
ifeq ($(TARGET),arty_35)
PARTNAME := xc7a35tcsg324-1
else ifeq ($(TARGET),arty_100)
PARTNAME := xc7a100tcsg324-1
DEVICE := xc7a100t_test
else ifeq ($(TARGET),nexys4ddr)
PARTNAME:= xc7a100tcsg324-1
DEVICE := xc7a100t_test
else ifeq ($(TARGET),zybo)
PARTNAME := xc7z010clg400-1
XDC := ${current_dir}/zybo.xdc
DEVICE := xc7z010_test
VERILOG := ${current_dir}/counter_zynq.v
else ifeq ($(TARGET),nexys_video)
PARTNAME := xc7a200tsbg484-1
XDC := ${current_dir}/nexys_video.xdc
DEVICE := xc7a200t_test
PARTNAME := xc7a35tcpg236-1
XDC := ${current_dir}/basys3.xdc
This snippet of code is an if else block used to set the specific PARTNAME and DEVICE parameters
for different types of hardware. Since each FPGA has a unique pin configuration, the block also
defines a constraint file specific to the hardware being used (i.e. ``basys3.xdc``,
``nexys_video.xdc``). The code block determines what type of hardware is being used based upon a
TARGET variable which is assumed to be defined before running make. For example, you may recall
running ``TARGET="<board type>" make -C counter_test`` before building the counter test example.
This command sets the TARGET variable to the type of hardware you are using.
The if else block is completely optional. If you are only using one type of hardware for your
designs, then you could just use something similar to :ref:`lines 5, 9 and 10 <makefile-example>` in our example:
.. code-block:: bash
:name: device-partname-snippet
DEVICE := xc7a50t_test
PARTNAME := xc7a35tcpg236-1
XDC := ${current_dir}/<name of XDC file>
If you plan on using multiple types of hardware for your designs, then it might be better to just
copy the if else block from one of the Symbiflow-examples. Note that you may need to change the
names for the XDC or PCF+SDC parameters to match the names you have used. Also remember that you
will need to set the TARGET variable before running make on your design.