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SymbiFlow examples
This repository provides example FPGA designs that can be built using the SymbiFlow open source toolchain.
The examples target the Xilinx Artix-7 and the QuickLogic EOS S3 devices.
The repository includes:
* `eos-s3 </eos-s3>`_ - Example FPGA designs for the QuickLogic EOS S3 series of parts:
* Verilog code
* Pin constraints files
* Timing constraints files
* Makefiles for running the SymbiFlow toolchain
* `xc7 </xc7>`_ - Example FPGA designs for the Xilinx 7 series of parts:
* Verilog code
* Pin constraints files
* Timing constraints files
* Makefiles for running the SymbiFlow toolchain
* `.travis.yml <.travis.yml>`_ - Travis CI configuration file
Clone this repository
If you have not already done so, clone this repository and ``cd`` into it:
.. code:: bash
sudo apt install git
git clone https://github.com/SymbiFlow/symbiflow-examples.git && cd symbiflow-examples
The only required prerequisite is ``wget``. You can install it using:
* For Ubuntu:
.. code:: bash
:name: install-wget-ubuntu
apt update && apt install -y wget
* For CentOS:
.. code:: bash
:name: install-wget-centos
yum install -y wget
Toolchain installation
This section describes how to install the toolchain. This procedure is divided in three steps:
- Installing the Conda package manager
- Choosing an installation directory
- Downloading the architecture definitions and installing the toolchain
1. Conda
.. code:: bash
:name: wget-conda
wget https://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh -O conda_installer.sh
2. Choose the install directory
The install directory can either be in your home directory
such as ``~/opt/symbiflow`` or in a system directory such as ``/opt/symbiflow``.
If you choose a system directory, you will need root permission to perform the installation,
and so you will need to add some ``sudo`` commands to the instructions below.
.. code:: bash
3. Toolchain
* For the Artix-7 devices:
.. code:: bash
:name: xc7-setup-toolchain
bash conda_installer.sh -b -p $INSTALL_DIR/xc7/conda
source "$INSTALL_DIR/xc7/conda/etc/profile.d/conda.sh"
conda env create -f xc7/environment.yml
conda activate xc7
wget -qO- https://storage.googleapis.com/symbiflow-arch-defs/artifacts/prod/foss-fpga-tools/symbiflow-arch-defs/continuous/install/66/20200914-111752/symbiflow-arch-defs-install-05d68df0.tar.xz | tar -xJ --one-top-level=$INSTALL_DIR/xc7/install
conda deactivate
* For the EOS S3 devices:
.. code:: bash
:name: eos-s3-setup-toolchain
bash conda_installer.sh -b -p $INSTALL_DIR/eos-s3/conda
source "$INSTALL_DIR/eos-s3/conda/etc/profile.d/conda.sh"
conda env create -f eos-s3/environment.yml
conda activate eos-s3
wget -qO- https://quicklogic-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/p/kkumar/EWuqtXJmalROpI2L5XeewMIBRYVCY8H4yc10nlli-Xq79g?download=1 | tar -xJ -C $INSTALL_DIR/eos-s3/
conda deactivate
Build Example Designs
With the toolchain installed, you can build the example designs.
The example designs are provided in separate directories:
* ``xc7`` directory for the Artix-7 devices
* ``eos-s3`` directory for the EOS S3 devices
Example designs for the Artix-7 devices:
Before building any example, set the installation directory to match what you set it to earlier,
.. code:: bash
export INSTALL_DIR=~/opt/symbiflow
and prepare the environment:
.. code:: bash
:name: xc7-prepare-env
# adding symbiflow toolchain binaries to PATH
export PATH="$INSTALL_DIR/xc7/install/bin:$PATH"
source "$INSTALL_DIR/xc7/conda/etc/profile.d/conda.sh"
conda activate xc7
To build the counter example, run any or all of the following commands:
.. code:: bash
:name: xc7-counter
pushd xc7/counter_test && make clean && TARGET="arty_50" make && popd
pushd xc7/counter_test && make clean && TARGET="arty_100" make && popd
pushd xc7/counter_test && make clean && TARGET="basys3" make && popd
To build the picosoc example, run the following commands:
.. code:: bash
:name: xc7-picosoc
pushd xc7/picosoc_demo && make && popd
To build the litex example, run the following commands:
.. code:: bash
:name: xc7-litex
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/enjoy-digital/litex/master/litex_setup.py
chmod +x litex_setup.py
./litex_setup.py init
./litex_setup.py install
wget https://static.dev.sifive.com/dev-tools/riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc-8.1.0-2019.01.0-x86_64-linux-ubuntu14.tar.gz
tar -xf riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc-8.1.0-2019.01.0-x86_64-linux-ubuntu14.tar.gz
export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc-8.1.0-2019.01.0-x86_64-linux-ubuntu14/bin/
pushd litex/litex/boards/targets && ./arty.py --toolchain symbiflow --cpu-type vexriscv --build && popd
To build the linux-litex-demo example, run the following commands:
.. code:: bash
:name: xc7-linux
pushd xc7/linux_litex_demo && make && popd
pushd xc7/linux_litex_demo && TARGET="arty_100" make && popd
Example design for the EOS S3 devices:
Before building any example, set the installation directory to match what you set it to earlier,
.. code:: bash
export INSTALL_DIR=~/opt/symbiflow
and prepare the environment:
.. code:: bash
:name: eos-s3-prepare-env
export PATH="$INSTALL_DIR/eos-s3/install/bin:$PATH"
source "$INSTALL_DIR/eos-s3/conda/etc/profile.d/conda.sh"
conda activate eos-s3
To build the example, run the following command:
.. code:: bash
:name: eos-s3-counter
pushd eos-s3/btn_counter && make && popd