mirror of
synced 2025-01-03 03:43:37 -05:00
f4pga: merge sfbuild into __init__
Signed-off-by: Unai Martinez-Corral <umartinezcorral@antmicro.com>
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 648 additions and 648 deletions
@ -55,5 +55,5 @@ jobs:
- name: Test py4FPGA (PYTHONPATH)
run: |
PYTHONPATH=$(pwd) python3 f4pga/sfbuild.py
PYTHONPATH=$(pwd) python3 f4pga/sfbuild.py -h
PYTHONPATH=$(pwd) python3 f4pga/__init__.py
PYTHONPATH=$(pwd) python3 f4pga/__init__.py -h
Normal file → Executable file
Normal file → Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,645 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
sfbuild - Symbiflow Build System
This tool allows for building FPGA targets (such as bitstreams) for any supported
platform with just one simple command and a project file.
The idea is that sfbuild wraps all the tools needed by different platforms in
"modules", which define inputs/outputs and various parameters. This allows
sfbuild to resolve dependencies for any target provided that a "flow definition"
file exists for such target. The flow defeinition file list modules available for
that platform and may tweak some settings of those modules.
A basic example of using sfbuild:
$ sfbuild build --platform arty_35 -t bitstream
This will make sfbuild attempt to create a bitstream for arty_35 platform.
flow.json is a flow configuration file, which should be created for a project
that uses sfbuild. Iontains project-specific definitions needed within the flow,
such as list of source code files.
from pathlib import Path
from argparse import Namespace
import os
from os import environ
import json
from typing import Iterable
from colorama import Fore, Style
from f4pga.sf_common import ResolutionEnv, fatal, scan_modules, set_verbosity_level, \
from f4pga.sf_module import *
from f4pga.sf_cache import SymbiCache
import f4pga.sf_ugly as sf_ugly
from f4pga.sf_flow_config import ProjectFlowConfig, FlowConfig, FlowDefinition, \
open_project_flow_cfg, verify_platform_name, \
from f4pga.sf_module_runner import *
from f4pga.sf_module_inspector import get_module_info
from f4pga.sf_stage import Stage
from f4pga.sf_argparse import setup_argparser, get_cli_flow_config
SYMBICACHEPATH = '.symbicache'
binpath = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(os.sys.argv[0])), '..'))
mypath = str(Path(__file__).resolve().parent)
share_dir_path = os.path.realpath(f"{environ.get('INSTALL_DIR', '/usr/local')}/xc7/install/share/symbiflow")
class DependencyNotProducedException(Exception):
dep_name: str
provider: str
def __init__(self, dep_name: str, provider: str):
self.dep_name = dep_name
self.provider = provider
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f'Stage `{self.provider}` did not produce promised ' \
f'dependency `{self.dep_name}`'
def dep_value_str(dep: str):
return ':' + dep
def platform_stages(platform_flow, r_env):
""" Iterates over all stages available in a given flow. """
stage_options = platform_flow.get('stage_options')
for stage_name, modulestr in platform_flow['stages'].items():
mod_opts = stage_options.get(stage_name) if stage_options else None
yield Stage(stage_name, modulestr, mod_opts, r_env)
def req_exists(r):
""" Checks whether a dependency exists on a drive. """
if type(r) is str:
if not os.path.isfile(r) and not os.path.islink(r) \
and not os.path.isdir(r):
return False
elif type(r) is list:
return not (False in map(req_exists, r))
raise Exception(f'Requirements can be currently checked only for single '
f'paths, or path lists (reason: {r})')
return True
def map_outputs_to_stages(stages: 'list[Stage]'):
Associates a stage with every possible output.
This is commonly refferef to as `os_map` (output-stage-map) through the code.
os_map: 'dict[str, Stage]' = {} # Output-Stage map
for stage in stages:
for output in stage.produces:
if not os_map.get(output.name):
os_map[output.name] = stage
elif os_map[output.name] != stage:
raise Exception(f'Dependency `{output.name}` is generated by '
f'stage `{os_map[output.name].name}` and '
f'`{stage.name}`. Dependencies can have only one '
'provider at most.')
return os_map
def filter_existing_deps(deps: 'dict[str, ]', symbicache):
return [(n, p) for n, p in deps.items() \
if req_exists(p)] # and not dep_differ(p, symbicache)]
def get_stage_values_override(og_values: dict, stage: Stage):
values = og_values.copy()
return values
def prepare_stage_io_input(stage: Stage):
return { 'params': stage.params } if stage.params is not None else {}
def prepare_stage_input(stage: Stage, platform_name: str, values: dict,
dep_paths: 'dict[str, ]', config_paths: 'dict[str, ]'):
takes = {}
for take in stage.takes:
paths = dep_paths.get(take.name)
if paths: # Some takes may be not required
takes[take.name] = paths
produces = {}
for prod in stage.produces:
if dep_paths.get(prod.name):
produces[prod.name] = dep_paths[prod.name]
elif config_paths.get(prod.name):
produces[prod.name] = config_paths[prod.name]
stage_mod_cfg = {
'takes': takes,
'produces': produces,
'values': values,
'platform': platform_name,
return stage_mod_cfg
def update_dep_statuses(paths, consumer: str, symbicache: SymbiCache):
if type(paths) is str:
return symbicache.update(paths, consumer)
elif type(paths) is list:
for p in paths:
return update_dep_statuses(p, consumer, symbicache)
elif type(paths) is dict:
for _, p in paths.items():
return update_dep_statuses(p, consumer, symbicache)
fatal(-1, 'WRONG PATHS TYPE')
def dep_differ(paths, consumer: str, symbicache: SymbiCache):
Check if a dependency differs from its last version, lack of dependency is
treated as "differs"
if type(paths) is str:
s = symbicache.get_status(paths, consumer)
if s == 'untracked':
symbicache.update(paths, consumer)
return symbicache.get_status(paths, consumer) != 'same'
elif type(paths) is list:
return True in [dep_differ(p, consumer, symbicache) for p in paths]
elif type(paths) is dict:
return True in [dep_differ(p, consumer, symbicache) \
for _, p in paths.items()]
return False
def dep_will_differ(target: str, paths, consumer: str,
os_map: 'dict[str, Stage]', run_stages: 'set[str]',
symbicache: SymbiCache):
Check if a dependency or any of the dependencies it depends on differ from
their last versions.
provider = os_map.get(target)
if provider:
return (provider.name in run_stages) or \
dep_differ(paths, consumer, symbicache)
return dep_differ(paths, consumer, symbicache)
def _print_unreachable_stage_message(provider: Stage, take: str):
sfprint(0, ' Stage '
f'`{Style.BRIGHT + provider.name + Style.RESET_ALL}` is '
'unreachable due to unmet dependency '
f'`{Style.BRIGHT + take.name + Style.RESET_ALL}`')
def config_mod_runctx(stage: Stage, platform_name: str, values: 'dict[str, ]',
dep_paths: 'dict[str, str | list[str]]',
config_paths: 'dict[str, str | list[str]]'):
config = prepare_stage_input(stage, platform_name, values,
dep_paths, config_paths)
return ModRunCtx(share_dir_path, binpath, config)
class Flow:
""" Describes a complete, configured flow, ready for execution. """
# Dependendecy to build
target: str
# Values in global scope
cfg: FlowConfig
# dependency-producer map
os_map: 'dict[str, Stage]'
# Paths resolved for dependencies
dep_paths: 'dict[str, str | list[str]]'
# Explicit configs for dependency paths
# config_paths: 'dict[str, str | list[str]]'
# Stages that need to be run
run_stages: 'set[str]'
# Number of stages that relied on outdated version of a (checked) dependency
deps_rebuilds: 'dict[str, int]'
symbicache: 'SymbiCache | None'
flow_cfg: FlowConfig
def __init__(self, target: str, cfg: FlowConfig,
symbicache: 'SymbiCache | None'):
self.target = target
self.os_map = map_outputs_to_stages(cfg.stages.values())
explicit_deps = cfg.get_dependency_overrides()
# print(explicit_deps)
self.dep_paths = dict(filter_existing_deps(explicit_deps, symbicache))
self.run_stages = set()
self.symbicache = symbicache
self.cfg = cfg
self.deps_rebuilds = {}
self._resolve_dependencies(self.target, set())
def _dep_will_differ(self, dep: str, paths, consumer: str):
if not self.symbicache: # Handle --nocache mode
return True
return dep_will_differ(dep, paths, consumer,
self.os_map, self.run_stages,
def _resolve_dependencies(self, dep: str, stages_checked: 'set[str]'):
# Initialize the dependency status if necessary
if self.deps_rebuilds.get(dep) is None:
self.deps_rebuilds[dep] = 0
# Check if an explicit dependency is already resolved
paths = self.dep_paths.get(dep)
if paths and not self.os_map.get(dep):
# Check if a stage can provide the required dependency
provider = self.os_map.get(dep)
if not provider or provider.name in stages_checked:
# TODO: Check if the dependency is "on-demand" and force it in provider's
# config if it is.
for take in provider.takes:
self._resolve_dependencies(take.name, stages_checked)
# If any of the required dependencies is unavailable, then the
# provider stage cannot be run
take_paths = self.dep_paths.get(take.name)
# Add input path to values (dirty hack)
provider.value_overrides[dep_value_str(take.name)] = take_paths
if not take_paths and take.spec == 'req':
_print_unreachable_stage_message(provider, take)
if self._dep_will_differ(take.name, take_paths, provider.name):
sfprint(2, f'{take.name} is causing rebuild for {provider.name}')
self.deps_rebuilds[take.name] += 1
stage_values = self.cfg.get_r_env(provider.name).values
modrunctx = config_mod_runctx(provider, self.cfg.platform,
stage_values, self.dep_paths,
outputs = module_map(provider.module, modrunctx)
for _, out_paths in outputs.items():
if (out_paths is not None) and not (req_exists(out_paths)):
# Verify module's outputs and add paths as values.
outs = outputs.keys()
# print(outs)
for o in provider.produces:
if o.name not in outs:
if o.spec == 'req' or (o.spec == 'demand' and \
o.name in self.cfg.get_dependency_overrides().keys()):
fatal(-1, f'Module {provider.name} did not produce a mapping '
f'for a required output `{o.name}`')
# Remove an on-demand/optional output that is not produced
# from os_map.
# Add a value for the output (dirty ack yet again)
o_path = outputs.get(o.name)
if o_path is not None:
provider.value_overrides[dep_value_str(o.name)] = \
def print_resolved_dependencies(self, verbosity: int):
deps = list(self.deps_rebuilds.keys())
for dep in deps:
status = Fore.RED + '[X]' + Fore.RESET
source = Fore.YELLOW + 'MISSING' + Fore.RESET
paths = self.dep_paths.get(dep)
if paths:
exists = req_exists(paths)
provider = self.os_map.get(dep)
if provider and provider.name in self.run_stages:
if exists:
status = Fore.YELLOW + '[R]' + Fore.RESET
status = Fore.YELLOW + '[S]' + Fore.RESET
source = f'{Fore.BLUE + self.os_map[dep].name + Fore.RESET} ' \
f'-> {paths}'
elif exists:
if self.deps_rebuilds[dep] > 0:
status = Fore.GREEN + '[N]' + Fore.RESET
status = Fore.GREEN + '[O]' + Fore.RESET
source = paths
elif self.os_map.get(dep):
status = Fore.RED + '[U]' + Fore.RESET
source = \
f'{Fore.BLUE + self.os_map[dep].name + Fore.RESET} -> ???'
sfprint(verbosity, f' {Style.BRIGHT + status} '
f'{dep + Style.RESET_ALL}: {source}')
def _build_dep(self, dep):
paths = self.dep_paths.get(dep)
provider = self.os_map.get(dep)
run = (provider.name in self.run_stages) if provider else False
if not paths:
sfprint(2, f'Dependency {dep} is unresolved.')
return False
if req_exists(paths) and not run:
return True
any_dep_differ = False if self.symbicache else True
for p_dep in provider.takes:
if not self._build_dep(p_dep.name):
assert (p_dep.spec != 'req')
if self.symbicache:
any_dep_differ |= \
provider.name, self.symbicache)
# If dependencies remained the same, consider the dep as up-to date
# For example, when changing a comment in Verilog source code,
# the initial dependency resolution will report a need for complete
# rebuild, however, after the synthesis stage, the generated eblif
# will reamin the same, thus making it unnecessary to continue the
# rebuild process.
if (not any_dep_differ) and req_exists(paths):
sfprint(2, f'Skipping rebuild of `'
f'{Style.BRIGHT + dep + Style.RESET_ALL}` because all '
f'of it\'s dependencies remained unchanged')
return True
stage_values = self.cfg.get_r_env(provider.name).values
modrunctx = config_mod_runctx(provider, self.cfg.platform,
stage_values, self.dep_paths,
module_exec(provider.module, modrunctx)
if not req_exists(paths):
raise DependencyNotProducedException(dep, provider.name)
return True
def execute(self):
if self.symbicache:
update_dep_statuses(self.dep_paths[self.target], '__target',
sfprint(0, f'Target `{Style.BRIGHT + self.target + Style.RESET_ALL}` '
f'-> {self.dep_paths[self.target]}')
def display_dep_info(stages: 'Iterable[Stage]'):
sfprint(0, 'Platform dependencies/targets:')
longest_out_name_len = 0
for stage in stages:
for out in stage.produces:
l = len(out.name)
if l > longest_out_name_len:
longest_out_name_len = l
desc_indent = longest_out_name_len + 7
nl_indentstr = '\n'
for _ in range(0, desc_indent):
nl_indentstr += ' '
for stage in stages:
for out in stage.produces:
pname = Style.BRIGHT + out.name + Style.RESET_ALL
indent = ''
for _ in range(0, desc_indent - len(pname) + 3):
indent += ' '
specstr = '???'
if out.spec == 'req':
specstr = f'{Fore.BLUE}guaranteed{Fore.RESET}'
elif out.spec == 'maybe':
specstr = f'{Fore.YELLOW}not guaranteed{Fore.RESET}'
elif out.spec == 'demand':
specstr = f'{Fore.RED}on-demand{Fore.RESET}'
pgen = f'{Style.DIM}stage: `{stage.name}`, '\
f'spec: {specstr}{Style.RESET_ALL}'
pdesc = stage.meta[out.name].replace('\n', nl_indentstr)
sfprint(0, f' {Style.BRIGHT + out.name + Style.RESET_ALL}:'
def display_stage_info(stage: Stage):
if stage is None:
sfprint(0, f'Stage does not exist')
sfprint(0, f'Stage `{Style.BRIGHT}{stage.name}{Style.RESET_ALL}`:')
sfprint(0, f' Module: `{Style.BRIGHT}{stage.module.name}{Style.RESET_ALL}`')
sfprint(0, f' Module info:')
mod_info = get_module_info(stage.module)
mod_info = '\n '.join(mod_info.split('\n'))
sfprint(0, f' {mod_info}')
sfbuild_done_str = Style.BRIGHT + Fore.GREEN + 'DONE'
sfbuild_silent = 0
def sfbuild_fail():
global sfbuild_done_str
sfbuild_done_str = Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + 'FAILED'
def sfbuild_done():
sfprint(1, f'sfbuild: {sfbuild_done_str}'
f'{Style.RESET_ALL + Fore.RESET}')
def setup_resolution_env():
""" Sets up a ResolutionEnv with sfbuild's default built-ins. """
r_env = ResolutionEnv({
'shareDir': share_dir_path,
'binDir': os.path.realpath(os.path.join(share_dir_path, '../../bin'))
return r_env
def open_project_flow_config(path: str) -> ProjectFlowConfig:
flow_cfg = open_project_flow_cfg(path)
except FileNotFoundError as _:
fatal(-1, 'The provided flow configuration file does not exist')
return flow_cfg
def verify_platform_stage_params(flow_cfg: FlowConfig,
platform: 'str | None' = None,
stage: 'str | None' = None):
if platform:
if not verify_platform_name(platform, mypath):
sfprint(0, f'Platform `{platform}`` is unsupported.')
return False
if args.platform not in flow_cfg.platforms():
sfprint(0, f'Platform `{platform}`` is not in project.')
return False
if stage:
if not verify_stage(platform, stage, mypath):
sfprint(0, f'Stage `{stage}` is invalid.')
return False
return True
def get_platform_name_for_part(part_name: str):
Gets a name that identifies the platform setup required for a specific chip.
The reason for such distinction is that plenty of chips with different names
differ only in a type of package they use.
d: dict
with open(os.path.join(mypath, 'part_db/parts.json')) as f:
d = json.loads(f.read())
return d.get(part_name.upper())
def cmd_build(args: Namespace):
""" sfbuild's `build` command implementation """
project_flow_cfg: ProjectFlowConfig = None
platform = args.platform
if platform is None:
if args.part:
platform = get_platform_name_for_part(args.part)
if args.flow:
project_flow_cfg = open_project_flow_config(args.flow)
elif platform is not None:
project_flow_cfg = ProjectFlowConfig('.temp.flow.json')
project_flow_cfg.flow_cfg = get_cli_flow_config(args, platform)
if platform is None and project_flow_cfg is not None:
platform = project_flow_cfg.get_default_platform()
if platform is None:
fatal(-1, 'You have to specify a platform name or a part name or '
'configure a default platform.')
if platform is None or project_flow_cfg is None:
fatal(-1, 'No configuration was provided. Use `--flow`, `--platform` or '
'`--part` to configure flow..')
platform_path = os.path.join(mypath, 'platforms', platform + '.json')
platform_def = None
with open(platform_path) as platform_file:
platform_def = platform_file.read()
except FileNotFoundError as _:
fatal(-1, f'The platform flow definition file {platform_path} for the platform '
f'{platform} referenced in flow definition file {args.flow} '
'cannot be found.')
r_env = setup_resolution_env()
sfprint(2, 'Scanning modules...')
flow_definition_dict = json.loads(platform_def)
flow_def = FlowDefinition(flow_definition_dict, r_env)
flow_cfg = FlowConfig(project_flow_cfg, flow_def, platform)
if len(flow_cfg.stages) == 0:
fatal(-1, 'Platform flow does not define any stage')
if args.info:
if args.stageinfo:
target = args.target
if target is None:
target = project_flow_cfg.get_default_target(platform)
if target is None:
fatal(-1, 'Please specify desired target using `--target` option '
'or configure a default target.')
flow = Flow(
symbicache=SymbiCache(SYMBICACHEPATH) if not args.nocache else None
dep_print_verbosity = 0 if args.pretend else 2
sfprint(dep_print_verbosity, '\nProject status:')
sfprint(dep_print_verbosity, '')
if args.pretend:
except Exception as e:
sfprint(0, e)
if flow.symbicache:
def cmd_show_dependencies(args: Namespace):
""" sfbuild's `showd` command implementation """
flow_cfg = open_project_flow_config(args.flow)
if not verify_platform_stage_params(flow_cfg, args.platform):
platform_overrides: 'set | None' = None
if args.platform is not None:
platform_overrides = \
display_list = []
raw_deps = flow_cfg.get_dependencies_raw(args.platform)
for dep_name, dep_paths in raw_deps.items():
prstr: str
if (platform_overrides is not None) and (dep_name in platform_overrides):
prstr = f'{Style.DIM}({args.platform}){Style.RESET_ALL} ' \
f'{Style.BRIGHT + dep_name + Style.RESET_ALL}: {dep_paths}'
prstr = f'{Style.BRIGHT + dep_name + Style.RESET_ALL}: {dep_paths}'
display_list.append((dep_name, prstr))
display_list.sort(key = lambda p: p[0])
for _, prstr in display_list:
sfprint(0, prstr)
def main():
parser = setup_argparser()
args = parser.parse_args()
set_verbosity_level(args.verbose - (1 if args.silent else 0))
if args.command == 'build':
if args.command == 'showd':
sfprint(0, 'Please use a command.\nUse `--help` flag to learn more.')
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ setuptools_setup(
"console_scripts": [
"f4pga = f4pga.sfbuild:main",
"f4pga = f4pga.__init__:main",
] + wrapper_entrypoints
@ -1,645 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
sfbuild - Symbiflow Build System
This tool allows for building FPGA targets (such as bitstreams) for any supported
platform with just one simple command and a project file.
The idea is that sfbuild wraps all the tools needed by different platforms in
"modules", which define inputs/outputs and various parameters. This allows
sfbuild to resolve dependencies for any target provided that a "flow definition"
file exists for such target. The flow defeinition file list modules available for
that platform and may tweak some settings of those modules.
A basic example of using sfbuild:
$ sfbuild build --platform arty_35 -t bitstream
This will make sfbuild attempt to create a bitstream for arty_35 platform.
flow.json is a flow configuration file, which should be created for a project
that uses sfbuild. Iontains project-specific definitions needed within the flow,
such as list of source code files.
from pathlib import Path
from argparse import Namespace
import os
from os import environ
import json
from typing import Iterable
from colorama import Fore, Style
from f4pga.sf_common import ResolutionEnv, fatal, scan_modules, set_verbosity_level, \
from f4pga.sf_module import *
from f4pga.sf_cache import SymbiCache
import f4pga.sf_ugly as sf_ugly
from f4pga.sf_flow_config import ProjectFlowConfig, FlowConfig, FlowDefinition, \
open_project_flow_cfg, verify_platform_name, \
from f4pga.sf_module_runner import *
from f4pga.sf_module_inspector import get_module_info
from f4pga.sf_stage import Stage
from f4pga.sf_argparse import setup_argparser, get_cli_flow_config
SYMBICACHEPATH = '.symbicache'
binpath = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(os.sys.argv[0])), '..'))
mypath = str(Path(__file__).resolve().parent)
share_dir_path = os.path.realpath(f"{environ.get('INSTALL_DIR', '/usr/local')}/xc7/install/share/symbiflow")
class DependencyNotProducedException(Exception):
dep_name: str
provider: str
def __init__(self, dep_name: str, provider: str):
self.dep_name = dep_name
self.provider = provider
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f'Stage `{self.provider}` did not produce promised ' \
f'dependency `{self.dep_name}`'
def dep_value_str(dep: str):
return ':' + dep
def platform_stages(platform_flow, r_env):
""" Iterates over all stages available in a given flow. """
stage_options = platform_flow.get('stage_options')
for stage_name, modulestr in platform_flow['stages'].items():
mod_opts = stage_options.get(stage_name) if stage_options else None
yield Stage(stage_name, modulestr, mod_opts, r_env)
def req_exists(r):
""" Checks whether a dependency exists on a drive. """
if type(r) is str:
if not os.path.isfile(r) and not os.path.islink(r) \
and not os.path.isdir(r):
return False
elif type(r) is list:
return not (False in map(req_exists, r))
raise Exception(f'Requirements can be currently checked only for single '
f'paths, or path lists (reason: {r})')
return True
def map_outputs_to_stages(stages: 'list[Stage]'):
Associates a stage with every possible output.
This is commonly refferef to as `os_map` (output-stage-map) through the code.
os_map: 'dict[str, Stage]' = {} # Output-Stage map
for stage in stages:
for output in stage.produces:
if not os_map.get(output.name):
os_map[output.name] = stage
elif os_map[output.name] != stage:
raise Exception(f'Dependency `{output.name}` is generated by '
f'stage `{os_map[output.name].name}` and '
f'`{stage.name}`. Dependencies can have only one '
'provider at most.')
return os_map
def filter_existing_deps(deps: 'dict[str, ]', symbicache):
return [(n, p) for n, p in deps.items() \
if req_exists(p)] # and not dep_differ(p, symbicache)]
def get_stage_values_override(og_values: dict, stage: Stage):
values = og_values.copy()
return values
def prepare_stage_io_input(stage: Stage):
return { 'params': stage.params } if stage.params is not None else {}
def prepare_stage_input(stage: Stage, platform_name: str, values: dict,
dep_paths: 'dict[str, ]', config_paths: 'dict[str, ]'):
takes = {}
for take in stage.takes:
paths = dep_paths.get(take.name)
if paths: # Some takes may be not required
takes[take.name] = paths
produces = {}
for prod in stage.produces:
if dep_paths.get(prod.name):
produces[prod.name] = dep_paths[prod.name]
elif config_paths.get(prod.name):
produces[prod.name] = config_paths[prod.name]
stage_mod_cfg = {
'takes': takes,
'produces': produces,
'values': values,
'platform': platform_name,
return stage_mod_cfg
def update_dep_statuses(paths, consumer: str, symbicache: SymbiCache):
if type(paths) is str:
return symbicache.update(paths, consumer)
elif type(paths) is list:
for p in paths:
return update_dep_statuses(p, consumer, symbicache)
elif type(paths) is dict:
for _, p in paths.items():
return update_dep_statuses(p, consumer, symbicache)
fatal(-1, 'WRONG PATHS TYPE')
def dep_differ(paths, consumer: str, symbicache: SymbiCache):
Check if a dependency differs from its last version, lack of dependency is
treated as "differs"
if type(paths) is str:
s = symbicache.get_status(paths, consumer)
if s == 'untracked':
symbicache.update(paths, consumer)
return symbicache.get_status(paths, consumer) != 'same'
elif type(paths) is list:
return True in [dep_differ(p, consumer, symbicache) for p in paths]
elif type(paths) is dict:
return True in [dep_differ(p, consumer, symbicache) \
for _, p in paths.items()]
return False
def dep_will_differ(target: str, paths, consumer: str,
os_map: 'dict[str, Stage]', run_stages: 'set[str]',
symbicache: SymbiCache):
Check if a dependency or any of the dependencies it depends on differ from
their last versions.
provider = os_map.get(target)
if provider:
return (provider.name in run_stages) or \
dep_differ(paths, consumer, symbicache)
return dep_differ(paths, consumer, symbicache)
def _print_unreachable_stage_message(provider: Stage, take: str):
sfprint(0, ' Stage '
f'`{Style.BRIGHT + provider.name + Style.RESET_ALL}` is '
'unreachable due to unmet dependency '
f'`{Style.BRIGHT + take.name + Style.RESET_ALL}`')
def config_mod_runctx(stage: Stage, platform_name: str, values: 'dict[str, ]',
dep_paths: 'dict[str, str | list[str]]',
config_paths: 'dict[str, str | list[str]]'):
config = prepare_stage_input(stage, platform_name, values,
dep_paths, config_paths)
return ModRunCtx(share_dir_path, binpath, config)
class Flow:
""" Describes a complete, configured flow, ready for execution. """
# Dependendecy to build
target: str
# Values in global scope
cfg: FlowConfig
# dependency-producer map
os_map: 'dict[str, Stage]'
# Paths resolved for dependencies
dep_paths: 'dict[str, str | list[str]]'
# Explicit configs for dependency paths
# config_paths: 'dict[str, str | list[str]]'
# Stages that need to be run
run_stages: 'set[str]'
# Number of stages that relied on outdated version of a (checked) dependency
deps_rebuilds: 'dict[str, int]'
symbicache: 'SymbiCache | None'
flow_cfg: FlowConfig
def __init__(self, target: str, cfg: FlowConfig,
symbicache: 'SymbiCache | None'):
self.target = target
self.os_map = map_outputs_to_stages(cfg.stages.values())
explicit_deps = cfg.get_dependency_overrides()
# print(explicit_deps)
self.dep_paths = dict(filter_existing_deps(explicit_deps, symbicache))
self.run_stages = set()
self.symbicache = symbicache
self.cfg = cfg
self.deps_rebuilds = {}
self._resolve_dependencies(self.target, set())
def _dep_will_differ(self, dep: str, paths, consumer: str):
if not self.symbicache: # Handle --nocache mode
return True
return dep_will_differ(dep, paths, consumer,
self.os_map, self.run_stages,
def _resolve_dependencies(self, dep: str, stages_checked: 'set[str]'):
# Initialize the dependency status if necessary
if self.deps_rebuilds.get(dep) is None:
self.deps_rebuilds[dep] = 0
# Check if an explicit dependency is already resolved
paths = self.dep_paths.get(dep)
if paths and not self.os_map.get(dep):
# Check if a stage can provide the required dependency
provider = self.os_map.get(dep)
if not provider or provider.name in stages_checked:
# TODO: Check if the dependency is "on-demand" and force it in provider's
# config if it is.
for take in provider.takes:
self._resolve_dependencies(take.name, stages_checked)
# If any of the required dependencies is unavailable, then the
# provider stage cannot be run
take_paths = self.dep_paths.get(take.name)
# Add input path to values (dirty hack)
provider.value_overrides[dep_value_str(take.name)] = take_paths
if not take_paths and take.spec == 'req':
_print_unreachable_stage_message(provider, take)
if self._dep_will_differ(take.name, take_paths, provider.name):
sfprint(2, f'{take.name} is causing rebuild for {provider.name}')
self.deps_rebuilds[take.name] += 1
stage_values = self.cfg.get_r_env(provider.name).values
modrunctx = config_mod_runctx(provider, self.cfg.platform,
stage_values, self.dep_paths,
outputs = module_map(provider.module, modrunctx)
for _, out_paths in outputs.items():
if (out_paths is not None) and not (req_exists(out_paths)):
# Verify module's outputs and add paths as values.
outs = outputs.keys()
# print(outs)
for o in provider.produces:
if o.name not in outs:
if o.spec == 'req' or (o.spec == 'demand' and \
o.name in self.cfg.get_dependency_overrides().keys()):
fatal(-1, f'Module {provider.name} did not produce a mapping '
f'for a required output `{o.name}`')
# Remove an on-demand/optional output that is not produced
# from os_map.
# Add a value for the output (dirty ack yet again)
o_path = outputs.get(o.name)
if o_path is not None:
provider.value_overrides[dep_value_str(o.name)] = \
def print_resolved_dependencies(self, verbosity: int):
deps = list(self.deps_rebuilds.keys())
for dep in deps:
status = Fore.RED + '[X]' + Fore.RESET
source = Fore.YELLOW + 'MISSING' + Fore.RESET
paths = self.dep_paths.get(dep)
if paths:
exists = req_exists(paths)
provider = self.os_map.get(dep)
if provider and provider.name in self.run_stages:
if exists:
status = Fore.YELLOW + '[R]' + Fore.RESET
status = Fore.YELLOW + '[S]' + Fore.RESET
source = f'{Fore.BLUE + self.os_map[dep].name + Fore.RESET} ' \
f'-> {paths}'
elif exists:
if self.deps_rebuilds[dep] > 0:
status = Fore.GREEN + '[N]' + Fore.RESET
status = Fore.GREEN + '[O]' + Fore.RESET
source = paths
elif self.os_map.get(dep):
status = Fore.RED + '[U]' + Fore.RESET
source = \
f'{Fore.BLUE + self.os_map[dep].name + Fore.RESET} -> ???'
sfprint(verbosity, f' {Style.BRIGHT + status} '
f'{dep + Style.RESET_ALL}: {source}')
def _build_dep(self, dep):
paths = self.dep_paths.get(dep)
provider = self.os_map.get(dep)
run = (provider.name in self.run_stages) if provider else False
if not paths:
sfprint(2, f'Dependency {dep} is unresolved.')
return False
if req_exists(paths) and not run:
return True
any_dep_differ = False if self.symbicache else True
for p_dep in provider.takes:
if not self._build_dep(p_dep.name):
assert (p_dep.spec != 'req')
if self.symbicache:
any_dep_differ |= \
provider.name, self.symbicache)
# If dependencies remained the same, consider the dep as up-to date
# For example, when changing a comment in Verilog source code,
# the initial dependency resolution will report a need for complete
# rebuild, however, after the synthesis stage, the generated eblif
# will reamin the same, thus making it unnecessary to continue the
# rebuild process.
if (not any_dep_differ) and req_exists(paths):
sfprint(2, f'Skipping rebuild of `'
f'{Style.BRIGHT + dep + Style.RESET_ALL}` because all '
f'of it\'s dependencies remained unchanged')
return True
stage_values = self.cfg.get_r_env(provider.name).values
modrunctx = config_mod_runctx(provider, self.cfg.platform,
stage_values, self.dep_paths,
module_exec(provider.module, modrunctx)
if not req_exists(paths):
raise DependencyNotProducedException(dep, provider.name)
return True
def execute(self):
if self.symbicache:
update_dep_statuses(self.dep_paths[self.target], '__target',
sfprint(0, f'Target `{Style.BRIGHT + self.target + Style.RESET_ALL}` '
f'-> {self.dep_paths[self.target]}')
def display_dep_info(stages: 'Iterable[Stage]'):
sfprint(0, 'Platform dependencies/targets:')
longest_out_name_len = 0
for stage in stages:
for out in stage.produces:
l = len(out.name)
if l > longest_out_name_len:
longest_out_name_len = l
desc_indent = longest_out_name_len + 7
nl_indentstr = '\n'
for _ in range(0, desc_indent):
nl_indentstr += ' '
for stage in stages:
for out in stage.produces:
pname = Style.BRIGHT + out.name + Style.RESET_ALL
indent = ''
for _ in range(0, desc_indent - len(pname) + 3):
indent += ' '
specstr = '???'
if out.spec == 'req':
specstr = f'{Fore.BLUE}guaranteed{Fore.RESET}'
elif out.spec == 'maybe':
specstr = f'{Fore.YELLOW}not guaranteed{Fore.RESET}'
elif out.spec == 'demand':
specstr = f'{Fore.RED}on-demand{Fore.RESET}'
pgen = f'{Style.DIM}stage: `{stage.name}`, '\
f'spec: {specstr}{Style.RESET_ALL}'
pdesc = stage.meta[out.name].replace('\n', nl_indentstr)
sfprint(0, f' {Style.BRIGHT + out.name + Style.RESET_ALL}:'
def display_stage_info(stage: Stage):
if stage is None:
sfprint(0, f'Stage does not exist')
sfprint(0, f'Stage `{Style.BRIGHT}{stage.name}{Style.RESET_ALL}`:')
sfprint(0, f' Module: `{Style.BRIGHT}{stage.module.name}{Style.RESET_ALL}`')
sfprint(0, f' Module info:')
mod_info = get_module_info(stage.module)
mod_info = '\n '.join(mod_info.split('\n'))
sfprint(0, f' {mod_info}')
sfbuild_done_str = Style.BRIGHT + Fore.GREEN + 'DONE'
sfbuild_silent = 0
def sfbuild_fail():
global sfbuild_done_str
sfbuild_done_str = Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + 'FAILED'
def sfbuild_done():
sfprint(1, f'sfbuild: {sfbuild_done_str}'
f'{Style.RESET_ALL + Fore.RESET}')
def setup_resolution_env():
""" Sets up a ResolutionEnv with sfbuild's default built-ins. """
r_env = ResolutionEnv({
'shareDir': share_dir_path,
'binDir': os.path.realpath(os.path.join(share_dir_path, '../../bin'))
return r_env
def open_project_flow_config(path: str) -> ProjectFlowConfig:
flow_cfg = open_project_flow_cfg(path)
except FileNotFoundError as _:
fatal(-1, 'The provided flow configuration file does not exist')
return flow_cfg
def verify_platform_stage_params(flow_cfg: FlowConfig,
platform: 'str | None' = None,
stage: 'str | None' = None):
if platform:
if not verify_platform_name(platform, mypath):
sfprint(0, f'Platform `{platform}`` is unsupported.')
return False
if args.platform not in flow_cfg.platforms():
sfprint(0, f'Platform `{platform}`` is not in project.')
return False
if stage:
if not verify_stage(platform, stage, mypath):
sfprint(0, f'Stage `{stage}` is invalid.')
return False
return True
def get_platform_name_for_part(part_name: str):
Gets a name that identifies the platform setup required for a specific chip.
The reason for such distinction is that plenty of chips with different names
differ only in a type of package they use.
d: dict
with open(os.path.join(mypath, 'part_db/parts.json')) as f:
d = json.loads(f.read())
return d.get(part_name.upper())
def cmd_build(args: Namespace):
""" sfbuild's `build` command implementation """
project_flow_cfg: ProjectFlowConfig = None
platform = args.platform
if platform is None:
if args.part:
platform = get_platform_name_for_part(args.part)
if args.flow:
project_flow_cfg = open_project_flow_config(args.flow)
elif platform is not None:
project_flow_cfg = ProjectFlowConfig('.temp.flow.json')
project_flow_cfg.flow_cfg = get_cli_flow_config(args, platform)
if platform is None and project_flow_cfg is not None:
platform = project_flow_cfg.get_default_platform()
if platform is None:
fatal(-1, 'You have to specify a platform name or a part name or '
'configure a default platform.')
if platform is None or project_flow_cfg is None:
fatal(-1, 'No configuration was provided. Use `--flow`, `--platform` or '
'`--part` to configure flow..')
platform_path = os.path.join(mypath, 'platforms', platform + '.json')
platform_def = None
with open(platform_path) as platform_file:
platform_def = platform_file.read()
except FileNotFoundError as _:
fatal(-1, f'The platform flow definition file {platform_path} for the platform '
f'{platform} referenced in flow definition file {args.flow} '
'cannot be found.')
r_env = setup_resolution_env()
sfprint(2, 'Scanning modules...')
flow_definition_dict = json.loads(platform_def)
flow_def = FlowDefinition(flow_definition_dict, r_env)
flow_cfg = FlowConfig(project_flow_cfg, flow_def, platform)
if len(flow_cfg.stages) == 0:
fatal(-1, 'Platform flow does not define any stage')
if args.info:
if args.stageinfo:
target = args.target
if target is None:
target = project_flow_cfg.get_default_target(platform)
if target is None:
fatal(-1, 'Please specify desired target using `--target` option '
'or configure a default target.')
flow = Flow(
symbicache=SymbiCache(SYMBICACHEPATH) if not args.nocache else None
dep_print_verbosity = 0 if args.pretend else 2
sfprint(dep_print_verbosity, '\nProject status:')
sfprint(dep_print_verbosity, '')
if args.pretend:
except Exception as e:
sfprint(0, e)
if flow.symbicache:
def cmd_show_dependencies(args: Namespace):
""" sfbuild's `showd` command implementation """
flow_cfg = open_project_flow_config(args.flow)
if not verify_platform_stage_params(flow_cfg, args.platform):
platform_overrides: 'set | None' = None
if args.platform is not None:
platform_overrides = \
display_list = []
raw_deps = flow_cfg.get_dependencies_raw(args.platform)
for dep_name, dep_paths in raw_deps.items():
prstr: str
if (platform_overrides is not None) and (dep_name in platform_overrides):
prstr = f'{Style.DIM}({args.platform}){Style.RESET_ALL} ' \
f'{Style.BRIGHT + dep_name + Style.RESET_ALL}: {dep_paths}'
prstr = f'{Style.BRIGHT + dep_name + Style.RESET_ALL}: {dep_paths}'
display_list.append((dep_name, prstr))
display_list.sort(key = lambda p: p[0])
for _, prstr in display_list:
sfprint(0, prstr)
def main():
parser = setup_argparser()
args = parser.parse_args()
set_verbosity_level(args.verbose - (1 if args.silent else 0))
if args.command == 'build':
if args.command == 'showd':
sfprint(0, 'Please use a command.\nUse `--help` flag to learn more.')
if __name__ == '__main__':
Reference in a new issue