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197 lines
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Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# This file is Copyright (c) 2020 Jędrzej Boczar <jboczar@antmicro.com>
# License: BSD
import os
import re
import yaml
import argparse
import subprocess
from litedram.common import Settings
from .benchmark import LiteDRAMBenchmarkSoC
# constructs python regex named group
def ng(name, regex):
return r'(?P<{}>{})'.format(name, regex)
def human_readable(value):
binary_prefixes = ['', 'k', 'M', 'G', 'T']
for prefix in binary_prefixes:
if value < 1024:
value /= 1024
return value, prefix
# Benchmark configuration --------------------------------------------------------------------------
class BenchmarkConfiguration(Settings):
def __init__(self, sdram_module, sdram_data_width, bist_length, bist_random):
self._settings = {k: v for k, v in locals().items() if v != self}
def as_args(self):
args = []
for attr, value in self._settings.items():
arg_string = '--%s' % attr.replace('_', '-')
if isinstance(value, bool):
if value:
args.extend([arg_string, str(value)])
return args
def load_yaml(cls, yaml_file):
with open(yaml_file) as f:
description = yaml.safe_load(f)
configurations = {name: cls(**desc) for name, desc in description.items()}
return configurations
# Benchmark results --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class BenchmarkResult:
def __init__(self, config, output):
self.config = config
# instantiate the benchmarked soc to check its configuration
self.benchmark_soc = LiteDRAMBenchmarkSoC(**self.config._settings)
def parse_output(self, output):
bist_pattern = r'{stage}\s+{var}:\s+{value}'
def find(stage, var):
pattern = bist_pattern.format(
value=ng('value', '[0-9]+'),
result = re.search(pattern, output)
assert result is not None, 'Could not find pattern in output: %s, %s' % (pattern, output)
return int(result.group('value'))
self.generator_ticks = find('BIST-GENERATOR', 'ticks')
self.checker_errors = find('BIST-CHECKER', 'errors')
self.checker_ticks = find('BIST-CHECKER', 'ticks')
def cmd_count(self):
data_width = self.benchmark_soc.sdram.controller.interface.data_width
return self.config.bist_length / (data_width // 8)
def clk_period(self):
clk_freq = self.benchmark_soc.sdrphy.module.clk_freq
return 1 / clk_freq
def write_bandwidth(self):
return (8 * self.config.bist_length) / (self.generator_ticks * self.clk_period())
def read_bandwidth(self):
return (8 * self.config.bist_length) / (self.checker_ticks * self.clk_period())
def write_efficiency(self):
return self.cmd_count() / self.generator_ticks
def read_efficiency(self):
return self.cmd_count() / self.checker_ticks
# Results summary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class ResultsSummary:
def __init__(self, results):
self.results = results
# convert results, which map config->metrics to a mapping metric->(config->result)
self.write_bandwidth = self.collect('write_bandwidth')
self.read_bandwidth = self.collect('read_bandwidth')
self.write_efficiency = self.collect('write_efficiency')
self.read_efficiency = self.collect('read_efficiency')
def create_name(self, config):
return '{}:{}:{}:{}'.format(
config.sdram_module, config.sdram_data_width,
config.bist_length, config.bist_random)
def collect(self, attribute):
by_case = {}
for result in self.results:
value = getattr(result, attribute)()
by_case[self.create_name(result.config)] = value
return by_case
def value_string(self, metric, value):
if metric in ['write_bandwidth', 'read_bandwidth']:
return '{:6.3f} {}bps'.format(*human_readable(value))
elif ['write_efficiency', 'read_efficiency']:
return '{:5.1f} %'.format(100 * value)
raise ValueError()
def print(self):
print('\n---====== Summary ======---')
for metric in ['write_bandwidth', 'read_bandwidth', 'write_efficiency', 'read_efficiency']:
for case, value in getattr(self, metric).items():
print(' {:30} {}'.format(case, self.value_string(metric, value)))
def plot(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
# Run ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def run_benchmark(args):
benchmark_script = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'benchmark.py')
command = ['python3', benchmark_script, *args]
proc = subprocess.run(command, capture_output=True, text=True, check=True)
return proc.stdout
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Run LiteDRAM benchmarks and collect the results')
parser.add_argument('--yaml', required=True, help='Load benchmark configurations from YAML file')
parser.add_argument('--names', nargs='*', help='Limit benchmarks to given names')
parser.add_argument('--regex', help='Limit benchmarks to names matching the regex')
parser.add_argument('--not-regex', help='Limit benchmarks to names not matching the regex')
args = parser.parse_args()
# load and filter configurations
configurations = BenchmarkConfiguration.load_yaml(args.yaml)
filters = []
if args.regex:
filters.append(lambda name_value: re.search(args.regex, name_value[0]))
if args.not_regex:
filters.append(lambda name_value: not re.search(args.not_regex, name_value[0]))
if args.names:
filters.append(lambda name_value: name_value[0] in args.names)
for f in filters:
configurations = dict(filter(f, configurations.items()))
# run the benchmarks
results = []
for name, config in configurations.items():
args = config.as_args()
print('{}: {}'.format(name, ' '.join(args)))
result = BenchmarkResult(config, run_benchmark(args))
write_bandwidth = {:6.3f} {}bps
read_bandwidth = {:6.3f} {}bps
write_efficiency = {:6.2f} %
read_efficiency = {:6.2f} %
result.write_efficiency() * 100,
result.read_efficiency() * 100,
summary = ResultsSummary(results)
if __name__ == "__main__":