159 lines
5.0 KiB
159 lines
5.0 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import os
import argparse
import subprocess
import struct
import importlib
from mibuild.tools import write_to_file
from migen.util.misc import autotype
from migen.fhdl import verilog, edif
from migen.fhdl.structure import _Fragment
from migen.bank.description import CSRStatus
from mibuild import tools
from mibuild.xilinx.common import *
from misoclib.soc import cpuif
litescope_path = "../"
sys.path.append(litescope_path) # XXX
from litescope.common import *
def _import(default, name):
return importlib.import_module(default + "." + name)
def _get_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
LiteScope - based on Migen.
This program builds and/or loads LiteScope components.
One or several actions can be specified:
clean delete previous build(s).
build-rtl build verilog rtl.
build-bitstream build-bitstream build FPGA bitstream.
build-csr-csv save CSR map into CSV file.
load-bitstream load bitstream into volatile storage.
all clean, build-csr-csv, build-bitstream, load-bitstream.
parser.add_argument("-t", "--target", default="simple", help="Core type to build")
parser.add_argument("-s", "--sub-target", default="", help="variant of the Core type to build")
parser.add_argument("-p", "--platform", default=None, help="platform to build for")
parser.add_argument("-Ot", "--target-option", default=[], nargs=2, action="append", help="set target-specific option")
parser.add_argument("-Op", "--platform-option", default=[], nargs=2, action="append", help="set platform-specific option")
parser.add_argument("-Ob", "--build-option", default=[], nargs=2, action="append", help="set build option")
parser.add_argument("--csr_csv", default="./test/csr.csv", help="CSV file to save the CSR map into")
parser.add_argument("action", nargs="+", help="specify an action")
return parser.parse_args()
# Note: misoclib need to be installed as a python library
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = _get_args()
# create top-level Core object
target_module = _import("targets", args.target)
if args.sub_target:
top_class = getattr(target_module, args.sub_target)
top_class = target_module.default_subtarget
if args.platform is None:
if hasattr(top_class, "default_platform"):
platform_name = top_class.default_platform
raise ValueError("Target has no default platform, specify a platform with -p your_platform")
platform_name = args.platform
platform_module = _import("mibuild.platforms", platform_name)
platform_kwargs = dict((k, autotype(v)) for k, v in args.platform_option)
platform = platform_module.Platform(**platform_kwargs)
build_name = top_class.__name__.lower() + "-" + platform_name
top_kwargs = dict((k, autotype(v)) for k, v in args.target_option)
soc = top_class(platform, **top_kwargs)
memory_regions = soc.get_memory_regions()
csr_regions = soc.get_csr_regions()
# decode actions
action_list = ["clean", "build-csr-csv", "build-bitstream", "load-bitstream", "all"]
actions = {k: False for k in action_list}
for action in args.action:
if action in actions:
actions[action] = True
print("Unknown action: "+action+". Valid actions are:")
for a in action_list:
print(" "+a)
__ _ __ ____
/ / (_) /____ / __/______ ___ ___
/ /__/ / __/ -_)\ \/ __/ _ \/ _ \/ -_)
/____/_/\__/\__/___/\__/\___/ .__/\__/
A small footprint and configurable embedded FPGA
logic analyzer core powered by Migen
====== Building parameters: ======
Width: {}
Width: {}
Depth: {}
Subsampler: {}
RLE: {}
# dependencies
if actions["all"]:
actions["build-csr-csv"] = True
actions["build-bitstream"] = True
actions["load-bitstream"] = True
if actions["build-bitstream"]:
actions["build-csr-csv"] = True
actions["build-bitstream"] = True
actions["load-bitstream"] = True
if actions["clean"]:
subprocess.call(["rm", "-rf", "build/*"])
if actions["build-csr-csv"]:
csr_csv = cpuif.get_csr_csv(csr_regions)
write_to_file(args.csr_csv, csr_csv)
if actions["build-bitstream"]:
build_kwargs = dict((k, autotype(v)) for k, v in args.build_option)
vns = platform.build(soc, build_name=build_name, **build_kwargs)
if hasattr(soc, "do_exit") and vns is not None:
if hasattr(soc.do_exit, '__call__'):
if actions["load-bitstream"]:
prog = platform.create_programmer()
prog.load_bitstream("build/" + build_name + platform.bitstream_ext)