
266 lines
8.4 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# This file is part of LiteX-Boards.
# This file is Copyright (c) 2020 David Shah <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
import re, sys
This is a script to parse a Xilinx XDC file and produce a LiteX board Python file.
It has been tested on the Alveo U250 XDC file from
The "extras" section and name parsing rules will need modification to support other boards.
extras = {
("ddram", "dm"): [("IOStandard", "POD12_DCI")],
("ddram", "dq"): [
("IOStandard", "POD12_DCI"),
("Misc", "PRE_EMPHASIS=RDRV_240"),
("ddram", "dqs_p"): [
("IOStandard", "DIFF_POD12"),
("Misc", "PRE_EMPHASIS=RDRV_240"),
("ddram", "dqs_n"): [
("IOStandard", "DIFF_POD12"),
("Misc", "PRE_EMPHASIS=RDRV_240"),
("ddram", "clk_p"): [("IOStandard", "DIFF_SSTL12_DCI")],
("ddram", "clk_n"): [("IOStandard", "DIFF_SSTL12_DCI")],
("ddram", "reset_n"): [("IOStandard", "LVCMOS12")],
("ddram", "*"): [("IOStandard", "SSTL12_DCI")],
("ddram", ): [("Misc", "SLEW=FAST")],
("clk300", "*"): [("IOStandard", "DIFF_SSTL12")],
("cpu_reset", "*"): [("IOStandard", "LVCMOS12")],
("ddr4_reset_gate", "*"): [("IOStandard", "LVCMOS12")],
("gpio_msp", "*"): [("IOStandard", "LVCMOS12")],
("user_led", "*"): [("IOStandard", "LVCMOS12")],
("dip_sw", "*"): [("IOStandard", "LVCMOS12")],
("set_w", "*"): [("IOStandard", "LVCMOS12")],
("pcie_x16", "rst_n"): [("IOStandard", "LVCMOS12")],
("serial", "*"): [("IOStandard", "LVCMOS12")],
("qsfp28", "modskll_ls"): [("IOStandard", "LVCMOS12")],
("qsfp28", "resetl_ls"): [("IOStandard", "LVCMOS12")],
("qsfp28", "intl_ls"): [("IOStandard", "LVCMOS12")],
("qsfp28", "lpmode_ls"): [("IOStandard", "LVCMOS12")],
("qsfp28", "refclk_reset"): [("IOStandard", "LVCMOS12")],
("qsfp28", "fs0"): [("IOStandard", "LVCMOS12")],
("qsfp28", "fs1"): [("IOStandard", "LVCMOS12")],
("i2c", "*"): [("IOStandard", "LVCMOS12")],
("i2c_main_reset_n", "*"): [("IOStandard", "LVCMOS12")],
("serial_msp", "*"): [("IOStandard", "LVCMOS12")],
("user_si570_clock", "*"): [("IOStandard", "DIFF_SSTL12")],
groups = {}
ddr4_re = re.compile(r'DDR4_C(\d)_(.*)')
simple_ports = {
"CPU_RESET_FPGA": ("cpu_reset", 0),
"DDR4_RESET_GATE": ("ddr4_reset_gate", 0),
"GPIO_MSP0": ("gpio_msp", 0),
"GPIO_MSP1": ("gpio_msp", 1),
"GPIO_MSP2": ("gpio_msp", 2),
"GPIO_MSP3": ("gpio_msp", 3),
"STATUS_LED0_FPGA": ("user_led", 0),
"STATUS_LED1_FPGA": ("user_led", 1),
"STATUS_LED2_FPGA": ("user_led", 2),
"SW_DP0": ("dip_sw", 0),
"SW_DP1": ("dip_sw", 1),
"SW_DP2": ("dip_sw", 2),
"SW_DP3": ("dip_sw", 3),
"SW_SET1_FPGA": ("set_sw", 0),
"I2C_MAIN_RESET_B_LS": ("i2c_main_reset_n", 0),
def permute_dqs(i):
# Huh?
if i >= 9:
return (i - 9) * 2 + 1
return i * 2
def parse_port(port):
dm = ddr4_re.match(port)
if dm:
res = ("ddram", int(
x =
if x.startswith("ADR"):
i = int(x[3:])
if i == 17:
return None # not used on included DIMM
if i == 16:
s = ("ras_n", )
elif i == 15:
s = ("cas_n", )
elif i == 14:
s = ("we_n", )
s = ("a", i)
elif x.startswith("BA"):
s = ("ba", int(x[2:]))
elif x.startswith("BG"):
s = ("bg", int(x[2:]))
elif x.startswith("CK_T"):
if int(x[4:]) > 0:
return None # not used on included DIMM
s = ("clk_p", int(x[4:]))
elif x.startswith("CK_C"):
if int(x[4:]) > 0:
return None # not used on included DIMM
s = ("clk_n", int(x[4:]))
elif x.startswith("CKE"):
if int(x[3:]) > 0:
return None # not used on included DIMM
s = ("cke", int(x[3:]))
elif x.startswith("CS_B"):
if int(x[4:]) > 0:
return None # not used on included DIMM
s = ("cs_n", int(x[4:]))
elif x.startswith("ODT"):
if int(x[3:]) > 0:
return None # not used on included DIMM
s = ("odt", int(x[3:]))
elif x in ("ACT_B", "ALERT_B", "EVENT_B", "PAR", "RESET_N"):
if x == "ALERT_B" or x == "PAR" or x == "EVENT_B":
return None # not used on included DIMM
x = x.replace("_B", "_N")
s = (x.lower(), )
elif x.startswith("DQS_T"):
i = permute_dqs(int(x[5:]))
if i >= 16:
return None
s = ("dqs_p", int(i))
elif x.startswith("DQS_C"):
i = permute_dqs(int(x[5:]))
if i >= 16:
return None
s = ("dqs_n", int(i))
elif x.startswith("DQ"):
if int(x[2:]) >= 64:
return None
s = ("dq", int(x[2:]))
assert False, port
return (res, s)
elif port in simple_ports:
return (simple_ports[port], (simple_ports[port][0], ))
elif port.startswith("SYSCLK") and "_300_" in port:
return (("clk300", int(port[6])), (port[-1].lower(), ))
elif port.startswith("PEX_"):
res = ("pcie_x16", 0)
if port[4:6] == "TX":
s = ("tx_" + port[-1].lower(), int(port[6:port.rfind('_')]))
elif port[4:6] == "RX":
s = ("rx_" + port[-1].lower(), int(port[6:port.rfind('_')]))
elif port[4:10] == "REFCLK":
s = ("clk_" + port[-1].lower(), )
assert False, port
return (res, s)
elif port == "PCIE_PERST_LS":
return (("pcie_x16", 0), ("rst_n", ))
elif port.startswith("USB_UART_"):
# This is from FTDI perspective, we want FPGA perspective
u = port[-2:].lower()
return (("serial", 0), ("tx" if u == "rx" else "rx", ))
elif port.startswith("MGT_SI570_CLOCK"):
return (("mgt_si570_clock", int(port[15])), (port[-1].lower(), ))
elif port.startswith("USER_SI570_CLOCK"):
return (("user_si570_clock", 0), (port[-1].lower(), ))
elif port.startswith("QSFP"):
res = ("qsfp28", int(port[4]))
if port[6:8] == "TX":
s = ("tx" + port[-1].lower(), int(port[8])-1)
elif port[6:8] == "RX":
s = ("rx" + port[-1].lower(), int(port[8])-1)
elif port[6:11] == "CLOCK":
s = ("clk_" + port[-1].lower(), )
elif port.endswith("REFCLK_RESET") or "_FS" in port:
s = (port[6:].lower(), )
elif port.endswith("_LS"):
s = (port.split("_")[1].lower(), )
assert False, port
return (res, s)
elif port.startswith("I2C_FPGA_"):
return (("i2c", 0), (port.split("_")[2].lower(), ))
elif port.endswith("_MSP"):
return (("serial_msp", 0), (port.split("_")[1].lower()[:-1], ))
elif port == "No" or port.startswith("VR") or port.startswith("N3") or "SYSMON" in port or port.startswith("TEST"):
assert False, port
return None
with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as xf:
for line in xf:
if "PACKAGE_PIN" not in line:
sl = [x.strip() for x in re.split(r'\s|\[', line.strip(), )]
sl = [x for x in sl if x != ""]
pin = sl[sl.index("PACKAGE_PIN") + 1]
port = sl[sl.index("get_ports") + 1]
rs = parse_port(port)
if rs is None:
res, sig = rs
if sig is None:
groups[res] = pin
if res not in groups:
groups[res] = {}
if len(sig) == 2:
if sig[0] not in groups[res]:
groups[res][sig[0]] = {}
groups[res][sig[0]][sig[1]] = pin
groups[res][sig[0]] = {0: pin}
def format_extras(items, force_newline = False, indent=" ", lcomma=","):
extra = "{} \n{}".format(lcomma, indent) if force_newline else "{} ".format(lcomma)
extra += (", \n{}".format(indent)).join(['{}("{}")'.format(i[0], i[1]) for i in items])
return extra
print("_io = [")
for res, sigs in sorted(groups.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]):
res_name = res[0]
res_index = res[1]
if res_name == "ddram" and res_index > 0:
res_name = "ddram_ch{}".format(res_index + 1)
res_index = 0
print(' ("{}", {}, '.format(res_name, res_index), end='\n' if len(sigs) > 1 else '')
for sig, pins in sorted(sigs.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]):
max_idx = max(pins.keys())
if len(pins) > 8:
p = ""
for j in range((len(pins) + 7) // 8):
p += '\n "{}"{}'.format(" ".join([pins[i] for i in range(j * 8,
min((j + 1) * 8, max_idx+1))]), "," if j < ((len(pins) + 7) // 8 - 1) else "")
p = '"{}"'.format(" ".join([pins[i] for i in range(max_idx+1)]))
extra = ""
if (res[0], sig) in extras:
extra = format_extras(extras[res[0], sig], len(pins) > 8)
elif (res[0], "*") in extras:
extra = format_extras(extras[res[0], "*"], len(pins) > 8)
if len(sigs) == 1:
print('Pins({}){}'.format(p, extra), end='')
print(' Subsignal("{}", Pins({}){}),'.format(sig, p, extra))
if (res[0], ) in extras:
print(format_extras(extras[res[0], ], False, " ", " "))
print(' ),' if len(sigs) > 1 else '),')