LiteX boards files
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Florent Kermarrec f52a915487 lambdaconcept_ecpix5: Add initial Video support at 640x480 (with Terminal/Framebuffer).
I2C intialization code adapted from

Tested with:
- python3 -m litex_boards.targets.lambdaconcept_ecpix5 --cpu-type=firev --with-video-terminal --build --load
- python3 -m litex_boards.targets.lambdaconcept_ecpix5 --cpu-type=firev --with-video-framebuffer --build --load

        __   _ __      _  __
       / /  (_) /____ | |/_/
      / /__/ / __/ -_)>  <
   Build your hardware, easily!

 (c) Copyright 2012-2022 Enjoy-Digital
 (c) Copyright 2007-2015 M-Labs

 BIOS built on Mar  8 2022 15:34:22
 BIOS CRC passed (c7fe9ecd)

 Migen git sha1: ac70301
 LiteX git sha1: 7ebc7625

--=============== SoC ==================--
BUS:		WISHBONE 32-bit @ 4GiB
CSR:		32-bit data
ROM:		128KiB
L2:		8KiB
SDRAM:		524288KiB 16-bit @ 300MT/s (CL-6 CWL-5)

--========== Initialization ============--
Initializing SDRAM @0x40000000...
Switching SDRAM to software control.
Read leveling:
  m0, b00: |01110000| delays: 02+-01
  m0, b01: |00000000| delays: -
  m0, b02: |00000000| delays: -
  m0, b03: |00000000| delays: -
  best: m0, b00 delays: 02+-01
  m1, b00: |01110000| delays: 02+-01
  m1, b01: |00000000| delays: -
  m1, b02: |00000000| delays: -
  m1, b03: |00000000| delays: -
  best: m1, b00 delays: 02+-01
Switching SDRAM to hardware control.
Memtest at 0x40000000 (2.0MiB)...
  Write: 0x40000000-0x40200000 2.0MiB
   Read: 0x40000000-0x40200000 2.0MiB
Memtest OK
Memspeed at 0x40000000 (Sequential, 2.0MiB)...
  Write speed: 13.6MiB/s
   Read speed: 23.4MiB/s

--============== Boot ==================--
Booting from serial...
Press Q or ESC to abort boot completely.
No boot medium found

--============= Console ================--

litex> ident
Ident: LiteX SoC on ECPIX-5 2022-03-08 15:34:19
2022-03-08 15:40:52 +01:00
.github/workflows ci: Install meson (now required by picolibc). 2021-09-27 16:21:43 +02:00
litex_boards lambdaconcept_ecpix5: Add initial Video support at 640x480 (with Terminal/Framebuffer). 2022-03-08 15:40:52 +01:00
test test/test_targets: Remove qmtech_10cl006 from excluded targets. 2022-01-07 10:49:05 +01:00
.gitignore ignore ip directory and files 2022-02-01 14:24:48 -05:00
CONTRIBUTORS CONTRIBUTORS: Update. 2021-09-15 14:59:42 +02:00
LICENSE Bump year. 2022-01-05 09:09:16 +01:00 README: Add adi_adrv2crr_fmc. 2022-03-07 09:26:24 +01:00 Exclude test package 2021-06-28 11:54:10 +02:00

                              __   _ __      _  __    ___                   __
                             / /  (_) /____ | |/_/___/ _ )___  ___ ________/ /__
                            / /__/ / __/ -_)>  </___/ _  / _ \/ _ `/ __/ _  (_-<
                           /____/_/\__/\__/_/|_|   /____/\___/\_,_/_/  \_,_/___/

                                          LiteX boards files

                                 Copyright 2012-2022 / LiteX-Hub community


[> Intro

From the very tiny Fomu to large PCIe accelerator boards....

This repository contains the platforms/targets currently supported by LiteX:

  • The platform provides the definition of the board: IOs, constraints, clocks, components + methods to load and flash the bitstream to it.
  • The target provides a LiteX base design for the board that allows you to create a SoC (with or without a CPU) and integrate easily all the base components of your board: Ethernet, DRAM, PCIe, SPIFlash, SDCard, Leds, GPIOs, etc...

The targets can be used as a base to build more complex or custom SoCs. They are are for example directly reused by the Linux-on-LiteX-VexRiscv project that is just using a specific configuration (Linux-capable CPU, additional peripherals). Basing your design on provided targets allows to to reduce code duplication between very various projects.

First make sure to install LiteX correctly by following the installation guide and have a look at the LiteX's wiki for tutorials, examples of projects and more information to use/build FPGA designs with it.

Each target provides a default configuration with a CPU, ROM, SRAM, UART, DRAM (if available), Ethernet (if available), etc... that can be simply built and loaded to the FPGA with:

$ python3 -m litex_boards.targets.<board> --build --load

You can then open a terminal on the main UART of the board and interact with the LiteX BIOS:

But this is just the starting point to create your own hardware! You can then:

  • Change the CPU: add --cpu-type=lm32, microwatt, serv, rocket, etc...
  • Change the Bus standard: add --bus-standard=wishbone, axi-lite
  • Enable components: add --with-ethernet --with-etherbone --with-sdcard etc...
  • Load application code to the CPU over UART/Ethernet/SDCard, etc...
  • Create a bridge with your computer to easily access the main bus of your SoC.
  • Add a Logic Analyzer to your SoC to easily observe/debug your design.
  • Simulate your SoC and interact with it at decent speed with LiteX Sim/Verilator.
  • Integrate external cores/CPU to create your own design.
  • etc...

Please use python3 -m litex_boards.targets.<board> --help to see the pre-built various possibilities.

Hoping you will find this useful and enjoy it, please contribute back if you make improvements that could be useful to others or find issues!

A question or want to get in touch? Our IRC channel is #litex at

[> Supported boards

LiteX-Boards currently supports > 120 boards from very various FPGA Vendors (Xilinx, Intel, Lattice, Efinix, Gowin, etc...)! Some of these boards are fully open-hardware boards (Fomu, NeTV2, OrangeCrab, Butterstick, etc...) with FPGAs often supported by the open-source toolchains, some of them are repurposed off-the-shelf hardware (Colorlight 5A/I5/I9, SQRL Acorn CLE 215+, FK33, Siglent SDS1104X-E, Decklink Mini 4k, etc...) and we also of course support popular/regular FPGA dev boards :)

Most of the peripherals present are generally supported: DRAM, UART, Ethernet, SPI-Flash, SDCard, PCIe, SATA, etc... making LiteX-Boards' targets hopefully a good base infrastructure to create your own custom SoCs!

Note: All boards with >= 32MB of memory and enough logic can be considered as Linux Capable, have a look at LiteX-on-LiteX-Vexriscv project to try Linux on your FPGA board!

Some of the suported boards, see yours? Give LiteX-Boards a try!

[> Boards list

├── 1bitsquared_icebreaker_bitsy
├── 1bitsquared_icebreaker
├── adi_adrv2crr_fmc
├── alchitry_au
├── alchitry_mojo
├── alinx_axu2cga
├── antmicro_datacenter_ddr4_test_board
├── antmicro_lpddr4_test_board
├── avalanche
├── berkeleylab_marblemini
├── berkeleylab_marble
├── camlink_4k
├── colorlight_5a_75b
├── colorlight_5a_75e
├── colorlight_i5
├── decklink_intensity_pro_4k
├── decklink_mini_4k
├── decklink_quad_hdmi_recorder
├── digilent_arty
├── digilent_arty_s7
├── digilent_arty_z7
├── digilent_atlys
├── digilent_basys3
├── digilent_cmod_a7
├── digilent_genesys2
├── digilent_nexys4ddr
├── digilent_nexys4
├── digilent_nexys_video
├── digilent_pynq_z1
├── digilent_zedboard
├── digilent_zybo_z7
├── ebaz4205
├── efinix_titanium_ti60_f225_dev_kit
├── efinix_trion_t120_bga576_dev_kit
├── efinix_trion_t20_bga256_dev_kit
├── efinix_trion_t20_mipi_dev_kit
├── efinix_xyloni_dev_kit
├── ego1
├── enclustra_mercury_kx2
├── enclustra_mercury_xu5
├── fairwaves_xtrx
├── fpc_iii
├── gsd_butterstick
├── gsd_orangecrab
├── hackaday_hadbadge
├── jungle_electronics_fireant
├── kosagi_fomu_evt
├── kosagi_fomu_hacker
├── kosagi_fomu_pvt
├── kosagi_netv2
├── krtkl_snickerdoodle
├── lambdaconcept_ecpix5
├── lattice_crosslink_nx_evn
├── lattice_crosslink_nx_vip
├── lattice_ecp5_evn
├── lattice_ecp5_vip
├── lattice_ice40up5k_evn
├── lattice_machxo3
├── lattice_versa_ecp5
├── linsn_rv901t
├── litex_acorn_baseboard
├── logicbone
├── marblemini
├── marble
├── micronova_mercury2
├── mist
├── mnt_rkx7
├── muselab_icesugar_pro
├── muselab_icesugar
├── myminieye_runber
├── numato_aller
├── numato_mimas_a7
├── numato_nereid
├── numato_tagus
├── pano_logic_g2
├── qmtech_10cl006
├── qmtech_5cefa2
├── qmtech_daughterboard
├── qmtech_ep4cex5
├── qmtech_wukong
├── qmtech_xc7a35t
├── quicklogic_quickfeather
├── qwertyembedded_beaglewire
├── radiona_ulx3s
├── rcs_arctic_tern_bmc_card
├── redpitaya
├── rz_easyfpga
├── saanlima_pipistrello
├── scarabhardware_minispartan6
├── seeedstudio_spartan_edge_accelerator
├── siglent_sds1104xe
├── sipeed_tang_nano_4k
├── sipeed_tang_nano_9k
├── sipeed_tang_nano
├── sipeed_tang_primer
├── sqrl_acorn
├── sqrl_fk33
├── sqrl_xcu1525
├── stlv7325
├── terasic_de0nano
├── terasic_de10lite
├── terasic_de10nano
├── terasic_de1soc
├── terasic_de2_115
├── terasic_deca
├── terasic_sockit
├── tinyfpga_bx
├── trellisboard
├── trenz_c10lprefkit
├── trenz_cyc1000
├── trenz_max1000
├── trenz_te0725
├── trenz_tec0117
├── tul_pynq_z2
├── xilinx_ac701
├── xilinx_alveo_u250
├── xilinx_alveo_u280
├── xilinx_kc705
├── xilinx_kcu105
├── xilinx_kv260
├── xilinx_sp605
├── xilinx_vc707
├── xilinx_vcu118
├── xilinx_zcu104
├── xilinx_zcu106
├── xilinx_zcu216
└── ztex213