soc/cores/clock: add initial AlteraClocking/CycloneIV support.

This commit is contained in:
Florent Kermarrec 2020-04-07 16:59:53 +02:00
parent 3575d03faa
commit 0f17547c5b
2 changed files with 131 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -698,3 +698,126 @@ class ECP5PLL(Module):
self.params["p_CLKO{}_CPHASE".format(n_to_l[n])] = cphase
self.params["o_CLKO{}".format(n_to_l[n])] = clk
self.specials += Instance("EHXPLLL", **self.params)
# Altera / Generic ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class AlteraClocking(Module, AutoCSR):
def __init__(self, vco_margin=0):
self.vco_margin = vco_margin
self.reset = Signal()
self.locked = Signal()
self.clkin_freq = None
self.vcxo_freq = None
self.nclkouts = 0
self.clkouts = {}
self.config = {}
self.params = {}
def register_clkin(self, clkin, freq):
self.clkin = Signal()
if isinstance(clkin, (Signal, ClockSignal)):
self.comb += self.clkin.eq(clkin)
elif isinstance(clkin, Record):
self.specials += DifferentialInput(clkin.p, clkin.n, self.clkin)
raise ValueError
self.clkin_freq = freq
register_clkin_log(self.logger, clkin, freq)
def create_clkout(self, cd, freq, phase=0, margin=1e-2, with_reset=True):
assert self.nclkouts < self.nclkouts_max
clkout = Signal()
self.clkouts[self.nclkouts] = (clkout, freq, phase, margin)
if with_reset:
self.specials += AsyncResetSynchronizer(cd, ~self.locked | self.reset)
self.comb += cd.clk.eq(clkout)
create_clkout_log(self.logger,, freq, margin, self.nclkouts)
self.nclkouts += 1
def compute_config(self):
config = {}
for n in range(*self.n_div_range):
config["n"] = n
for m in reversed(range(*self.m_div_range)):
all_valid = True
vco_freq = self.clkin_freq*m/n
(vco_freq_min, vco_freq_max) = self.vco_freq_range
if (vco_freq >= vco_freq_min*(1 + self.vco_margin) and
vco_freq <= vco_freq_max*(1 - self.vco_margin)):
for _n, (clk, f, p, _m) in sorted(self.clkouts.items()):
valid = False
for c in clkdiv_range(*self.c_div_range):
clk_freq = vco_freq/c
if abs(clk_freq - f) <= f*_m:
config["clk{}_freq".format(_n)] = clk_freq
config["clk{}_divide".format(_n)] = c
config["clk{}_phase".format(_n)] = p
valid = True
if valid:
if not valid:
all_valid = False
all_valid = False
if all_valid:
config["vco"] = vco_freq
config["m"] = m
compute_config_log(self.logger, config)
return config
raise ValueError("No PLL config found")
def do_finalize(self):
assert hasattr(self, "clkin")
config = self.compute_config()
clks = Signal(self.nclkouts)
p_INCLK0_INPUT_FREQUENCY = int(1e12/self.clkin_freq),
i_INCLK = self.clkin,
o_CLK = clks,
i_ARESET = 0,
i_CLKENA = 2**self.nclkouts_max - 1,
i_EXTCLKENA = 0xf,
i_FBIN = 1,
i_PFDENA = 1,
i_PLLENA = 1,
o_LOCKED = self.locked,
for n, (clk, f, p, m) in sorted(self.clkouts.items()):
clk_phase_ps = int((1e12/config["clk{}_freq".format(n)])*config["clk{}_phase".format(n)]/360)
self.params["p_CLK{}_DIVIDE_BY".format(n)] = config["clk{}_divide".format(n)]
self.params["p_CLK{}_DUTY_CYCLE".format(n)] = 50
self.params["p_CLK{}_MULTIPLY_BY".format(n)] = config["m"]
self.params["p_CLK{}_PHASE_SHIFT".format(n)] = clk_phase_ps
self.comb += clk.eq(clks[n])
self.specials += Instance("ALTPLL", **self.params)
# Altera / CycloneIV -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CycloneIVPLL(AlteraClocking):
nclkouts_max = 5
n_div_range = (1, 512+1)
m_div_range = (1, 512+1)
c_div_range = (1, 512+1)
vco_freq_range = (600e6, 1300e6)
def __init__(self, speedgrade="-6"):
self.logger = logging.getLogger("CycloneIVPLL")"Creating CycloneIVPLL, {}.".format(colorer("speedgrade {}".format(speedgrade))))
self.clkin_freq_range = {
"-6" : (5e6, 472.5e6),
"-7" : (5e6, 472.5e6),
"-8" : (5e6, 472.5e6),
"-8L": (5e6, 362e6),
"-9L": (5e6, 256e6),
self.clko_freq_range = {
"-6" : (0, 472.5e6),
"-7" : (0, 450e6),
"-8" : (0, 402.5e6),
"-8L": (0, 362e6),
"-9L": (0, 265e6),

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@ -67,3 +67,11 @@ class TestClock(unittest.TestCase):
for i in range(pll.nclkouts_max):
pll.create_clkout(ClockDomain("clkout{}".format(i)), 200e6)
# Altera / CycloneIV
def test_cycloneivpll(self):
pll = CycloneIVPLL()
pll.register_clkin(Signal(), 50e6)
for i in range(pll.nclkouts_max):
pll.create_clkout(ClockDomain("clkout{}".format(i)), 100e6)