Fix `-vlgincdir` for xst.

The command line is of the form;
-vlgincdir {"path1" "path2"}

Fixes the following error;
WARNING:Xst:3164 - Option "-vlgincdir" found multiple times in the command line. Only the first occurence is considered.
This commit is contained in:
Tim 'mithro' Ansell 2018-12-17 21:11:14 -08:00
parent 0ade06c0f0
commit 8b2abc7e89
1 changed files with 5 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -58,8 +58,11 @@ def _build_xst_files(device, sources, vincpaths, build_name, xst_opt):
-ofn {build_name}.ngc
-p {device}
""".format(build_name=build_name, xst_opt=xst_opt, device=device)
for path in vincpaths:
xst_contents += "-vlgincdir " + tools.cygpath(path) + "\n"
if vincpaths:
xst_contents += "-vlgincdir {"
for path in vincpaths:
xst_contents += tools.cygpath(path) + " "
xst_contents += "}"
tools.write_to_file(build_name + ".xst", xst_contents)