socinterconnect/axi: interconnect shared sketch

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Jędrzej Boczar 2020-07-17 16:54:57 +02:00
parent f47ccdae99
commit a8a583d6b4
1 changed files with 104 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -936,3 +936,107 @@ class AXILiteInterconnectPointToPoint(Module):
def __init__(self, master, slave): def __init__(self, master, slave):
self.comb += master.connect(slave) self.comb += master.connect(slave)
class AXILiteArbiter(Module):
"""AXI Lite arbiter
Arbitrate between master interfaces and connect one to the target.
Arbitration is done separately for write and read channels.
def __init__(self, masters, target):
self.submodules.rr_write = roundrobin.RoundRobin(len(masters))
self.submodules.rr_read = roundrobin.RoundRobin(len(masters))
def get_sig(interface, channel, name):
return getattr(getattr(interface, channel), name)
# mux master->slave signals
for channel, name, direction in target.layout_flat():
rr = self.rr_write if channel in ["aw", "w", "b"] else self.rr_read
if direction == DIR_M_TO_S:
choices = Array(get_sig(m, channel, name) for m in masters)
self.comb += get_sig(target, channel, name).eq(choices[rr.grant])
# connect slave->master signals
for channel, name, direction in target.layout_flat():
rr = self.rr_write if channel in ["aw", "w", "b"] else self.rr_read
if direction == DIR_S_TO_M:
source = get_sig(target, channel, name)
for i, m in enumerate(masters):
dest = get_sig(m, channel, name)
if name == "ready":
self.comb += dest.eq(source & (rr.grant == i))
self.comb += dest.eq(source)
# connect bus requests to round-robin selectors
self.comb += self.rr_write.request.eq(Cat(*[ | m.w.valid | m.b.valid for m in masters]))
self.comb += self.rr_read.request.eq(Cat(*[ | m.r.valid for m in masters]))
class AXILiteDecoder(Module):
# slaves is a list of pairs:
# 0) function that takes the address signal and returns a FHDL expression
# that evaluates to 1 when the slave is selected and 0 otherwise.
# 1) wishbone.Slave reference.
# register adds flip-flops after the address comparators. Improves timing,
# but breaks Wishbone combinatorial feedback.
def __init__(self, master, slaves, register=False):
addr_shift = log2_int(master.data_width//8)
ns = len(slaves)
slave_sel = Signal(ns)
slave_sel_r = Signal(ns)
def get_sig(interface, channel, name):
return getattr(getattr(interface, channel), name)
# decode slave addresses
self.comb += [slave_sel[i].eq(fun([addr_shift:]) | fun([addr_shift:]))
for i, (fun, bus) in enumerate(slaves)]
if register:
self.sync += slave_sel_r.eq(slave_sel)
self.comb += slave_sel_r.eq(slave_sel)
# connect master->slaves signals except valid
for fun, slave in slaves:
for channel, name, direction in master.layout_flat():
if direction == DIR_M_TO_S and name != "valid":
self.comb += get_sig(slave, channel, name).eq(get_sig(master, channel, name))
# combine cyc with slave selection signals
for i, (fun, slave) in enumerate(slaves):
for ch in ["aw", "w", "ar"]:
slave_valid = get_sig(slave, ch, "valid")
master_valid = get_sig(master, ch, "valid")
self.comb += slave_valid.eq(master_valid & slave_sel[i])
# generate master ready by ORing all slave readys
self.comb += [, [ for fun, slave in slaves])),
master.w.ready.eq(reduce(or_, [slave.w.ready for fun, slave in slaves])),, [ for fun, slave in slaves])),
# mux (1-hot) slave data return
masked = [Replicate(slave_sel_r[i], len( & slaves[i][1] for i in range(ns)]
self.comb +=, masked))
class AXILiteInterconnectShared(Module):
def __init__(self, masters, slaves, register=False, timeout_cycles=1e6):
# TODO: data width
shared = AXILiteInterface()
self.submodules.arbiter = AXILiteArbiter(masters, shared)
self.submodules.decoder = AXILiteDecoder(shared, slaves, register)
if timeout_cycles is not None:
self.submodules.timeout = AXILiteTimeout(shared, timeout_cycles)
class AXILiteCrossbar(Module):
def __init__(self, masters, slaves, register=False):
matches, busses = zip(*slaves)
access = [[AXILiteInterface() for j in slaves] for i in masters]
# decode each master into its access row
for row, master in zip(access, masters):
row = list(zip(matches, row))
self.submodules += AXILiteDecoder(master, row, register)
# arbitrate each access column onto its slave
for column, bus in zip(zip(*access), busses):
self.submodules += AXILiteArbiter(column, bus)