videostream: add compacter and packer
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
from migen.fhdl.std import *
from migen.genlib.fsm import *
from migen.genlib.record import Record
from migen.genlib.misc import optree
from migen.sim.generic import run_simulation
class Chopper(Module):
@ -93,6 +95,59 @@ class Chopper(Module):
# initialize Np
fsm.act(N, load_np.eq(1))
class Compacter(Module):
def __init__(self, base_layout, N):
self.i = Record([("w"+str(i), base_layout) for i in range(N)])
self.sel = Signal(N)
self.o = Record([("w"+str(i), base_layout) for i in range(N)])
self.count = Signal(max=N+1)
def set_word(wn, selstart):
if wn >= N or selstart >= N:
r = None
for i in reversed(range(selstart, N)):
r = If(self.sel[i],
getattr(self.o, "w"+str(wn)).eq(getattr(self.i, "w"+str(i))),
set_word(wn+1, i+1)
return r
self.sync += set_word(0, 0)
self.sync += self.count.eq(optree("+", [self.sel[i] for i in range(N)]))
class Packer(Module):
def __init__(self, base_layout, N):
assert(N & (N - 1) == 0) # only support powers of 2
self.i = Record([("w"+str(i), base_layout) for i in range(N)])
self.count = Signal(max=N+1)
self.o = Record([("w"+str(i), base_layout) for i in range(N)])
self.stb = Signal()
buf = Record([("w"+str(i), base_layout) for i in range(2*N)])
wrp = Signal(max=2*N)
wrp_next = Signal(max=2*N)
self.comb += wrp_next.eq(wrp + self.count)
self.sync += [
wrp.eq(wrp_next), self.stb.eq(wrp_next[-1] ^ wrp[-1]),
Case(wrp, {i: [getattr(buf, "w"+str(j + i & 2*N - 1)).eq(getattr(self.i, "w"+str(j))) for j in range(N)] for i in range(2*N)})
rdp = Signal()
self.sync += If(self.stb, rdp.eq(~rdp))
self.comb += If(rdp,
[getattr(self.o, "w"+str(i)).eq(getattr(buf, "w"+str(i+N))) for i in range(N)]
[getattr(self.o, "w"+str(i)).eq(getattr(buf, "w"+str(i))) for i in range(N)]
def _count_ones(n):
r = 0
while n:
@ -108,6 +163,7 @@ class _ChopperTB(Module):
def gen_simulation(self, selfp):
dut = selfp.dut
print("initializing chopper...")
dut.init = 1
dut.p = 320
dut.q = 681
@ -115,7 +171,6 @@ class _ChopperTB(Module):
dut.init = 0
while not dut.ready:
@ -124,10 +179,57 @@ class _ChopperTB(Module):
ones = 0
niter = 681
for i in range(niter):
ones += _count_ones(dut.chopper)
print("Ones: {} (expected: {})".format(ones, dut.p*niter*4//dut.q))
class _CompacterPackerTB(Module):
def __init__(self, input_it):
self.input_it = input_it
self.output = []
self.end_cycle = -1
self.submodules.compacter = Compacter(16, 4)
self.submodules.packer = Packer(16, 4)
self.comb += self.packer.i.eq(self.compacter.o), self.packer.count.eq(self.compacter.count)
def do_simulation(self, selfp):
if selfp.simulator.cycle_counter == self.end_cycle:
raise StopSimulation
# push values
sel = 0
for i in range(4):
value, keep = next(self.input_it)
except StopIteration:
value, keep = 0, 0
if self.end_cycle == -1:
self.end_cycle = selfp.simulator.cycle_counter + 3
sel |= int(keep) << i
setattr(selfp.compacter.i, "w"+str(i), value)
selfp.compacter.sel = sel
# pull values
if selfp.packer.stb:
for i in range(4):
self.output.append(getattr(selfp.packer.o, "w"+str(i)))
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("*** Testing chopper ***")
print("*** Testing compacter and packer ***")
test_seq = [
(42, 0), (32, 1), ( 4, 1), (21, 0),
(43, 1), (11, 1), ( 5, 1), (18, 0),
(71, 0), (70, 1), (30, 1), (12, 1),
( 3, 1), (12, 1), (21, 1), (10, 0),
( 1, 1), (87, 0), (72, 0), (12, 0)
tb = _CompacterPackerTB(iter(test_seq))
print("got: " + str(tb.output))
print("expected: " + str([value for value, keep in test_seq if keep]))
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