soc/cores/gpio: review/simplify #810.

Use irqs dict and "rise", "fall" strings instead of Enums:

Ex: pads=Signal(8), irqs={}                    : 8-bit Input, No IRQ.
    pads=Signal(8), irqs={0: "rise", 7: "fall"}: 8-bit Input, rising IRQ on 0, falling IRQ on 1.

Also simplify the logic.
This commit is contained in:
Florent Kermarrec 2021-02-12 16:21:01 +01:00
parent 89454d2df3
commit ead12df21b

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@ -12,60 +12,41 @@ from litex.soc.interconnect.csr import *
from litex.soc.interconnect.csr_eventmanager import *
from enum import Enum
# Helpers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _to_signal(obj):
return obj.raw_bits() if isinstance(obj, Record) else obj
class IRQ_Type(Enum):
NO_IRQ = 0
# GPIO Input ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class GPIOIn(Module, AutoCSR):
"""GPIO Input
Parameters / Attributes
pads : Object
GPIO Input pads description.
Provides a GPIO Input peripheral. An optional IRQ dict can be passed to add rising or falling
interrupts to pads.
irq : list of IRQ_Type (optional)
List containing IRQ types for each pad. It can take values supported by IRQ_Type Enum.
Example use:
This adds interrupts on pins 2 (falling edge) and 3 (rising edge).
Ex: pads=Signal(8), irqs={} : 8-bit Input, No IRQ.
pads=Signal(8), irqs={0: "rise", 7: "fall"}: 8-bit Input, rising IRQ on 0, falling IRQ on 1.
def __init__(self, pads, irq=None):
def __init__(self, pads, irqs={}):
pads = _to_signal(pads)
# Inputs
self._in = CSRStatus(len(pads), description="GPIO Input(s) Status.")
self.specials += MultiReg(pads, self._in.status)
if irq:
assert(len(irq) <= len(pads))
# IRQs
if len(irqs):
self.submodules.ev = EventManager()
irq_no = []
for i, irq_type in enumerate(irq):
assert(irq_type, IRQ_Type)
name = "pin" + str(i)
if irq_type == IRQ_Type.RISING_EDGE:
setattr(self.ev, name, EventSourcePulse())
elif irq_type == IRQ_Type.FALLING_EDGE:
setattr(self.ev, name, EventSourceProcess())
sources_u = [v for k, v in xdir(self.ev, True) if isinstance(v, (EventSourcePulse, EventSourceProcess))]
for i, source in enumerate(sources_u):
self.comb += source.trigger.eq(pads[irq_no[i]])
for n, irq_type in irqs.items():
assert irq_type in ["fall", "falling", "rise", "rising"]
assert len(pads) > n
name = f"i{n}"
if irq_type in ["rise", "rising"]:
setattr(self.ev, f"i{n}", EventSourcePulse())
if irq_type in ["fall", "falling"]:
setattr(self.ev, f"i{n}", EventSourceProcess())
self.comb += getattr(self.ev, f"i{n}").trigger.eq(pads[n])
# GPIO Output --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------