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synced 2025-01-04 09:52:26 -05:00
Useful to get some internal status, ex the IDCode or know if the executed bistream in a multiboot configuration is the operational or fallback one.
101 lines
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101 lines
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# This file is part of LiteX.
# Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Florent Kermarrec <florent@enjoy-digital.fr>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
import unittest
from migen import *
from litex.soc.cores.icap import *
# References ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
iprog_sequence = [
# csib rdwrb data
"0 0 0xaa995566",
"0 0 0x20000000",
"0 0 0x20000000",
"0 0 0x30008001",
"0 0 0x0000000f",
"0 0 0x20000000",
"0 0 0x20000000",
"0 0 0x30008001",
"0 0 0x0000000d",
"0 0 0x20000000",
"0 0 0x20000000",
bootsts_sequence = [
# csib rdwrb data
"0 0 0xaa995566",
"0 0 0x20000000",
"0 0 0x20000000",
"0 0 0x2802c001",
"0 0 0x20000000",
"0 0 0x20000000",
"1 1 0x20000000",
"0 1 0x20000000",
"0 1 0x20000000",
"0 1 0x20000000",
"0 1 0x20000000",
"0 0 0x30008001",
"0 0 0x0000000d",
"0 0 0x20000000",
"0 0 0x20000000",
# Test ICAP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class TestICAP(unittest.TestCase):
def test_icap_command_reload(self):
def generator(dut):
# Send IPROG Write Sequence.
yield dut.addr.eq(ICAPRegisters.CMD)
yield dut.write_data.eq(ICAPCMDs.IPROG)
yield dut.write.eq(1)
# Wait.
while not (yield dut.done):
yield dut.write.eq(0)
# Delay
for i in range(16):
# Send BOOTSTS Read Sequence.
yield dut.addr.eq(ICAPRegisters.BOOTSTS)
yield dut.read.eq(1)
# Wait.
while not (yield dut.done):
yield dut.read.eq(0)
def check(dut):
# Check IPROG Write Sequence.
while (yield dut._i) != ICAP_SYNC:
for ref_w in iprog_sequence:
cur_w = f"{(yield dut._csib)} {(yield dut._rdwrb)} 0x{(yield dut._i):08x}"
self.assertEqual(ref_w, cur_w)
# Check BOOTSTS Read Sequence.
while (yield dut._i) != ICAP_SYNC:
for ref_w in bootsts_sequence:
cur_w = f"{(yield dut._csib)} {(yield dut._rdwrb)} 0x{(yield dut._i):08x}"
self.assertEqual(ref_w, cur_w)
dut = ICAP(with_csr=False, simulation=True)
clocks = {"sys": 10, "icap": 10}
run_simulation(dut, [generator(dut), check(dut)], clocks, vcd_name="icap.vcd")
def test_icap_bitstream_syntax(self):
dut = ICAPBitstream(simulation=True)