68 lines
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68 lines
1.8 KiB
from functools import reduce
from operator import add
from math import cos, pi
from scipy import signal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from migen import *
from migen.fhdl import verilog
# A synthesizable FIR filter.
class FIR(Module):
def __init__(self, coef, wsize=16):
self.coef = coef
self.wsize = wsize
self.i = Signal((self.wsize, True))
self.o = Signal((self.wsize, True))
muls = []
src = self.i
for c in self.coef:
sreg = Signal((self.wsize, True))
self.sync += sreg.eq(src)
src = sreg
c_fp = int(c*2**(self.wsize - 1))
sum_full = Signal((2*self.wsize-1, True))
self.sync += sum_full.eq(reduce(add, muls))
self.comb += self.o.eq(sum_full >> self.wsize-1)
# A test bench for our FIR filter.
# Generates a sine wave at the input and records the output.
def fir_tb(dut, frequency, inputs, outputs):
f = 2**(dut.wsize - 1)
for cycle in range(200):
v = 0.1*cos(2*pi*frequency*cycle)
yield dut.i.eq(int(f*v))
outputs.append((yield dut.o)/f)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Compute filter coefficients with SciPy.
coef = signal.remez(30, [0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.45, 0.5], [0, 1, 0])
# Simulate for different frequencies and concatenate
# the results.
in_signals = []
out_signals = []
for frequency in [0.05, 0.1, 0.25]:
dut = FIR(coef)
tb = fir_tb(dut, frequency, in_signals, out_signals)
run_simulation(dut, tb)
# Plot data from the input and output waveforms.
# Print the Verilog source for the filter.
fir = FIR(coef)
print(verilog.convert(fir, ios={fir.i, fir.o}))