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synced 2025-01-04 09:52:26 -05:00
it's generally better to have identical code between simulations and synthesis, but here tricks inserted for simulation are clearly expected to be simplified by synthesis tools, so it's better not inserting them.
340 lines
9.8 KiB
340 lines
9.8 KiB
from functools import partial
from operator import itemgetter
from migen.fhdl.structure import *
from migen.fhdl.structure import _Operator, _Slice, _Assign, _Fragment
from migen.fhdl.tools import *
from migen.fhdl.bitcontainer import bits_for, flen
from migen.fhdl.namer import Namespace, build_namespace
def _printsig(ns, s):
if s.signed:
n = "signed "
n = ""
if flen(s) > 1:
n += "[" + str(flen(s)-1) + ":0] "
n += ns.get_name(s)
return n
def _printintbool(node):
if isinstance(node, bool):
if node:
return "1'd1", False
return "1'd0", False
elif isinstance(node, int):
if node >= 0:
return str(bits_for(node)) + "'d" + str(node), False
nbits = bits_for(node)
return str(nbits) + "'sd" + str(2**nbits + node), True
raise TypeError
def _printexpr(ns, node):
if isinstance(node, (int, bool)):
return _printintbool(node)
elif isinstance(node, Signal):
return ns.get_name(node), node.signed
elif isinstance(node, _Operator):
arity = len(node.operands)
r1, s1 = _printexpr(ns, node.operands[0])
if arity == 1:
if node.op == "-":
if s1:
r = node.op + r1
r = "-$signed({1'd0, " + r1 + "})"
s = True
r = node.op + r1
s = s1
elif arity == 2:
r2, s2 = _printexpr(ns, node.operands[1])
if node.op not in ["<<<", ">>>"]:
if s2 and not s1:
r1 = "$signed({1'd0, " + r1 + "})"
if s1 and not s2:
r2 = "$signed({1'd0, " + r2 + "})"
r = r1 + " " + node.op + " " + r2
s = s1 or s2
elif arity == 3:
assert node.op == "m"
r2, s2 = _printexpr(ns, node.operands[1])
r3, s3 = _printexpr(ns, node.operands[2])
if s2 and not s3:
r3 = "$signed({1'd0, " + r3 + "})"
if s3 and not s2:
r2 = "$signed({1'd0, " + r2 + "})"
r = r1 + " ? " + r2 + " : " + r3
s = s2 or s3
raise TypeError
return "(" + r + ")", s
elif isinstance(node, _Slice):
# Verilog does not like us slicing non-array signals...
if isinstance(node.value, Signal) \
and flen(node.value) == 1 \
and node.start == 0 and node.stop == 1:
return _printexpr(ns, node.value)
if node.start + 1 == node.stop:
sr = "[" + str(node.start) + "]"
sr = "[" + str(node.stop-1) + ":" + str(node.start) + "]"
r, s = _printexpr(ns, node.value)
return r + sr, s
elif isinstance(node, Cat):
l = [_printexpr(ns, v)[0] for v in reversed(node.l)]
return "{" + ", ".join(l) + "}", False
elif isinstance(node, Replicate):
return "{" + str(node.n) + "{" + _printexpr(ns, node.v)[0] + "}}", False
raise TypeError("Expression of unrecognized type: "+str(type(node)))
def _printnode(ns, at, level, node):
if node is None:
return ""
elif isinstance(node, _Assign):
if at == _AT_BLOCKING:
assignment = " = "
elif at == _AT_NONBLOCKING:
assignment = " <= "
elif is_variable(node.l):
assignment = " = "
assignment = " <= "
return "\t"*level + _printexpr(ns, node.l)[0] + assignment + _printexpr(ns, node.r)[0] + ";\n"
elif isinstance(node, (list, tuple)):
return "".join(list(map(partial(_printnode, ns, at, level), node)))
elif isinstance(node, If):
r = "\t"*level + "if (" + _printexpr(ns, node.cond)[0] + ") begin\n"
r += _printnode(ns, at, level + 1, node.t)
if node.f:
r += "\t"*level + "end else begin\n"
r += _printnode(ns, at, level + 1, node.f)
r += "\t"*level + "end\n"
return r
elif isinstance(node, Case):
if node.cases:
r = "\t"*level + "case (" + _printexpr(ns, node.test)[0] + ")\n"
css = sorted([(k, v) for (k, v) in node.cases.items() if k != "default"], key=itemgetter(0))
for choice, statements in css:
r += "\t"*(level + 1) + _printexpr(ns, choice)[0] + ": begin\n"
r += _printnode(ns, at, level + 2, statements)
r += "\t"*(level + 1) + "end\n"
if "default" in node.cases:
r += "\t"*(level + 1) + "default: begin\n"
r += _printnode(ns, at, level + 2, node.cases["default"])
r += "\t"*(level + 1) + "end\n"
r += "\t"*level + "endcase\n"
return r
return ""
raise TypeError("Node of unrecognized type: "+str(type(node)))
def _list_comb_wires(f):
r = set()
groups = group_by_targets(f.comb)
for g in groups:
if len(g[1]) == 1 and isinstance(g[1][0], _Assign):
r |= g[0]
return r
def _printheader(f, ios, name, ns):
sigs = list_signals(f) | list_special_ios(f, True, True, True)
special_outs = list_special_ios(f, False, True, True)
inouts = list_special_ios(f, False, False, True)
targets = list_targets(f) | special_outs
wires = _list_comb_wires(f) | special_outs
r = "module " + name + "(\n"
firstp = True
for sig in sorted(ios, key=lambda x: x.huid):
if not firstp:
r += ",\n"
firstp = False
if sig in inouts:
r += "\tinout " + _printsig(ns, sig)
elif sig in targets:
if sig in wires:
r += "\toutput " + _printsig(ns, sig)
r += "\toutput reg " + _printsig(ns, sig)
r += "\tinput " + _printsig(ns, sig)
r += "\n);\n\n"
for sig in sorted(sigs - ios, key=lambda x: x.huid):
if sig in wires:
r += "wire " + _printsig(ns, sig) + ";\n"
r += "reg " + _printsig(ns, sig) + ";\n"
r += "\n"
return r
def _printcomb(f, ns, simulation, display_run):
r = ""
if f.comb:
if simulation:
# Generate a dummy event to get the simulator
# to run the combinatorial process once at the beginning.
syn_off = "// synthesis translate_off\n"
syn_on = "// synthesis translate_on\n"
dummy_s = Signal(name_override="dummy_s")
r += syn_off
r += "reg " + _printsig(ns, dummy_s) + ";\n"
r += "initial " + ns.get_name(dummy_s) + " <= 1'd0;\n"
r += syn_on
groups = group_by_targets(f.comb)
for n, g in enumerate(groups):
if len(g[1]) == 1 and isinstance(g[1][0], _Assign):
r += "assign " + _printnode(ns, _AT_BLOCKING, 0, g[1][0])
if simulation:
dummy_d = Signal(name_override="dummy_d")
r += "\n" + syn_off
r += "reg " + _printsig(ns, dummy_d) + ";\n"
r += syn_on
r += "always @(*) begin\n"
if display_run:
r += "\t$display(\"Running comb block #" + str(n) + "\");\n"
for t in g[0]:
r += "\t" + ns.get_name(t) + " <= " + _printexpr(ns, t.reset)[0] + ";\n"
r += _printnode(ns, _AT_NONBLOCKING, 1, g[1])
if simulation:
r += syn_off
r += "\t" + ns.get_name(dummy_d) + " <= " + ns.get_name(dummy_s) + ";\n"
r += syn_on
r += "end\n"
r += "\n"
return r
def _printsync(f, ns):
r = ""
for k, v in sorted(f.sync.items(), key=itemgetter(0)):
if f.clock_domains[k].rst is None:
r += "initial begin\n"
r += _printnode(ns, _AT_SIGNAL, 1, generate_reset(ResetSignal(k), v))
r += "end\n\n"
r += "always @(posedge " + ns.get_name(f.clock_domains[k].clk) + ") begin\n"
r += _printnode(ns, _AT_SIGNAL, 1, v)
r += "end\n\n"
return r
def _call_special_classmethod(overrides, obj, method, *args, **kwargs):
cl = obj.__class__
if cl in overrides:
cl = overrides[cl]
if hasattr(cl, method):
return getattr(cl, method)(obj, *args, **kwargs)
return None
def _lower_specials_step(overrides, specials):
f = _Fragment()
lowered_specials = set()
for special in sorted(specials, key=lambda x: x.huid):
impl = _call_special_classmethod(overrides, special, "lower")
if impl is not None:
f += impl.get_fragment()
return f, lowered_specials
def _can_lower(overrides, specials):
for special in specials:
cl = special.__class__
if cl in overrides:
cl = overrides[cl]
if hasattr(cl, "lower"):
return True
return False
def _lower_specials(overrides, specials):
f, lowered_specials = _lower_specials_step(overrides, specials)
while _can_lower(overrides, f.specials):
f2, lowered_specials2 = _lower_specials_step(overrides, f.specials)
f += f2
lowered_specials |= lowered_specials2
f.specials -= lowered_specials2
return f, lowered_specials
def _printspecials(overrides, specials, ns):
r = ""
for special in sorted(specials, key=lambda x: x.huid):
pr = _call_special_classmethod(overrides, special, "emit_verilog", ns)
if pr is None:
raise NotImplementedError("Special " + str(special) + " failed to implement emit_verilog")
r += pr
return r
def _printinit(f, ios, ns):
r = ""
signals = (list_signals(f) | list_special_ios(f, True, False, False)) \
- ios \
- list_targets(f) \
- list_special_ios(f, False, True, True)
wires = (_list_comb_wires(f) | list_special_ios(f, True, False, False)) \
- ios \
- list_targets(f) \
- list_special_ios(f, False, True, True)
if signals:
for s in sorted(signals, key=lambda x: x.huid):
if s in wires:
r += "assign" + ns.get_name(s) + " = " + _printexpr(ns, s.reset)[0] + ";\n"
r += "always @(*) begin\n"
for s in sorted(signals, key=lambda x: x.huid):
if s not in wires:
r += "\t" + ns.get_name(s) + " <= " + _printexpr(ns, s.reset)[0] + ";\n"
r += "end\n"
return r
def convert(f, ios=None, name="top",
if not isinstance(f, _Fragment):
f = f.get_fragment()
if ios is None:
ios = set()
for cd_name in list_clock_domains(f):
except KeyError:
if create_clock_domains:
cd = ClockDomain(cd_name)
ios |= {cd.clk, cd.rst}
raise KeyError("Unresolved clock domain: '"+cd_name+"'")
f = lower_complex_slices(f)
f = lower_basics(f)
fs, lowered_specials = _lower_specials(special_overrides, f.specials)
f += lower_basics(fs)
ns = build_namespace(list_signals(f) \
| list_special_ios(f, True, True, True) \
| ios)
r = "/* Machine-generated using Migen */\n"
r += _printheader(f, ios, name, ns)
r += _printcomb(f, ns, simulation, display_run)
r += _printsync(f, ns)
r += _printspecials(special_overrides, f.specials - lowered_specials, ns)
r += _printinit(f, ios, ns)
r += "endmodule\n"
if return_ns:
return r, ns
return r