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226 lines
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Executable file
226 lines
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Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# This file is part of MiSoC and has been adapted/modified for Litex.
# Copyright 2007-2023 / M-Labs Ltd
# Copyright 2012-2015 / Enjoy-Digital
# Copyright from Misoc LICENCE file added above
# Copyright 2023 Andrew Dennison <andrew@motec.com.au>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
import unittest
from migen import *
from migen.fhdl.specials import Tristate
from litex.soc.cores.i2c import *
class _MockPads:
def __init__(self):
self.scl = Signal()
self.sda = Signal()
class _MockTristateImpl(Module):
def __init__(self, t):
t.i_mock = Signal(reset=True)
self.comb += [
class _MockTristate:
"""A mock `Tristate` for simulation
This simulation ensures the TriState input (_i) tracks the output (_o) when output enable
(_oe) = 1. A new i_mock `Signal` is added - this can be written to in the simulation to represent
input from the external device.
Example usage:
class TestMyModule(unittest.TestCase):
def test_mymodule(self):
dut = MyModule()
io = Signal()
dut.io_t = TSTriple()
self.io_tristate = self.io_t.get_tristate(io)
dut.comb += [
def generator()
yield dut.io_tristate.i_mock.eq(some_value)
if (yield dut.io_t.oe):
self.assertEqual((yield dut.scl_t.i), (yield dut.io_t.o))
self.assertEqual((yield dut.scl_t.i), some_value)
def lower(t):
return _MockTristateImpl(t)
class TestI2C(unittest.TestCase):
def test_i2c(self):
pads = _MockPads()
dut = I2CMaster(pads)
def check_trans(scl, sda, msg=""):
scl, sda = int(scl), int(sda)
scl_init, sda_init = (yield dut.scl_t.i), (yield dut.sda_t.i)
timeout = 0
while True:
scl_now, sda_now = (yield dut.scl_t.i), (yield dut.sda_t.i)
if scl_now == scl and sda_now == sda:
timeout += 1
self.assertLess(timeout, 20,
f"\n*** {msg} timeout. Waiting for: " +
f"scl:{scl_now} checking:{scl_init}=>{scl} " +
f"sda:{sda_now} checking:{sda_init}=>{sda} ***"
def wait_idle(do=lambda: ()):
timeout = 0
while True:
timeout += 1
self.assertLess(timeout, 20)
idle = ((yield from dut.bus.read(I2C_XFER_ADDR)) & I2C_IDLE) != 0
if idle:
def write_bit(value):
# print(f"write_bit:{value}")
yield from check_trans(scl=False, sda=value)
yield from check_trans(scl=True, sda=value)
def write_ack(value):
# print(f"write_ack:{value}")
yield from check_trans(scl=False, sda=not value)
yield from check_trans(scl=True, sda=not value)
yield from wait_idle()
def read_bit(value):
yield dut.sda_tristate.i_mock.eq(value)
yield from check_trans(scl=True, sda=value)
yield from check_trans(scl=False, sda=value)
yield dut.sda_tristate.i_mock.eq(True)
def read_ack(value):
yield from check_trans(scl=False, sda=True)
yield dut.sda_tristate.i_mock.eq(not value)
yield from check_trans(scl=True, sda=not value)
yield from wait_idle()
yield dut.sda_tristate.i_mock.eq(True)
ack = ((yield from dut.bus.read(I2C_XFER_ADDR)) & I2C_ACK) != 0
self.assertEqual(ack, value)
def i2c_restart():
yield from check_trans(scl=False, sda=True, msg="checking restart precondition")
yield from dut.bus.write(I2C_XFER_ADDR, I2C_START)
yield from check_trans(scl=False, sda=True, msg="checking restart0")
yield from check_trans(scl=True, sda=True, msg="checking restart1")
yield from check_trans(scl=True, sda=False, msg="checking start0")
yield from wait_idle()
def i2c_start():
yield from check_trans(scl=True, sda=True, msg="checking start precondition")
yield from dut.bus.write(I2C_XFER_ADDR, I2C_START)
yield from check_trans(scl=True, sda=False, msg="checking start0")
yield from wait_idle()
def i2c_stop():
yield from check_trans(scl=False, sda=True, msg="checking stop after read or write")
yield from dut.bus.write(I2C_XFER_ADDR, I2C_STOP)
yield from check_trans(scl=False, sda=False, msg="checking STOP0")
yield from check_trans(scl=True, sda=False, msg="checking STOP1")
yield from check_trans(scl=True, sda=True, msg="checking STOP2")
yield from wait_idle()
def i2c_write(value, ack=True):
value = int(value)
test_bin = "{0:08b}".format(value)
# print(f"I2C_WRITE | {hex(value)}:0x{test_bin}")
yield from dut.bus.write(I2C_XFER_ADDR, I2C_WRITE | value)
for i in list(test_bin):
yield from write_bit(int(i))
yield from read_ack(True)
def i2c_read(value, ack=True):
value = int(value)
test_bin = "{0:08b}".format(value)
print(f"I2C_READ | {hex(value)}:0x{test_bin}")
yield from dut.bus.write(I2C_XFER_ADDR, I2C_READ | (I2C_ACK if ack else 0))
for i in list(test_bin):
yield from read_bit(int(i))
yield dut.sda_tristate.i_mock.eq(True)
data = (yield from dut.bus.read(I2C_XFER_ADDR)) & 0xFF
self.assertEqual(data, value)
yield from write_ack(ack)
def check():
yield from dut.bus.write(I2C_CONFIG_ADDR, 4)
data = (yield from dut.bus.read(I2C_CONFIG_ADDR)) & 0xFF
self.assertEqual(data, 4)
print("write 1 byte 0x18 to address 0x41")
yield from i2c_start()
yield from i2c_write(0x41 << 1 | 0)
yield from i2c_write(0x18, ack=False)
yield from i2c_stop()
print("read 1 byte from address 0x41")
yield from i2c_start()
yield from i2c_write(0x41 << 1 | 1)
yield from i2c_read(0x18, ack=False)
print("write 2 bytes 0x10 0x00 to address 0x11")
yield from i2c_restart()
yield from i2c_write(0x11 << 1 | 0)
yield from i2c_write(0x10, ack=True)
yield from i2c_write(0x00, ack=False)
yield from i2c_stop()
print("read 1 byte from address 0x11")
yield from i2c_start()
yield from i2c_write(0x11 << 1 | 1)
yield from i2c_read(0x81, ack=False)
print("read 2 bytes from address 0x55")
yield from i2c_restart()
yield from i2c_write(0x55 << 1 | 1)
yield from i2c_read(0xDE, ack=True)
yield from i2c_read(0xAD, ack=False)
yield from i2c_stop()
clocks = {
"sys": 10,
"async": (10, 3),
generators = {
"sys": [
run_simulation(dut, generators, clocks, special_overrides={Tristate: _MockTristate}, vcd_name="i2c.vcd")
if __name__ == "__main__":