Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/YosysHQ/picorv32.git synced 2025-01-03 03:43:38 -05:00

Add PICORV32_REGS mechanism for ASIC sram instantiation

This commit is contained in:
Clifford Wolf 2017-10-01 15:45:46 +02:00
parent 500db14e44
commit ad08edd2e5
4 changed files with 130 additions and 13 deletions

View file

@ -42,6 +42,14 @@
`define assert(assert_expr) empty_statement
// uncomment this for register file in extra module
// `define PICORV32_REGS picorv32_regs
// this macro can be used to check if the verilog files in your
// design are read in the correct order.
`define PICORV32_V
* picorv32
@ -149,7 +157,6 @@ module picorv32 #(
reg [63:0] count_cycle, count_instr;
reg [31:0] reg_pc, reg_next_pc, reg_op1, reg_op2, reg_out;
reg [31:0] cpuregs [0:regfile_size-1];
reg [4:0] reg_sh;
reg [31:0] next_insn_opcode;
@ -175,6 +182,9 @@ module picorv32 #(
reg [31:0] irq_pending;
reg [31:0] timer;
`ifndef PICORV32_REGS
reg [31:0] cpuregs [0:regfile_size-1];
integer i;
initial begin
if (REGS_INIT_ZERO) begin
@ -182,6 +192,7 @@ module picorv32 #(
cpuregs[i] = 0;
task empty_statement;
// This task is used by the `assert directive in non-formal mode to
@ -1300,6 +1311,7 @@ module picorv32 #(
`ifndef PICORV32_REGS
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (resetn && cpuregs_write && latched_rd)
cpuregs[latched_rd] <= cpuregs_wrdata;
@ -1325,6 +1337,37 @@ module picorv32 #(
cpuregs_rs2 = cpuregs_rs1;
wire[31:0] cpuregs_rdata1;
wire[31:0] cpuregs_rdata2;
wire [5:0] cpuregs_waddr = latched_rd;
wire [5:0] cpuregs_raddr1 = ENABLE_REGS_DUALPORT ? decoded_rs1 : decoded_rs;
wire [5:0] cpuregs_raddr2 = ENABLE_REGS_DUALPORT ? decoded_rs2 : 0;
`PICORV32_REGS cpuregs (
.wen(resetn && cpuregs_write && latched_rd),
always @* begin
decoded_rs = 'bx;
cpuregs_rs1 = decoded_rs1 ? cpuregs_rdata1 : 0;
cpuregs_rs2 = decoded_rs2 ? cpuregs_rdata2 : 0;
end else begin
decoded_rs = (cpu_state == cpu_state_ld_rs2) ? decoded_rs2 : decoded_rs1;
cpuregs_rs1 = decoded_rs ? cpuregs_rdata1 : 0;
cpuregs_rs2 = cpuregs_rs1;
assign launch_next_insn = cpu_state == cpu_state_fetch && decoder_trigger && (!ENABLE_IRQ || irq_delay || irq_active || !(irq_pending & ~irq_mask));
@ -2051,6 +2094,29 @@ module picorv32 #(
// This is a simple example implementation of PICORV32_REGS.
// Use the PICORV32_REGS mechanism if you want to use custom
// memory resources to implement the processor register file.
// Note that your implementation must match the requirements of
// the PicoRV32 configuration. (e.g. QREGS, etc)
module picorv32_regs (
input clk, wen,
input [5:0] waddr,
input [5:0] raddr1,
input [5:0] raddr2,
input [31:0] wdata,
output [31:0] rdata1,
output [31:0] rdata2
reg [31:0] regs [0:30];
always @(posedge clk)
if (wen) regs[~waddr[4:0]] <= wdata;
assign rdata1 = regs[~raddr1[4:0]];
assign rdata2 = regs[~raddr2[4:0]];
* picorv32_pcpi_mul

picosoc/.gitignore vendored
View file

@ -12,3 +12,4 @@

View file

@ -52,11 +52,16 @@ spiflash_tb: spiflash_tb.vvp firmware.hex
spiflash_tb.vvp: spiflash.v spiflash_tb.v
iverilog -s testbench -o $@ $^
# ---- ASIC Synthesis Tests ----
cmos.log: spimemio.v simpleuart.v picosoc.v ../picorv32.v
yosys -l cmos.log -p 'synth -top picosoc; abc -g cmos2; opt -fast; stat' $^
# ---- Clean ----
rm -f testbench.vvp testbench.vcd spiflash_tb.vvp spiflash_tb.vcd
rm -f firmware.elf firmware.hex firmware.bin
rm -f firmware.elf firmware.hex firmware.bin cmos.log
rm -f hx8kdemo.blif hx8kdemo.log hx8kdemo.asc hx8kdemo.rpt hx8kdemo.bin
rm -f hx8kdemo_syn.v hx8kdemo_syn_tb.vvp hx8kdemo_tb.vvp

View file

@ -17,6 +17,12 @@
`ifdef PICORV32_V
`error "picosoc.v must be read before picorv32.v!"
`define PICORV32_REGS picosoc_regs
module picosoc (
input clk,
input resetn,
@ -82,7 +88,7 @@ module picosoc (
wire [31:0] spimem_rdata;
reg ram_ready;
reg [31:0] ram_rdata;
wire [31:0] ram_rdata;
assign iomem_valid = mem_valid && (mem_addr[31:24] > 8'h 01);
assign iomem_wstrb = mem_wstrb;
@ -178,17 +184,56 @@ module picosoc (
reg [31:0] memory [0:MEM_WORDS-1];
always @(posedge clk)
ram_ready <= mem_valid && !mem_ready && mem_addr < 4*MEM_WORDS;
picosoc_mem #(.WORDS(MEM_WORDS)) memory (
.wen((mem_valid && !mem_ready && mem_addr < 4*MEM_WORDS) ? mem_wstrb : 4'b0),
// Implementation note:
// Replace the following two modules with wrappers for your SRAM cells.
module picosoc_regs (
input clk, wen,
input [5:0] waddr,
input [5:0] raddr1,
input [5:0] raddr2,
input [31:0] wdata,
output [31:0] rdata1,
output [31:0] rdata2
reg [31:0] regs [0:31];
always @(posedge clk)
if (wen) regs[waddr[4:0]] <= wdata;
assign rdata1 = regs[raddr1[4:0]];
assign rdata2 = regs[raddr2[4:0]];
module picosoc_mem #(
parameter integer WORDS = 256
) (
input clk,
input [3:0] wen,
input [21:0] addr,
input [31:0] wdata,
output reg [31:0] rdata
reg [31:0] mem [0:WORDS-1];
always @(posedge clk) begin
ram_ready <= 0;
if (mem_valid && !mem_ready && mem_addr < 4*MEM_WORDS) begin
ram_ready <= 1;
ram_rdata <= memory[mem_addr >> 2];
if (mem_wstrb[0]) memory[mem_addr >> 2][ 7: 0] <= mem_wdata[ 7: 0];
if (mem_wstrb[1]) memory[mem_addr >> 2][15: 8] <= mem_wdata[15: 8];
if (mem_wstrb[2]) memory[mem_addr >> 2][23:16] <= mem_wdata[23:16];
if (mem_wstrb[3]) memory[mem_addr >> 2][31:24] <= mem_wdata[31:24];
rdata <= mem[addr];
if (wen[0]) mem[addr][ 7: 0] <= wdata[ 7: 0];
if (wen[1]) mem[addr][15: 8] <= wdata[15: 8];
if (wen[2]) mem[addr][23:16] <= wdata[23:16];
if (wen[3]) mem[addr][31:24] <= wdata[31:24];