
166 lines
5.5 KiB

import sys, getopt
import subprocess
debug_print = False
debug_file = None # open("debug.smt2", "w")
yices = subprocess.Popen(['yices-smt2', '--incremental'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
def yices_write(stmt):
stmt = stmt.strip()
if debug_print:
print("> %s" % stmt)
if debug_file:
print(stmt, file=debug_file)
yices.stdin.write(bytes(stmt + "\n", "ascii"))
def yices_read():
stmt = []
count_brackets = 0
while True:
line = yices.stdout.readline().decode("ascii").strip()
count_brackets += line.count("(")
count_brackets -= line.count(")")
if debug_print:
print("< %s" % line)
if count_brackets == 0:
if not yices.poll():
print("Yices terminated unexpectedly: %s" % "".join(stmt))
stmt = "".join(stmt)
if stmt.startswith("(error"):
print("Yices Error: %s" % stmt, file=sys.stderr)
return stmt
def yices_parse(stmt):
def worker(stmt):
if stmt[0] == '(':
expr = []
cursor = 1
while stmt[cursor] != ')':
el, le = worker(stmt[cursor:])
cursor += le
return expr, cursor+1
if stmt[0] == '|':
expr = "|"
cursor = 1
while stmt[cursor] != '|':
expr += stmt[cursor]
cursor += 1
expr += "|"
return expr, cursor+1
if stmt[0] in [" ", "\t", "\r", "\n"]:
el, le = worker(stmt[1:])
return el, le+1
expr = ""
cursor = 0
while stmt[cursor] not in ["(", ")", "|", " ", "\t", "\r", "\n"]:
expr += stmt[cursor]
cursor += 1
return expr, cursor
return worker(stmt)[0]
def yices_get(mod_name, net_name, state_name):
yices_write("(get-value ((|%s_n %s| %s)))" % (mod_name, net_name, state_name))
return yices_parse(yices_read())[0][1]
def yices_get_bool(mod_name, net_name, state_name):
v = yices_get(mod_name, net_name, state_name)
assert v in ["true", "false"]
return 1 if v == "true" else 0
yices_write("(set-logic QF_AUFBV)")
with open("mem_equiv_a.smt2", "r") as f:
for line in f: yices_write(line)
with open("mem_equiv_b.smt2", "r") as f:
for line in f: yices_write(line)
# set-up states and transaction, reset for two cycles
for i in range(steps):
yices_write("(declare-fun a%d () main_a_s)" % i)
yices_write("(declare-fun b%d () main_b_s)" % i)
if i > 0:
yices_write("(assert (main_a_t a%d a%d))" % (i-1, i))
yices_write("(assert (main_b_t b%d b%d))" % (i-1, i))
if i > 1:
yices_write("(assert (|main_a_n resetn| a%d))" % i)
yices_write("(assert (|main_b_n resetn| b%d))" % i)
yices_write("(assert (not (|main_a_n resetn| a%d)))" % i)
yices_write("(assert (not (|main_b_n resetn| b%d)))" % i)
# start with synced memory and register file
yices_write("(assert (= (|main_a_m cpu.cpuregs| a0) (|main_b_m cpu.cpuregs| b0)))")
yices_write("(assert (= (|main_a_m memory| a0) (|main_b_m memory| b0)))")
# stop with a trap and no pending memory xfer
yices_write("(assert (not (|main_a_n mem_valid| a%d)))" % (steps-1))
yices_write("(assert (not (|main_b_n mem_valid| b%d)))" % (steps-1))
yices_write("(assert (|main_a_n trap| a%d))" % (steps-1))
yices_write("(assert (|main_b_n trap| b%d))" % (steps-1))
# look for differences in memory or register file
yices_write(("(assert (or (distinct (|main_a_m cpu.cpuregs| a%d) (|main_b_m cpu.cpuregs| b%d)) " +
"(distinct (|main_a_m memory| a%d) (|main_b_m memory| b%d))))") % (steps-1, steps-1, steps-1, steps-1))
def print_status(mod, step):
resetn = yices_get_bool("main_" + mod, "resetn", "%s%d" % (mod, step))
memvld = yices_get_bool("main_" + mod, "mem_valid", "%s%d" % (mod, step))
domem = yices_get_bool("main_" + mod, "domem", "%s%d" % (mod, step))
memrdy = yices_get_bool("main_" + mod, "mem_ready", "%s%d" % (mod, step))
trap = yices_get_bool("main_" + mod, "trap", "%s%d" % (mod, step))
print("%s[%d]: resetn=%s, memvld=%s, domem=%s, memrdy=%s, trap=%s" % (mod, step, resetn, memvld, domem, memrdy, trap))
def print_mem_xfer(mod, step):
yices_write("(get-value ((and (|main_%s_n mem_valid| %s%d) (|main_%s_n mem_ready| %s%d))))" % (mod, mod, step, mod, mod, step))
if yices_parse(yices_read())[0][1] == 'true':
mem_addr = yices_get("main_" + mod, "mem_addr", "%s%d" % (mod, step))
mem_wdata = yices_get("main_" + mod, "mem_wdata", "%s%d" % (mod, step))
mem_wstrb = yices_get("main_" + mod, "mem_wstrb", "%s%d" % (mod, step))
mem_rdata = yices_get("main_" + mod, "mem_rdata", "%s%d" % (mod, step))
print("%s[%d]: addr=%s, wdata=%s, wstrb=%s, rdata=%s" % (mod, step, mem_addr, mem_wdata, mem_wstrb, mem_rdata))
if yices_read() == "sat":
print("yices returned sat -> model check failed!")
for i in range(steps):
print_status("a", i)
for i in range(steps):
print_status("b", i)
for i in range(1, steps):
print_mem_xfer("a", i)
for i in range(1, steps):
print_mem_xfer("b", i)
print("yices returned unsat -> model check passed.")