mirror of
synced 2025-01-03 03:43:39 -05:00
Add hardware AMO support using LR/SC exclusive
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 97 additions and 36 deletions
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ object TestsWorkspace {
catchIllegal = true,
catchUnaligned = true,
withLrSc = true,
withAmo = false,
withAmo = true,
withExclusive = true,
withInvalidate = true
// )
@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ case class DataCacheConfig(cacheSize : Int,
def withInternalAmo = withAmo && !withExclusive
def withInternalLrSc = withLrSc && !withExclusive
def withExternalLrSc = withLrSc && withExclusive
def withExternalAmo = withAmo && withExclusive
def getAxi4SharedConfig() = Axi4Config(
addressWidth = addressWidth,
dataWidth = memDataWidth,
@ -133,20 +134,21 @@ case class DataCacheCpuMemory(p : DataCacheConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSl
case class DataCacheCpuWriteBack(p : DataCacheConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave{
val isValid = Bool
val isStuck = Bool
val isUser = Bool
val haltIt = Bool
val isWrite = Bool
val isValid = Bool()
val isStuck = Bool()
val isUser = Bool()
val haltIt = Bool()
val isWrite = Bool()
val data = Bits(p.cpuDataWidth bit)
val address = UInt(p.addressWidth bit)
val mmuException, unalignedAccess, accessError = Bool
val mmuException, unalignedAccess, accessError = Bool()
val keepMemRspData = Bool() //Used by external AMO to avoid having an internal buffer
// val exceptionBus = if(p.catchSomething) Flow(ExceptionCause()) else null
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
out(isValid,isStuck,isUser, address)
in(haltIt, data, mmuException, unalignedAccess, accessError, isWrite)
in(haltIt, data, mmuException, unalignedAccess, accessError, isWrite, keepMemRspData)
@ -364,8 +366,12 @@ case class DataCacheMemBus(p : DataCacheConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave
object DataCacheExternalAmoStates extends SpinalEnum{
val LR_CMD, LR_RSP, SC_CMD, SC_RSP = newElement();
class DataCache(p : DataCacheConfig) extends Component{
//If external amo, mem rsp should stay
class DataCache(val p : DataCacheConfig) extends Component{
import p._
assert(cpuDataWidth == memDataWidth)
@ -572,7 +578,7 @@ class DataCache(p : DataCacheConfig) extends Component{
val lrSc = withLrSc generate new Area{
val lrSc = withInternalLrSc generate new Area{
val reserved = RegInit(False)
when(io.cpu.writeBack.isValid && !io.cpu.writeBack.isStuck && request.isLrsc
&& !io.cpu.redo && !io.cpu.writeBack.mmuException && !io.cpu.writeBack.unalignedAccess && !io.cpu.writeBack.accessError){
@ -580,12 +586,16 @@ class DataCache(p : DataCacheConfig) extends Component{
val requestDataBypass = CombInit(request.data)
val isAmo = if(withAmo) request.isAmo else False
val internalAmo = withInternalAmo generate new Area{
def rf = request.data
def mem = dataMux
val isAmoCached = if(withInternalAmo) isAmo else False
val isExternalLsrc = if(withExternalLrSc) request.isLrsc else False
val isExternalAmo = if(withExternalAmo) request.isAmo else False
val requestDataBypass = CombInit(request.data)
import DataCacheExternalAmoStates._
val amo = withAmo generate new Area{
def rf = request.data
def mem = if(withInternalAmo) dataMux else io.mem.rsp.data
val compare = request.amoCtrl.alu.msb
val unsigned = request.amoCtrl.alu(2 downto 1) === B"11"
val addSub = (rf.asSInt + Mux(compare, ~mem, mem).asSInt + Mux(compare, S(1), S(0))).asBits
@ -599,8 +609,17 @@ class DataCache(p : DataCacheConfig) extends Component{
B"011" -> (rf & mem),
default -> (selectRf ? rf | mem)
val resultRegValid = RegNext(True) clearWhen(!io.cpu.writeBack.isStuck)
val resultReg = RegNext(result)
// val resultRegValid = RegNext(True) clearWhen(!io.cpu.writeBack.isStuck)
// val resultReg = RegNext(result)
val resultReg = Reg(Bits(32 bits))
val internal = withInternalAmo generate new Area{
val resultRegValid = RegNext(io.cpu.writeBack.isStuck)
resultReg := result
val external = !withInternalAmo generate new Area{
val state = RegInit(LR_CMD)
@ -620,27 +639,58 @@ class DataCache(p : DataCacheConfig) extends Component{
io.cpu.writeBack.isWrite := request.wr
io.mem.cmd.valid := False
io.mem.cmd.address := mmuRsp.physicalAddress(tagRange.high downto wordRange.low) @@ U(0, wordRange.low bit)
io.mem.cmd.length := 0
io.mem.cmd.last := True
io.mem.cmd.wr := request.wr
io.mem.cmd.mask := mask
io.mem.cmd.data := requestDataBypass
if(withExternalLrSc) io.mem.cmd.exclusive := request.isLrsc || (if(withAmo) request.isAmo else False)
if(withExternalLrSc) io.mem.cmd.exclusive := request.isLrsc || isAmo
val bypassCache = mmuRsp.isIoAccess || (if(withExternalLrSc) request.isLrsc else False)
val isAmoCached = if(withInternalAmo) isAmo else False
val bypassCache = mmuRsp.isIoAccess || isExternalLsrc || isExternalAmo
io.cpu.writeBack.keepMemRspData := False
when(io.cpu.writeBack.isValid) {
when(bypassCache) {
if(withExternalAmo) switch(amo.external.state){
io.mem.cmd.valid := True
io.mem.cmd.wr := False
when(io.mem.cmd.ready) {
amo.external.state := LR_RSP
when(io.mem.rsp.valid && pending.last) {
amo.external.state := SC_CMD
amo.resultReg := amo.result
io.mem.cmd.valid := True
when(io.mem.cmd.ready) {
amo.external.state := SC_RSP
io.cpu.writeBack.keepMemRspData := True
when(io.mem.rsp.valid) {
amo.external.state := LR_CMD
when(io.mem.rsp.exclusive){ //Success
cpuWriteToCache := True
io.cpu.writeBack.haltIt := False
} elsewhen(mmuRsp.isIoAccess || isExternalLsrc) {
val waitResponse = !request.wr
if(withExternalLrSc) waitResponse setWhen(request.isLrsc)
io.cpu.writeBack.haltIt.clearWhen(waitResponse ? (io.mem.rsp.valid && rspSync) | io.mem.cmd.ready)
io.mem.cmd.valid := !memCmdSent
io.mem.cmd.address := mmuRsp.physicalAddress(tagRange.high downto wordRange.low) @@ U(0, wordRange.low bit)
io.mem.cmd.length := 0
if(withInternalLrSc) when(request.isLrsc && !lrSc.reserved){
io.mem.cmd.valid := False
@ -657,7 +707,7 @@ class DataCache(p : DataCacheConfig) extends Component{
io.cpu.writeBack.haltIt clearWhen(!request.wr || io.mem.cmd.ready)
if(withInternalAmo) when(isAmo){
when(!internalAmo.resultRegValid) {
when(!amo.internal.resultRegValid) {
io.mem.cmd.valid := False
dataWriteCmd.valid := False
io.cpu.writeBack.haltIt := True
@ -696,17 +746,14 @@ class DataCache(p : DataCacheConfig) extends Component{
if(withLrSc) when(request.isLrsc && request.wr){
val success = CombInit(lrSc.reserved)
if(withExternalLrSc) success clearWhen(!io.mem.rsp.exclusive)
val success = if(withInternalLrSc)lrSc.reserved else io.mem.rsp.exclusive
io.cpu.writeBack.data := B(!success).resized
if(withExternalLrSc) when(io.cpu.writeBack.isValid && io.mem.rsp.valid && rspSync && success && waysHit){
cpuWriteToCache := True
if(withAmo) when(request.isAmo){
requestDataBypass := internalAmo.resultReg
requestDataBypass := amo.resultReg
//remove side effects on exceptions
@ -716,13 +763,11 @@ class DataCache(p : DataCacheConfig) extends Component{
dataWriteCmd.valid := False
loaderValid := False
io.cpu.writeBack.haltIt := False
if(withExternalAmo) amo.external.state := LR_CMD
io.cpu.redo setWhen(io.cpu.writeBack.isValid && mmuRsp.refilling)
assert(!(io.cpu.writeBack.isValid && !io.cpu.writeBack.haltIt && io.cpu.writeBack.isStuck), "writeBack stuck by another plugin is not allowed")
val loader = new Area{
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class DBusCachedPlugin(val config : DataCacheConfig,
relaxedMemoryTranslationRegister : Boolean = false,
csrInfo : Boolean = false) extends Plugin[VexRiscv] with DBusAccessService {
import config._
assert(!(config.withExternalAmo && !dBusRspSlavePipe))
assert(!(memoryTranslatorPortConfig != null && config.cacheSize/config.wayCount > 4096), "When the D$ is used with MMU, each way can't be bigger than a page (4096 bytes)")
@ -180,7 +180,20 @@ class DBusCachedPlugin(val config : DataCacheConfig,
def optionPipe[T](cond : Boolean, on : T)(f : T => T) : T = if(cond) f(on) else on
def cmdBuf = optionPipe(dBusCmdSlavePipe, cache.io.mem.cmd)(_.s2mPipe())
dBus.cmd << optionPipe(dBusCmdMasterPipe, cmdBuf)(_.m2sPipe())
cache.io.mem.rsp << optionPipe(dBusRspSlavePipe,dBus.rsp)(_.m2sPipe())
cache.io.mem.rsp << (dBusRspSlavePipe match {
case false => dBus.rsp
case true if !withExternalAmo => dBus.rsp.m2sPipe()
case true if withExternalAmo => {
val rsp = Flow (DataCacheMemRsp(cache.p))
rsp.valid := RegNext(dBus.rsp.valid)
rsp.exclusive := RegNext(dBus.rsp.exclusive)
rsp.error := RegNext(dBus.rsp.error)
rsp.last := RegNext(dBus.rsp.last)
rsp.data := RegNextWhen(dBus.rsp.data, dBus.rsp.valid && !cache.io.cpu.writeBack.keepMemRspData)
if(withInvalidate) cache.io.inv <> inv
pipeline plug new Area{
@ -926,6 +926,10 @@ public:
int32_t src = i32_rs2;
int32_t readValue;
lrscReserved = false;
uint32_t pAddr;
if(v2p(addr, &pAddr, READ_WRITE)){ trap(0, 15, addr); return; }
if(dRead(pAddr, 4, (uint32_t*)&readValue)){
@ -2358,7 +2362,6 @@ public:
bool cancel = false;
DBusCachedTask rsp;
bool hit = reservationValid && reservationAddress == top->dBus_cmd_payload_address;
rsp.exclusive = hit;
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