Add PrivilegeService (User) (not implemented)
Split caches from their plugins file
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,29 +1,11 @@
package SpinalRiscv.Plugin
import SpinalRiscv.Riscv._
import SpinalRiscv.ip._
import SpinalRiscv._
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib._
case class DataCacheConfig( cacheSize : Int,
bytePerLine : Int,
wayCount : Int,
addressWidth : Int,
cpuDataWidth : Int,
memDataWidth : Int,
catchAccessError : Boolean,
catchIllegal : Boolean,
catchUnaligned : Boolean,
catchMemoryTranslationMiss : Boolean,
clearTagsAfterReset : Boolean = true,
tagSizeShift : Int = 0){ //Used to force infering ram
def burstSize = bytePerLine*8/memDataWidth
val burstLength = bytePerLine/(memDataWidth/8)
def catchSomething = catchUnaligned || catchMemoryTranslationMiss || catchIllegal || catchAccessError
class DBusCachedPlugin(config : DataCacheConfig, askMemoryTranslation : Boolean = false, memoryTranslatorPortConfig : Any = null) extends Plugin[VexRiscv]{
@ -31,6 +13,8 @@ class DBusCachedPlugin(config : DataCacheConfig, askMemoryTranslation : Boolean
var dBus : DataCacheMemBus = null
var mmuBus : MemoryTranslatorBus = null
var exceptionBus : Flow[ExceptionCause] = null
var privilegeService : PrivilegeService = null
object MEMORY_ENABLE extends Stageable(Bool)
object MEMORY_ADDRESS_LOW extends Stageable(UInt(2 bits))
@ -76,6 +60,9 @@ class DBusCachedPlugin(config : DataCacheConfig, askMemoryTranslation : Boolean
exceptionBus = pipeline.service(classOf[ExceptionService]).newExceptionPort(pipeline.writeBack)
privilegeService = pipeline.service(classOf[PrivilegeService])
override def build(pipeline: VexRiscv): Unit = {
@ -124,6 +111,7 @@ class DBusCachedPlugin(config : DataCacheConfig, askMemoryTranslation : Boolean
||| := True
|||| := True
|||| := True
|||| := True
@ -131,16 +119,21 @@ class DBusCachedPlugin(config : DataCacheConfig, askMemoryTranslation : Boolean
import writeBack._
|||| := arbitration.isValid && input(MEMORY_ENABLE)
|||| := arbitration.isStuck
|||| := (if(privilegeService != null) privilegeService.isUser(writeBack) else False)
if(catchSomething) {
exceptionBus.valid := || || ||
exceptionBus.badAddr :=
exceptionBus.code := 13
when( ||{
exceptionBus.code := (input(INSTRUCTION)(5) ? U(7) | U(5)).resized
exceptionBus.code := (input(INSTRUCTION)(5) ? U(6) | U(4)).resized
exceptionBus.code := 13
@ -166,555 +159,3 @@ class DBusCachedPlugin(config : DataCacheConfig, askMemoryTranslation : Boolean
object Bypasser{
//shot readValid path
def writeFirstMemWrap[T <: Data](readValid : Bool, readLastAddress : UInt, readLastData : T,writeValid : Bool, writeAddress : UInt, writeData : T) : T = {
val writeSample = readValid || (writeValid && writeAddress === readLastAddress)
val writeValidReg = RegNextWhen(writeValid,writeSample)
val writeAddressReg = RegNextWhen(writeAddress,writeSample)
val writeDataReg = RegNextWhen(writeData,writeSample)
(writeValidReg && writeAddressReg === readLastAddress) ? writeDataReg | readLastData
//shot readValid path
def writeFirstMemWrap(readValid : Bool, readLastAddress : UInt, readLastData : Bits,writeValid : Bool, writeAddress : UInt, writeData : Bits,writeMask : Bits) : Bits = {
val writeHit = writeValid && writeAddress === readLastAddress
val writeSample = readValid || writeHit
val writeValidReg = RegNextWhen(writeValid,writeSample)
val writeAddressReg = RegNextWhen(writeAddress,writeSample)
val writeDataReg = Reg(writeData)
val writeMaskReg = Reg(Bits(widthOf(writeData)/8 bits))
val writeDataRegBytes = writeDataReg.subdivideIn(8 bits)
val writeDataBytes = writeData.subdivideIn(8 bits)
val ret = cloneOf(readLastData)
val retBytes = ret.subdivideIn(8 bits)
val readLastDataBytes = readLastData.subdivideIn(8 bits)
val writeRegHit = writeValidReg && writeAddressReg === readLastAddress
for(b <- writeMask.range){
when(writeHit && writeMask(b)){
writeMaskReg(b) := True
when(readValid) {
writeMaskReg(b) := writeMask(b)
when(readValid || (writeHit && writeMask(b))){
writeDataRegBytes(b) := writeDataBytes(b)
retBytes(b) := (writeRegHit && writeMaskReg(b)) ? writeDataRegBytes(b) | readLastDataBytes(b)
//Long sample path
// def writeFirstRegWrap[T <: Data](sample : Bool, sampleAddress : UInt,lastAddress : UInt, readData : T, writeValid : Bool, writeAddress : UInt, writeData : T) : (T,T) = {
// val hit = writeValid && (sample ? sampleAddress | lastAddress) === writeAddress
// val bypass = hit ? writeData | readData
// val reg = RegNextWhen(bypass,sample || hit)
// (reg,bypass)
// }
//Short sample path
def writeFirstRegWrap[T <: Data](sample : Bool, sampleAddress : UInt,sampleLastAddress : UInt, sampleData : T, writeValid : Bool, writeAddress : UInt, writeData : T) = {
val bypass = (!sample || (writeValid && sampleAddress === writeAddress)) ? writeData | sampleData
val regEn = sample || (writeValid && sampleLastAddress === writeAddress)
val reg = RegNextWhen(bypass,regEn)
def writeFirstRegWrap(sample : Bool, sampleAddress : UInt,sampleLastAddress : UInt, sampleData : Bits, writeValid : Bool, writeAddress : UInt, writeData : Bits,writeMask : Bits) = {
val byteCount = widthOf(writeMask)
val sampleWriteHit = writeValid && sampleAddress === writeAddress
val sampleLastHit = writeValid && sampleLastAddress === writeAddress
val regBytes = Vec(Bits(8 bits),byteCount)
for(b <- writeMask.range){
val bypass = Mux(!sample || (sampleWriteHit && writeMask(b)), writeData(b*8, 8 bits), sampleData(b*8, 8 bits))
val regEn = sample || (sampleLastHit && writeMask(b))
regBytes(b) := RegNextWhen(bypass,regEn)
object DataCacheCpuCmdKind extends SpinalEnum{
val MEMORY,MANAGMENT = newElement()
object DataCacheCpuExecute{
implicit def implArgs(that : DataCacheCpuExecute) = that.args
case class DataCacheCpuExecute(p : DataCacheConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave{
val isValid = Bool
val isStuck = Bool
// val haltIt = Bool
val args = DataCacheCpuExecuteArgs(p)
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
out(isValid, isStuck, args)
// in(haltIt)
case class DataCacheCpuExecuteArgs(p : DataCacheConfig) extends Bundle{
val kind = DataCacheCpuCmdKind()
val wr = Bool
val address = UInt(p.addressWidth bit)
val data = Bits(p.cpuDataWidth bit)
val size = UInt(2 bits)
val forceUncachedAccess = Bool
val clean, invalidate, way = Bool
// val all = Bool //Address should be zero when "all" is used
case class DataCacheCpuMemory(p : DataCacheConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave{
val isValid = Bool
val isStuck = Bool
val isRemoved = Bool
val mmuBus = MemoryTranslatorBus()
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
out(isValid, isStuck, isRemoved)
case class DataCacheCpuWriteBack(p : DataCacheConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave{
val isValid = Bool
val isStuck = Bool
val haltIt = Bool
val data = Bits(p.cpuDataWidth bit)
val mmuMiss, illegalAccess, unalignedAccess , accessError = Bool
val badAddr = UInt(32 bits)
// val exceptionBus = if(p.catchSomething) Flow(ExceptionCause()) else null
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
in(haltIt, data, mmuMiss,illegalAccess , unalignedAccess, accessError, badAddr)
case class DataCacheCpuBus(p : DataCacheConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave{
val execute = DataCacheCpuExecute(p)
val memory = DataCacheCpuMemory(p)
val writeBack = DataCacheCpuWriteBack(p)
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
case class DataCacheMemCmd(p : DataCacheConfig) extends Bundle{
val wr = Bool
val address = UInt(p.addressWidth bit)
val data = Bits(p.memDataWidth bits)
val mask = Bits(p.memDataWidth/8 bits)
val length = UInt(log2Up(p.burstLength+1) bit)
case class DataCacheMemRsp(p : DataCacheConfig) extends Bundle{
val data = Bits(p.memDataWidth bit)
val error = Bool
case class DataCacheMemBus(p : DataCacheConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave{
val cmd = Stream (DataCacheMemCmd(p))
val rsp = Flow (DataCacheMemRsp(p))
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
class DataCache(p : DataCacheConfig) extends Component{
import p._
import DataCacheCpuCmdKind._
assert(wayCount == 1)
assert(cpuDataWidth == memDataWidth)
val io = new Bundle{
val cpu = slave(DataCacheCpuBus(p))
val mem = master(DataCacheMemBus(p))
// val flushDone = out Bool //It pulse at the same time than the
val haltCpu = False
val lineWidth = bytePerLine*8
val lineCount = cacheSize/bytePerLine
val wordWidth = Math.max(memDataWidth,cpuDataWidth)
val wordWidthLog2 = log2Up(wordWidth)
val wordPerLine = lineWidth/wordWidth
val bytePerWord = wordWidth/8
val wayLineCount = lineCount/wayCount
val wayLineLog2 = log2Up(wayLineCount)
val wayWordCount = wayLineCount * wordPerLine
val memTransactionPerLine = p.bytePerLine / (p.memDataWidth/8)
val tagRange = addressWidth-1 downto log2Up(wayLineCount*bytePerLine)
val lineRange = tagRange.low-1 downto log2Up(bytePerLine)
val wordRange = log2Up(bytePerLine)-1 downto log2Up(bytePerWord)
class LineInfo() extends Bundle{
val used = Bool
val dirty = Bool
val address = UInt(tagRange.length bit)
val tagsReadCmd = Flow(UInt(log2Up(wayLineCount) bits))
val tagsWriteCmd = Flow(new Bundle{
// val way = UInt(log2Up(wayCount) bits)
val address = UInt(log2Up(wayLineCount) bits)
val data = new LineInfo()
val tagsWriteLastCmd = RegNext(tagsWriteCmd)
val dataReadCmd = Flow(UInt(log2Up(wayWordCount) bits))
val dataWriteCmd = Flow(new Bundle{
// val way = UInt(log2Up(wayCount) bits)
val address = UInt(log2Up(wayWordCount) bits)
val data = Bits(wordWidth bits)
val mask = Bits(wordWidth/8 bits)
tagsReadCmd.valid := False
dataReadCmd.valid := False
tagsWriteCmd.valid := False
dataWriteCmd.valid := False
io.mem.cmd.valid := False
val way = new Area{
val tags = Mem(new LineInfo(),wayLineCount)
val data = Mem(Bits(wordWidth bit),wayWordCount)
tags(tagsWriteCmd.address) :=
address = dataWriteCmd.address,
data =,
mask = dataWriteCmd.mask
val tagReadRspOneAddress = RegNextWhen(tagsReadCmd.payload, tagsReadCmd.valid)
val tagReadRspOne = Bypasser.writeFirstMemWrap(
readValid = tagsReadCmd.valid,
readLastAddress = tagReadRspOneAddress,
readLastData = tags.readSync(tagsReadCmd.payload,enable = tagsReadCmd.valid),
writeValid = tagsWriteCmd.valid,
writeAddress = tagsWriteCmd.address,
writeData =
val dataReadRspOneKeepAddress = False
val dataReadRspOneAddress = RegNextWhen(dataReadCmd.payload, dataReadCmd.valid && !dataReadRspOneKeepAddress)
val dataReadRspOneWithoutBypass = data.readSync(dataReadCmd.payload,enable = dataReadCmd.valid)
val dataReadRspOne = Bypasser.writeFirstMemWrap(
readValid = dataReadCmd.valid,
readLastAddress = dataReadRspOneAddress,
readLastData = dataReadRspOneWithoutBypass,
writeValid = dataWriteCmd.valid,
writeAddress = dataWriteCmd.address,
writeData =,
writeMask = dataWriteCmd.mask
val tagReadRspTwoEnable = !io.cpu.writeBack.isStuck
val tagReadRspTwoRegIn = (tagsWriteCmd.valid && tagsWriteCmd.address === tagReadRspOneAddress) ? | tagReadRspOne
val tagReadRspTwo = RegNextWhen(tagReadRspTwoRegIn ,tagReadRspTwoEnable)
val dataReadRspTwoEnable = !io.cpu.writeBack.isStuck
val dataReadRspTwo = Bypasser.writeFirstRegWrap(
sample = dataReadRspTwoEnable,
sampleAddress = dataReadRspOneAddress,
sampleLastAddress = RegNextWhen(dataReadRspOneAddress, dataReadRspTwoEnable),
sampleData = dataReadRspOne,
writeValid = dataWriteCmd.valid,
writeAddress = dataWriteCmd.address,
writeData =,
writeMask = dataWriteCmd.mask
when(io.cpu.execute.isValid && !io.cpu.execute.isStuck){
tagsReadCmd.valid := True
tagsReadCmd.payload := io.cpu.execute.address(lineRange)
dataReadCmd.valid := True
dataReadCmd.payload := io.cpu.execute.address(lineRange.high downto wordRange.low) //TODO FMAX maybe critical path could be default
val victim = new Area{
val requestIn = Stream(cloneable(new Bundle{
// val way = UInt(log2Up(wayCount) bits)
val address = UInt(p.addressWidth bits)
requestIn.valid := False
val request = requestIn.stage() //TODO FMAX half pipe ?
request.ready := False
val buffer = Mem(Bits(p.memDataWidth bits),memTransactionPerLine << tagSizeShift) // WARNING << tagSizeShift could resolve cyclone II issue, //.add(new AttributeString("ramstyle","M4K"))
//Send line read commands to fill the buffer
val readLineCmdCounter = Reg(UInt(log2Up(memTransactionPerLine + 1) bits)) init(0)
val dataReadCmdOccure = False
val dataReadRestored = RegInit(False)
when(!readLineCmdCounter.msb) {
readLineCmdCounter := readLineCmdCounter + 1
//dataReadCmd := request.address(lineRange.high downto wordRange.low) Done in the manager
dataReadCmdOccure := True
dataReadCmd.valid := True
dataReadCmd.payload := request.address(lineRange) @@ readLineCmdCounter(readLineCmdCounter.high - 1 downto 0)
way.dataReadRspOneKeepAddress := True
} otherwise {
when(!dataReadRestored) {
dataReadCmd.valid := True
dataReadCmd.payload := way.dataReadRspOneAddress //Restore stage one readed value
assert(io.cpu.memory.isStuck,"Should not issue instructions when a victim line is not entirly in the victim cache",FAILURE)
dataReadRestored := True
dataReadRestored clearWhen(request.ready)
//Fill the buffer with line read responses
val readLineRspCounter = Reg(UInt(log2Up(memTransactionPerLine + 1) bits)) init(0)
when(Delay(dataReadCmdOccure,1, init=False)){
buffer(readLineRspCounter.resized) := way.dataReadRspOneWithoutBypass
readLineRspCounter := readLineRspCounter + 1
//Send buffer read commands
val bufferReadCounter = Reg(UInt(log2Up(memTransactionPerLine + 1) bits)) init(0)
val bufferReadStream = Stream(buffer.addressType)
bufferReadStream.valid := readLineRspCounter > bufferReadCounter
bufferReadStream.payload := bufferReadCounter.resized
bufferReadCounter := bufferReadCounter + 1
val bufferReaded = buffer.streamReadSync(bufferReadStream).stage
bufferReaded.ready := False
//Send memory writes from bufffer read responses
val bufferReadedCounter = Reg(UInt(log2Up(memTransactionPerLine) bits)) init(0)
val memCmdAlreadyUsed = False
when(bufferReaded.valid) {
io.mem.cmd.valid := True
io.mem.cmd.wr := True
io.mem.cmd.address := request.address(tagRange.high downto lineRange.low) @@ U(0,lineRange.low bit)
io.mem.cmd.length := p.burstLength
|||| := bufferReaded.payload
io.mem.cmd.mask := (1<<(wordWidth/8))-1
when(!memCmdAlreadyUsed && io.mem.cmd.ready){
bufferReaded.ready := True
bufferReadedCounter := bufferReadedCounter + 1
when(bufferReadedCounter === bufferReadedCounter.maxValue){
request.ready := True
val counter = Counter(memTransactionPerLine)
readLineCmdCounter.msb := False
readLineRspCounter.msb := False
bufferReadCounter.msb := False
val stageA = new Area{
val request = RegNextWhen(io.cpu.execute.args, !io.cpu.memory.isStuck)
io.cpu.memory.mmuBus.cmd.isValid := io.cpu.memory.isValid && request.kind === MEMORY //TODO filter request kind
io.cpu.memory.mmuBus.cmd.virtualAddress := request.address
io.cpu.memory.mmuBus.cmd.bypassTranslation := request.way
val stageB = new Area {
val request = RegNextWhen(stageA.request, !io.cpu.writeBack.isStuck)
val mmuRsp = RegNextWhen(io.cpu.memory.mmuBus.rsp, !io.cpu.writeBack.isStuck)
// val waysHit = RegNextWhen(way.tagReadRspTwoRegIn.used && stageA.mmuRsp.physicalAddress(tagRange) === way.tagReadRspTwoRegIn.address,!io.cpu.writeBack.isStuck) //Manual retiming
val waysHit = way.tagReadRspTwo.used && mmuRsp.physicalAddress(tagRange) === way.tagReadRspTwo.address
//Loader interface
val loaderValid = False
val loaderReady = False
val loadingDone = RegNext(loaderValid && loaderReady) init(False) //one cycle pulse
//delayedXX are used to relax logic timings in flush and evict modes
val delayedIsStuck = RegNext(io.cpu.writeBack.isStuck)
val delayedWaysHitValid = RegNext(waysHit)
val victimNotSent = RegInit(False) clearWhen(victim.requestIn.ready) setWhen(!io.cpu.memory.isStuck)
val loadingNotDone = RegInit(False) clearWhen(loaderReady) setWhen(!io.cpu.memory.isStuck)
val writeMask = request.size.mux (
U(0) -> B"0001",
U(1) -> B"0011",
default -> B"1111"
) |<< mmuRsp.physicalAddress(1 downto 0)
io.cpu.writeBack.haltIt := io.cpu.writeBack.isValid
io.cpu.writeBack.mmuMiss := False
io.cpu.writeBack.illegalAccess := False
io.cpu.writeBack.unalignedAccess := False
io.cpu.writeBack.accessError := (if(catchAccessError) io.mem.rsp.valid && io.mem.rsp.error else False)
io.cpu.writeBack.badAddr := request.address
//Evict the cache after reset logics
val bootEvicts = if(clearTagsAfterReset) new Area {
val valid = RegInit(True)
mmuRsp.physicalAddress init (0)
when(valid) {
tagsWriteCmd.valid := valid
tagsWriteCmd.address := mmuRsp.physicalAddress(lineRange)
|||| := False
when(mmuRsp.physicalAddress(lineRange) =/= lineCount - 1) {
mmuRsp.physicalAddress.getDrivingReg(lineRange) := mmuRsp.physicalAddress(lineRange) + 1
io.cpu.writeBack.haltIt := True
} otherwise {
valid := False
when(io.cpu.writeBack.isValid) {
if (catchMemoryTranslationMiss) {
io.cpu.writeBack.mmuMiss := mmuRsp.miss
switch(request.kind) {
when(delayedIsStuck && !mmuRsp.miss) {
when(delayedWaysHitValid || (request.way && way.tagReadRspTwo.used)) {
io.cpu.writeBack.haltIt.clearWhen(!(victim.requestIn.valid && !victim.requestIn.ready))
victim.requestIn.valid := request.clean && way.tagReadRspTwo.dirty
tagsWriteCmd.valid := victim.requestIn.ready
} otherwise{
io.cpu.writeBack.haltIt := False
victim.requestIn.address := way.tagReadRspTwo.address @@ mmuRsp.physicalAddress(lineRange) @@ U((lineRange.low - 1 downto 0) -> false)
tagsWriteCmd.address := mmuRsp.physicalAddress(lineRange)
|||| := !request.invalidate
|||| := !request.clean
is(MEMORY) {
val illegal = if(catchIllegal) (request.wr && !mmuRsp.allowWrite) || (!request.wr && !mmuRsp.allowRead) else False
val unaligned = if(catchUnaligned) ((request.size === 2 && mmuRsp.physicalAddress(1 downto 0) =/= 0) || (request.size === 1 && mmuRsp.physicalAddress(0 downto 0) =/= 0)) else False
io.cpu.writeBack.illegalAccess := illegal
io.cpu.writeBack.unalignedAccess := unaligned
when((Bool(!catchMemoryTranslationMiss) || !mmuRsp.miss) && !illegal && !unaligned) {
when(request.forceUncachedAccess || mmuRsp.isIoAccess) {
val memCmdSent = RegInit(False)
when(!victim.request.valid) {
//Avoid mixing memory request while victim is pending
io.mem.cmd.wr := request.wr
io.mem.cmd.address := mmuRsp.physicalAddress(tagRange.high downto wordRange.low) @@ U(0, wordRange.low bit)
io.mem.cmd.mask := writeMask
|||| :=
io.mem.cmd.length := 1
when(!memCmdSent) {
io.mem.cmd.valid := True
memCmdSent setWhen (io.mem.cmd.ready)
io.cpu.writeBack.haltIt.clearWhen(memCmdSent && ( || request.wr)) //Cut mem.cmd.ready path but insert one cycle stall when write
memCmdSent clearWhen (!io.cpu.writeBack.isStuck)
} otherwise {
when(waysHit || !loadingNotDone) {
io.cpu.writeBack.haltIt := False
dataWriteCmd.valid := request.wr
dataWriteCmd.address := mmuRsp.physicalAddress(lineRange.high downto wordRange.low)
|||| :=
dataWriteCmd.mask := writeMask
tagsWriteCmd.valid := (!loadingNotDone) || request.wr
tagsWriteCmd.address := mmuRsp.physicalAddress(lineRange)
|||| := True
|||| := request.wr
|||| := mmuRsp.physicalAddress(tagRange)
} otherwise {
val victimRequired = way.tagReadRspTwo.used && way.tagReadRspTwo.dirty
loaderValid := loadingNotDone && !(victimNotSent && victim.request.isStall) //Additional condition used to be sure of that all previous victim are written into the RAM
victim.requestIn.valid := victimRequired && victimNotSent
victim.requestIn.address := way.tagReadRspTwo.address @@ mmuRsp.physicalAddress(lineRange) @@ U((lineRange.low - 1 downto 0) -> false)
assert(!(io.cpu.writeBack.isValid && !io.cpu.writeBack.haltIt && io.cpu.writeBack.isStuck), "writeBack stuck by another plugin is not allowed")
|||| := (request.forceUncachedAccess || mmuRsp.isIoAccess) ? | way.dataReadRspTwo //not multi ways
//The whole life of a loading task, the corresponding manager request is present
val loader = new Area{
val valid = RegNext(stageB.loaderValid) init(False)
val baseAddress = stageB.mmuRsp.physicalAddress
val memCmdSent = RegInit(False)
when(valid && !memCmdSent) {
io.mem.cmd.valid := True
io.mem.cmd.wr := False
io.mem.cmd.address := baseAddress(tagRange.high downto lineRange.low) @@ U(0,lineRange.low bit)
io.mem.cmd.length := p.burstLength
when(valid && io.mem.cmd.ready){
memCmdSent := True
when(valid && !memCmdSent) {
victim.memCmdAlreadyUsed := True
val counter = Counter(memTransactionPerLine)
when(valid && io.mem.rsp.valid){
dataWriteCmd.valid := True
dataWriteCmd.address := baseAddress(lineRange) @@ counter
|||| :=
dataWriteCmd.mask := (1<<(wordWidth/8))-1
memCmdSent := False
valid := False
stageB.loaderReady := True
@ -1,29 +1,11 @@
package SpinalRiscv.Plugin
import SpinalRiscv._
import SpinalRiscv.ip._
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib._
case class InstructionCacheConfig( cacheSize : Int,
bytePerLine : Int,
wayCount : Int,
wrappedMemAccess : Boolean,
addressWidth : Int,
cpuDataWidth : Int,
memDataWidth : Int,
catchIllegalAccess : Boolean,
catchAccessFault : Boolean,
catchMemoryTranslationMiss : Boolean,
asyncTagMemory : Boolean,
twoStageLogic : Boolean){
def burstSize = bytePerLine*8/memDataWidth
def catchSomething = catchAccessFault || catchMemoryTranslationMiss || catchIllegalAccess
class IBusCachedPlugin(config : InstructionCacheConfig, askMemoryTranslation : Boolean = false, memoryTranslatorPortConfig : Any = null) extends Plugin[VexRiscv] {
import config._
assert(twoStageLogic || !askMemoryTranslation)
@ -31,6 +13,7 @@ class IBusCachedPlugin(config : InstructionCacheConfig, askMemoryTranslation : B
var iBus : InstructionCacheMemBus = null
var mmuBus : MemoryTranslatorBus = null
var decodeExceptionPort : Flow[ExceptionCause] = null
var privilegeService : PrivilegeService = null
object IBUS_ACCESS_ERROR extends Stageable(Bool)
@ -44,6 +27,9 @@ class IBusCachedPlugin(config : InstructionCacheConfig, askMemoryTranslation : B
mmuBus = pipeline.service(classOf[MemoryTranslator]).newTranslationPort(pipeline.fetch, memoryTranslatorPortConfig)
privilegeService = pipeline.service(classOf[PrivilegeService])
override def build(pipeline: VexRiscv): Unit = {
@ -88,6 +74,7 @@ class IBusCachedPlugin(config : InstructionCacheConfig, askMemoryTranslation : B
||| := decode.arbitration.isValid
|||| := decode.arbitration.isStuck
|||| := (if(privilegeService != null) privilegeService.isUser(writeBack) else False)
|||| := decode.input(PC)
decode.insert(INSTRUCTION) :=
@ -111,403 +98,3 @@ class IBusCachedPlugin(config : InstructionCacheConfig, askMemoryTranslation : B
case class InstructionCacheCpuPrefetch(p : InstructionCacheConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave{
val isValid = Bool
val isFiring = Bool
val haltIt = Bool
val address = UInt(p.addressWidth bit)
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
out(isValid, isFiring, address)
case class InstructionCacheCpuFetch(p : InstructionCacheConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave {
val isValid = Bool
val haltIt = if(!p.twoStageLogic) Bool else null
val isStuck = Bool
val isStuckByOthers = if(!p.twoStageLogic) Bool else null
val address = UInt(p.addressWidth bit)
val data = if(!p.twoStageLogic) Bits(32 bit) else null
val error = if(!p.twoStageLogic && p.catchAccessFault) Bool else null
val mmuBus = if(p.twoStageLogic) MemoryTranslatorBus() else null
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
out(isValid, isStuck, address)
case class InstructionCacheCpuDecode(p : InstructionCacheConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave {
val isValid = Bool
val haltIt = Bool
val isStuck = Bool
val address = UInt(p.addressWidth bit)
val data = Bits(32 bit)
val dataAnticipated = Bits(32 bits)
val error = if(p.catchAccessFault) Bool else null
val mmuMiss = if(p.catchMemoryTranslationMiss) Bool else null
val illegalAccess = if(p.catchIllegalAccess) Bool else null
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
out(isValid, isStuck, address)
in(haltIt, data, dataAnticipated)
case class InstructionCacheCpuBus(p : InstructionCacheConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave{
val prefetch = InstructionCacheCpuPrefetch(p)
val fetch = InstructionCacheCpuFetch(p)
val decode = if(p.twoStageLogic) InstructionCacheCpuDecode(p) else null
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
if(p.twoStageLogic) master(decode)
case class InstructionCacheMemCmd(p : InstructionCacheConfig) extends Bundle{
val address = UInt(p.addressWidth bit)
case class InstructionCacheMemRsp(p : InstructionCacheConfig) extends Bundle{
val data = Bits(32 bit)
val error = Bool
case class InstructionCacheMemBus(p : InstructionCacheConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave{
val cmd = Stream (InstructionCacheMemCmd(p))
val rsp = Flow (InstructionCacheMemRsp(p))
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
case class InstructionCacheFlushBus() extends Bundle with IMasterSlave{
val cmd = Event
val rsp = Bool
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
class InstructionCache(p : InstructionCacheConfig) extends Component{
import p._
assert(wayCount == 1)
assert(cpuDataWidth == memDataWidth)
val io = new Bundle{
val flush = slave(InstructionCacheFlushBus())
// val translator = master(InstructionCacheTranslationBus(p))
val cpu = slave(InstructionCacheCpuBus(p))
val mem = master(InstructionCacheMemBus(p))
// val haltCpu = False
val lineWidth = bytePerLine*8
val lineCount = cacheSize/bytePerLine
val wordWidth = Math.max(memDataWidth,32)
val wordWidthLog2 = log2Up(wordWidth)
val wordPerLine = lineWidth/wordWidth
val bytePerWord = wordWidth/8
val wayLineCount = lineCount/wayCount
val wayLineLog2 = log2Up(wayLineCount)
val wayWordCount = wayLineCount * wordPerLine
val tagRange = addressWidth-1 downto log2Up(wayLineCount*bytePerLine)
val lineRange = tagRange.low-1 downto log2Up(bytePerLine)
val wordRange = log2Up(bytePerLine)-1 downto log2Up(bytePerWord)
val tagLineRange = tagRange.high downto lineRange.low
val lineWordRange = lineRange.high downto wordRange.low
class LineInfo extends Bundle{
val valid = Bool
val loading = Bool
val error = if(catchAccessFault) Bool else null
val address = UInt(tagRange.length bit)
class LineInfoWithHit extends LineInfo{
val hit = Bool
def LineInfoWithHit(lineInfo : LineInfo, testTag : UInt) = {
val ret = new LineInfoWithHit()
ret.hit := lineInfo.valid && lineInfo.address === testTag
val ways = Array.fill(wayCount)(new Area{
val tags = Mem(new LineInfo(),wayLineCount)
val datas = Mem(Bits(wordWidth bits),wayWordCount)
io.cpu.prefetch.haltIt := False
val lineLoader = new Area{
val requestIn = Stream(wrap(new Bundle{
val addr = UInt(addressWidth bits)
val flushCounter = Reg(UInt(log2Up(wayLineCount) + 1 bit)) init(0)
io.cpu.prefetch.haltIt := True
flushCounter := flushCounter + 1
io.cpu.prefetch.haltIt := True
val flushFromInterface = RegInit(False)
io.cpu.prefetch.haltIt := True
flushCounter := 0
flushFromInterface := True
io.flush.rsp := flushCounter.msb.rise && flushFromInterface
val loadingWithErrorReg = if(catchAccessFault) RegInit(False) else null
val loadingWithError = if(catchAccessFault) Bool else null
if(catchAccessFault) {
loadingWithError := loadingWithErrorReg
loadingWithErrorReg := loadingWithError
val request = requestIn.stage()
//Send memory requests
val memCmdSended = RegInit(False) setWhen(
io.mem.cmd.valid := request.valid && !memCmdSended
io.mem.cmd.address := request.addr(tagRange.high downto wordRange.low) @@ U(0,wordRange.low bit)
io.mem.cmd.address := request.addr(tagRange.high downto lineRange.low) @@ U(0,lineRange.low bit)
val wordIndex = Reg(UInt(log2Up(wordPerLine) bit))
val loadedWordsNext = Bits(wordPerLine bit)
val loadedWords = RegNext(loadedWordsNext)
val loadedWordsReadable = RegNext(loadedWords)
loadedWordsNext := loadedWords
val waysDatasWritePort = ways(0).datas.writePort //Not multi ways
waysDatasWritePort.valid := io.mem.rsp.valid
waysDatasWritePort.address := request.addr(lineRange) @@ wordIndex
|||| :=
wordIndex := wordIndex + 1
loadedWordsNext(wordIndex) := True
if(catchAccessFault) loadingWithError setWhen io.mem.rsp.error
val memRspLast = loadedWordsNext === B(loadedWordsNext.range -> true)
val readyDelay = Reg(UInt(1 bit))
readyDelay := readyDelay + 1
request.ready := readyDelay === 1
val waysTagsWritePort = ways(0).tags.writePort //not multi way
waysTagsWritePort.valid := io.mem.rsp.valid || !flushCounter.msb
waysTagsWritePort.address := Mux(flushCounter.msb,request.addr(lineRange),flushCounter(flushCounter.high-1 downto 0))
|||| := flushCounter.msb
|||| := request.addr(tagRange)
|||| := !memRspLast
if(catchAccessFault) := loadingWithError
memCmdSended := False
wordIndex := requestIn.addr(wordRange)
loadedWords := 0
loadedWordsReadable := 0
readyDelay := 0
if(catchAccessFault) loadingWithErrorReg := False
val task = if(!twoStageLogic) new Area{
val waysHitValid = False
val waysHitError = Bool.assignDontCare()
val waysHitWord = Bits(wordWidth bit)
val waysRead = for(way <- ways) yield new Area{
val readAddress = Mux(io.cpu.fetch.isStuck,io.cpu.fetch.address,io.cpu.prefetch.address) //TODO FMAX
val tag = if(asyncTagMemory)
way.tags.readSync(readAddress(lineRange),readUnderWrite = readFirst)
val data = way.datas.readSync(readAddress(lineRange.high downto wordRange.low))
waysHitWord := data //Not applicable to multi way
when(tag.valid && tag.address === io.cpu.fetch.address(tagRange)) {
waysHitValid := True
if(catchAccessFault) waysHitError := tag.error
val hit = waysHitValid && !(waysRead(0).tag.loading && !(if(asyncTagMemory) lineLoader.loadedWords else RegNext(lineLoader.loadedWords))(io.cpu.fetch.address(wordRange)))
io.cpu.fetch.haltIt := io.cpu.fetch.isValid && !hit
|||| := waysHitWord
if(catchAccessFault) io.cpu.fetch.error := waysRead(0).tag.error
lineLoader.requestIn.valid := io.cpu.fetch.isValid && !hit //TODO avoid duplicated request
lineLoader.requestIn.addr := io.cpu.fetch.address
} else new Area{
//Long readValidPath
// def writeFirstMemWrap[T <: Data](readValid : Bool, readAddress : UInt, lastAddress : UInt, readData : T,writeValid : Bool, writeAddress : UInt, writeData : T) : T = {
// val hit = writeValid && (readValid ? readAddress | lastAddress) === writeAddress
// val overrideValid = RegInit(False) clearWhen(readValid) setWhen(hit)
// val overrideValue = RegNextWhen(writeData,hit)
// overrideValid ? overrideValue | readData
// }
//shot readValid path
def writeFirstMemWrap[T <: Data](readValid : Bool, readLastAddress : UInt, readData : T,writeValid : Bool, writeAddress : UInt, writeData : T) : T = {
val writeSample = readValid || (writeValid && writeAddress === readLastAddress)
val writeValidReg = RegNextWhen(writeValid,writeSample)
val writeAddressReg = RegNextWhen(writeAddress,writeSample)
val writeDataReg = RegNextWhen(writeData,writeSample)
(writeValidReg && writeAddressReg === readLastAddress) ? writeDataReg | readData
//Long sample path
// def writeFirstRegWrap[T <: Data](sample : Bool, sampleAddress : UInt,lastAddress : UInt, readData : T, writeValid : Bool, writeAddress : UInt, writeData : T) : (T,T) = {
// val hit = writeValid && (sample ? sampleAddress | lastAddress) === writeAddress
// val bypass = hit ? writeData | readData
// val reg = RegNextWhen(bypass,sample || hit)
// (reg,bypass)
// }
//Short sample path
def writeFirstRegWrap[T <: Data](sample : Bool, sampleAddress : UInt,sampleLastAddress : UInt, readData : T, writeValid : Bool, writeAddress : UInt, writeData : T) = {
val preWrite = (writeValid && sampleAddress === writeAddress)
val postWrite = (writeValid && sampleLastAddress === writeAddress)
val bypass = (!sample || preWrite) ? writeData | readData
val regEn = sample || postWrite
val reg = RegNextWhen(bypass,regEn)
// def writeFirstRegWrap[T <: Data](sample : Bool, sampleAddress : UInt,sampleLastAddress : UInt, readData : T, writeValid : Bool, writeAddress : UInt, writeData : T) = {
// val bypass = (!sample || (writeValid && sampleAddress === writeAddress)) ? writeData | readData
// val regEn = sample || (writeValid && sampleLastAddress === writeAddress)
// val reg = RegNextWhen(bypass,regEn)
// (reg,bypass,regEn,False,False)
// }
require(wayCount == 1)
val memRead = new Area{
val way = ways(0)
val tag = if(asyncTagMemory)
readValid = !io.cpu.fetch.isStuck,
// readAddress = io.cpu.prefetch.address(lineRange),
readLastAddress = io.cpu.fetch.address(lineRange),
readData = way.tags.readSync(io.cpu.prefetch.address(lineRange),enable = !io.cpu.fetch.isStuck),
writeValid = lineLoader.waysTagsWritePort.valid,
writeAddress = lineLoader.waysTagsWritePort.address,
writeData =
val data = writeFirstMemWrap(
readValid = !io.cpu.fetch.isStuck,
// readAddress = io.cpu.prefetch.address(lineWordRange),
readLastAddress = io.cpu.fetch.address(lineWordRange),
readData = way.datas.readSync(io.cpu.prefetch.address(lineWordRange),enable = !io.cpu.fetch.isStuck),
writeValid = lineLoader.waysDatasWritePort.valid,
writeAddress = lineLoader.waysDatasWritePort.address,
writeData =
val tag = writeFirstRegWrap(
sample = !io.cpu.decode.isStuck,
sampleAddress = io.cpu.fetch.address(lineRange),
sampleLastAddress = io.cpu.decode.address(lineRange),
readData = LineInfoWithHit(memRead.tag,io.cpu.fetch.address(tagRange)),
writeValid = lineLoader.waysTagsWritePort.valid,
writeAddress = lineLoader.waysTagsWritePort.address,
writeData = LineInfoWithHit(,io.cpu.fetch.address(tagRange)) //TODO wrong address src
val (data,dataRegIn,dataRegEn,dataPreWrite,dataPostWrite) = writeFirstRegWrap(
sample = !io.cpu.decode.isStuck,
sampleAddress = io.cpu.fetch.address(lineWordRange),
sampleLastAddress = io.cpu.decode.address(lineWordRange),
readData =,
writeValid = lineLoader.waysDatasWritePort.valid,
writeAddress = lineLoader.waysDatasWritePort.address,
writeData =
io.cpu.fetch.mmuBus.cmd.isValid := io.cpu.fetch.isValid
io.cpu.fetch.mmuBus.cmd.virtualAddress := io.cpu.fetch.address
io.cpu.fetch.mmuBus.cmd.bypassTranslation := False
val mmuRsp = RegNextWhen(io.cpu.fetch.mmuBus.rsp,!io.cpu.decode.isStuck)
val hit = tag.valid && tag.address === mmuRsp.physicalAddress(tagRange) && !(tag.loading && !lineLoader.loadedWords(mmuRsp.physicalAddress(wordRange)))
// val hit = tag.hit && !(tag.loading && !lineLoader.loadedWords(mmuRsp.physicalAddress(wordRange)))
io.cpu.decode.haltIt := io.cpu.decode.isValid && !hit //TODO PERF not halit it when removed, Should probably be applyed in many other places
|||| := data
// io.cpu.decode.dataAnticipated := dataRegEn ? dataRegIn | data
io.cpu.decode.dataAnticipated := io.cpu.decode.isStuck ? Mux(dataPostWrite,,data) | Mux(dataPreWrite,,
if(catchAccessFault) io.cpu.decode.error := tag.error
if(catchMemoryTranslationMiss) io.cpu.decode.mmuMiss := mmuRsp.miss
if(catchIllegalAccess) io.cpu.decode.illegalAccess := !mmuRsp.miss && !mmuRsp.allowExecute
lineLoader.requestIn.valid := io.cpu.decode.isValid && !hit && !mmuRsp.miss//TODO avoid duplicated request
lineLoader.requestIn.addr := mmuRsp.physicalAddress
io.flush.cmd.ready := !(lineLoader.request.valid || io.cpu.fetch.isValid)
//object InstructionCacheMain{
// def main(args: Array[String]) {
// implicit val p = InstructionCacheConfig(
// cacheSize =4096,
// bytePerLine =32,
// wayCount = 1,
// wrappedMemAccess = true,
// addressWidth = 32,
// cpuDataWidth = 32,
// memDataWidth = 32,
// catchAccessFault = true)
// // val io = new Bundle{
// // val cpu = slave(InstructionCacheCpuBus())
// // val mem = master(InstructionCacheMemBus())
// // }
// SpinalVhdl(new InstructionCache(p))
// }
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ case class CsrMapping(){
class MachineCsr(config : MachineCsrConfig) extends Plugin[VexRiscv] with ExceptionService {
class MachineCsr(config : MachineCsrConfig) extends Plugin[VexRiscv] with ExceptionService with PrivilegeService{
import config._
import CsrAccess._
@ -144,6 +144,8 @@ class MachineCsr(config : MachineCsrConfig) extends Plugin[VexRiscv] with Except
def isUser(stage : Stage) : Bool = False
override def build(pipeline: VexRiscv): Unit = {
import pipeline._
import pipeline.config._
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class MemoryTranslatorPlugin(tlbSize : Int,
val valid = Bool
val virtualAddress = UInt(20 bits)
val physicalAddress = UInt(20 bits)
val allowRead, allowWrite, allowExecute = Bool
val allowRead, allowWrite, allowExecute, allowUser = Bool
def init = {
valid init (False)
@ -107,12 +107,14 @@ class MemoryTranslatorPlugin(tlbSize : Int,
port.bus.rsp.allowRead := cacheLine.allowRead
port.bus.rsp.allowWrite := cacheLine.allowWrite
port.bus.rsp.allowExecute := cacheLine.allowExecute
port.bus.rsp.allowUser := cacheLine.allowUser
port.stage.arbitration.haltIt setWhen (port.bus.cmd.isValid && !cacheHit && !sharedMiss)
} otherwise {
port.bus.rsp.physicalAddress := port.bus.cmd.virtualAddress
port.bus.rsp.allowRead := True
port.bus.rsp.allowWrite := True
port.bus.rsp.allowExecute := True
port.bus.rsp.allowUser := True
port.bus.rsp.isIoAccess := ioRange(port.bus.rsp.physicalAddress)
port.bus.rsp.miss := sharedMiss
@ -132,10 +134,11 @@ class MemoryTranslatorPlugin(tlbSize : Int,
val line = CacheLine()
line.virtualAddress := tlbWriteBuffer
line.physicalAddress := input(REG2)(19 downto 0).asUInt
line.valid := input(REG2)(31)
line.allowUser := input(REG2)(27)
line.allowRead := input(REG2)(28)
line.allowWrite := input(REG2)(29)
line.allowExecute := input(REG2)(30)
line.valid := input(REG2)(31)
core.shared.cache(input(SRC1)(log2Up(tlbSize)-1 downto 0).asUInt) := line
core.ports.foreach(_.cache.foreach(_.valid := False)) //Invalidate all ports caches
@ -22,6 +22,10 @@ trait ExceptionService{
def newExceptionPort(stage : Stage, priority : Int = 0) : Flow[ExceptionCause]
trait PrivilegeService{
def isUser(stage : Stage) : Bool
case class MemoryTranslatorCmd() extends Bundle{
val isValid = Bool
val virtualAddress = UInt(32 bits)
@ -30,7 +34,7 @@ case class MemoryTranslatorCmd() extends Bundle{
case class MemoryTranslatorRsp() extends Bundle{
val physicalAddress = UInt(32 bits)
val isIoAccess = Bool
val allowRead, allowWrite, allowExecute = Bool
val allowRead, allowWrite, allowExecute, allowUser = Bool
val miss = Bool
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ package SpinalRiscv
import SpinalRiscv.Plugin._
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib._
import SpinalRiscv.ip._
object TopLevel {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
@ -0,0 +1,577 @@
package SpinalRiscv.ip
import SpinalRiscv._
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib._
case class DataCacheConfig( cacheSize : Int,
bytePerLine : Int,
wayCount : Int,
addressWidth : Int,
cpuDataWidth : Int,
memDataWidth : Int,
catchAccessError : Boolean,
catchIllegal : Boolean,
catchUnaligned : Boolean,
catchMemoryTranslationMiss : Boolean,
clearTagsAfterReset : Boolean = true,
tagSizeShift : Int = 0){ //Used to force infering ram
def burstSize = bytePerLine*8/memDataWidth
val burstLength = bytePerLine/(memDataWidth/8)
def catchSomething = catchUnaligned || catchMemoryTranslationMiss || catchIllegal || catchAccessError
object Bypasser{
//shot readValid path
def writeFirstMemWrap[T <: Data](readValid : Bool, readLastAddress : UInt, readLastData : T,writeValid : Bool, writeAddress : UInt, writeData : T) : T = {
val writeSample = readValid || (writeValid && writeAddress === readLastAddress)
val writeValidReg = RegNextWhen(writeValid,writeSample)
val writeAddressReg = RegNextWhen(writeAddress,writeSample)
val writeDataReg = RegNextWhen(writeData,writeSample)
(writeValidReg && writeAddressReg === readLastAddress) ? writeDataReg | readLastData
//shot readValid path
def writeFirstMemWrap(readValid : Bool, readLastAddress : UInt, readLastData : Bits,writeValid : Bool, writeAddress : UInt, writeData : Bits,writeMask : Bits) : Bits = {
val writeHit = writeValid && writeAddress === readLastAddress
val writeSample = readValid || writeHit
val writeValidReg = RegNextWhen(writeValid,writeSample)
val writeAddressReg = RegNextWhen(writeAddress,writeSample)
val writeDataReg = Reg(writeData)
val writeMaskReg = Reg(Bits(widthOf(writeData)/8 bits))
val writeDataRegBytes = writeDataReg.subdivideIn(8 bits)
val writeDataBytes = writeData.subdivideIn(8 bits)
val ret = cloneOf(readLastData)
val retBytes = ret.subdivideIn(8 bits)
val readLastDataBytes = readLastData.subdivideIn(8 bits)
val writeRegHit = writeValidReg && writeAddressReg === readLastAddress
for(b <- writeMask.range){
when(writeHit && writeMask(b)){
writeMaskReg(b) := True
when(readValid) {
writeMaskReg(b) := writeMask(b)
when(readValid || (writeHit && writeMask(b))){
writeDataRegBytes(b) := writeDataBytes(b)
retBytes(b) := (writeRegHit && writeMaskReg(b)) ? writeDataRegBytes(b) | readLastDataBytes(b)
//Long sample path
// def writeFirstRegWrap[T <: Data](sample : Bool, sampleAddress : UInt,lastAddress : UInt, readData : T, writeValid : Bool, writeAddress : UInt, writeData : T) : (T,T) = {
// val hit = writeValid && (sample ? sampleAddress | lastAddress) === writeAddress
// val bypass = hit ? writeData | readData
// val reg = RegNextWhen(bypass,sample || hit)
// (reg,bypass)
// }
//Short sample path
def writeFirstRegWrap[T <: Data](sample : Bool, sampleAddress : UInt,sampleLastAddress : UInt, sampleData : T, writeValid : Bool, writeAddress : UInt, writeData : T) = {
val bypass = (!sample || (writeValid && sampleAddress === writeAddress)) ? writeData | sampleData
val regEn = sample || (writeValid && sampleLastAddress === writeAddress)
val reg = RegNextWhen(bypass,regEn)
def writeFirstRegWrap(sample : Bool, sampleAddress : UInt,sampleLastAddress : UInt, sampleData : Bits, writeValid : Bool, writeAddress : UInt, writeData : Bits,writeMask : Bits) = {
val byteCount = widthOf(writeMask)
val sampleWriteHit = writeValid && sampleAddress === writeAddress
val sampleLastHit = writeValid && sampleLastAddress === writeAddress
val regBytes = Vec(Bits(8 bits),byteCount)
for(b <- writeMask.range){
val bypass = Mux(!sample || (sampleWriteHit && writeMask(b)), writeData(b*8, 8 bits), sampleData(b*8, 8 bits))
val regEn = sample || (sampleLastHit && writeMask(b))
regBytes(b) := RegNextWhen(bypass,regEn)
object DataCacheCpuCmdKind extends SpinalEnum{
val MEMORY,MANAGMENT = newElement()
object DataCacheCpuExecute{
implicit def implArgs(that : DataCacheCpuExecute) = that.args
case class DataCacheCpuExecute(p : DataCacheConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave{
val isValid = Bool
val isStuck = Bool
// val haltIt = Bool
val args = DataCacheCpuExecuteArgs(p)
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
out(isValid, isStuck, args)
// in(haltIt)
case class DataCacheCpuExecuteArgs(p : DataCacheConfig) extends Bundle{
val kind = DataCacheCpuCmdKind()
val wr = Bool
val address = UInt(p.addressWidth bit)
val data = Bits(p.cpuDataWidth bit)
val size = UInt(2 bits)
val forceUncachedAccess = Bool
val clean, invalidate, way = Bool
// val all = Bool //Address should be zero when "all" is used
case class DataCacheCpuMemory(p : DataCacheConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave{
val isValid = Bool
val isStuck = Bool
val isRemoved = Bool
val mmuBus = MemoryTranslatorBus()
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
out(isValid, isStuck, isRemoved)
case class DataCacheCpuWriteBack(p : DataCacheConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave{
val isValid = Bool
val isStuck = Bool
val isUser = Bool
val haltIt = Bool
val data = Bits(p.cpuDataWidth bit)
val mmuMiss, illegalAccess, unalignedAccess , accessError = Bool
val badAddr = UInt(32 bits)
// val exceptionBus = if(p.catchSomething) Flow(ExceptionCause()) else null
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
in(haltIt, data, mmuMiss,illegalAccess , unalignedAccess, accessError, badAddr)
case class DataCacheCpuBus(p : DataCacheConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave{
val execute = DataCacheCpuExecute(p)
val memory = DataCacheCpuMemory(p)
val writeBack = DataCacheCpuWriteBack(p)
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
case class DataCacheMemCmd(p : DataCacheConfig) extends Bundle{
val wr = Bool
val address = UInt(p.addressWidth bit)
val data = Bits(p.memDataWidth bits)
val mask = Bits(p.memDataWidth/8 bits)
val length = UInt(log2Up(p.burstLength+1) bit)
case class DataCacheMemRsp(p : DataCacheConfig) extends Bundle{
val data = Bits(p.memDataWidth bit)
val error = Bool
case class DataCacheMemBus(p : DataCacheConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave{
val cmd = Stream (DataCacheMemCmd(p))
val rsp = Flow (DataCacheMemRsp(p))
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
class DataCache(p : DataCacheConfig) extends Component{
import p._
import DataCacheCpuCmdKind._
assert(wayCount == 1)
assert(cpuDataWidth == memDataWidth)
val io = new Bundle{
val cpu = slave(DataCacheCpuBus(p))
val mem = master(DataCacheMemBus(p))
// val flushDone = out Bool //It pulse at the same time than the
val haltCpu = False
val lineWidth = bytePerLine*8
val lineCount = cacheSize/bytePerLine
val wordWidth = Math.max(memDataWidth,cpuDataWidth)
val wordWidthLog2 = log2Up(wordWidth)
val wordPerLine = lineWidth/wordWidth
val bytePerWord = wordWidth/8
val wayLineCount = lineCount/wayCount
val wayLineLog2 = log2Up(wayLineCount)
val wayWordCount = wayLineCount * wordPerLine
val memTransactionPerLine = p.bytePerLine / (p.memDataWidth/8)
val tagRange = addressWidth-1 downto log2Up(wayLineCount*bytePerLine)
val lineRange = tagRange.low-1 downto log2Up(bytePerLine)
val wordRange = log2Up(bytePerLine)-1 downto log2Up(bytePerWord)
class LineInfo() extends Bundle{
val used = Bool
val dirty = Bool
val address = UInt(tagRange.length bit)
val tagsReadCmd = Flow(UInt(log2Up(wayLineCount) bits))
val tagsWriteCmd = Flow(new Bundle{
// val way = UInt(log2Up(wayCount) bits)
val address = UInt(log2Up(wayLineCount) bits)
val data = new LineInfo()
val tagsWriteLastCmd = RegNext(tagsWriteCmd)
val dataReadCmd = Flow(UInt(log2Up(wayWordCount) bits))
val dataWriteCmd = Flow(new Bundle{
// val way = UInt(log2Up(wayCount) bits)
val address = UInt(log2Up(wayWordCount) bits)
val data = Bits(wordWidth bits)
val mask = Bits(wordWidth/8 bits)
tagsReadCmd.valid := False
dataReadCmd.valid := False
tagsWriteCmd.valid := False
dataWriteCmd.valid := False
io.mem.cmd.valid := False
val way = new Area{
val tags = Mem(new LineInfo(),wayLineCount)
val data = Mem(Bits(wordWidth bit),wayWordCount)
tags(tagsWriteCmd.address) :=
address = dataWriteCmd.address,
data =,
mask = dataWriteCmd.mask
val tagReadRspOneAddress = RegNextWhen(tagsReadCmd.payload, tagsReadCmd.valid)
val tagReadRspOne = Bypasser.writeFirstMemWrap(
readValid = tagsReadCmd.valid,
readLastAddress = tagReadRspOneAddress,
readLastData = tags.readSync(tagsReadCmd.payload,enable = tagsReadCmd.valid),
writeValid = tagsWriteCmd.valid,
writeAddress = tagsWriteCmd.address,
writeData =
val dataReadRspOneKeepAddress = False
val dataReadRspOneAddress = RegNextWhen(dataReadCmd.payload, dataReadCmd.valid && !dataReadRspOneKeepAddress)
val dataReadRspOneWithoutBypass = data.readSync(dataReadCmd.payload,enable = dataReadCmd.valid)
val dataReadRspOne = Bypasser.writeFirstMemWrap(
readValid = dataReadCmd.valid,
readLastAddress = dataReadRspOneAddress,
readLastData = dataReadRspOneWithoutBypass,
writeValid = dataWriteCmd.valid,
writeAddress = dataWriteCmd.address,
writeData =,
writeMask = dataWriteCmd.mask
val tagReadRspTwoEnable = !io.cpu.writeBack.isStuck
val tagReadRspTwoRegIn = (tagsWriteCmd.valid && tagsWriteCmd.address === tagReadRspOneAddress) ? | tagReadRspOne
val tagReadRspTwo = RegNextWhen(tagReadRspTwoRegIn ,tagReadRspTwoEnable)
val dataReadRspTwoEnable = !io.cpu.writeBack.isStuck
val dataReadRspTwo = Bypasser.writeFirstRegWrap(
sample = dataReadRspTwoEnable,
sampleAddress = dataReadRspOneAddress,
sampleLastAddress = RegNextWhen(dataReadRspOneAddress, dataReadRspTwoEnable),
sampleData = dataReadRspOne,
writeValid = dataWriteCmd.valid,
writeAddress = dataWriteCmd.address,
writeData =,
writeMask = dataWriteCmd.mask
when(io.cpu.execute.isValid && !io.cpu.execute.isStuck){
tagsReadCmd.valid := True
tagsReadCmd.payload := io.cpu.execute.address(lineRange)
dataReadCmd.valid := True
dataReadCmd.payload := io.cpu.execute.address(lineRange.high downto wordRange.low) //TODO FMAX maybe critical path could be default
val victim = new Area{
val requestIn = Stream(cloneable(new Bundle{
// val way = UInt(log2Up(wayCount) bits)
val address = UInt(p.addressWidth bits)
requestIn.valid := False
val request = requestIn.stage() //TODO FMAX half pipe ?
request.ready := False
val buffer = Mem(Bits(p.memDataWidth bits),memTransactionPerLine << tagSizeShift) // WARNING << tagSizeShift could resolve cyclone II issue, //.add(new AttributeString("ramstyle","M4K"))
//Send line read commands to fill the buffer
val readLineCmdCounter = Reg(UInt(log2Up(memTransactionPerLine + 1) bits)) init(0)
val dataReadCmdOccure = False
val dataReadRestored = RegInit(False)
when(!readLineCmdCounter.msb) {
readLineCmdCounter := readLineCmdCounter + 1
//dataReadCmd := request.address(lineRange.high downto wordRange.low) Done in the manager
dataReadCmdOccure := True
dataReadCmd.valid := True
dataReadCmd.payload := request.address(lineRange) @@ readLineCmdCounter(readLineCmdCounter.high - 1 downto 0)
way.dataReadRspOneKeepAddress := True
} otherwise {
when(!dataReadRestored) {
dataReadCmd.valid := True
dataReadCmd.payload := way.dataReadRspOneAddress //Restore stage one readed value
assert(io.cpu.memory.isStuck,"Should not issue instructions when a victim line is not entirly in the victim cache",FAILURE)
dataReadRestored := True
dataReadRestored clearWhen(request.ready)
//Fill the buffer with line read responses
val readLineRspCounter = Reg(UInt(log2Up(memTransactionPerLine + 1) bits)) init(0)
when(Delay(dataReadCmdOccure,1, init=False)){
buffer(readLineRspCounter.resized) := way.dataReadRspOneWithoutBypass
readLineRspCounter := readLineRspCounter + 1
//Send buffer read commands
val bufferReadCounter = Reg(UInt(log2Up(memTransactionPerLine + 1) bits)) init(0)
val bufferReadStream = Stream(buffer.addressType)
bufferReadStream.valid := readLineRspCounter > bufferReadCounter
bufferReadStream.payload := bufferReadCounter.resized
bufferReadCounter := bufferReadCounter + 1
val bufferReaded = buffer.streamReadSync(bufferReadStream).stage
bufferReaded.ready := False
//Send memory writes from bufffer read responses
val bufferReadedCounter = Reg(UInt(log2Up(memTransactionPerLine) bits)) init(0)
val memCmdAlreadyUsed = False
when(bufferReaded.valid) {
io.mem.cmd.valid := True
io.mem.cmd.wr := True
io.mem.cmd.address := request.address(tagRange.high downto lineRange.low) @@ U(0,lineRange.low bit)
io.mem.cmd.length := p.burstLength
|||| := bufferReaded.payload
io.mem.cmd.mask := (1<<(wordWidth/8))-1
when(!memCmdAlreadyUsed && io.mem.cmd.ready){
bufferReaded.ready := True
bufferReadedCounter := bufferReadedCounter + 1
when(bufferReadedCounter === bufferReadedCounter.maxValue){
request.ready := True
val counter = Counter(memTransactionPerLine)
readLineCmdCounter.msb := False
readLineRspCounter.msb := False
bufferReadCounter.msb := False
val stageA = new Area{
val request = RegNextWhen(io.cpu.execute.args, !io.cpu.memory.isStuck)
io.cpu.memory.mmuBus.cmd.isValid := io.cpu.memory.isValid && request.kind === MEMORY //TODO filter request kind
io.cpu.memory.mmuBus.cmd.virtualAddress := request.address
io.cpu.memory.mmuBus.cmd.bypassTranslation := request.way
val stageB = new Area {
val request = RegNextWhen(stageA.request, !io.cpu.writeBack.isStuck)
val mmuRsp = RegNextWhen(io.cpu.memory.mmuBus.rsp, !io.cpu.writeBack.isStuck)
// val waysHit = RegNextWhen(way.tagReadRspTwoRegIn.used && stageA.mmuRsp.physicalAddress(tagRange) === way.tagReadRspTwoRegIn.address,!io.cpu.writeBack.isStuck) //Manual retiming
val waysHit = way.tagReadRspTwo.used && mmuRsp.physicalAddress(tagRange) === way.tagReadRspTwo.address
//Loader interface
val loaderValid = False
val loaderReady = False
val loadingDone = RegNext(loaderValid && loaderReady) init(False) //one cycle pulse
//delayedXX are used to relax logic timings in flush and evict modes
val delayedIsStuck = RegNext(io.cpu.writeBack.isStuck)
val delayedWaysHitValid = RegNext(waysHit)
val victimNotSent = RegInit(False) clearWhen(victim.requestIn.ready) setWhen(!io.cpu.memory.isStuck)
val loadingNotDone = RegInit(False) clearWhen(loaderReady) setWhen(!io.cpu.memory.isStuck)
val writeMask = request.size.mux (
U(0) -> B"0001",
U(1) -> B"0011",
default -> B"1111"
) |<< mmuRsp.physicalAddress(1 downto 0)
io.cpu.writeBack.haltIt := io.cpu.writeBack.isValid
io.cpu.writeBack.mmuMiss := False
io.cpu.writeBack.illegalAccess := False
io.cpu.writeBack.unalignedAccess := False
io.cpu.writeBack.accessError := (if(catchAccessError) io.mem.rsp.valid && io.mem.rsp.error else False)
io.cpu.writeBack.badAddr := request.address
//Evict the cache after reset logics
val bootEvicts = if(clearTagsAfterReset) new Area {
val valid = RegInit(True)
mmuRsp.physicalAddress init (0)
when(valid) {
tagsWriteCmd.valid := valid
tagsWriteCmd.address := mmuRsp.physicalAddress(lineRange)
|||| := False
when(mmuRsp.physicalAddress(lineRange) =/= lineCount - 1) {
mmuRsp.physicalAddress.getDrivingReg(lineRange) := mmuRsp.physicalAddress(lineRange) + 1
io.cpu.writeBack.haltIt := True
} otherwise {
valid := False
when(io.cpu.writeBack.isValid) {
if (catchMemoryTranslationMiss) {
io.cpu.writeBack.mmuMiss := mmuRsp.miss
switch(request.kind) {
when(delayedIsStuck && !mmuRsp.miss) {
when(delayedWaysHitValid || (request.way && way.tagReadRspTwo.used)) {
io.cpu.writeBack.haltIt.clearWhen(!(victim.requestIn.valid && !victim.requestIn.ready))
victim.requestIn.valid := request.clean && way.tagReadRspTwo.dirty
tagsWriteCmd.valid := victim.requestIn.ready
} otherwise{
io.cpu.writeBack.haltIt := False
victim.requestIn.address := way.tagReadRspTwo.address @@ mmuRsp.physicalAddress(lineRange) @@ U((lineRange.low - 1 downto 0) -> false)
tagsWriteCmd.address := mmuRsp.physicalAddress(lineRange)
|||| := !request.invalidate
|||| := !request.clean
is(MEMORY) {
val illegal = if(catchIllegal) (request.wr && !mmuRsp.allowWrite) || (!request.wr && !mmuRsp.allowRead) || (io.cpu.writeBack.isUser && !mmuRsp.allowUser) else False
val unaligned = if(catchUnaligned) ((request.size === 2 && mmuRsp.physicalAddress(1 downto 0) =/= 0) || (request.size === 1 && mmuRsp.physicalAddress(0 downto 0) =/= 0)) else False
io.cpu.writeBack.illegalAccess := illegal
io.cpu.writeBack.unalignedAccess := unaligned
when((Bool(!catchMemoryTranslationMiss) || !mmuRsp.miss) && !illegal && !unaligned) {
when(request.forceUncachedAccess || mmuRsp.isIoAccess) {
val memCmdSent = RegInit(False)
when(!victim.request.valid) {
//Avoid mixing memory request while victim is pending
io.mem.cmd.wr := request.wr
io.mem.cmd.address := mmuRsp.physicalAddress(tagRange.high downto wordRange.low) @@ U(0, wordRange.low bit)
io.mem.cmd.mask := writeMask
|||| :=
io.mem.cmd.length := 1
when(!memCmdSent) {
io.mem.cmd.valid := True
memCmdSent setWhen (io.mem.cmd.ready)
io.cpu.writeBack.haltIt.clearWhen(memCmdSent && ( || request.wr)) //Cut mem.cmd.ready path but insert one cycle stall when write
memCmdSent clearWhen (!io.cpu.writeBack.isStuck)
} otherwise {
when(waysHit || !loadingNotDone) {
io.cpu.writeBack.haltIt := False
dataWriteCmd.valid := request.wr
dataWriteCmd.address := mmuRsp.physicalAddress(lineRange.high downto wordRange.low)
|||| :=
dataWriteCmd.mask := writeMask
tagsWriteCmd.valid := (!loadingNotDone) || request.wr
tagsWriteCmd.address := mmuRsp.physicalAddress(lineRange)
|||| := True
|||| := request.wr
|||| := mmuRsp.physicalAddress(tagRange)
} otherwise {
val victimRequired = way.tagReadRspTwo.used && way.tagReadRspTwo.dirty
loaderValid := loadingNotDone && !(victimNotSent && victim.request.isStall) //Additional condition used to be sure of that all previous victim are written into the RAM
victim.requestIn.valid := victimRequired && victimNotSent
victim.requestIn.address := way.tagReadRspTwo.address @@ mmuRsp.physicalAddress(lineRange) @@ U((lineRange.low - 1 downto 0) -> false)
assert(!(io.cpu.writeBack.isValid && !io.cpu.writeBack.haltIt && io.cpu.writeBack.isStuck), "writeBack stuck by another plugin is not allowed")
|||| := (request.forceUncachedAccess || mmuRsp.isIoAccess) ? | way.dataReadRspTwo //not multi ways
//The whole life of a loading task, the corresponding manager request is present
val loader = new Area{
val valid = RegNext(stageB.loaderValid) init(False)
val baseAddress = stageB.mmuRsp.physicalAddress
val memCmdSent = RegInit(False)
when(valid && !memCmdSent) {
io.mem.cmd.valid := True
io.mem.cmd.wr := False
io.mem.cmd.address := baseAddress(tagRange.high downto lineRange.low) @@ U(0,lineRange.low bit)
io.mem.cmd.length := p.burstLength
when(valid && io.mem.cmd.ready){
memCmdSent := True
when(valid && !memCmdSent) {
victim.memCmdAlreadyUsed := True
val counter = Counter(memTransactionPerLine)
when(valid && io.mem.rsp.valid){
dataWriteCmd.valid := True
dataWriteCmd.address := baseAddress(lineRange) @@ counter
|||| :=
dataWriteCmd.mask := (1<<(wordWidth/8))-1
memCmdSent := False
valid := False
stageB.loaderReady := True
@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
package SpinalRiscv.ip
import SpinalRiscv._
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib._
case class InstructionCacheConfig( cacheSize : Int,
bytePerLine : Int,
wayCount : Int,
wrappedMemAccess : Boolean,
addressWidth : Int,
cpuDataWidth : Int,
memDataWidth : Int,
catchIllegalAccess : Boolean,
catchAccessFault : Boolean,
catchMemoryTranslationMiss : Boolean,
asyncTagMemory : Boolean,
twoStageLogic : Boolean){
def burstSize = bytePerLine*8/memDataWidth
def catchSomething = catchAccessFault || catchMemoryTranslationMiss || catchIllegalAccess
case class InstructionCacheCpuPrefetch(p : InstructionCacheConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave{
val isValid = Bool
val isFiring = Bool
val haltIt = Bool
val address = UInt(p.addressWidth bit)
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
out(isValid, isFiring, address)
case class InstructionCacheCpuFetch(p : InstructionCacheConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave {
val isValid = Bool
val haltIt = if(!p.twoStageLogic) Bool else null
val isStuck = Bool
val isStuckByOthers = if(!p.twoStageLogic) Bool else null
val address = UInt(p.addressWidth bit)
val data = if(!p.twoStageLogic) Bits(32 bit) else null
val error = if(!p.twoStageLogic && p.catchAccessFault) Bool else null
val mmuBus = if(p.twoStageLogic) MemoryTranslatorBus() else null
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
out(isValid, isStuck, address)
case class InstructionCacheCpuDecode(p : InstructionCacheConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave {
val isValid = Bool
val haltIt = Bool
val isStuck = Bool
val isUser = Bool
val address = UInt(p.addressWidth bit)
val data = Bits(32 bit)
val dataAnticipated = Bits(32 bits)
val error = if(p.catchAccessFault) Bool else null
val mmuMiss = if(p.catchMemoryTranslationMiss) Bool else null
val illegalAccess = if(p.catchIllegalAccess) Bool else null
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
out(isValid, isStuck, address, isUser)
in(haltIt, data, dataAnticipated)
case class InstructionCacheCpuBus(p : InstructionCacheConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave{
val prefetch = InstructionCacheCpuPrefetch(p)
val fetch = InstructionCacheCpuFetch(p)
val decode = if(p.twoStageLogic) InstructionCacheCpuDecode(p) else null
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
if(p.twoStageLogic) master(decode)
case class InstructionCacheMemCmd(p : InstructionCacheConfig) extends Bundle{
val address = UInt(p.addressWidth bit)
case class InstructionCacheMemRsp(p : InstructionCacheConfig) extends Bundle{
val data = Bits(32 bit)
val error = Bool
case class InstructionCacheMemBus(p : InstructionCacheConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave{
val cmd = Stream (InstructionCacheMemCmd(p))
val rsp = Flow (InstructionCacheMemRsp(p))
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
case class InstructionCacheFlushBus() extends Bundle with IMasterSlave{
val cmd = Event
val rsp = Bool
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
class InstructionCache(p : InstructionCacheConfig) extends Component{
import p._
assert(wayCount == 1)
assert(cpuDataWidth == memDataWidth)
val io = new Bundle{
val flush = slave(InstructionCacheFlushBus())
// val translator = master(InstructionCacheTranslationBus(p))
val cpu = slave(InstructionCacheCpuBus(p))
val mem = master(InstructionCacheMemBus(p))
// val haltCpu = False
val lineWidth = bytePerLine*8
val lineCount = cacheSize/bytePerLine
val wordWidth = Math.max(memDataWidth,32)
val wordWidthLog2 = log2Up(wordWidth)
val wordPerLine = lineWidth/wordWidth
val bytePerWord = wordWidth/8
val wayLineCount = lineCount/wayCount
val wayLineLog2 = log2Up(wayLineCount)
val wayWordCount = wayLineCount * wordPerLine
val tagRange = addressWidth-1 downto log2Up(wayLineCount*bytePerLine)
val lineRange = tagRange.low-1 downto log2Up(bytePerLine)
val wordRange = log2Up(bytePerLine)-1 downto log2Up(bytePerWord)
val tagLineRange = tagRange.high downto lineRange.low
val lineWordRange = lineRange.high downto wordRange.low
class LineInfo extends Bundle{
val valid = Bool
val loading = Bool
val error = if(catchAccessFault) Bool else null
val address = UInt(tagRange.length bit)
class LineInfoWithHit extends LineInfo{
val hit = Bool
def LineInfoWithHit(lineInfo : LineInfo, testTag : UInt) = {
val ret = new LineInfoWithHit()
ret.hit := lineInfo.valid && lineInfo.address === testTag
val ways = Array.fill(wayCount)(new Area{
val tags = Mem(new LineInfo(),wayLineCount)
val datas = Mem(Bits(wordWidth bits),wayWordCount)
io.cpu.prefetch.haltIt := False
val lineLoader = new Area{
val requestIn = Stream(wrap(new Bundle{
val addr = UInt(addressWidth bits)
val flushCounter = Reg(UInt(log2Up(wayLineCount) + 1 bit)) init(0)
io.cpu.prefetch.haltIt := True
flushCounter := flushCounter + 1
io.cpu.prefetch.haltIt := True
val flushFromInterface = RegInit(False)
io.cpu.prefetch.haltIt := True
flushCounter := 0
flushFromInterface := True
io.flush.rsp := flushCounter.msb.rise && flushFromInterface
val loadingWithErrorReg = if(catchAccessFault) RegInit(False) else null
val loadingWithError = if(catchAccessFault) Bool else null
if(catchAccessFault) {
loadingWithError := loadingWithErrorReg
loadingWithErrorReg := loadingWithError
val request = requestIn.stage()
//Send memory requests
val memCmdSended = RegInit(False) setWhen(
io.mem.cmd.valid := request.valid && !memCmdSended
io.mem.cmd.address := request.addr(tagRange.high downto wordRange.low) @@ U(0,wordRange.low bit)
io.mem.cmd.address := request.addr(tagRange.high downto lineRange.low) @@ U(0,lineRange.low bit)
val wordIndex = Reg(UInt(log2Up(wordPerLine) bit))
val loadedWordsNext = Bits(wordPerLine bit)
val loadedWords = RegNext(loadedWordsNext)
val loadedWordsReadable = RegNext(loadedWords)
loadedWordsNext := loadedWords
val waysDatasWritePort = ways(0).datas.writePort //Not multi ways
waysDatasWritePort.valid := io.mem.rsp.valid
waysDatasWritePort.address := request.addr(lineRange) @@ wordIndex
|||| :=
wordIndex := wordIndex + 1
loadedWordsNext(wordIndex) := True
if(catchAccessFault) loadingWithError setWhen io.mem.rsp.error
val memRspLast = loadedWordsNext === B(loadedWordsNext.range -> true)
val readyDelay = Reg(UInt(1 bit))
readyDelay := readyDelay + 1
request.ready := readyDelay === 1
val waysTagsWritePort = ways(0).tags.writePort //not multi way
waysTagsWritePort.valid := io.mem.rsp.valid || !flushCounter.msb
waysTagsWritePort.address := Mux(flushCounter.msb,request.addr(lineRange),flushCounter(flushCounter.high-1 downto 0))
|||| := flushCounter.msb
|||| := request.addr(tagRange)
|||| := !memRspLast
if(catchAccessFault) := loadingWithError
memCmdSended := False
wordIndex := requestIn.addr(wordRange)
loadedWords := 0
loadedWordsReadable := 0
readyDelay := 0
if(catchAccessFault) loadingWithErrorReg := False
val task = if(!twoStageLogic) new Area{
val waysHitValid = False
val waysHitError = Bool.assignDontCare()
val waysHitWord = Bits(wordWidth bit)
val waysRead = for(way <- ways) yield new Area{
val readAddress = Mux(io.cpu.fetch.isStuck,io.cpu.fetch.address,io.cpu.prefetch.address) //TODO FMAX
val tag = if(asyncTagMemory)
way.tags.readSync(readAddress(lineRange),readUnderWrite = readFirst)
val data = way.datas.readSync(readAddress(lineRange.high downto wordRange.low))
waysHitWord := data //Not applicable to multi way
when(tag.valid && tag.address === io.cpu.fetch.address(tagRange)) {
waysHitValid := True
if(catchAccessFault) waysHitError := tag.error
val hit = waysHitValid && !(waysRead(0).tag.loading && !(if(asyncTagMemory) lineLoader.loadedWords else RegNext(lineLoader.loadedWords))(io.cpu.fetch.address(wordRange)))
io.cpu.fetch.haltIt := io.cpu.fetch.isValid && !hit
|||| := waysHitWord
if(catchAccessFault) io.cpu.fetch.error := waysRead(0).tag.error
lineLoader.requestIn.valid := io.cpu.fetch.isValid && !hit //TODO avoid duplicated request
lineLoader.requestIn.addr := io.cpu.fetch.address
} else new Area{
//Long readValidPath
// def writeFirstMemWrap[T <: Data](readValid : Bool, readAddress : UInt, lastAddress : UInt, readData : T,writeValid : Bool, writeAddress : UInt, writeData : T) : T = {
// val hit = writeValid && (readValid ? readAddress | lastAddress) === writeAddress
// val overrideValid = RegInit(False) clearWhen(readValid) setWhen(hit)
// val overrideValue = RegNextWhen(writeData,hit)
// overrideValid ? overrideValue | readData
// }
//shot readValid path
def writeFirstMemWrap[T <: Data](readValid : Bool, readLastAddress : UInt, readData : T,writeValid : Bool, writeAddress : UInt, writeData : T) : T = {
val writeSample = readValid || (writeValid && writeAddress === readLastAddress)
val writeValidReg = RegNextWhen(writeValid,writeSample)
val writeAddressReg = RegNextWhen(writeAddress,writeSample)
val writeDataReg = RegNextWhen(writeData,writeSample)
(writeValidReg && writeAddressReg === readLastAddress) ? writeDataReg | readData
//Long sample path
// def writeFirstRegWrap[T <: Data](sample : Bool, sampleAddress : UInt,lastAddress : UInt, readData : T, writeValid : Bool, writeAddress : UInt, writeData : T) : (T,T) = {
// val hit = writeValid && (sample ? sampleAddress | lastAddress) === writeAddress
// val bypass = hit ? writeData | readData
// val reg = RegNextWhen(bypass,sample || hit)
// (reg,bypass)
// }
//Short sample path
def writeFirstRegWrap[T <: Data](sample : Bool, sampleAddress : UInt,sampleLastAddress : UInt, readData : T, writeValid : Bool, writeAddress : UInt, writeData : T) = {
val preWrite = (writeValid && sampleAddress === writeAddress)
val postWrite = (writeValid && sampleLastAddress === writeAddress)
val bypass = (!sample || preWrite) ? writeData | readData
val regEn = sample || postWrite
val reg = RegNextWhen(bypass,regEn)
// def writeFirstRegWrap[T <: Data](sample : Bool, sampleAddress : UInt,sampleLastAddress : UInt, readData : T, writeValid : Bool, writeAddress : UInt, writeData : T) = {
// val bypass = (!sample || (writeValid && sampleAddress === writeAddress)) ? writeData | readData
// val regEn = sample || (writeValid && sampleLastAddress === writeAddress)
// val reg = RegNextWhen(bypass,regEn)
// (reg,bypass,regEn,False,False)
// }
require(wayCount == 1)
val memRead = new Area{
val way = ways(0)
val tag = if(asyncTagMemory)
readValid = !io.cpu.fetch.isStuck,
// readAddress = io.cpu.prefetch.address(lineRange),
readLastAddress = io.cpu.fetch.address(lineRange),
readData = way.tags.readSync(io.cpu.prefetch.address(lineRange),enable = !io.cpu.fetch.isStuck),
writeValid = lineLoader.waysTagsWritePort.valid,
writeAddress = lineLoader.waysTagsWritePort.address,
writeData =
val data = writeFirstMemWrap(
readValid = !io.cpu.fetch.isStuck,
// readAddress = io.cpu.prefetch.address(lineWordRange),
readLastAddress = io.cpu.fetch.address(lineWordRange),
readData = way.datas.readSync(io.cpu.prefetch.address(lineWordRange),enable = !io.cpu.fetch.isStuck),
writeValid = lineLoader.waysDatasWritePort.valid,
writeAddress = lineLoader.waysDatasWritePort.address,
writeData =
val tag = writeFirstRegWrap(
sample = !io.cpu.decode.isStuck,
sampleAddress = io.cpu.fetch.address(lineRange),
sampleLastAddress = io.cpu.decode.address(lineRange),
readData = LineInfoWithHit(memRead.tag,io.cpu.fetch.address(tagRange)),
writeValid = lineLoader.waysTagsWritePort.valid,
writeAddress = lineLoader.waysTagsWritePort.address,
writeData = LineInfoWithHit(,io.cpu.fetch.address(tagRange)) //TODO wrong address src
val (data,dataRegIn,dataRegEn,dataPreWrite,dataPostWrite) = writeFirstRegWrap(
sample = !io.cpu.decode.isStuck,
sampleAddress = io.cpu.fetch.address(lineWordRange),
sampleLastAddress = io.cpu.decode.address(lineWordRange),
readData =,
writeValid = lineLoader.waysDatasWritePort.valid,
writeAddress = lineLoader.waysDatasWritePort.address,
writeData =
io.cpu.fetch.mmuBus.cmd.isValid := io.cpu.fetch.isValid
io.cpu.fetch.mmuBus.cmd.virtualAddress := io.cpu.fetch.address
io.cpu.fetch.mmuBus.cmd.bypassTranslation := False
val mmuRsp = RegNextWhen(io.cpu.fetch.mmuBus.rsp,!io.cpu.decode.isStuck)
val hit = tag.valid && tag.address === mmuRsp.physicalAddress(tagRange) && !(tag.loading && !lineLoader.loadedWords(mmuRsp.physicalAddress(wordRange)))
// val hit = tag.hit && !(tag.loading && !lineLoader.loadedWords(mmuRsp.physicalAddress(wordRange)))
io.cpu.decode.haltIt := io.cpu.decode.isValid && !hit //TODO PERF not halit it when removed, Should probably be applyed in many other places
|||| := data
// io.cpu.decode.dataAnticipated := dataRegEn ? dataRegIn | data
io.cpu.decode.dataAnticipated := io.cpu.decode.isStuck ? Mux(dataPostWrite,,data) | Mux(dataPreWrite,,
if(catchAccessFault) io.cpu.decode.error := tag.error
if(catchMemoryTranslationMiss) io.cpu.decode.mmuMiss := mmuRsp.miss
if(catchIllegalAccess) io.cpu.decode.illegalAccess := !mmuRsp.allowExecute || (io.cpu.decode.isUser && !mmuRsp.allowUser)
lineLoader.requestIn.valid := io.cpu.decode.isValid && !hit && !mmuRsp.miss//TODO avoid duplicated request
lineLoader.requestIn.addr := mmuRsp.physicalAddress
io.flush.cmd.ready := !(lineLoader.request.valid || io.cpu.fetch.isValid)
Reference in New Issue