FpuCore can add/mul/fma/store/load

This commit is contained in:
Dolu1990 2021-01-13 18:28:26 +01:00
parent 6e0be6e18c
commit 8761d0d9ee
4 changed files with 748 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
package vexriscv.ip.fpu
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib._
import spinal.lib.eda.bench.{Bench, Rtl, XilinxStdTargets}
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
case class FpuCore(p : FpuParameter) extends Component{
val io = new Bundle {
val port = slave(FpuPort(p))
val rfLockCount = 5
val lockIdType = HardType(UInt(log2Up(rfLockCount) bits))
io.port.rsp.valid := False
case class RfReadInput() extends Bundle{
val source = p.source()
val opcode = p.Opcode()
val rs1, rs2, rs3 = p.rfAddress()
val rd = p.rfAddress()
case class RfReadOutput() extends Bundle{
val source = p.source()
val opcode = p.Opcode()
val lockId = lockIdType()
val rs1, rs2, rs3 = p.internalFloating()
val rd = p.rfAddress()
case class LoadInput() extends Bundle{
val source = p.source()
val rs1 = p.internalFloating()
val rd = p.rfAddress()
val lockId = lockIdType()
case class StoreInput() extends Bundle{
val source = p.source()
val rs2 = p.internalFloating()
case class MulInput() extends Bundle{
val source = p.source()
val rs1, rs2, rs3 = p.internalFloating()
val rd = p.rfAddress()
val lockId = lockIdType()
val add = Bool()
val minus = Bool()
case class AddInput() extends Bundle{
val source = p.source()
val rs1, rs2 = p.internalFloating()
val rd = p.rfAddress()
val lockId = lockIdType()
case class WriteInput() extends Bundle{
val source = p.source()
val lockId = lockIdType()
val rd = p.rfAddress()
val value = p.internalFloating()
val rf = new Area{
val ram = Mem(p.internalFloating, 32*(1 << p.sourceWidth))
val lock = for(i <- 0 until rfLockCount) yield new Area{
val valid = RegInit(False)
val source = Reg(p.source)
val address = Reg(p.rfAddress)
val lockFree = !lock.map(_.valid).andR
val lockFreeId = OHMasking.first(lock.map(!_.valid))
val read = new Area{
val s0 = Stream(RfReadInput())
val useRs1, useRs2, useRs3, useRd = False
useRd := True
useRs2 := True
useRs1 := True
useRs2 := True
useRd := True
useRs1 := True
useRs2 := True
useRd := True
useRs1 := True
useRs2 := True
useRs3 := True //Can be delayed to have less hazard
useRd := True
val hits = List((useRs1, s0.rs1), (useRs2, s0.rs2), (useRs3, s0.rs3), (useRd, s0.rd)).map{case (use, reg) => use && rf.lock.map(l => l.valid && l.source === s0.source && l.address === reg).orR}
val hazard = hits.orR
when(s0.fire && useRd){
for(i <- 0 until rfLockCount){
rf.lock(i).valid := True
rf.lock(i).source := s0.source
rf.lock(i).address := s0.rd
val s1 = s0.haltWhen(hazard || !rf.lockFree).m2sPipe()
val output = s1.swapPayload(RfReadOutput())
val s1LockId = RegNextWhen(OHToUInt(rf.lockFreeId), !output.isStall)
output.source := s1.source
output.opcode := s1.opcode
output.lockId := s1LockId
output.rd := s1.rd
output.rs1 := rf.ram.readSync(s0.rs1,enable = !output.isStall)
output.rs2 := rf.ram.readSync(s0.rs2,enable = !output.isStall)
output.rs3 := rf.ram.readSync(s0.rs3,enable = !output.isStall)
val decode = new Area{
val input = read.output.combStage()
input.ready := False
val loadHit = input.opcode === p.Opcode.LOAD
val load = Stream(LoadInput())
load.valid := input.valid && loadHit
input.ready setWhen(loadHit && load.ready)
load.source := read.output.source
load.rd := read.output.rd
load.rs1 := read.output.rs1
load.lockId := read.output.lockId
val storeHit = input.opcode === p.Opcode.STORE
val store = Stream(StoreInput())
input.ready setWhen(storeHit && store.ready)
store.valid := input.valid && storeHit
store.source := read.output.source
store.rs2 := read.output.rs2
val fmaHit = input.opcode === p.Opcode.FMA
val mulHit = input.opcode === p.Opcode.MUL || fmaHit
val mul = Stream(MulInput())
input.ready setWhen(mulHit && mul.ready)
mul.valid := input.valid && mulHit
mul.source := read.output.source
mul.rs1 := read.output.rs1
mul.rs2 := read.output.rs2
mul.rs3 := read.output.rs3
mul.rd := read.output.rd
mul.lockId := read.output.lockId
mul.add := fmaHit
mul.minus := False //TODO
val addHit = input.opcode === p.Opcode.ADD
val add = Stream(AddInput())
val mulToAdd = Stream(AddInput())
input.ready setWhen(addHit && add.ready && !mulToAdd.valid)
add.valid := input.valid && addHit || mulToAdd.valid
mulToAdd.ready := add.ready
add.payload := mulToAdd.payload
when(!mulToAdd.valid) {
val load = new Area{
def input = decode.load
val output = input.stage()
val store = new Area{
val input = decode.store.stage()
input.ready := io.port.rsp.ready
io.port.rsp.valid := True
io.port.rsp.source := input.source
io.port.rsp.value := input.rs2.asBits
val mul = new Area{
val input = decode.mul.stage()
val math = new Area {
val mulA = U"1" @@ input.rs1.mantissa
val mulB = U"1" @@ input.rs2.mantissa
val mulC = mulA * mulB
val exp = input.rs1.exponent +^ input.rs2.exponent - ((1 << p.internalExponentSize - 1) - 1)
val norm = new Area{
val needShift = math.mulC.msb
val exp = math.exp + U(needShift)
val man = needShift ? math.mulC(p.internalMantissaSize + 1, p.internalMantissaSize bits) | math.mulC(p.internalMantissaSize, p.internalMantissaSize bits)
val output = FpuFloat(p.internalExponentSize, p.internalMantissaSize)
output.sign := input.rs1.sign ^ input.rs2.sign
output.exponent := exp.resized
output.mantissa := man
val output = Stream(WriteInput())
output.valid := input.valid && !input.add
output.source := input.source
output.lockId := input.lockId
output.rd := input.rd
output.value := norm.output
decode.mulToAdd.valid := input.valid && input.add
decode.mulToAdd.source := input.source
decode.mulToAdd.rs1.mantissa := norm.output.mantissa
decode.mulToAdd.rs1.exponent := norm.output.exponent
decode.mulToAdd.rs1.sign := norm.output.sign ^ input.minus
decode.mulToAdd.rs2 := input.rs3
decode.mulToAdd.rd := input.rd
decode.mulToAdd.lockId := input.lockId
input.ready := (input.add ? decode.mulToAdd.ready | output.ready)
val add = new Area{
val input = decode.add.stage()
val shifter = new Area {
val exp21 = input.rs2.exponent - input.rs1.exponent
val rs1ExponentBigger = exp21.msb
val rs1ExponentEqual = input.rs1.exponent === input.rs2.exponent
val rs1MantissaBigger = input.rs1.mantissa > input.rs2.mantissa
val absRs1Bigger = rs1ExponentBigger|| rs1ExponentEqual && rs1MantissaBigger
val shiftBy = rs1ExponentBigger ? (0-exp21) | exp21
//Note that rs1ExponentBigger can be replaced by absRs1Bigger bellow to avoid xsigned two complement in math block at expense of combinatorial path
val xySign = absRs1Bigger ? input.rs1.sign | input.rs2.sign
val xSign = xySign ^ (rs1ExponentBigger ? input.rs1.sign | input.rs2.sign)
val ySign = xySign ^ (rs1ExponentBigger ? input.rs2.sign | input.rs1.sign)
val xMantissa = U"1" @@ (rs1ExponentBigger ? input.rs1.mantissa | input.rs2.mantissa)
val yMantissaUnshifted = U"1" @@ (rs1ExponentBigger ? input.rs2.mantissa | input.rs1.mantissa)
val yMantissa = yMantissaUnshifted >> shiftBy
val xyExponent = rs1ExponentBigger ? input.rs1.exponent | input.rs2.exponent
val math = new Area {
def xSign = shifter.xSign
def ySign = shifter.ySign
def xMantissa = shifter.xMantissa
def yMantissa = shifter.yMantissa
def xyExponent = shifter.xyExponent
def xySign = shifter.xySign
val xSigned = xMantissa.twoComplement(xSign)
val ySigned = yMantissa.twoComplement(ySign)
val xyMantissa = U(xSigned +^ ySigned).trim(1 bits)
val norm = new Area{
def xyExponent = math.xyExponent
def xyMantissa = math.xyMantissa
def xySign = math.xySign
val shiftOh = OHMasking.first(xyMantissa.asBools.reverse)
val shift = OHToUInt(shiftOh)
val mantissa = (xyMantissa |<< shift) >> 1
val exponent = xyExponent - shift + 1
val output = input.swapPayload(WriteInput())
output.source := input.source
output.lockId := input.lockId
output.rd := input.rd
output.value.sign := norm.xySign
output.value.mantissa := norm.mantissa.resized
output.value.exponent := norm.exponent
val write = new Area{
val port = rf.ram.writePort
port.valid := False
val lockFree = Flow(lockIdType)
lockFree.valid := port.fire
load.output.ready := False
mul.output.ready := False
add.output.ready := True
io.port.commit.ready := False
when(add.output.valid) {
port.valid := True
port.address := add.output.source @@ add.output.rd
port.data := add.output.value
lockFree.payload := add.output.lockId
} elsewhen(mul.output.valid) {
port.valid := True
port.address := mul.output.source @@ mul.output.rd
port.data := mul.output.value
mul.output.ready := True
lockFree.payload := mul.output.lockId
} elsewhen(load.output.valid && io.port.commit.valid) {
port.valid := io.port.commit.write
port.address := load.output.source @@ load.output.rd
load.output.ready := True
io.port.commit.ready := True
lockFree.payload := load.output.lockId
for(i <- 0 until rfLockCount) when(lockFree.payload === i){
rf.lock(i).valid := False
object StreamFifoMultiChannelBench extends App{
val payloadType = HardType(Bits(8 bits))
class Fpu(name : String, p : FpuParameter) extends Rtl{
override def getName(): String = "Fpu_" + name
override def getRtlPath(): String = getName() + ".v"
SpinalVerilog(new FpuCore(p){
val rtls = ArrayBuffer[Fpu]()
rtls += new Fpu(
internalMantissaSize = 23,
withDouble = false,
sourceWidth = 0
rtls += new Fpu(
internalMantissaSize = 52,
withDouble = true,
sourceWidth = 0
val targets = XilinxStdTargets()// ++ AlteraStdTargets()
Bench(rtls, targets)

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@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
package vexriscv.ip.fpu
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib._
object Fpu{
object Function{
val MUL = 0
val ADD = 1
case class FpuFloat(exponentSize: Int,
mantissaSize: Int) extends Bundle {
val mantissa = UInt(mantissaSize bits)
val exponent = UInt(exponentSize bits)
val sign = Bool
case class FpuOpcode(p : FpuParameter) extends SpinalEnum{
val LOAD, STORE, MUL, ADD, FMA, I2F, F2I, CMP = newElement()
case class FpuParameter( internalMantissaSize : Int,
withDouble : Boolean,
sourceWidth : Int){
val storeLoadType = HardType(Bits(if(withDouble) 64 bits else 32 bits))
val internalExponentSize = if(withDouble) 11 else 8
val internalFloating = HardType(FpuFloat(exponentSize = internalExponentSize, mantissaSize = internalMantissaSize))
// val opcode = HardType(UInt(2 bits))
val source = HardType(UInt(sourceWidth bits))
val rfAddress = HardType(UInt(5 bits))
val Opcode = new FpuOpcode(this)
val Format = new SpinalEnum{
val FLOAT = newElement()
val DOUBLE = withDouble generate newElement()
case class FpuCmd(p : FpuParameter) extends Bundle{
val source = UInt(p.sourceWidth bits)
val opcode = p.Opcode()
val value = Bits(32 bits) // Int to float
val function = Bits(3 bits) // Int to float
val rs1, rs2, rs3 = p.rfAddress()
val rd = p.rfAddress()
val format = p.Format()
case class FpuCommit(p : FpuParameter) extends Bundle{
val source = UInt(p.sourceWidth bits)
val write = Bool()
val value = p.storeLoadType() // IEEE 754 load
case class FpuRsp(p : FpuParameter) extends Bundle{
val source = UInt(p.sourceWidth bits)
val value = p.storeLoadType() // IEEE754 store || Integer
case class FpuPort(p : FpuParameter) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave {
val cmd = Stream(FpuCmd(p))
val commit = Stream(FpuCommit(p))
val rsp = Stream(FpuRsp(p))
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
master(cmd, commit)

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@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
package vexriscv.ip.fpu
import java.lang
import org.scalatest.FunSuite
import spinal.core.SpinalEnumElement
import spinal.core.sim._
import spinal.lib.experimental.math.Floating
import spinal.lib.sim._
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.util.Random
class FpuTest extends FunSuite{
val p = FpuParameter(
internalMantissaSize = 23,
withDouble = false,
sourceWidth = 0
SimConfig.withFstWave.compile(new FpuCore(p)).doSim(seed = 42){ dut =>
val cpus = for(id <- 0 until 1 << p.sourceWidth) yield new {
val cmdQueue = mutable.Queue[FpuCmd => Unit]()
val commitQueue = mutable.Queue[FpuCommit => Unit]()
val rspQueue = mutable.Queue[FpuRsp => Unit]()
def loadRaw(rd : Int, value : BigInt): Unit ={
cmdQueue += {cmd =>
cmd.source #= id
cmd.opcode #= cmd.opcode.spinalEnum.LOAD
cmd.rd #= rd
commitQueue += {cmd =>
cmd.source #= id
cmd.write #= true
cmd.value #= value
def load(rd : Int, value : Float): Unit ={
loadRaw(rd, lang.Float.floatToIntBits(value).toLong & 0xFFFFFFFFl)
def storeRaw(rs : Int)(body : FpuRsp => Unit): Unit ={
cmdQueue += {cmd =>
cmd.source #= id
cmd.opcode #= cmd.opcode.spinalEnum.STORE
cmd.rs2 #= rs
rspQueue += body
def storeFloat(rs : Int)(body : Float => Unit): Unit ={
storeRaw(rs){rsp => body(lang.Float.intBitsToFloat(rsp.value.toLong.toInt))}
def mul(rd : Int, rs1 : Int, rs2 : Int): Unit ={
cmdQueue += {cmd =>
cmd.source #= id
cmd.opcode #= cmd.opcode.spinalEnum.MUL
cmd.rs1 #= rs1
cmd.rs2 #= rs2
cmd.rd #= rd
def add(rd : Int, rs1 : Int, rs2 : Int): Unit ={
cmdQueue += {cmd =>
cmd.source #= id
cmd.opcode #= cmd.opcode.spinalEnum.ADD
cmd.rs1 #= rs1
cmd.rs2 #= rs2
cmd.rd #= rd
def fma(rd : Int, rs1 : Int, rs2 : Int, rs3 : Int): Unit ={
cmdQueue += {cmd =>
cmd.source #= id
cmd.opcode #= cmd.opcode.spinalEnum.FMA
cmd.rs1 #= rs1
cmd.rs2 #= rs2
cmd.rs3 #= rs3
cmd.rd #= rd
StreamDriver(dut.io.port.cmd ,dut.clockDomain){payload =>
cpus.map(_.cmdQueue).filter(_.nonEmpty).toSeq match {
case Nil => false
case l => {
StreamDriver(dut.io.port.commit ,dut.clockDomain){payload =>
cpus.map(_.commitQueue).filter(_.nonEmpty).toSeq match {
case Nil => false
case l => {
StreamMonitor(dut.io.port.rsp, dut.clockDomain){payload =>
StreamReadyRandomizer(dut.io.port.rsp, dut.clockDomain)
val stim = for(cpu <- cpus) yield fork {
import cpu._
class RegAllocator(){
var value = 0
def allocate(): Int ={
val rand = Random.nextInt(32)
val mask = 1 << rand
if((value & mask) == 0) {
value |= mask
return rand
def checkFloat(ref : Float, dut : Float): Boolean ={
ref.abs * 1.0001 > dut.abs && ref.abs * 0.9999 < dut.abs && ref.signum == dut.signum
def randomFloat(): Float ={
Random.nextFloat() * 1e2f * (if(Random.nextBoolean()) -1f else 1f)
def testAdd(a : Float, b : Float): Unit ={
val rs = new RegAllocator()
val rs1, rs2, rs3 = rs.allocate()
val rd = Random.nextInt(32)
load(rs1, a)
load(rs2, b)
storeFloat(rd){v =>
val ref = a+b
println(f"$a + $b = $v, $ref")
assert(checkFloat(ref, v))
def testMul(a : Float, b : Float): Unit ={
val rs = new RegAllocator()
val rs1, rs2, rs3 = rs.allocate()
val rd = Random.nextInt(32)
load(rs1, a)
load(rs2, b)
storeFloat(rd){v =>
val ref = a*b
println(f"$a * $b = $v, $ref")
assert(checkFloat(ref, v))
def testFma(a : Float, b : Float, c : Float): Unit ={
val rs = new RegAllocator()
val rs1, rs2, rs3 = rs.allocate()
val rd = Random.nextInt(32)
load(rs1, a)
load(rs2, b)
load(rs3, c)
storeFloat(rd){v =>
val ref = a * b + c
println(f"$a * $b + $c = $v, $ref")
assert(checkFloat(ref, v))
// testAdd(0.1f, 1.6f)
// testMul(0.1f, 1.6f)
testFma(1.1f, 2.2f, 3.0f)
for(i <- 0 until 1000){
testAdd(randomFloat(), randomFloat())
for(i <- 0 until 1000){
testMul(randomFloat(), randomFloat())
for(i <- 0 until 1000){
testFma(randomFloat(), randomFloat(), randomFloat())
for(i <- 0 until 1000){
val tests = ArrayBuffer[() => Unit]()
tests += (() =>{testAdd(randomFloat(), randomFloat())})
tests += (() =>{testMul(randomFloat(), randomFloat())})
tests += (() =>{testFma(randomFloat(), randomFloat(), randomFloat())})

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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
package vexriscv.ip.fpu
object MiaouDiv extends App{
val input = 2.5
var output = 1/(input*0.95)
// def x = output
// def y = input
def y = output
def x = input
for(i <- 0 until 10) {
output = 2 * y - x * y * y
//output = x*output
object MiaouSqrt extends App{
val input = 2.0
var output = 1/Math.sqrt(input*0.95)
// def x = output
// def y = input
def y = output
def x = input
for(i <- 0 until 10) {
output = y*(1.5-x*y*y/2)
output = x*output
println(s"ref ${Math.sqrt(input)}")