Rework CsrPlugin interrupt delegation

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Charles Papon 2019-04-05 22:55:42 +02:00
parent 9e72971ff0
commit acaa931e11

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@ -314,21 +314,15 @@ class CsrPlugin(config: CsrPluginConfig) extends Plugin[VexRiscv] with Exception
val csrMapping = new CsrMapping() val csrMapping = new CsrMapping()
//Interruption specification data model
case class Delegator(var enable : Bool, privilege : Int)
case class InterruptSource(var cond : Bool, id : Int, privilege : Int, delegators : List[Delegator])
var interruptSpecs = ArrayBuffer[InterruptSource]()
def addInterrupt(cond : Bool, id : Int, privilege : Int, delegators : List[Delegator]): Unit = {
case class InterruptSource(var cond : Bool, id : Int) interruptSpecs += InterruptSource(cond, id, privilege, delegators)
case class InterruptPrivilege(privilege : Int){
var privilegeCond : Bool = null
val sources = ArrayBuffer[InterruptSource]()
} }
def getInterruptPrivilege(privilege : Int) = customInterrupts.getOrElseUpdate(privilege, InterruptPrivilege(privilege))
var customInterrupts = mutable.LinkedHashMap[Int, InterruptPrivilege]()
def addInterrupt(cond : Bool, id : Int, privilege : Int): Unit = {
getInterruptPrivilege(privilege).sources += InterruptSource(cond, id)
def createInterrupt(id : Int, privilege : Int) : Bool = { val ret = Bool(); addInterrupt(ret, id, privilege); ret}
override def r(csrAddress: Int, bitOffset: Int, that: Data): Unit = csrMapping.r(csrAddress, bitOffset, that) override def r(csrAddress: Int, bitOffset: Int, that: Data): Unit = csrMapping.r(csrAddress, bitOffset, that)
override def w(csrAddress: Int, bitOffset: Int, that: Data): Unit = csrMapping.w(csrAddress, bitOffset, that) override def w(csrAddress: Int, bitOffset: Int, that: Data): Unit = csrMapping.w(csrAddress, bitOffset, that)
override def r2w(csrAddress: Int, bitOffset: Int, that: Data): Unit = csrMapping.r2w(csrAddress, bitOffset, that) override def r2w(csrAddress: Int, bitOffset: Int, that: Data): Unit = csrMapping.r2w(csrAddress, bitOffset, that)
@ -399,10 +393,8 @@ class CsrPlugin(config: CsrPluginConfig) extends Plugin[VexRiscv] with Exception
allowInterrupts = True allowInterrupts = True
allowException = True allowException = True
for (privilege <- customInterrupts.values; for (i <- interruptSpecs) i.cond = i.cond.pull()
source <- privilege.sources){
source.cond = source.cond.pull()
pipeline.update(MPP, UInt(2 bits)) pipeline.update(MPP, UInt(2 bits))
} }
@ -474,7 +466,9 @@ class CsrPlugin(config: CsrPluginConfig) extends Plugin[VexRiscv] with Exception
val medeleg = Reg(Bits(32 bits)) init(0) val medeleg = Reg(Bits(32 bits)) init(0)
val mideleg = Reg(Bits(32 bits)) init(0) val mideleg = supervisorGen generate new Area {
val ST, SE, SS = RegInit(False)
if(mvendorid != null) READ_ONLY(CSR.MVENDORID, U(mvendorid)) if(mvendorid != null) READ_ONLY(CSR.MVENDORID, U(mvendorid))
if(marchid != null) READ_ONLY(CSR.MARCHID , U(marchid )) if(marchid != null) READ_ONLY(CSR.MARCHID , U(marchid ))
@ -498,8 +492,10 @@ class CsrPlugin(config: CsrPluginConfig) extends Plugin[VexRiscv] with Exception
minstretAccess(CSR.MINSTRET, minstret(31 downto 0)) minstretAccess(CSR.MINSTRET, minstret(31 downto 0))
minstretAccess(CSR.MINSTRETH, minstret(63 downto 32)) minstretAccess(CSR.MINSTRETH, minstret(63 downto 32))
medelegAccess(CSR.MEDELEG, medeleg) if(supervisorGen) {
midelegAccess(CSR.MIDELEG, mideleg) medelegAccess(CSR.MEDELEG, medeleg)
midelegAccess(CSR.MIDELEG, 9 -> mideleg.SE, 5 -> mideleg.ST, 1 -> mideleg.SS)
//User CSR //User CSR
ucycleAccess(CSR.UCYCLE, mcycle(31 downto 0)) ucycleAccess(CSR.UCYCLE, mcycle(31 downto 0))
@ -579,20 +575,14 @@ class CsrPlugin(config: CsrPluginConfig) extends Plugin[VexRiscv] with Exception
if(supervisorGen) { if(supervisorGen) {
getInterruptPrivilege(1).privilegeCond = (sstatus.SIE && privilege === "01") || privilege === "00" addInterrupt(sip.STIP && sie.STIE, id = 5, privilege = 1, delegators = List(Delegator(mideleg.ST, 3)))
getInterruptPrivilege(1).sources ++= List( addInterrupt(sip.SSIP && sie.SSIE, id = 1, privilege = 1, delegators = List(Delegator(mideleg.SS, 3)))
InterruptSource(sip.STIP && sie.STIE, 5), addInterrupt(sip.SEIP_OR && sie.SEIE, id = 9, privilege = 1, delegators = List(Delegator(mideleg.SE, 3)))
InterruptSource(sip.SSIP && sie.SSIE, 1),
InterruptSource(sip.SEIP_OR && sie.SEIE, 9)
} }
getInterruptPrivilege(3).privilegeCond = mstatus.MIE || privilege =/= "11" addInterrupt(mip.MTIP && mie.MTIE, id = 7, privilege = 3, delegators = Nil)
getInterruptPrivilege(3).sources ++= List( addInterrupt(mip.MSIP && mie.MSIE, id = 3, privilege = 3, delegators = Nil)
InterruptSource(mip.MTIP && mie.MTIE, 7), addInterrupt(mip.MEIP && mie.MEIE, id = 11, privilege = 3, delegators = Nil)
InterruptSource(mip.MSIP && mie.MSIE, 3),
InterruptSource(mip.MEIP && mie.MEIE, 11)
case class DelegatorModel(value : Bits, source : Int, target : Int) case class DelegatorModel(value : Bits, source : Int, target : Int)
// def solveDelegators(delegators : Seq[DelegatorModel], id : Int, lowerBound : Int): UInt = { // def solveDelegators(delegators : Seq[DelegatorModel], id : Int, lowerBound : Int): UInt = {
@ -626,9 +616,6 @@ class CsrPlugin(config: CsrPluginConfig) extends Plugin[VexRiscv] with Exception
// ret.max(lowerBound) // ret.max(lowerBound)
} }
val interruptDelegators = ArrayBuffer[DelegatorModel]()
if(midelegAccess.canWrite) interruptDelegators += DelegatorModel(mideleg,3, 1)
val exceptionDelegators = ArrayBuffer[DelegatorModel]() val exceptionDelegators = ArrayBuffer[DelegatorModel]()
if(medelegAccess.canWrite) exceptionDelegators += DelegatorModel(medeleg,3, 1) if(medelegAccess.canWrite) exceptionDelegators += DelegatorModel(medeleg,3, 1)
@ -703,32 +690,28 @@ class CsrPlugin(config: CsrPluginConfig) extends Plugin[VexRiscv] with Exception
//Process interrupt request, code and privilege //Process interrupt request, code and privilege
val interrupt = False val interrupt = False
val interruptCode = UInt(4 bits).assignDontCare().addTag(Verilator.public) val interruptCode = UInt(4 bits).assignDontCare().addTag(Verilator.public)
val interruptDelegatorHit = => (d -> False)).toMap val privilegeAllowInterrupts = mutable.HashMap(
for(model <- customInterrupts.values.toSeq.sortBy(_.privilege)){ 1 -> ((sstatus.SIE && privilege === "01") || privilege < "01"),
when(model.privilegeCond){ 3 -> (mstatus.MIE || privilege < "11")
when({ )
interrupt := True var interruptPrivilegs = if (supervisorGen) List(1, 3) else List(3)
} val interruptTargetPrivilege = UInt(2 bits).assignDontCare()
for(source <- model.sources){ while(interruptPrivilegs.nonEmpty){
when(source.cond){ val p = interruptPrivilegs.head
interruptCode := when(privilegeAllowInterrupts(p)){
for(interruptDelegator <- interruptDelegators){ for(i <- interruptSpecs
interruptDelegatorHit(interruptDelegator) := (if( < model.privilege){ if i.privilege <= p //EX : Machine timer interrupt can't go into supervisor mode
False if interruptPrivilegs.tail.forall(e => i.delegators.exists(_.privilege == e))){ // EX : Supervisor timer need to have machine mode delegator
} else { val delegUpOn = i.delegators.filter(_.privilege > p).map(_.enable).fold(True)(_ && _)
interruptDelegator.value( val delegDownOff = !i.delegators.filter(_.privilege <= p).map(_.enable).orR
}) when(i.cond && delegUpOn && delegDownOff){
} interrupt := True
interruptCode :=
interruptTargetPrivilege := p
} }
} }
} }
} interruptPrivilegs = interruptPrivilegs.tail
val interruptTargetPrivilege = U(if(interruptDelegators.isEmpty) 3 else, 2 bits)
for(interruptDelegator <- interruptDelegators){
interruptTargetPrivilege := interruptDelegator.source
} }
interrupt.clearWhen(!allowInterrupts) interrupt.clearWhen(!allowInterrupts)