This commit is contained in:
Dolu1990 2018-04-03 18:37:05 +02:00
parent d9f2e03753
commit e00c0750eb
5 changed files with 363 additions and 256 deletions

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@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ object TestsWorkspace {
// new DivPlugin,
new CsrPlugin(CsrPluginConfig.all(0x80000020l).copy(deterministicInteruptionEntry = false)),
new DebugPlugin(ClockDomain.current.clone(reset = Bool().setName("debugReset"))),
// new DebugPlugin(ClockDomain.current.clone(reset = Bool().setName("debugReset"))),
new BranchPlugin(
earlyBranch = true,
catchAddressMisaligned = true,

View file

@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ case class InstructionCacheCpuDecode(p : InstructionCacheConfig) extends Bundle
val data = ifGen(p.dataOnDecode) (Bits(p.cpuDataWidth bits))
val error = Bool
val mmuMiss = Bool
val illegalAccess =Bool
val illegalAccess = Bool
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
out(isValid, isUser, isStuck, pc)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
package vexriscv.plugin
import vexriscv._
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib._
import vexriscv.Riscv.IMM
import StreamVexPimper._
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
abstract class IBusFetcherImpl(catchAccessFault : Boolean,
pendingMax : Int = 7,
resetVector : BigInt,
keepPcPlus4 : Boolean,
decodePcGen : Boolean,
compressedGen : Boolean,
cmdToRspStageCount : Int,
rspStageGen : Boolean,
injectorReadyCutGen : Boolean,
relaxedPcCalculation : Boolean,
prediction : BranchPrediction,
catchAddressMisaligned : Boolean,
injectorStage : Boolean) extends Plugin[VexRiscv] with JumpService with IBusFetcher{
var prefetchExceptionPort : Flow[ExceptionCause] = null
var decodePrediction : DecodePredictionBus = null
assert(cmdToRspStageCount >= 1)
assert(!(compressedGen && !decodePcGen))
var fetcherHalt : Bool = null
lazy val decodeNextPcValid = Bool
lazy val decodeNextPc = UInt(32 bits)
def nextPc() = (decodeNextPcValid, decodeNextPc)
var predictionJumpInterface : Flow[UInt] = null
override def haltIt(): Unit = fetcherHalt := True
case class JumpInfo(interface : Flow[UInt], stage: Stage, priority : Int)
val jumpInfos = ArrayBuffer[JumpInfo]()
override def createJumpInterface(stage: Stage, priority : Int = 0): Flow[UInt] = {
val interface = Flow(UInt(32 bits))
jumpInfos += JumpInfo(interface,stage, priority)
var decodeExceptionPort : Flow[ExceptionCause] = null
override def setup(pipeline: VexRiscv): Unit = {
fetcherHalt = False
if(catchAccessFault || catchAddressMisaligned) {
val exceptionService = pipeline.service(classOf[ExceptionService])
decodeExceptionPort = exceptionService.newExceptionPort(pipeline.decode,1).setName("iBusErrorExceptionnPort")
pipeline(RVC_GEN) = compressedGen
prediction match {
case NONE =>
case STATIC | DYNAMIC => {
predictionJumpInterface = createJumpInterface(pipeline.decode)
decodePrediction = pipeline.service(classOf[PredictionInterface]).askDecodePrediction()
class FetchArea(pipeline : VexRiscv) extends Area {
import pipeline._
import pipeline.config._
//JumpService hardware implementation
val jump = new Area {
val sortedByStage = jumpInfos.sortWith((a, b) => {
(pipeline.indexOf(a.stage) > pipeline.indexOf(b.stage)) ||
(pipeline.indexOf(a.stage) == pipeline.indexOf(b.stage) && a.priority > b.priority)
val valids =
val pcs =
val pcLoad = Flow(UInt(32 bits))
pcLoad.valid :=
pcLoad.payload := MuxOH(OHMasking.first(valids.asBits), pcs)
val killLastStage = jump.pcLoad.valid || decode.arbitration.isRemoved
def flush = killLastStage
class PcFetch extends Area{
val output = Stream(UInt(32 bits))
val fetchPc = if(relaxedPcCalculation) new PcFetch {
//PC calculation without Jump
val pcReg = Reg(UInt(32 bits)) init (resetVector) addAttribute (Verilator.public)
val pcPlus4 = pcReg + 4
if (keepPcPlus4) KeepAttribute(pcPlus4)
when( {
pcReg := pcPlus4
pcReg(1 downto 0) := 0
//application of the selected jump request
when(jump.pcLoad.valid) {
pcReg := jump.pcLoad.payload
output.valid := RegNext(True) init (False) // && !jump.pcLoad.valid
output.payload := pcReg
} else new PcFetch{
//PC calculation without Jump
val pcReg = Reg(UInt(32 bits)) init(resetVector) addAttribute(Verilator.public)
val inc = RegInit(False)
val pc = pcReg + (inc ## B"00").asUInt
val samplePcNext = False
when(jump.pcLoad.valid) {
inc := False
samplePcNext := True
pc := jump.pcLoad.payload
inc := True
samplePcNext := True
when(samplePcNext) {
pcReg := pc
if(compressedGen) {
when( {
pcReg(1 downto 0) := 0
inc := True
output.valid := RegNext(True) init (False)
output.payload := pc
val decodePc = ifGen(decodePcGen)(new Area {
//PC calculation without Jump
val pcReg = Reg(UInt(32 bits)) init (resetVector) addAttribute (Verilator.public)
val pcPlus = if(compressedGen)
pcReg + ((decode.input(IS_RVC)) ? U(2) | U(4))
pcReg + 4
if (keepPcPlus4) KeepAttribute(pcPlus)
when(decode.arbitration.isFiring) {
pcReg := pcPlus
//application of the selected jump request
when(jump.pcLoad.valid) {
pcReg := jump.pcLoad.payload
val iBusCmd = new Area {
def input = fetchPc.output
// ...
val output = Stream(UInt(32 bits))
case class FetchRsp() extends Bundle {
val pc = UInt(32 bits)
val rsp = IBusSimpleRsp()
val isRvc = Bool
val iBusRsp = new Area {
val inputStages = Vec(Stream(UInt(32 bits)), cmdToRspStageCount)
for(i <- 0 until cmdToRspStageCount) {
// val doFlush = if(i == cmdToRspStageCount- 1 && ???) killLastStage else flush
inputStages(i) << {i match {
case 0 => iBusCmd.output.m2sPipeWithFlush(flush, relaxedPcCalculation)
case _ => inputStages(i-1)/*.haltWhen(fetcherHalt)*/.m2sPipeWithFlush(flush)
def input = inputStages.last
// ...
val join = Stream(FetchRsp())
val output = if(rspStageGen) join.m2sPipeWithFlush(flush) else join
val decompressor = ifGen(decodePcGen)(new Area{
def input = iBusRsp.output
val output = Stream(FetchRsp())
val bufferValid = RegInit(False)
val bufferError = Reg(Bool)
val bufferData = Reg(Bits(16 bits))
val raw = Mux(
sel = bufferValid,
whenTrue = input.rsp.inst(15 downto 0) ## bufferData,
whenFalse = input.rsp.inst(31 downto 16) ## (input.pc(1) ? input.rsp.inst(31 downto 16) | input.rsp.inst(15 downto 0))
val isRvc = raw(1 downto 0) =/= 3
val decompressed = RvcDecompressor(raw(15 downto 0))
output.valid := isRvc ? (bufferValid || input.valid) | (input.valid && (bufferValid || !input.pc(1)))
output.pc := input.pc
output.isRvc := isRvc
output.rsp.inst := isRvc ? decompressed | raw
output.rsp.error := (bufferValid && bufferError) || (input.valid && input.rsp.error && (!isRvc || (isRvc && !bufferValid)))
input.ready := (bufferValid ? (!isRvc && output.ready) | (input.pc(1) || output.ready))
bufferValid clearWhen(
when(input.valid) {
bufferValid := !(!isRvc && !input.pc(1) && !bufferValid) && !(isRvc && input.pc(1))
bufferError := input.rsp.error
bufferData := input.rsp.inst(31 downto 16)
def condApply[T](that : T, cond : Boolean)(func : (T) => T) = if(cond)func(that) else that
val injector = new Area {
val inputBeforeHalt = condApply(if(decodePcGen) decompressor.output else iBusRsp.output, injectorReadyCutGen)(_.s2mPipe(flush))
val decodeInput = if(injectorStage){
val inputBeforeStage = inputBeforeHalt.haltWhen(fetcherHalt)
val decodeInput = inputBeforeStage.m2sPipeWithFlush(killLastStage)
decode.insert(INSTRUCTION_ANTICIPATED) := Mux(decode.arbitration.isStuck, decode.input(INSTRUCTION), inputBeforeStage.rsp.inst)
} else {
decodeNextPcValid := True
decodeNextPc := decodePc.pcReg
}else {
val lastStageStream = if(injectorStage) inputBeforeHalt
else if(rspStageGen) iBusRsp.join
else if(cmdToRspStageCount > 1)iBusRsp.inputStages(cmdToRspStageCount-2)
else throw new Exception("Fetch should at least have two stages")
// when(fetcherHalt){
// lastStageStream.valid := False
// lastStageStream.ready := False
// }
decodeNextPcValid := RegNext(lastStageStream.isStall)
decodeNextPc := decode.input(PC)
decodeInput.ready := !decode.arbitration.isStuck
decode.arbitration.isValid := decodeInput.valid
decode.insert(PC) := (if(decodePcGen) decodePc.pcReg else decodeInput.pc)
decode.insert(INSTRUCTION) := decodeInput.rsp.inst
decode.insert(INSTRUCTION_READY) := True
if(compressedGen) decode.insert(IS_RVC) := decodeInput.isRvc
decodeExceptionPort.valid := decode.arbitration.isValid && decodeInput.rsp.error
decodeExceptionPort.code := 1
decodeExceptionPort.badAddr := decode.input(PC)
prediction match {
case NONE =>
case STATIC | DYNAMIC => {
def historyWidth = 2
def historyRamSizeLog2 = 10
// if(prediction == DYNAMIC) {
// case class BranchPredictorLine() extends Bundle{
// val history = SInt(historyWidth bits)
// }
// val historyCache = if(prediction == DYNAMIC) Mem(BranchPredictorLine(), 1 << historyRamSizeLog2) setName("branchCache") else null
// val historyCacheWrite = if(prediction == DYNAMIC) historyCache.writePort else null
// val readAddress = (2, historyRamSizeLog2 bits)
// fetch.insert(HISTORY_LINE) := historyCache.readSync(readAddress,!prefetch.arbitration.isStuckByOthers)
// }
val imm = IMM(decode.input(INSTRUCTION))
val conditionalBranchPrediction = (prediction match {
case STATIC => imm.b_sext.msb
// case DYNAMIC => decodeHistory.history.msb
decodePrediction.cmd.hadBranch := decode.input(BRANCH_CTRL) === BranchCtrlEnum.JAL || (decode.input(BRANCH_CTRL) === BranchCtrlEnum.B && conditionalBranchPrediction)
predictionJumpInterface.valid := decodePrediction.cmd.hadBranch && decode.arbitration.isFiring //TODO OH Doublon de priorité
predictionJumpInterface.payload := decode.input(PC) + ((decode.input(BRANCH_CTRL) === BranchCtrlEnum.JAL) ? imm.j_sext | imm.b_sext).asUInt
if(catchAddressMisaligned) {
// predictionExceptionPort.valid := input(INSTRUCTION_READY) && input(PREDICTION_HAD_BRANCHED) && arbitration.isValid && predictionJumpInterface.payload(1 downto 0) =/= 0
// predictionExceptionPort.code := 0
// predictionExceptionPort.badAddr := predictionJumpInterface.payload

View file

@ -5,9 +5,7 @@ import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib._
import spinal.lib.bus.amba4.axi._
import spinal.lib.bus.avalon.{AvalonMM, AvalonMMConfig}
import vexriscv.Riscv.IMM
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
case class IBusSimpleCmd() extends Bundle{
@ -105,171 +103,50 @@ case class IBusSimpleBus(interfaceKeepData : Boolean) extends Bundle with IMaste
class IBusSimplePlugin(interfaceKeepData : Boolean, catchAccessFault : Boolean, pendingMax : Int = 7) extends Plugin[VexRiscv] with JumpService with IBusFetcher{
class IBusSimplePlugin(interfaceKeepData : Boolean, catchAccessFault : Boolean, pendingMax : Int = 7) extends IBusFetcherImpl(
catchAccessFault = catchAccessFault,
pendingMax = 7,
resetVector = BigInt(0x80000000l),
keepPcPlus4 = false,
decodePcGen = false,
compressedGen = false,
cmdToRspStageCount = 1,
rspStageGen = false,
injectorReadyCutGen = false,
relaxedPcCalculation = false,
prediction = NONE,
catchAddressMisaligned = false,
injectorStage = true){
var iBus : IBusSimpleBus = null
var prefetchExceptionPort : Flow[ExceptionCause] = null
def resetVector = BigInt(0x80000000l)
def keepPcPlus4 = false
def decodePcGen = true
def compressedGen = true
def decodePcGen = false
def compressedGen = false
def cmdToRspStageCount = 1
def rspStageGen = false
def injectorReadyCutGen = false
def relaxedPcCalculation = false
def prediction : BranchPrediction = STATIC
def catchAddressMisaligned = true
var decodePrediction : DecodePredictionBus = null
assert(cmdToRspStageCount >= 1)
assert(!(compressedGen && !decodePcGen))
lazy val fetcherHalt = False
lazy val decodeNextPcValid = Bool
lazy val decodeNextPc = UInt(32 bits)
def nextPc() = (decodeNextPcValid, decodeNextPc)
var predictionJumpInterface : Flow[UInt] = null
override def haltIt(): Unit = fetcherHalt := True
case class JumpInfo(interface : Flow[UInt], stage: Stage, priority : Int)
val jumpInfos = ArrayBuffer[JumpInfo]()
override def createJumpInterface(stage: Stage, priority : Int = 0): Flow[UInt] = {
val interface = Flow(UInt(32 bits))
jumpInfos += JumpInfo(interface,stage, priority)
def prediction : BranchPrediction = NONE
def catchAddressMisaligned = false
def injectorStage = true
var decodeExceptionPort : Flow[ExceptionCause] = null
override def setup(pipeline: VexRiscv): Unit = {
iBus = master(IBusSimpleBus(interfaceKeepData)).setName("iBus")
if(catchAccessFault) {
val exceptionService = pipeline.service(classOf[ExceptionService])
decodeExceptionPort = exceptionService.newExceptionPort(pipeline.decode,1).setName("iBusErrorExceptionnPort")
pipeline(RVC_GEN) = compressedGen
prediction match {
case NONE =>
case STATIC | DYNAMIC => {
predictionJumpInterface = createJumpInterface(pipeline.decode)
decodePrediction = pipeline.service(classOf[PredictionInterface]).askDecodePrediction()
override def build(pipeline: VexRiscv): Unit = {
import pipeline._
import pipeline.config._
pipeline plug new Area {
pipeline plug new FetchArea(pipeline) {
//JumpService hardware implementation
val jump = new Area {
val sortedByStage = jumpInfos.sortWith((a, b) => {
(pipeline.indexOf(a.stage) > pipeline.indexOf(b.stage)) ||
(pipeline.indexOf(a.stage) == pipeline.indexOf(b.stage) && a.priority > b.priority)
val valids =
val pcs =
val pcLoad = Flow(UInt(32 bits))
pcLoad.valid :=
pcLoad.payload := MuxOH(OHMasking.first(valids.asBits), pcs)
def flush = jump.pcLoad.valid
class PcFetch extends Area{
val output = Stream(UInt(32 bits))
val fetchPc = if(relaxedPcCalculation) new PcFetch {
//PC calculation without Jump
val pcReg = Reg(UInt(32 bits)) init (resetVector) addAttribute (Verilator.public)
val pcPlus4 = pcReg + 4
if (keepPcPlus4) KeepAttribute(pcPlus4)
when( {
pcReg := pcPlus4
pcReg(1 downto 0) := 0
//application of the selected jump request
when(jump.pcLoad.valid) {
pcReg := jump.pcLoad.payload
output.valid := RegNext(True) init (False) // && !jump.pcLoad.valid
output.payload := pcReg
} else new PcFetch{
//PC calculation without Jump
val pcReg = Reg(UInt(32 bits)) init(resetVector) addAttribute(Verilator.public)
val inc = RegInit(False)
val pc = pcReg + (inc ## B"00").asUInt
val samplePcNext = False
when(jump.pcLoad.valid) {
inc := False
samplePcNext := True
pc := jump.pcLoad.payload
inc := True
samplePcNext := True
when(samplePcNext) {
pcReg := pc
if(compressedGen) {
when( {
pcReg(1 downto 0) := 0
inc := True
output.valid := RegNext(True) init (False)
output.payload := pc
val decodePc = ifGen(decodePcGen)(new Area {
//PC calculation without Jump
val pcReg = Reg(UInt(32 bits)) init (resetVector) addAttribute (Verilator.public)
val pcPlus = if(compressedGen)
pcReg + ((decode.input(IS_RVC)) ? U(2) | U(4))
pcReg + 4
if (keepPcPlus4) KeepAttribute(pcPlus)
when(decode.arbitration.isFiring) {
pcReg := pcPlus
//application of the selected jump request
when(jump.pcLoad.valid) {
pcReg := jump.pcLoad.payload
val iBusCmd = new Area {
def input = fetchPc.output
val output = input.continueWhen(
val cmd = new Area {
import iBusCmd._
output << input.continueWhen(
//Avoid sending to many iBus cmd
val pendingCmd = Reg(UInt(log2Up(pendingMax + 1) bits)) init (0)
@ -280,26 +157,14 @@ class IBusSimplePlugin(interfaceKeepData : Boolean, catchAccessFault : Boolean,
iBus.cmd.pc := input.payload(31 downto 2) @@ "00"
case class FetchRsp() extends Bundle {
val pc = UInt(32 bits)
val rsp = IBusSimpleRsp()
val isRvc = Bool
def recursive[T](that : T,depth : Int, func : (T) => T) : T = depth match {
case 0 => that
case _ => recursive(func(that), depth -1, func)
val iBusRsp = new Area {
val inputFirstStage = if(relaxedPcCalculation) iBusCmd.output.m2sPipe(flush) else iBusCmd.output.m2sPipe().throwWhen(flush)
val input = recursive[Stream[UInt]](inputFirstStage, cmdToRspStageCount - 1, x => x.m2sPipe(flush))//iBusCmd.output.m2sPipe(flush)// ASYNC .throwWhen(flush)
val rsp = new Area {
import iBusRsp._
//Manage flush for iBus transactions in flight
val discardCounter = Reg(UInt(log2Up(pendingMax + 1) bits)) init (0)
discardCounter := discardCounter - ( && discardCounter =/= 0).asUInt
when(flush) {
discardCounter := (if(relaxedPcCalculation) iBusCmd.pendingCmdNext else iBusCmd.pendingCmd -
discardCounter := (if(relaxedPcCalculation) cmd.pendingCmdNext else cmd.pendingCmd -
@ -314,94 +179,8 @@ class IBusSimplePlugin(interfaceKeepData : Boolean, catchAccessFault : Boolean,
fetchRsp.rsp.error.clearWhen(! //Avoid interference with instruction injection from the debug plugin
def outputGen = StreamJoin(Seq(input,, fetchRsp)
val output = if(rspStageGen) outputGen.m2sPipe(flush) else outputGen
val decompressor = ifGen(decodePcGen)(new Area{
def input = iBusRsp.output
val output = Stream(FetchRsp())
val bufferValid = RegInit(False)
val bufferError = Reg(Bool)
val bufferData = Reg(Bits(16 bits))
val raw = Mux(
sel = bufferValid,
whenTrue = input.rsp.inst(15 downto 0) ## bufferData,
whenFalse = input.rsp.inst(31 downto 16) ## (input.pc(1) ? input.rsp.inst(31 downto 16) | input.rsp.inst(15 downto 0))
val isRvc = raw(1 downto 0) =/= 3
val decompressed = RvcDecompressor(raw(15 downto 0))
output.valid := isRvc ? (bufferValid || input.valid) | (input.valid && (bufferValid || !input.pc(1)))
output.pc := input.pc
output.isRvc := isRvc
output.rsp.inst := isRvc ? decompressed | raw
output.rsp.error := (bufferValid && bufferError) || (input.valid && input.rsp.error && (!isRvc || (isRvc && !bufferValid)))
input.ready := (bufferValid ? (!isRvc && output.ready) | (input.pc(1) || output.ready))
bufferValid clearWhen(
when(input.valid) {
bufferValid := !(!isRvc && !input.pc(1) && !bufferValid) && !(isRvc && input.pc(1))
bufferError := input.rsp.error
bufferData := input.rsp.inst(31 downto 16)
def condApply[T](that : T, cond : Boolean)(func : (T) => T) = if(cond)func(that) else that
val injector = new Area {
val inputBeforeHalt = condApply(if(decodePcGen) decompressor.output else iBusRsp.output, injectorReadyCutGen)(_.s2mPipe(flush))
val input = inputBeforeHalt.haltWhen(fetcherHalt)
val stage = input.m2sPipe(flush || decode.arbitration.isRemoved)
decodeNextPcValid := True
decodeNextPc := decodePc.pcReg
}else {
decodeNextPcValid := RegNext(inputBeforeHalt.isStall)
decodeNextPc := decode.input(PC)
stage.ready := !decode.arbitration.isStuck
decode.arbitration.isValid := stage.valid
decode.insert(PC) := (if(decodePcGen) decodePc.pcReg else stage.pc)
decode.insert(INSTRUCTION) := stage.rsp.inst
decode.insert(INSTRUCTION_ANTICIPATED) := Mux(decode.arbitration.isStuck, decode.input(INSTRUCTION), input.rsp.inst)
decode.insert(INSTRUCTION_READY) := True
if(compressedGen) decode.insert(IS_RVC) := stage.isRvc
decodeExceptionPort.valid := decode.arbitration.isValid && stage.rsp.error
decodeExceptionPort.code := 1
decodeExceptionPort.badAddr := decode.input(PC)
prediction match {
case `NONE` =>
case `STATIC` => {
val imm = IMM(decode.input(INSTRUCTION))
val conditionalBranchPrediction = (prediction match {
case `STATIC` => imm.b_sext.msb
//case `DYNAMIC` => input(HISTORY_LINE).history.msb
decodePrediction.cmd.hadBranch := decode.input(BRANCH_CTRL) === BranchCtrlEnum.JAL || (decode.input(BRANCH_CTRL) === BranchCtrlEnum.B && conditionalBranchPrediction)
predictionJumpInterface.valid := decodePrediction.cmd.hadBranch && decode.arbitration.isFiring //TODO OH Doublon de priorité
predictionJumpInterface.payload := decode.input(PC) + ((decode.input(BRANCH_CTRL) === BranchCtrlEnum.JAL) ? imm.j_sext | imm.b_sext).asUInt
// if(catchAddressMisaligned) {
// predictionExceptionPort.valid := input(INSTRUCTION_READY) && input(PREDICTION_HAD_BRANCHED) && arbitration.isValid && predictionJumpInterface.payload(1 downto 0) =/= 0
// predictionExceptionPort.code := 0
// predictionExceptionPort.badAddr := predictionJumpInterface.payload
// }
val join = StreamJoin(Seq(input,, fetchRsp)
output << (if(rspStageGen) join.m2sPipeWithFlush(flush) else join)

View file

@ -95,11 +95,12 @@ object RvcDecompressor{
object StreamVexPimper{
implicit class StreamFlushPimper[T <: Data](pimped : Stream[T]){
def m2sPipe(flush : Bool, collapsBubble : Boolean = true): Stream[T] = {
def m2sPipeWithFlush(flush : Bool, discardInput : Boolean = true, collapsBubble : Boolean = true): Stream[T] = {
val ret = cloneOf(pimped)
val rValid = RegInit(False)
val rData = Reg(pimped.dataType)
if(!discardInput) rValid.clearWhen(flush)
pimped.ready := (Bool(collapsBubble) && !ret.valid) || ret.ready
@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ object StreamVexPimper{
ret.valid := rValid
ret.payload := rData
if(discardInput) rValid.clearWhen(flush)