mirror of
synced 2025-01-04 09:52:25 -05:00
709 lines
25 KiB
709 lines
25 KiB
# This file is part of LiteDRAM.
# Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Florent Kermarrec <florent@enjoy-digital.fr>
# Copyright (c) 2016 Tim 'mithro' Ansell <mithro@mithis.com>
# Copyright (c) 2020 Antmicro <www.antmicro.com>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
import os
import random
import itertools
from functools import partial
from operator import or_
from migen import *
def seed_to_data(seed, random=True, nbits=32):
if nbits == 32:
if random:
return (seed * 0x31415979 + 1) & 0xffffffff
return seed
assert nbits%32 == 0
data = 0
for i in range(nbits//32):
data = data << 32
data |= seed_to_data(seed*nbits//32 + i, random, 32)
return data
def timeout_generator(ticks):
# raise exception after given timeout effectively stopping simulation
# because of @passive, simulation can end even if this generator is still running
for _ in range(ticks):
raise TimeoutError("Timeout after %d ticks" % ticks)
class NativePortDriver:
"""Generates sequences for reading/writing to LiteDRAMNativePort
The write/read versions with wait_data=False are a cheap way to perform
burst during which the port is being held locked, but this way all the
data is being lost (would require separate coroutine to handle data).
def __init__(self, port):
self.port = port
self.wdata = [] # fifo, consumed by handler
self.rdata = [] # stack, never consumed
self.rdata_expected = 0
def generators(self):
return [self.write_data_handler(), self.read_data_handler()]
def wait_all(self):
while self.wdata or len(self.rdata) < self.rdata_expected:
def write_data_handler(self):
while True:
if self.wdata:
# pop the data only after write has been completed
data, we = self.wdata[0]
yield self.port.wdata.valid.eq(1)
yield self.port.wdata.data.eq(data)
yield self.port.wdata.we.eq(we)
while (yield self.port.wdata.ready) == 0:
yield self.port.wdata.valid.eq(0)
def read_data_handler(self, latency=0):
if latency == 0:
yield self.port.rdata.ready.eq(1)
while True:
while (yield self.port.rdata.valid) == 0:
data = (yield self.port.rdata.data)
while True:
while (yield self.port.rdata.valid) == 0:
data = (yield self.port.rdata.data)
yield self.port.rdata.ready.eq(1)
yield self.port.rdata.ready.eq(0)
for _ in range(latency):
def read(self, address, first=0, last=0, wait_data=True):
yield self.port.cmd.valid.eq(1)
yield self.port.cmd.first.eq(first)
yield self.port.cmd.last.eq(last)
yield self.port.cmd.we.eq(0)
yield self.port.cmd.addr.eq(address)
while (yield self.port.cmd.ready) == 0:
self.rdata_expected += 1
yield self.port.cmd.valid.eq(0)
if wait_data:
while len(self.rdata) != self.rdata_expected:
return self.rdata[-1]
def write(self, address, data, we=None, first=0, last=0, wait_data=True, data_with_cmd=False):
if we is None:
we = 2**self.port.wdata.we.nbits - 1
yield self.port.cmd.valid.eq(1)
yield self.port.cmd.first.eq(first)
yield self.port.cmd.last.eq(last)
yield self.port.cmd.we.eq(1)
yield self.port.cmd.addr.eq(address)
if data_with_cmd:
self.wdata.append((data, we))
while (yield self.port.cmd.ready) == 0:
if not data_with_cmd:
self.wdata.append((data, we))
yield self.port.cmd.valid.eq(0)
if wait_data:
n_wdata = len(self.wdata)
while len(self.wdata) != n_wdata - 1:
class CmdRequestRWDriver:
"""Simple driver for Endpoint(cmd_request_rw_layout())"""
def __init__(self, req, i=0, ep_layout=True, rw_layout=True):
self.req = req
self.rw_layout = rw_layout # if False, omit is_* signals
self.ep_layout = ep_layout # if False, omit endpoint signals (valid, etc.)
# used to distinguish commands
self.i = self.bank = self.row = self.col = i
def request(self, char):
# convert character to matching command invocation
return {
"w": self.write,
"r": self.read,
"W": partial(self.write, auto_precharge=True),
"R": partial(self.read, auto_precharge=True),
"a": self.activate,
"p": self.precharge,
"f": self.refresh,
"_": self.nop,
def activate(self):
yield from self._drive(valid=1, is_cmd=1, ras=1, a=self.row, ba=self.bank)
def precharge(self, all_banks=False):
a = 0 if not all_banks else (1 << 10)
yield from self._drive(valid=1, is_cmd=1, ras=1, we=1, a=a, ba=self.bank)
def refresh(self):
yield from self._drive(valid=1, is_cmd=1, cas=1, ras=1, ba=self.bank)
def write(self, auto_precharge=False):
assert not (self.col & (1 << 10))
col = self.col | (1 << 10) if auto_precharge else self.col
yield from self._drive(valid=1, is_write=1, cas=1, we=1, a=col, ba=self.bank)
def read(self, auto_precharge=False):
assert not (self.col & (1 << 10))
col = self.col | (1 << 10) if auto_precharge else self.col
yield from self._drive(valid=1, is_read=1, cas=1, a=col, ba=self.bank)
def nop(self):
yield from self._drive()
def _drive(self, **kwargs):
signals = ["a", "ba", "cas", "ras", "we"]
if self.rw_layout:
signals += ["is_cmd", "is_read", "is_write"]
if self.ep_layout:
signals += ["valid", "first", "last"]
for s in signals:
yield getattr(self.req, s).eq(kwargs.get(s, 0))
# drive ba even for nop, to be able to distinguish bank machines anyway
if "ba" not in kwargs:
yield self.req.ba.eq(self.bank)
class DRAMMemory:
def __init__(self, width, depth, init=[]):
self.width = width
self.depth = depth
self.mem = []
for d in init:
for _ in range(depth-len(init)):
# "W" enables write msgs, "R" - read msgs and "1" both
self._debug = os.environ.get("DRAM_MEM_DEBUG", "0")
def show_content(self):
for addr in range(self.depth):
print("0x{:08x}: 0x{:0{dwidth}x}".format(addr, self.mem[addr], dwidth=self.width//4))
def _warn(self, address):
if address > self.depth * self.width:
print("! adr > 0x{:08x}".format(
self.depth * self.width))
def _write(self, address, data, we):
mask = reduce(or_, [0xff << (8 * bit) for bit in range(self.width//8)
if (we & (1 << bit)) != 0], 0)
data = data & mask
self.mem[address%self.depth] = data | (self.mem[address%self.depth] & ~mask)
if self._debug in ["1", "W"]:
print("W 0x{:08x}: 0x{:0{dwidth}x}".format(address, self.mem[address%self.depth],
def _read(self, address):
if self._debug in ["1", "R"]:
print("R 0x{:08x}: 0x{:0{dwidth}x}".format(address, self.mem[address%self.depth],
return self.mem[address%self.depth]
def read_handler(self, dram_port, rdata_valid_random=0):
address = 0
pending = 0
prng = random.Random(42)
yield dram_port.cmd.ready.eq(0)
while True:
yield dram_port.rdata.valid.eq(0)
if pending:
while prng.randrange(100) < rdata_valid_random:
yield dram_port.rdata.valid.eq(1)
yield dram_port.rdata.data.eq(self._read(address))
yield dram_port.rdata.valid.eq(0)
yield dram_port.rdata.data.eq(0)
pending = 0
elif (yield dram_port.cmd.valid):
pending = not (yield dram_port.cmd.we)
address = (yield dram_port.cmd.addr)
if pending:
yield dram_port.cmd.ready.eq(1)
yield dram_port.cmd.ready.eq(0)
def write_handler(self, dram_port, wdata_ready_random=0):
address = 0
pending = 0
prng = random.Random(42)
yield dram_port.cmd.ready.eq(0)
while True:
yield dram_port.wdata.ready.eq(0)
if pending:
while (yield dram_port.wdata.valid) == 0:
while prng.randrange(100) < wdata_ready_random:
yield dram_port.wdata.ready.eq(1)
self._write(address, (yield dram_port.wdata.data), (yield dram_port.wdata.we))
yield dram_port.wdata.ready.eq(0)
pending = 0
elif (yield dram_port.cmd.valid):
pending = (yield dram_port.cmd.we)
address = (yield dram_port.cmd.addr)
if pending:
yield dram_port.cmd.ready.eq(1)
yield dram_port.cmd.ready.eq(0)
class MemoryTestDataMixin:
def bist_test_data(self):
data = {
"8bit": dict(
base = 2,
end = 2 + 8, # (end - base) must be pow of 2
length = 5,
# 2 3 4 5 6 7=2+5
expected = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x00],
"32bit": dict(
base = 0x04,
end = 0x04 + 8,
length = 5 * 4,
expected = [
0x00000000, # 0x00
0x00000000, # 0x04
0x00000001, # 0x08
0x00000002, # 0x0c
0x00000003, # 0x10
0x00000004, # 0x14
0x00000000, # 0x18
0x00000000, # 0x1c
"64bit": dict(
base = 0x10,
end = 0x10 + 8,
length = 5 * 8,
expected = [
0x0000000000000000, # 0x00
0x0000000000000000, # 0x08
0x0000000000000000, # 0x10
0x0000000000000001, # 0x18
0x0000000000000002, # 0x20
0x0000000000000003, # 0x28
0x0000000000000004, # 0x30
0x0000000000000000, # 0x38
"32bit_masked": dict(
base = 0x04,
end = 0x04 + 0x04, # TODO: fix address masking to be consistent
length = 6 * 4,
expected = [ # due to masking
0x00000000, # 0x00
0x00000004, # 0x04
0x00000005, # 0x08
0x00000002, # 0x0c
0x00000003, # 0x10
0x00000000, # 0x14
0x00000000, # 0x18
0x00000000, # 0x1c
data["32bit_long_sequential"] = dict(
base = 16,
end = 16 + 128,
length = 64,
expected = [0x00000000] * 128
expected = data["32bit_long_sequential"]["expected"]
expected[16//4:(16 + 64)//4] = list(range(64//4))
return data
def pattern_test_data(self):
data = {
"8bit": dict(
# address, data
(0x00, 0xaa),
(0x05, 0xbb),
(0x02, 0xcc),
(0x07, 0xdd),
# data, address
0xaa, # 0x00
0x00, # 0x01
0xcc, # 0x02
0x00, # 0x03
0x00, # 0x04
0xbb, # 0x05
0x00, # 0x06
0xdd, # 0x07
"32bit": dict(
# address, data
(0x00, 0xabadcafe),
(0x07, 0xbaadf00d),
(0x02, 0xcafefeed),
(0x01, 0xdeadc0de),
# data, address
0xabadcafe, # 0x00
0xdeadc0de, # 0x04
0xcafefeed, # 0x08
0x00000000, # 0x0c
0x00000000, # 0x10
0x00000000, # 0x14
0x00000000, # 0x18
0xbaadf00d, # 0x1c
"64bit": dict(
# address, data
(0x00, 0x0ddf00dbadc0ffee),
(0x05, 0xabadcafebaadf00d),
(0x02, 0xcafefeedfeedface),
(0x07, 0xdeadc0debaadbeef),
# data, address
0x0ddf00dbadc0ffee, # 0x00
0x0000000000000000, # 0x08
0xcafefeedfeedface, # 0x10
0x0000000000000000, # 0x18
0x0000000000000000, # 0x20
0xabadcafebaadf00d, # 0x28
0x0000000000000000, # 0x30
0xdeadc0debaadbeef, # 0x38
"64bit_to_32bit": dict(
# address, data
(0x00, 0x0d15ea5e00facade),
(0x05, 0xabadcafe8badf00d),
(0x01, 0xcafefeedbaadf00d),
(0x02, 0xfee1deaddeadc0de),
# data, word, address
0x00facade, # 0 0x00
0x0d15ea5e, # 1 0x04
0xbaadf00d, # 2 0x08
0xcafefeed, # 3 0x0c
0xdeadc0de, # 4 0x10
0xfee1dead, # 5 0x14
0x00000000, # 6 0x18
0x00000000, # 7 0x1c
0x00000000, # 8 0x20
0x00000000, # 9 0x24
0x8badf00d, # 10 0x28
0xabadcafe, # 11 0x2c
0x00000000, # 12 0x30
"32bit_to_8bit": dict(
# address, data
(0x00, 0x00112233),
(0x05, 0x44556677),
(0x01, 0x8899aabb),
(0x02, 0xccddeeff),
# data, address
0x33, # 0x00
0x22, # 0x01
0x11, # 0x02
0x00, # 0x03
0xbb, # 0x04
0xaa, # 0x05
0x99, # 0x06
0x88, # 0x07
0xff, # 0x08
0xee, # 0x09
0xdd, # 0x0a
0xcc, # 0x0b
0x00, # 0x0c
0x00, # 0x0d
0x00, # 0x0e
0x00, # 0x0f
0x00, # 0x10
0x00, # 0x11
0x00, # 0x12
0x00, # 0x13
0x77, # 0x14
0x66, # 0x15
0x55, # 0x16
0x44, # 0x17
0x00, # 0x18
0x00, # 0x19
"8bit_to_32bit": dict(
# address, data
(0x00, 0x00),
(0x01, 0x11),
(0x02, 0x22),
(0x03, 0x33),
(0x10, 0x44),
(0x11, 0x55),
(0x12, 0x66),
(0x13, 0x77),
(0x08, 0x88),
(0x09, 0x99),
(0x0a, 0xaa),
(0x0b, 0xbb),
(0x0c, 0xcc),
(0x0d, 0xdd),
(0x0e, 0xee),
(0x0f, 0xff),
# data, address
0x33221100, # 0x00
0x00000000, # 0x04
0xbbaa9988, # 0x08
0xffeeddcc, # 0x0c
0x77665544, # 0x10
0x00000000, # 0x14
0x00000000, # 0x18
0x00000000, # 0x1c
"8bit_to_32bit_not_aligned": dict(
# address, data
(0x00, 0x00),
(0x05, 0x11),
(0x0a, 0x22),
(0x0f, 0x33),
(0x1e, 0x44),
(0x15, 0x55),
(0x13, 0x66),
(0x18, 0x77),
# data, address
0x00000000, # 0x00
0x00001100, # 0x04
0x00220000, # 0x08
0x33000000, # 0x0c
0x66000000, # 0x10
0x00005500, # 0x14
0x00000077, # 0x18
0x00440000, # 0x1c
"32bit_to_256bit": dict(
# address, data
(0x00, 0x00000000),
(0x01, 0x11111111),
(0x02, 0x22222222),
(0x03, 0x33333333),
(0x04, 0x44444444),
(0x05, 0x55555555),
(0x06, 0x66666666),
(0x07, 0x77777777),
(0x10, 0x88888888),
(0x11, 0x99999999),
(0x12, 0xaaaaaaaa),
(0x13, 0xbbbbbbbb),
(0x14, 0xcccccccc),
(0x15, 0xdddddddd),
(0x16, 0xeeeeeeee),
(0x17, 0xffffffff),
# data, address
0x7777777766666666555555554444444433333333222222221111111100000000, # 0x00
0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, # 0x20
0xffffffffeeeeeeeeddddddddccccccccbbbbbbbbaaaaaaaa9999999988888888, # 0x40
0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, # 0x60
"8bit_to_256bit": dict(
# address, data
pattern=[(i, 0x10 + i) for i in range(128)],
# data, address
0x2f2e2d2c2b2a292827262524232221201f1e1d1c1b1a19181716151413121110, # 0x00
0x4f4e4d4c4b4a494847464544434241403f3e3d3c3b3a39383736353433323130, # 0x20
0x6f6e6d6c6b6a696867666564636261605f5e5d5c5b5a59585756555453525150, # 0x40
0x8f8e8d8c8b8a898887868584838281807f7e7d7c7b7a79787776757473727170, # 0x60
"32bit_to_256bit_not_aligned": dict(
# address, data
(0x00, 0x00000000),
(0x01, 0x11111111),
(0x02, 0x22222222),
(0x03, 0x33333333),
(0x04, 0x44444444),
(0x05, 0x55555555),
(0x06, 0x66666666),
(0x07, 0x77777777),
(0x14, 0x88888888),
(0x15, 0x99999999),
(0x16, 0xaaaaaaaa),
(0x17, 0xbbbbbbbb),
(0x18, 0xcccccccc),
(0x19, 0xdddddddd),
(0x1a, 0xeeeeeeee),
(0x1b, 0xffffffff),
# data, address
0x7777777766666666555555554444444433333333222222221111111100000000, # 0x00
0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, # 0x20
0xbbbbbbbbaaaaaaaa999999998888888800000000000000000000000000000000, # 0x40
0x00000000000000000000000000000000ffffffffeeeeeeeeddddddddcccccccc, # 0x60
"32bit_not_aligned": dict(
# address, data
(0x00, 0xabadcafe),
(0x07, 0xbaadf00d),
(0x02, 0xcafefeed),
(0x01, 0xdeadc0de),
# data, address
0xabadcafe, # 0x00
0xdeadc0de, # 0x04
0xcafefeed, # 0x08
0x00000000, # 0x0c
0x00000000, # 0x10
0x00000000, # 0x14
0x00000000, # 0x18
0xbaadf00d, # 0x1c
"32bit_duplicates": dict(
# address, data
(0x00, 0xabadcafe),
(0x07, 0xbaadf00d),
(0x00, 0xcafefeed),
(0x07, 0xdeadc0de),
# data, address
0xcafefeed, # 0x00
0x00000000, # 0x04
0x00000000, # 0x08
0x00000000, # 0x0c
0x00000000, # 0x10
0x00000000, # 0x14
0x00000000, # 0x18
0xdeadc0de, # 0x1c
"32bit_sequential": dict(
# address, data
(0x02, 0xabadcafe),
(0x03, 0xbaadf00d),
(0x04, 0xcafefeed),
(0x05, 0xdeadc0de),
# data, address
0x00000000, # 0x00
0x00000000, # 0x04
0xabadcafe, # 0x08
0xbaadf00d, # 0x0c
0xcafefeed, # 0x10
0xdeadc0de, # 0x14
0x00000000, # 0x18
0x00000000, # 0x1c
"32bit_long_sequential": dict(pattern=[], expected=[0] * 64),
# 32bit_long_sequential
for i in range(32):
data["32bit_long_sequential"]["pattern"].append((i, 64 + i))
data["32bit_long_sequential"]["expected"][i] = 64 + i
def half_width(data, from_width):
half_mask = 2**(from_width//2) - 1
chunks = [(val & half_mask, (val >> from_width//2) & half_mask) for val in data]
return list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(chunks))
# down conversion
data["64bit_to_16bit"] = dict(
pattern = data["64bit_to_32bit"]["pattern"].copy(),
expected = half_width(data["64bit_to_32bit"]["expected"], from_width=32),
data["64bit_to_8bit"] = dict(
pattern = data["64bit_to_16bit"]["pattern"].copy(),
expected = half_width(data["64bit_to_16bit"]["expected"], from_width=16),
# up conversion
data["8bit_to_16bit"] = dict(
pattern = data["8bit_to_32bit"]["pattern"].copy(),
expected = half_width(data["8bit_to_32bit"]["expected"], from_width=32),
data["32bit_to_128bit"] = dict(
pattern = data["32bit_to_256bit"]["pattern"].copy(),
expected = half_width(data["32bit_to_256bit"]["expected"], from_width=256),
data["32bit_to_64bit"] = dict(
pattern = data["32bit_to_128bit"]["pattern"].copy(),
expected = half_width(data["32bit_to_128bit"]["expected"], from_width=128),
data["8bit_to_128bit"] = dict(
pattern = data["8bit_to_256bit"]["pattern"].copy(),
expected = half_width(data["8bit_to_256bit"]["expected"], from_width=256),
return data