- disable DQ termination.
- disable RTT_NOM.
- drive VCCIO/GND pads.
Reduce current from 0.25A to 0.12A with: ./orangecrab.py --uart-name=usb_acm --sys-clk-freq=48e6.
Still working at 96MHz, 0.17A with: ./orangecrab.py --uart-name=usb_acm --sys-clk-freq=96e6.
See https://github.com/enjoy-digital/litedram/issues/216.
We initially wanted to provide different level of support for the platforms/targets, mainly
to avoid too much maintenance and let each contributor update its contributed platforms and
targets, but it's easier to update all platforms/targets all-together when LiteX evolves or
changes (and that's what has been done on litex-boards since the creation of the repository).
So let just simplify things and avoid this differentiation.