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# This file is part of LiteX.
# Copyright (c) 2020 Pepijn de Vos <pepijndevos@gmail.com>
# Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Florent Kermarrec <florent@enjoy-digital.fr>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
import os
import sys
import math
import subprocess
from shutil import which, copyfile
from migen.fhdl.structure import _Fragment
from litex.build.generic_toolchain import GenericToolchain
from litex.build.generic_platform import *
from litex.build import tools
# GowinToolchain -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class GowinToolchain(GenericToolchain):
attr_translate = {}
def __init__(self):
self.options = {}
def finalize(self):
if self.platform.verilog_include_paths:
self.options["include_path"] = "{" + ";".join(self.platform.verilog_include_paths) + "}"
self.apply_hyperram_integration_hack(self._build_name + ".v")
def apply_hyperram_integration_hack(self, v_file):
# FIXME: Gowin EDA expects a very specific HypeRAM integration pattern, modify generated verilog to match it.
# Convert to vectors.
tools.replace_in_file(v_file, "O_hpram_reset_n", "O_hpram_reset_n[0]")
tools.replace_in_file(v_file, "O_hpram_cs_n", "O_hpram_cs_n[0]")
tools.replace_in_file(v_file, "O_hpram_rwds", "O_hpram_rwds[0]")
tools.replace_in_file(v_file, "O_hpram_ck ", "O_hpram_ck[0] ")
tools.replace_in_file(v_file, "O_hpram_ck_n ", "O_hpram_ck_n[0] ")
tools.replace_in_file(v_file, "O_hpram_ck,", "O_hpram_ck[0],")
tools.replace_in_file(v_file, "O_hpram_ck_n,", "O_hpram_ck_n[0],")
tools.replace_in_file(v_file, "wire O_hpram_reset_n[0]", "wire [0:0] O_hpram_reset_n")
tools.replace_in_file(v_file, "wire O_hpram_cs_n[0]", "wire [0:0] O_hpram_cs_n")
tools.replace_in_file(v_file, "wire IO_hpram_rwds[0]", "wire [0:0] IO_hpram_rwds")
tools.replace_in_file(v_file, "wire O_hpram_ck[0]", "wire [0:0] O_hpram_ck")
tools.replace_in_file(v_file, "wire O_hpram_ck_n[0]", "wire [0:0] O_hpram_ck_n")
# Apply Synthesis directives.
tools.replace_in_file(v_file, "wire [0:0] IO_hpram_rwds,", "wire [0:0] IO_hpram_rwds, /* synthesis syn_tristate = 1 */")
tools.replace_in_file(v_file, "wire [7:0] IO_hpram_dq,", "wire [7:0] IO_hpram_dq, /* synthesis syn_tristate = 1 */")
tools.replace_in_file(v_file, "[1:0] IO_psram_rwds,", "[1:0] IO_psram_rwds, /* synthesis syn_tristate = 1 */")
tools.replace_in_file(v_file, "[15:0] IO_psram_dq,", "[15:0] IO_psram_dq, /* synthesis syn_tristate = 1 */")
# Constraints (.cst ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------
def build_io_constraints(self):
cst = []
flat_sc = []
for name, pins, other, resource in self.named_sc:
if len(pins) > 1:
for i, p in enumerate(pins):
flat_sc.append((f"{name}[{i}]", p, other))
flat_sc.append((name, pins[0], other))
for name, pin, other in flat_sc:
if pin != "X":
cst.append(f"IO_LOC \"{name}\" {pin};")
for c in other:
if isinstance(c, IOStandard):
cst.append(f"IO_PORT \"{name}\" IO_TYPE={c.name};")
elif isinstance(c, Misc):
cst.append(f"IO_PORT \"{name}\" {c.misc};")
if self.named_pc:
tools.write_to_file(f"{self._build_name}.cst", "\n".join(cst))
return (f"{self._build_name}.cst", "CST")
# Timing Constraints (.sdc ) -------------------------------------------------------------------
def build_timing_constraints(self, vns):
sdc = []
for clk, [period, name] in sorted(self.clocks.items(), key=lambda x: x[0].duid):
clk_sig = self._vns.get_name(clk)
if name is None:
name = clk_sig
sdc.append(f"create_clock -name {name} -period {str(period)} [get_ports {{{clk_sig}}}]")
tools.write_to_file(f"{self._build_name}.sdc", "\n".join(sdc))
return (f"{self._build_name}.sdc", "SDC")
# Project (tcl) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def build_project(self):
tcl = []
# Set Device.
tcl.append(f"set_device -name {self.platform.devicename} {self.platform.device}")
# Add IOs Constraints.
tcl.append(f"add_file {self._build_name}.cst")
# Add Timings Constraints.
tcl.append(f"add_file {self._build_name}.sdc")
# Add Sources.
for f, typ, lib in self.platform.sources:
# Support windows/powershell
if sys.platform == "win32":
f = f.replace("\\", "\\\\")
tcl.append(f"add_file {f}")
# Set Options.
for opt, val in self.options.items():
tcl.append(f"set_option -{opt} {val}")
# Run.
tcl.append("run all")
# Generate .tcl.
tools.write_to_file("run.tcl", "\n".join(tcl))
# Script ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def build_script(self):
return "" # gw_sh use
def run_script(self, script):
# Support Powershell/WSL platform
# Some python distros for windows (e.g, oss-cad-suite)
# which does not have 'os.uname' support, we should check 'sys.platform' firstly.
gw_sh = "gw_sh"
if sys.platform.find("linux") >= 0:
if os.uname().release.find("WSL") > 0:
gw_sh += ".exe"
if which(gw_sh) is None:
msg = "Unable to find Gowin toolchain, please:\n"
msg += "- Add Gowin toolchain to your $PATH."
raise OSError(msg)
if subprocess.call([gw_sh, "run.tcl"]) != 0:
raise OSError("Error occured during Gowin's script execution.")
# Copy Bitstream to from impl to gateware directory.
os.path.join("impl", "pnr", "project.fs"),
os.path.join(self._build_name + ".fs")