
192 lines
6.5 KiB

import os
from shutil import which
from migen import *
from litex.soc.interconnect.csr import CSRStatus
def get_cpu_mak(cpu):
# select between clang and gcc
clang = os.getenv("CLANG", "")
if clang != "":
clang = bool(int(clang))
clang = None
if not hasattr(cpu, "clang_triple"):
if clang:
raise ValueError( + "not supported with clang.")
clang = False
# Default to clang unless told otherwise
if clang is None:
clang = True
assert isinstance(clang, bool)
if clang:
triple = cpu.clang_triple
flags = cpu.clang_flags
triple = cpu.gcc_triple
flags = cpu.gcc_flags
# select triple when more than one
def select_triple(triple):
r = None
if not isinstance(triple, tuple):
triple = (triple,)
for i in range(len(triple)):
t = triple[i]
if which(t+"-gcc"):
r = t
if r is None:
msg = "Unable to find any of the cross compilation toolchains:\n"
for i in range(len(triple)):
msg += "- " + triple[i] + "\n"
raise OSError(msg)
return r
# return informations
return [
("TRIPLE", select_triple(triple)),
("CPUFLAGS", flags),
("CPUENDIANNESS", cpu.endianness),
("CLANG", str(int(clang)))
def get_linker_output_format(cpu):
return "OUTPUT_FORMAT(\"" + cpu.linker_output_format + "\")\n"
def get_linker_regions(regions):
r = "MEMORY {\n"
for name, origin, length in regions:
r += "\t{} : ORIGIN = 0x{:08x}, LENGTH = 0x{:08x}\n".format(name, origin, length)
r += "}\n"
return r
def get_mem_header(regions, flash_boot_address):
r = "#ifndef __GENERATED_MEM_H\n#define __GENERATED_MEM_H\n\n"
for name, base, size in regions:
r += "#define {name}_BASE 0x{base:08x}\n#define {name}_SIZE 0x{size:08x}\n\n".format(name=name.upper(), base=base, size=size)
if flash_boot_address is not None:
r += "#define FLASH_BOOT_ADDRESS 0x{:08x}\n\n".format(flash_boot_address)
r += "#endif\n"
return r
def _get_rw_functions_c(reg_name, reg_base, nwords, busword, read_only, with_access_functions):
r = ""
r += "#define CSR_"+reg_name.upper()+"_ADDR "+hex(reg_base)+"\n"
r += "#define CSR_"+reg_name.upper()+"_SIZE "+str(nwords)+"\n"
size = nwords*busword
if size > 64:
return r
elif size > 32:
ctype = "unsigned long long int"
elif size > 16:
ctype = "unsigned int"
elif size > 8:
ctype = "unsigned short int"
ctype = "unsigned char"
if with_access_functions:
r += "static inline "+ctype+" "+reg_name+"_read(void) {\n"
if size > 1:
r += "\t"+ctype+" r = csr_readl("+hex(reg_base)+");\n"
for byte in range(1, nwords):
r += "\tr <<= "+str(busword)+";\n\tr |= csr_readl("+hex(reg_base+4*byte)+");\n"
r += "\treturn r;\n}\n"
r += "\treturn csr_readl("+hex(reg_base)+");\n}\n"
if not read_only:
r += "static inline void "+reg_name+"_write("+ctype+" value) {\n"
for word in range(nwords):
shift = (nwords-word-1)*busword
if shift:
value_shifted = "value >> "+str(shift)
value_shifted = "value"
r += "\tcsr_writel("+value_shifted+", "+hex(reg_base+4*word)+");\n"
r += "}\n"
return r
def get_csr_header(regions, constants, with_access_functions=True, with_shadow_base=True, shadow_base=0x80000000):
r = "#ifndef __GENERATED_CSR_H\n#define __GENERATED_CSR_H\n"
if with_access_functions:
r += "#include <stdint.h>\n"
r += "extern void csr_writeb(uint8_t value, uint32_t addr);\n"
r += "extern uint8_t csr_readb(uint32_t addr);\n"
r += "extern void csr_writew(uint16_t value, uint32_t addr);\n"
r += "extern uint16_t csr_readw(uint32_t addr);\n"
r += "extern void csr_writel(uint32_t value, uint32_t addr);\n"
r += "extern uint32_t csr_readl(uint32_t addr);\n"
r += "#else /* ! CSR_ACCESSORS_DEFINED */\n"
r += "#include <hw/common.h>\n"
r += "#endif /* ! CSR_ACCESSORS_DEFINED */\n"
for name, origin, busword, obj in regions:
if not with_shadow_base:
origin &= (~shadow_base)
if isinstance(obj, Memory):
r += "\n/* "+name+" */\n"
r += "#define CSR_"+name.upper()+"_BASE "+hex(origin)+"\n"
r += "\n/* "+name+" */\n"
r += "#define CSR_"+name.upper()+"_BASE "+hex(origin)+"\n"
for csr in obj:
nr = (csr.size + busword - 1)//busword
r += _get_rw_functions_c(name + "_" +, origin, nr, busword, isinstance(csr, CSRStatus), with_access_functions)
origin += 4*nr
r += "\n/* constants */\n"
for name, value in constants:
if value is None:
r += "#define "+name+"\n"
if isinstance(value, str):
value = "\"" + value + "\""
ctype = "const char *"
value = str(value)
ctype = "int"
r += "#define "+name+" "+value+"\n"
if with_access_functions:
r += "static inline "+ctype+" "+name.lower()+"_read(void) {\n"
r += "\treturn "+value+";\n}\n"
r += "\n#endif\n"
return r
def get_csr_csv(csr_regions=None, constants=None, memory_regions=None):
r = ""
if csr_regions is not None:
for name, origin, busword, obj in csr_regions:
r += "csr_base,{},0x{:08x},,\n".format(name, origin)
for name, origin, busword, obj in csr_regions:
if not isinstance(obj, Memory):
for csr in obj:
nr = (csr.size + busword - 1)//busword
r += "csr_register,{}_{},0x{:08x},{},{}\n".format(name,, origin, nr, "ro" if isinstance(csr, CSRStatus) else "rw")
origin += 4*nr
if constants is not None:
for name, value in constants:
r += "constant,{},{},,\n".format(name.lower(), value)
if memory_regions is not None:
for name, origin, length in memory_regions:
r += "memory_region,{},0x{:08x},{:d},\n".format(name.lower(), origin, length)
return r