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synced 2025-01-04 09:52:26 -05:00
- Split FSM in Main FSM/Xfer FSM to decouple Led data read from bit xfer and do read during xfer. - Only keep optimization that are easily to understand. - Default to new WS2812 revision (Since also works on old revision). - Test 75/50/25MHz sys_clk_freq.
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# This file is part of LiteX.
# Copyright (c) 2022 Wolfgang Nagele <mail@wnagele.com>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
import unittest
from migen import *
from litex.soc.cores.led import WS2812
class TestWS2812(unittest.TestCase):
test_clk_freqs = [75e6, 50e6, 25e6]
def generator(self, dut, led_signal, led_data, sys_clk_freq, iterations):
# Error Margin from WS2812 datasheet.
error_margin = 150e-9
# Cap on how long a sequence will be evaluated.
max_cycles_per_seq = int(dut.trst * sys_clk_freq * 2)
# Verify initial reset.
rst_cycles = 0
for _ in range(max_cycles_per_seq):
if (yield led_signal) != 0:
rst_cycles += 1
rst_time = rst_cycles / sys_clk_freq
assert rst_time >= dut.trst
# Verify generated data pulses.
length = len(led_data)
for _ in range(iterations):
for i_num, num in enumerate(led_data, start=1):
for idx_bit, bit in enumerate(TestWS2812.to_bits(num), start=1):
exp_high, exp_low = {
0 : (dut.t0h, dut.t0l),
1 : (dut.t1h, dut.t1l)
# On end of chain, add reset time to exp_low
if i_num == length and idx_bit == 24:
exp_low += dut.trst
# Verify high cycle.
high_cycles = 0
for _ in range(max_cycles_per_seq):
if (yield led_signal) != 1:
high_cycles += 1
high_time = high_cycles / sys_clk_freq
assert high_time >= exp_high - error_margin
assert high_time <= exp_high + error_margin
# Verify low cycle.
low_cycles = 0
for _ in range(max_cycles_per_seq):
if (yield led_signal) != 0:
low_cycles += 1
low_time = low_cycles / sys_clk_freq
assert low_time >= exp_low - error_margin
assert low_time <= exp_low + error_margin
def to_bits(num, length = 24):
return ( int(x) for x in bin(num)[2:].zfill(length) )
def run_test(self, revision, sys_clk_freq):
led_signal = Signal()
led_data = [0x100000, 0x200000, 0x300000, 0x400000, 0x500000, 0x600000, 0x700000, 0x800000, 0x900000]
iterations = 2
dut = WS2812(led_signal, len(led_data), sys_clk_freq, revision=revision, init=led_data)
run_simulation(dut, self.generator(dut, led_signal, led_data, sys_clk_freq, iterations), vcd_name="sim.vcd")
def test_WS2812_old(self):
for sys_clk_freq in self.test_clk_freqs:
self.run_test("old", sys_clk_freq)
def test_WS2812_new(self):
for sys_clk_freq in self.test_clk_freqs:
self.run_test("new", sys_clk_freq) |