Removed old scripts/smt2-bmc/

This commit is contained in:
Clifford Wolf 2016-12-03 12:28:36 +01:00
parent 54a8e4b311
commit 9c494af6e1
10 changed files with 0 additions and 1075 deletions

View file

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
Checking equivalence of different configurations of PicoRV32 using Yosys and
SMT solvers (Yices, Z3, CVC4, MathSAT).
The PicoRV32 core provides configuration parameters that change the supported
ISA and/or the timing of the core. This set of scripts uses model checking
techniques to proof equivalence of cores in different configurations, thus
transfering the confidence in the cores gained by running test benches on a few
configurations to the rest of the configurations.
The async test compares two cores with different timings (number of clock
cycles per operation), but same ISA. The SMT problem models the following
The cores start out with identical memory and register file. In cycle 0 the
reset input is active, in all other cycles the reset input is inactive. The
trap output must by active in the last cycle for both cores. I.e. whatever
the program in memory does, it must terminate in a trap and it must do so
for both cores within the simulated number of clock cycles.
The script searches for a trace that ends in different memory content and/or
different register file content in the last cycle, i.e. a trace that exposes
divergent behavior in the two cores.
The sync test compares two cores same timings but different ISA. The ISA of the
2nd code (main_b) must be a superset of the ISA of the first core (main_a), and
catching illegal instructions and illegal memory transfers must be enabled in
the first core. The SMT problem models the following scenario:
The cores start out with identical memory and register file. In cycle 0 the
reset input is active, in all other cycles the reset input is inactive. The
cores are run in parallel for a number of cycles with the first core not going
into the trap state. I.e. all traces are limited to the ISA supported by the
first core.
The script searches for a trace that ends in different memory content and/or
different register file content in the last cycle, i.e. a trace that exposes
divergent behavior in the two cores.

View file

@ -1,333 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os, sys, getopt
from smtio import smtio, smtopts
steps = 12
words = 0
allmem = False
fastmem = False
initzero = False
check_mem = True
check_regs = True
so = smtopts()
def usage():
python3 [options]
-t <steps>
default: 12
""" + so.helpmsg())
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], so.optstr + "t:")
for o, a in opts:
if o == "-t":
steps = int(a)
elif so.handle(o, a):
if len(args) > 0:
smt = smtio(opts=so)
print("Solver: %s" % so.solver)
smt.setup("QF_AUFBV", "PicoRV32 \"\" BMC script, powered by Yosys")
regs_a = list()
regs_b = list()
with open("async_a.smt2", "r") as f:
for line in f:
if line.startswith("; yosys-smt2-register "):
line = line.split()
regs_a.append((line[2], int(line[3])))
with open("async_b.smt2", "r") as f:
for line in f:
if line.startswith("; yosys-smt2-register "):
line = line.split()
regs_b.append((line[2], int(line[3])))
for step in range(steps):
smt.write("(declare-fun a%d () main_a_s)" % step)
smt.write("(declare-fun b%d () main_b_s)" % step)
if fastmem:
smt.write("(assert (|main_a_n domem| a%d))" % step)
smt.write("(assert (|main_b_n domem| b%d))" % step)
if words > 0:
if allmem:
smt.write("(assert (bvult (|main_a_n mem_addr| a%d) #x%08x))" % (step, words))
smt.write("(assert (bvult (|main_b_n mem_addr| b%d) #x%08x))" % (step, words))
smt.write("(assert (or (not (|main_a_n mem_valid| a%d)) (bvult (|main_a_n mem_addr| a%d) #x%08x)))" % (step, step, words))
smt.write("(assert (or (not (|main_b_n mem_valid| b%d)) (bvult (|main_b_n mem_addr| b%d) #x%08x)))" % (step, step, words))
if step == 0:
# start with synced memory and register file
smt.write("(assert (= (|main_a_m cpu.cpuregs| a0) (|main_b_m cpu.cpuregs| b0)))")
smt.write("(assert (= (|main_a_m memory| a0) (|main_b_m memory| b0)))")
# reset in first cycle
smt.write("(assert (not (|main_a_n resetn| a%d)))" % step)
smt.write("(assert (not (|main_b_n resetn| b%d)))" % step)
smt.write("(assert (main_a_t a%d a%d))" % (step-1, step))
smt.write("(assert (main_b_t b%d b%d))" % (step-1, step))
smt.write("(assert (|main_a_n resetn| a%d))" % step)
smt.write("(assert (|main_b_n resetn| b%d))" % step)
print("%s Checking sequence of length %d.." % (smt.timestamp(), step))
smt.write("(push 1)")
# stop with a trap and no pending memory xfer
smt.write("(assert (not (|main_a_n mem_valid| a%d)))" % step)
smt.write("(assert (not (|main_b_n mem_valid| b%d)))" % step)
smt.write("(assert (|main_a_n trap| a%d))" % step)
smt.write("(assert (|main_b_n trap| b%d))" % step)
# look for differences in memory and/or register file
if check_mem and check_regs:
smt.write(("(assert (or (distinct (|main_a_m cpu.cpuregs| a%d) (|main_b_m cpu.cpuregs| b%d)) " +
"(distinct (|main_a_m memory| a%d) (|main_b_m memory| b%d))))") % (step, step, step, step))
elif check_mem:
smt.write(("(assert (distinct (|main_a_m memory| a%d) (|main_b_m memory| b%d)))") % (step, step))
elif check_regs:
smt.write(("(assert (distinct (|main_a_m cpu.cpuregs| a%d) (|main_b_m cpu.cpuregs| b%d)))") % (step, step))
assert False
if smt.check_sat() == "sat":
print("%s Creating model.." % smt.timestamp())
def make_cpu_regs(step):
for i in range(1, 32):
smt.write("(define-fun a%d_r%d () (_ BitVec 32) (select (|main_a_m cpu.cpuregs| a%d) #b%s))" % (step, i, step, bin(32+i)[3:]))
smt.write("(define-fun b%d_r%d () (_ BitVec 32) (select (|main_b_m cpu.cpuregs| b%d) #b%s))" % (step, i, step, bin(32+i)[3:]))
def print_status(mod, step):
resetn = smt.get_net_bool("main_" + mod, "resetn", "%s%d" % (mod, step))
memvld = smt.get_net_bool("main_" + mod, "mem_valid", "%s%d" % (mod, step))
domem = smt.get_net_bool("main_" + mod, "domem", "%s%d" % (mod, step))
memrdy = smt.get_net_bool("main_" + mod, "mem_ready", "%s%d" % (mod, step))
trap = smt.get_net_bool("main_" + mod, "trap", "%s%d" % (mod, step))
print("status %5s: resetn=%s, memvld=%s, domem=%s, memrdy=%s, trap=%s" % ("%s[%d]" % (mod, step), resetn, memvld, domem, memrdy, trap))
def print_mem_xfer(mod, step):
if allmem or smt.get("(and (|main_%s_n mem_valid| %s%d) (|main_%s_n mem_ready| %s%d))" % (mod, mod, step, mod, mod, step)) == 'true':
mem_addr = smt.get_net_hex("main_" + mod, "mem_addr", "%s%d" % (mod, step))
mem_wdata = smt.get_net_hex("main_" + mod, "mem_wdata", "%s%d" % (mod, step))
mem_wstrb = smt.get_net_bin("main_" + mod, "mem_wstrb", "%s%d" % (mod, step))
mem_rdata = smt.get_net_hex("main_" + mod, "mem_rdata", "%s%d" % (mod, step))
if allmem and smt.get("(and (|main_%s_n mem_valid| %s%d) (|main_%s_n mem_ready| %s%d))" % (mod, mod, step, mod, mod, step)) == 'true':
print("mem %5s: addr=%s, wdata=%s, wstrb=%s, rdata=%s <-" % ("%s[%d]" % (mod, step), mem_addr, mem_wdata, mem_wstrb, mem_rdata))
print("mem %5s: addr=%s, wdata=%s, wstrb=%s, rdata=%s" % ("%s[%d]" % (mod, step), mem_addr, mem_wdata, mem_wstrb, mem_rdata))
def print_cpu_regs(step):
for i in range(1, 32):
ra = smt.bv2hex(smt.get("a%d_r%d" % (step, i)))
rb = smt.bv2hex(smt.get("b%d_r%d" % (step, i)))
print("%3s[%d]: A=%s B=%s%s" % ("x%d" % i, step, ra, rb, " !" if ra != rb else ""))
assert smt.check_sat() == "sat"
if initzero:
for rn, rs in regs_a:
force_to_zero = True
if smt.get_net_bin("main_a", rn, "a0").count("1") != 0:
print("Looking for a solution with |main_a_n %s| initialized to all zeros.." % rn)
smt.write("(push 1)")
if rs == 1:
smt.write("(assert (not (|main_a_n %s| a0)))" % rn)
smt.write("(assert (= (|main_a_n %s| a0) #b%s))" % (rn, "0" * rs))
if smt.check_sat() != "sat":
force_to_zero = False
smt.write("(pop 1)")
if force_to_zero:
if rs == 1:
smt.write("(assert (not (|main_a_n %s| a0)))" % rn)
smt.write("(assert (= (|main_a_n %s| a0) #b%s))" % (rn, "0" * rs))
assert smt.check_sat() == "sat"
for rn, rs in regs_b:
force_to_zero = True
if smt.get_net_bin("main_b", rn, "b0").count("1") != 0:
print("Looking for a solution with |main_b_n %s| initialized to all zeros.." % rn)
smt.write("(push 1)")
if rs == 1:
smt.write("(assert (not (|main_b_n %s| b0)))" % rn)
smt.write("(assert (= (|main_b_n %s| b0) #b%s))" % (rn, "0" * rs))
if smt.check_sat() != "sat":
force_to_zero = False
smt.write("(pop 1)")
if force_to_zero:
if rs == 1:
smt.write("(assert (not (|main_b_n %s| b0)))" % rn)
smt.write("(assert (= (|main_b_n %s| b0) #b%s))" % (rn, "0" * rs))
assert smt.check_sat() == "sat"
for i in range(step+1):
print_status("a", i)
for i in range(step+1):
print_status("b", i)
for i in range(1, step+1):
print_mem_xfer("a", i)
for i in range(1, step+1):
print_mem_xfer("b", i)
with open("async_tb.v", "w") as f:
print("writing verilog test bench...")
memory_words = 1
memory_datas = { "a": dict(), "b": dict() }
for i in range(step, 0, -1):
for mod in ["a", "b"]:
if allmem or smt.get("(and (|main_%s_n mem_valid| %s%d) (|main_%s_n mem_ready| %s%d))" % (mod, mod, i, mod, mod, i)) == 'true':
mem_addr = smt.get_net_hex("main_" + mod, "mem_addr", "%s%d" % (mod, i))
mem_rdata = smt.get_net_hex("main_" + mod, "mem_rdata", "%s%d" % (mod, i))
memory_datas[mod][mem_addr] = mem_rdata
memory_words = max((int(mem_addr, 16) >> 2)+1, memory_words)
memory_data = dict()
for k, v in memory_datas["a"].items(): memory_data[k] = v
for k, v in memory_datas["b"].items(): memory_data[k] = v
print("`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps", file=f)
print("", file=f)
print("module testbench;", file=f)
print(" reg clk = 1, resetn, domem_a, domem_b;", file=f)
print(" always #5 clk = ~clk;", file=f)
print("", file=f)
print(" main #(", file=f)
print(" .MEMORY_WORDS(%d)," % memory_words, file=f)
print(" .ENABLE_REGS_DUALPORT(0),", file=f)
print(" .TWO_STAGE_SHIFT(0),", file=f)
print(" .TWO_CYCLE_COMPARE(0),", file=f)
print(" .TWO_CYCLE_ALU(0)", file=f)
print(" ) main_a (", file=f)
print(" .clk(clk),", file=f)
print(" .resetn(resetn),", file=f)
print(" .domem(domem_a)", file=f)
print(" );", file=f)
print("", file=f)
print(" main #(", file=f)
print(" .MEMORY_WORDS(%d)," % memory_words, file=f)
print(" .ENABLE_REGS_DUALPORT(1),", file=f)
print(" .TWO_STAGE_SHIFT(1),", file=f)
print(" .TWO_CYCLE_COMPARE(1),", file=f)
print(" .TWO_CYCLE_ALU(1)", file=f)
print(" ) main_b (", file=f)
print(" .clk(clk),", file=f)
print(" .resetn(resetn),", file=f)
print(" .domem(domem_b)", file=f)
print(" );", file=f)
print("", file=f)
print(" task check_reg;", file=f)
print(" input [4:0] n;", file=f)
print(" begin", file=f)
print(" if (main_a.cpu.cpuregs[n] != main_b.cpu.cpuregs[n])", file=f)
print(" $display(\"Divergent values for reg %1d: A=%08x B=%08x\", n, main_a.cpu.cpuregs[n], main_b.cpu.cpuregs[n]);", file=f)
print(" end", file=f)
print(" endtask", file=f)
print("", file=f)
print(" task check_mem;", file=f)
print(" input [31:0] n;", file=f)
print(" begin", file=f)
print(" if (main_a.memory[n] != main_b.memory[n])", file=f)
print(" $display(\"Divergent values for memory addr %08x: A=%08x B=%08x\", n, main_a.cpu.cpuregs[n], main_b.cpu.cpuregs[n]);", file=f)
print(" end", file=f)
print(" endtask", file=f)
print("", file=f)
print(" initial begin", file=f)
print(" $dumpfile(\"async_tb.vcd\");", file=f)
print(" $dumpvars(0, testbench);", file=f)
print("", file=f)
for rn, rs in regs_a:
print(" main_a.%s = %d'b %s;" % (rn, rs, smt.get_net_bin("main_a", rn, "a0")), file=f)
print("", file=f)
for rn, rs in regs_b:
print(" main_b.%s = %d'b %s;" % (rn, rs, smt.get_net_bin("main_b", rn, "b0")), file=f)
print("", file=f)
for i in range(1, 32):
ra = smt.bv2hex(smt.get("a%d_r%d" % (0, i)))
rb = smt.bv2hex(smt.get("b%d_r%d" % (0, i)))
print(" main_a.cpu.cpuregs[%2d] = 'h %s; main_b.cpu.cpuregs[%2d] = 'h %s;" % (i, ra, i, rb), file=f)
print("", file=f)
for addr, data in memory_data.items():
print(" main_a.memory['h %08x] = 'h %s;" % (int(addr, 16) >> 2, data), file=f)
print(" main_b.memory['h %08x] = 'h %s;" % (int(addr, 16) >> 2, data), file=f)
print("", file=f)
for i in range(step+1):
print(" resetn = %d;" % smt.get_net_bool("main_a", "resetn", "a%d" % i), file=f)
print(" domem_a = %d;" % smt.get_net_bool("main_a", "domem", "a%d" % i), file=f)
print(" domem_b = %d;" % smt.get_net_bool("main_b", "domem", "b%d" % i), file=f)
print(" @(posedge clk);", file=f)
print("", file=f)
for i in range(1, 32):
print(" check_reg(%d);" % i, file=f)
for addr, data in memory_data.items():
print(" check_mem('h %s);" % addr, file=f)
print("", file=f)
print(" @(posedge clk);", file=f)
print(" @(posedge clk);", file=f)
print(" $finish;", file=f)
print(" end", file=f)
print("endmodule", file=f)
if words > 0:
print("running verilog test bench...")
os.system("iverilog -o async_tb -s testbench async_tb.v main.v ../../picorv32.v && ./async_tb")
else: # unsat
smt.write("(pop 1)")
print("%s Done." % smt.timestamp())

View file

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
set -ex
yosys -qv1 async.ys
time python3

View file

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
read_verilog main.v
read_verilog ../../picorv32.v
rename main main_a
chparam -set ENABLE_REGS_DUALPORT 0 \
-set TWO_CYCLE_ALU 0 main_a
hierarchy -top main_a
memory -nordff -nomap
write_smt2 -bv -mem -regs async_a.smt2
design -reset
read_verilog main.v
read_verilog ../../picorv32.v
rename main main_b
chparam -set ENABLE_REGS_DUALPORT 1 \
-set TWO_CYCLE_ALU 1 main_b
hierarchy -top main_b
memory -nordff -nomap
write_smt2 -bv -mem -regs async_b.smt2
design -reset

View file

@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
module main (input clk, resetn, domem, output trap);
parameter integer MEMORY_WORDS = 2**30;
// timing parameters (vary for async test)
parameter [0:0] ENABLE_REGS_DUALPORT = 1;
parameter [0:0] TWO_STAGE_SHIFT = 1;
parameter [0:0] TWO_CYCLE_COMPARE = 0;
parameter [0:0] TWO_CYCLE_ALU = 0;
// isa parameters (vary for sync test)
parameter [0:0] ENABLE_COUNTERS = 0;
parameter [0:0] CATCH_MISALIGN = 1;
parameter [0:0] CATCH_ILLINSN = 1;
parameter [0:0] ENABLE_MUL = 0;
parameter [0:0] ENABLE_IRQ = 0;
(* keep *) wire mem_valid;
(* keep *) wire mem_ready;
(* keep *) wire [31:0] mem_addr;
(* keep *) wire [31:0] mem_wdata;
(* keep *) wire [ 3:0] mem_wstrb;
(* keep *) wire [31:0] mem_rdata;
picorv32 #(
// timing parameters
// isa parameters
) cpu (
.clk (clk ),
.resetn (resetn ),
.trap (trap ),
.mem_addr (mem_addr ),
reg [31:0] memory [0:MEMORY_WORDS-1];
assign mem_ready = domem && resetn && mem_valid;
assign mem_rdata = memory[mem_addr >> 2];
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (mem_ready && mem_valid) begin
if (mem_wstrb[0]) memory[mem_addr >> 2][ 7: 0] <= mem_wdata[ 7: 0];
if (mem_wstrb[1]) memory[mem_addr >> 2][15: 8] <= mem_wdata[15: 8];
if (mem_wstrb[2]) memory[mem_addr >> 2][23:16] <= mem_wdata[23:16];
if (mem_wstrb[3]) memory[mem_addr >> 2][31:24] <= mem_wdata[31:24];

View file

@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import subprocess
from select import select
from time import time
class smtio:
def __init__(self, solver=None, debug_print=None, debug_file=None, timeinfo=None, opts=None):
if opts is not None:
self.solver = opts.solver
self.debug_print = opts.debug_print
self.debug_file = opts.debug_file
self.timeinfo = opts.timeinfo
self.solver = "yices"
self.debug_print = False
self.debug_file = None
self.timeinfo = True
if solver is not None:
self.solver = solver
if debug_print is not None:
self.debug_print = debug_print
if debug_file is not None:
self.debug_file = debug_file
if timeinfo is not None:
self.timeinfo = timeinfo
if self.solver == "yices":
popen_vargs = ['yices-smt2', '--incremental']
if self.solver == "z3":
popen_vargs = ['z3', '-smt2', '-in']
if self.solver == "cvc4":
popen_vargs = ['cvc4', '--incremental', '--lang', 'smt2']
if self.solver == "mathsat":
popen_vargs = ['mathsat']
self.p = subprocess.Popen(popen_vargs, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
self.start_time = time()
def setup(self, logic="ALL", info=None):
self.write("(set-logic %s)" % logic)
if info is not None:
self.write("(set-info :source |%s|)" % info)
self.write("(set-info :smt-lib-version 2.5)")
self.write("(set-info :category \"industrial\")")
def timestamp(self):
secs = int(time() - self.start_time)
return "+ %6d %3d:%02d:%02d " % (secs, secs // (60*60), (secs // 60) % 60, secs % 60)
def write(self, stmt):
stmt = stmt.strip()
if self.debug_print:
print("> %s" % stmt)
if self.debug_file:
print(stmt, file=self.debug_file)
self.p.stdin.write(bytes(stmt + "\n", "ascii"))
def read(self):
stmt = []
count_brackets = 0
while True:
line = self.p.stdout.readline().decode("ascii").strip()
count_brackets += line.count("(")
count_brackets -= line.count(")")
if self.debug_print:
print("< %s" % line)
if count_brackets == 0:
if not self.p.poll():
print("SMT Solver terminated unexpectedly: %s" % "".join(stmt))
stmt = "".join(stmt)
if stmt.startswith("(error"):
print("SMT Solver Error: %s" % stmt, file=sys.stderr)
return stmt
def check_sat(self):
if self.debug_print:
print("> (check-sat)")
if self.debug_file:
print("; running check-sat..", file=self.debug_file)
self.p.stdin.write(bytes("(check-sat)\n", "ascii"))
if self.timeinfo:
i = 0
s = "/-\|"
count = 0
num_bs = 0
while select([self.p.stdout], [], [], 0.1) == ([], [], []):
count += 1
if count < 25:
if count % 10 == 0 or count == 25:
secs = count // 10
if secs < 60:
m = "(%d seconds)" % secs
elif secs < 60*60:
m = "(%d seconds -- %d:%02d)" % (secs, secs // 60, secs % 60)
m = "(%d seconds -- %d:%02d:%02d)" % (secs, secs // (60*60), (secs // 60) % 60, secs % 60)
print("%s %s %c" % ("\b \b" * num_bs, m, s[i]), end="", file=sys.stderr)
num_bs = len(m) + 3
print("\b" + s[i], end="", file=sys.stderr)
i = (i + 1) % len(s)
if num_bs != 0:
print("\b \b" * num_bs, end="", file=sys.stderr)
result =
if self.debug_file:
print("(set-info :status %s)" % result, file=self.debug_file)
print("(check-sat)", file=self.debug_file)
return result
def parse(self, stmt):
def worker(stmt):
if stmt[0] == '(':
expr = []
cursor = 1
while stmt[cursor] != ')':
el, le = worker(stmt[cursor:])
cursor += le
return expr, cursor+1
if stmt[0] == '|':
expr = "|"
cursor = 1
while stmt[cursor] != '|':
expr += stmt[cursor]
cursor += 1
expr += "|"
return expr, cursor+1
if stmt[0] in [" ", "\t", "\r", "\n"]:
el, le = worker(stmt[1:])
return el, le+1
expr = ""
cursor = 0
while stmt[cursor] not in ["(", ")", "|", " ", "\t", "\r", "\n"]:
expr += stmt[cursor]
cursor += 1
return expr, cursor
return worker(stmt)[0]
def bv2hex(self, v):
if v == "true": return "1"
if v == "false": return "0"
h = ""
while len(v) > 2:
d = 0
if len(v) > 0 and v[-1] == "1": d += 1
if len(v) > 1 and v[-2] == "1": d += 2
if len(v) > 2 and v[-3] == "1": d += 4
if len(v) > 3 and v[-4] == "1": d += 8
h = hex(d)[2:] + h
if len(v) < 4: break
v = v[:-4]
return h
def bv2bin(self, v):
if v == "true": return "1"
if v == "false": return "0"
return v[2:]
def get(self, expr):
self.write("(get-value (%s))" % (expr))
return self.parse([0][1]
def get_net(self, mod_name, net_name, state_name):
return self.get("(|%s_n %s| %s)" % (mod_name, net_name, state_name))
def get_net_bool(self, mod_name, net_name, state_name):
v = self.get_net(mod_name, net_name, state_name)
assert v in ["true", "false"]
return 1 if v == "true" else 0
def get_net_hex(self, mod_name, net_name, state_name):
return self.bv2hex(self.get_net(mod_name, net_name, state_name))
def get_net_bin(self, mod_name, net_name, state_name):
return self.bv2bin(self.get_net(mod_name, net_name, state_name))
def wait(self):
class smtopts:
def __init__(self):
self.optstr = "s:d:vp"
self.solver = "yices"
self.debug_print = False
self.debug_file = None
self.timeinfo = True
def handle(self, o, a):
if o == "-s":
self.solver = a
elif o == "-v":
self.debug_print = True
elif o == "-p":
self.timeinfo = True
elif o == "-d":
self.debug_file = open(a, "w")
return False
return True
def helpmsg(self):
return """
-s <solver>
set SMT solver: yices, z3, cvc4, mathsat
default: yices
enable debug output
disable timer display during solving
-d <filename>
write smt2 statements to file
class mkvcd:
def __init__(self, f):
self.f = f
self.t = -1
self.nets = dict()
def add_net(self, name, width):
assert self.t == -1
key = "n%d" % len(self.nets)
self.nets[name] = (key, width)
def set_net(self, name, bits):
assert name in self.nets
assert self.t >= 0
print("b%s %s" % (bits, self.nets[name][0]), file=self.f)
def set_time(self, t):
assert t >= self.t
if t != self.t:
if self.t == -1:
for name in sorted(self.nets):
key, width = self.nets[name]
print("$var wire %d %s %s $end" % (width, key, name), file=self.f)
print("$enddefinitions $end", file=self.f)
self.t = t
assert self.t >= 0
print("#%d" % self.t, file=self.f)

View file

@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os, sys, getopt
from smtio import smtio, smtopts
steps = 14
words = 0
allmem = False
so = smtopts()
def usage():
python3 [options]
-t <steps>
default: 20
""" + so.helpmsg())
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], so.optstr + "t:")
for o, a in opts:
if o == "-t":
steps = int(a)
elif so.handle(o, a):
if len(args) > 0:
smt = smtio(opts=so)
print("Solver: %s" % so.solver)
smt.setup("QF_AUFBV", "PicoRV32 \"\" BMC script, powered by Yosys")
regs_a = list()
regs_b = list()
with open("sync_a.smt2", "r") as f:
for line in f:
if line.startswith("; yosys-smt2-register "):
line = line.split()
regs_a.append((line[2], int(line[3])))
with open("sync_b.smt2", "r") as f:
for line in f:
if line.startswith("; yosys-smt2-register "):
line = line.split()
regs_b.append((line[2], int(line[3])))
for step in range(steps):
smt.write("(declare-fun a%d () main_a_s)" % step)
smt.write("(declare-fun b%d () main_b_s)" % step)
smt.write("(assert (= (|main_a_n domem| a%d) (|main_b_n domem| b%d)))" % (step, step))
smt.write("(assert (not (|main_a_n trap| a%d)))" % step)
if step == 0:
# start with synced memory and register file
smt.write("(assert (= (|main_a_m cpu.cpuregs| a0) (|main_b_m cpu.cpuregs| b0)))")
smt.write("(assert (= (|main_a_m memory| a0) (|main_b_m memory| b0)))")
# reset in first cycle
smt.write("(assert (not (|main_a_n resetn| a%d)))" % step)
smt.write("(assert (not (|main_b_n resetn| b%d)))" % step)
smt.write("(assert (main_a_t a%d a%d))" % (step-1, step))
smt.write("(assert (main_b_t b%d b%d))" % (step-1, step))
smt.write("(assert (|main_a_n resetn| a%d))" % step)
smt.write("(assert (|main_b_n resetn| b%d))" % step)
print("%s Checking sequence of length %d.." % (smt.timestamp(), step))
smt.write("(push 1)")
smt.write(("(assert (or (distinct (|main_a_m cpu.cpuregs| a%d) (|main_b_m cpu.cpuregs| b%d)) " +
"(distinct (|main_a_m memory| a%d) (|main_b_m memory| b%d))" +
"(distinct (|main_a_n trap| a%d) (|main_b_n trap| b%d))))") % (step, step, step, step, step, step))
if smt.check_sat() == "sat":
print("%s Creating model.." % smt.timestamp())
def make_cpu_regs(step):
for i in range(1, 32):
smt.write("(define-fun a%d_r%d () (_ BitVec 32) (select (|main_a_m cpu.cpuregs| a%d) #b%s))" % (step, i, step, bin(32+i)[3:]))
smt.write("(define-fun b%d_r%d () (_ BitVec 32) (select (|main_b_m cpu.cpuregs| b%d) #b%s))" % (step, i, step, bin(32+i)[3:]))
assert smt.sheck_sat() == "sat"
def print_status(mod, step):
resetn = smt.get_net_bool("main_" + mod, "resetn", "%s%d" % (mod, step))
memvld = smt.get_net_bool("main_" + mod, "mem_valid", "%s%d" % (mod, step))
domem = smt.get_net_bool("main_" + mod, "domem", "%s%d" % (mod, step))
memrdy = smt.get_net_bool("main_" + mod, "mem_ready", "%s%d" % (mod, step))
trap = smt.get_net_bool("main_" + mod, "trap", "%s%d" % (mod, step))
print("status %5s: resetn=%s, memvld=%s, domem=%s, memrdy=%s, trap=%s" % ("%s[%d]" % (mod, step), resetn, memvld, domem, memrdy, trap))
def print_mem_xfer(mod, step):
if allmem or smt.get("(and (|main_%s_n mem_valid| %s%d) (|main_%s_n mem_ready| %s%d))" % (mod, mod, step, mod, mod, step)) == 'true':
mem_addr = smt.get_net_hex("main_" + mod, "mem_addr", "%s%d" % (mod, step))
mem_wdata = smt.get_net_hex("main_" + mod, "mem_wdata", "%s%d" % (mod, step))
mem_wstrb = smt.get_net_bin("main_" + mod, "mem_wstrb", "%s%d" % (mod, step))
mem_rdata = smt.get_net_hex("main_" + mod, "mem_rdata", "%s%d" % (mod, step))
if allmem and smt.get("(and (|main_%s_n mem_valid| %s%d) (|main_%s_n mem_ready| %s%d))" % (mod, mod, step, mod, mod, step)) == 'true':
print("mem %5s: addr=%s, wdata=%s, wstrb=%s, rdata=%s <-" % ("%s[%d]" % (mod, step), mem_addr, mem_wdata, mem_wstrb, mem_rdata))
print("mem %5s: addr=%s, wdata=%s, wstrb=%s, rdata=%s" % ("%s[%d]" % (mod, step), mem_addr, mem_wdata, mem_wstrb, mem_rdata))
def print_cpu_regs(step):
for i in range(1, 32):
ra = smt.bv2hex(smt.get("a%d_r%d" % (step, i)))
rb = smt.bv2hex(smt.get("b%d_r%d" % (step, i)))
print("%3s[%d]: A=%s B=%s%s" % ("x%d" % i, step, ra, rb, " !" if ra != rb else ""))
for i in range(step+1):
print_status("a", i)
for i in range(step+1):
print_status("b", i)
for i in range(1, step+1):
print_mem_xfer("a", i)
for i in range(1, step+1):
print_mem_xfer("b", i)
with open("sync_tb.v", "w") as f:
print("writing verilog test bench...")
memory_words = 1
memory_datas = { "a": dict(), "b": dict() }
for i in range(step, 0, -1):
for mod in ["a", "b"]:
if allmem or smt.get("(and (|main_%s_n mem_valid| %s%d) (|main_%s_n mem_ready| %s%d))" % (mod, mod, i, mod, mod, i)) == 'true':
mem_addr = smt.get_net_hex("main_" + mod, "mem_addr", "%s%d" % (mod, i))
mem_rdata = smt.get_net_hex("main_" + mod, "mem_rdata", "%s%d" % (mod, i))
memory_datas[mod][mem_addr] = mem_rdata
memory_words = max((int(mem_addr, 16) >> 2)+1, memory_words)
memory_data = dict()
for k, v in memory_datas["a"].items(): memory_data[k] = v
for k, v in memory_datas["b"].items(): memory_data[k] = v
print("`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps", file=f)
print("", file=f)
print("module testbench;", file=f)
print(" reg clk = 1, resetn, domem_a, domem_b;", file=f)
print(" always #5 clk = ~clk;", file=f)
print("", file=f)
print(" main #(", file=f)
print(" .MEMORY_WORDS(%d)," % memory_words, file=f)
print(" /* FIXME */", file=f)
print(" ) main_a (", file=f)
print(" .clk(clk),", file=f)
print(" .resetn(resetn),", file=f)
print(" .domem(domem_a)", file=f)
print(" );", file=f)
print("", file=f)
print(" main #(", file=f)
print(" .MEMORY_WORDS(%d)," % memory_words, file=f)
print(" /* FIXME */", file=f)
print(" ) main_b (", file=f)
print(" .clk(clk),", file=f)
print(" .resetn(resetn),", file=f)
print(" .domem(domem_b)", file=f)
print(" );", file=f)
print("", file=f)
print(" task check_reg;", file=f)
print(" input [4:0] n;", file=f)
print(" begin", file=f)
print(" if (main_a.cpu.cpuregs[n] != main_b.cpu.cpuregs[n])", file=f)
print(" $display(\"Divergent values for reg %1d: A=%08x B=%08x\", n, main_a.cpu.cpuregs[n], main_b.cpu.cpuregs[n]);", file=f)
print(" end", file=f)
print(" endtask", file=f)
print("", file=f)
print(" task check_mem;", file=f)
print(" input [31:0] n;", file=f)
print(" begin", file=f)
print(" if (main_a.memory[n] != main_b.memory[n])", file=f)
print(" $display(\"Divergent values for memory addr %08x: A=%08x B=%08x\", n, main_a.cpu.cpuregs[n], main_b.cpu.cpuregs[n]);", file=f)
print(" end", file=f)
print(" endtask", file=f)
print("", file=f)
print(" initial begin", file=f)
print(" $dumpfile(\"sync_tb.vcd\");", file=f)
print(" $dumpvars(0, testbench);", file=f)
print("", file=f)
for rn, rs in regs_a:
print(" main_a.%s = %d'b %s;" % (rn, rs, smt.get_net_bin("main_a", rn, "a0")), file=f)
print("", file=f)
for rn, rs in regs_b:
print(" main_b.%s = %d'b %s;" % (rn, rs, smt.get_net_bin("main_b", rn, "b0")), file=f)
print("", file=f)
for i in range(1, 32):
ra = smt.bv2hex(smt.get("a%d_r%d" % (0, i)))
rb = smt.bv2hex(smt.get("b%d_r%d" % (0, i)))
print(" main_a.cpu.cpuregs[%2d] = 'h %s; main_b.cpu.cpuregs[%2d] = 'h %s;" % (i, ra, i, rb), file=f)
print("", file=f)
for addr, data in memory_data.items():
print(" main_a.memory['h %08x] = 'h %s;" % (int(addr, 16) >> 2, data), file=f)
print(" main_b.memory['h %08x] = 'h %s;" % (int(addr, 16) >> 2, data), file=f)
print("", file=f)
for i in range(step+1):
print(" resetn = %d;" % smt.get_net_bool("main_a", "resetn", "a%d" % i), file=f)
print(" domem_a = %d;" % smt.get_net_bool("main_a", "domem", "a%d" % i), file=f)
print(" domem_b = %d;" % smt.get_net_bool("main_b", "domem", "b%d" % i), file=f)
print(" @(posedge clk);", file=f)
print("", file=f)
for i in range(1, 32):
print(" check_reg(%d);" % i, file=f)
for addr, data in memory_data.items():
print(" check_mem('h %s);" % addr, file=f)
print("", file=f)
print(" @(posedge clk);", file=f)
print(" @(posedge clk);", file=f)
print(" $finish;", file=f)
print(" end", file=f)
print("endmodule", file=f)
if words > 0:
print("running verilog test bench...")
os.system("iverilog -o sync_tb -s testbench sync_tb.v main.v ../../picorv32.v && ./sync_tb")
else: # unsat
smt.write("(pop 1)")
smt.write("(assert (= (|main_a_m cpu.cpuregs| a%d) (|main_b_m cpu.cpuregs| b%d)))" % (step, step))
smt.write("(assert (= (|main_a_m memory| a%d) (|main_b_m memory| b%d)))" % (step, step))
smt.write("(assert (= (|main_a_n trap| a%d) (|main_b_n trap| b%d)))" % (step, step))
print("%s Done." % smt.timestamp())

View file

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
set -ex
yosys -qv1 sync.ys
time python3

View file

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
read_verilog main.v
read_verilog ../../picorv32.v
rename main main_a
hierarchy -top main_a
memory -nordff -nomap
write_smt2 -bv -mem -regs sync_a.smt2
design -reset
read_verilog main.v
read_verilog ../../picorv32.v
rename main main_b
chparam -set ENABLE_COUNTERS 1 \
-set ENABLE_MUL 1 \
-set ENABLE_IRQ 0 main_b
hierarchy -top main_b
memory -nordff -nomap
write_smt2 -bv -mem -regs sync_b.smt2
design -reset