Gabriel Somlo d087e2e0af interconnect/csr_bus/SRAM: allow 64-bit alignment (on 64-bit CPUs)
Similarly to how CSRBank subregisters are aligned to the CPU word
width (see commit f4770219f), ensure SRAM word_bits are also aligned
to the CPU word width.

Additionally, fix the MMPTR() macro to access CSR subregisters as
CPU word (unsigned long) sized slices.

This fixes the functionality of the 'ident' bios command on 64-bit
CPUs (e.g., Rocket).

Signed-off-by: Gabriel Somlo <>
2020-01-03 16:36:42 -05:00

250 lines
8.8 KiB

# This file is Copyright (c) 2015 Sebastien Bourdeauducq <>
# This file is Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Florent Kermarrec <>
# This file is Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Tim 'mithro' Ansell <>
# License: BSD
CSR-2 bus
The CSR-2 bus is a low-bandwidth, resource-sensitive bus designed for accessing
the configuration and status registers of cores from software.
from functools import reduce
from operator import or_
from migen import *
from migen.genlib.record import *
from migen.genlib.misc import chooser
from migen.util.misc import xdir
from litex.soc.interconnect import csr
from litex.soc.interconnect.csr import CSRStorage
_layout = [
("adr", "address_width", DIR_M_TO_S),
("we", 1, DIR_M_TO_S),
("dat_w", "data_width", DIR_M_TO_S),
("dat_r", "data_width", DIR_S_TO_M)
class Interface(Record):
def __init__(self, data_width=8, address_width=14, alignment=32):
self.alignment = alignment
Record.__init__(self, set_layout_parameters(_layout,
data_width=data_width, address_width=address_width))
def like(self, other):
return Interface(len(other.dat_w),
def write(self, adr, dat):
yield self.adr.eq(adr)
yield self.dat_w.eq(dat)
yield self.we.eq(1)
yield self.we.eq(0)
def read(self, adr):
yield self.adr.eq(adr)
return (yield self.dat_r)
class Interconnect(Module):
def __init__(self, master, slaves):
self.comb += master.connect(*slaves)
class InterconnectShared(Module):
def __init__(self, masters, slaves):
intermediate =[0])
self.comb += [
intermediate.adr.eq(reduce(or_, [masters[i].adr for i in range(len(masters))])),
intermediate.we.eq(reduce(or_, [masters[i].we for i in range(len(masters))])),
intermediate.dat_w.eq(reduce(or_, [masters[i].dat_w for i in range(len(masters))]))
for i in range(len(masters)):
self.comb += masters[i].dat_r.eq(intermediate.dat_r)
self.comb += intermediate.connect(*slaves)
class SRAM(Module):
def __init__(self, mem_or_size, address, read_only=None, init=None, bus=None):
if bus is None:
bus = Interface()
self.bus = bus
data_width = len(self.bus.dat_w)
if isinstance(mem_or_size, Memory):
mem = mem_or_size
mem = Memory(data_width, mem_or_size//(data_width//8), init=init)
mem_size = int(mem.width*mem.depth/8)
if mem_size > 512:
print("WARNING: memory > 512 bytes in CSR region requires paged access (mem_size = {} bytes)".format(mem_size))
csrw_per_memw = (mem.width + data_width - 1)//data_width
word_bits = log2_int(csrw_per_memw)
page_bits = log2_int((mem.depth*csrw_per_memw + 511)//512, False)
if page_bits:
self._page = CSRStorage(page_bits, name=mem.name_override + "_page")
self._page = None
if read_only is None:
if hasattr(mem, "bus_read_only"):
read_only = mem.bus_read_only
read_only = False
port = mem.get_port(write_capable=not read_only)
self.specials += mem, port
sel = Signal()
sel_r = Signal()
self.sync += sel_r.eq(sel)
self.comb += sel.eq(self.bus.adr[9:] == address)
if bus.alignment == 64:
self.comb += If(self.bus.adr[0], sel.eq(0))
adr_shift = log2_int(bus.alignment//32)
if word_bits:
word_index = Signal(word_bits)
word_expanded = Signal(csrw_per_memw*data_width)
self.sync += word_index.eq(self.bus.adr[adr_shift:adr_shift+word_bits])
self.comb += [
chooser(word_expanded, word_index, self.bus.dat_r, n=csrw_per_memw, reverse=True)
if not read_only:
wregs = []
for i in range(csrw_per_memw-1):
wreg = Signal(data_width)
self.sync += If(sel & self.bus.we & (self.bus.adr[adr_shift:adr_shift+word_bits] == i), wreg.eq(self.bus.dat_w))
memword_chunks = [self.bus.dat_w] + list(reversed(wregs))
self.comb += [
port.we.eq(sel & self.bus.we & (self.bus.adr[adr_shift:adr_shift+word_bits] == csrw_per_memw - 1)),
self.comb += If(sel_r, self.bus.dat_r.eq(port.dat_r))
if not read_only:
self.comb += [
port.we.eq(sel & self.bus.we),
if self._page is None:
self.comb += port.adr.eq(self.bus.adr[adr_shift+word_bits:adr_shift+word_bits+len(port.adr)])
pv =
self.comb += port.adr.eq(Cat(self.bus.adr[adr_shift+word_bits:adr_shift+word_bits+len(port.adr)-len(pv)], pv))
def get_csrs(self):
if self._page is None:
return []
return [self._page]
class CSRBank(csr.GenericBank):
def __init__(self, description, address=0, bus=None):
if bus is None:
bus = Interface()
self.bus = bus
csr.GenericBank.__init__(self, description, len(self.bus.dat_w))
sel = Signal()
self.comb += sel.eq(self.bus.adr[9:] == address)
if bus.alignment == 64:
self.comb += If(self.bus.adr[0], sel.eq(0))
adr_shift = log2_int(bus.alignment//32)
for i, c in enumerate(self.simple_csrs):
self.comb += [
c.r.eq(self.bus.dat_w[:c.size]), & \
self.bus.we & \
(self.bus.adr[adr_shift:adr_shift+self.decode_bits] == i)),
c.we.eq(sel & \
~self.bus.we & \
(self.bus.adr[adr_shift:adr_shift+self.decode_bits] == i)),
brcases = dict((i, self.bus.dat_r.eq(c.w)) for i, c in enumerate(self.simple_csrs))
self.sync += [
If(sel, Case(self.bus.adr[adr_shift:adr_shift+self.decode_bits], brcases))
# address_map(name, memory) returns the CSR offset at which to map
# the CSR object (register bank or memory).
# If memory=None, the object is the register bank of object
# Otherwise, it is a memory object belonging to
# address_map is called exactly once for each object at each call to
# scan(), so it can have side effects.
class CSRBankArray(Module):
def __init__(self, source, address_map, *ifargs, **ifkwargs):
self.source = source
self.address_map = address_map
self.scan(ifargs, ifkwargs)
def scan(self, ifargs, ifkwargs):
self.banks = []
self.srams = []
self.constants = []
for name, obj in xdir(self.source, True):
if hasattr(obj, "get_csrs"):
csrs = obj.get_csrs()
csrs = []
if hasattr(obj, "get_memories"):
memories = obj.get_memories()
for memory in memories:
if isinstance(memory, tuple):
read_only, memory = memory
read_only = False
mapaddr = self.address_map(name, memory)
if mapaddr is None:
sram_bus = Interface(*ifargs, **ifkwargs)
mmap = SRAM(memory, mapaddr, read_only=read_only,
self.submodules += mmap
csrs += mmap.get_csrs()
self.srams.append((name, memory, mapaddr, mmap))
if hasattr(obj, "get_constants"):
for constant in obj.get_constants():
self.constants.append((name, constant))
if csrs:
mapaddr = self.address_map(name, None)
if mapaddr is None:
bank_bus = Interface(*ifargs, **ifkwargs)
rmap = CSRBank(csrs, mapaddr, bus=bank_bus)
self.submodules += rmap
self.banks.append((name, csrs, mapaddr, rmap))
def get_rmaps(self):
return [rmap for name, csrs, mapaddr, rmap in self.banks]
def get_mmaps(self):
return [mmap for name, memory, mapaddr, mmap in self.srams]
def get_buses(self):
return [i.bus for i in self.get_rmaps() + self.get_mmaps()]