Build your hardware, easily!
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enjoy-digital 380f8b96dd
Merge pull request from xobs/vexriscv-to-wishbone
Push Vexriscv debug directly on the Wishbone bus
2018-07-27 11:59:28 +02:00
doc doc: update logo 2015-11-13 23:40:27 +01:00
litex tools: remove vexriscv_debug 2018-07-27 15:25:33 +08:00
test replace litex.gen imports with migen imports 2018-02-23 13:38:19 +01:00
.gitignore uniformize with litex cores and make things more clear about what LiteX vs Migen/MiSoC 2018-02-22 11:52:10 +01:00
.gitmodules add VexRiscv submodule 2018-05-09 14:39:31 +02:00 travis: Adding some color. 2018-03-03 18:17:55 -08:00
.travis.yml travis: Move the conda install into script so it can be folded. 2018-03-03 17:47:11 -08:00
environment.yml Adding conda environment example. 2018-03-03 16:30:09 -08:00
LICENSE bump year 2018-01-08 11:43:13 +01:00 add litex_setup script to clone and install Migen, LiteX and LiteX's cores 2018-07-20 10:11:41 +02:00 initial RISC-V support (with picorv32), still some software to do (manage IRQ, L2 cache flush) 2016-04-01 00:09:17 +02:00
README add litex_setup script to clone and install Migen, LiteX and LiteX's cores 2018-07-20 10:11:41 +02:00 tools: remove vexriscv_debug 2018-07-27 15:25:33 +08:00

                       __   _ __      _  __
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                         Migen inside

                Build your hardware, easily!
              Copyright 2012-2018 / EnjoyDigital

[> Intro
LiteX is an alternative to MiSoC maintained and used by Enjoy-Digital to build
our cores, integrate them in complete SoC and load/flash them to the hardware
and experiment new features. (structure is kept close to MiSoC to ease

Typical LiteX design flow:

                        |FPGA toolchains|
                             |     |
         +-------+        |           |
         | Migen +-------->           |
         +-------+        |           |        Your design
                          |   LiteX   +---> ready to be used!
                          |           |
+----------------------+  |           |
|LiteX Cores Ecosystem +-->           |
+----------------------+  +-^-------^-+
 (Eth, SATA, DRAM, USB,     |       |
  PCIe, Video, etc...)      +       +
                           board   target
                           file    file

LiteX already supports various softcores CPUs: LM32, Mor1kx, PicoRV32, VexRiscv
and is compatible with the LiteX's Cores Ecosystem:

- LiteDRAM:
- LiteEth:
- LitePCIe:
- LiteSATA:
- LiteUSB:
- LiteSDCard:
- LiteICLink:
- LiteJESD204B:
- LiteVideo:
- LiteScope:

[> Sub-packages
  Provides specific or experimental modules to generate HDL that are not integrated
  in Migen.

  Provides tools to build FPGA bitstreams (interface to vendor toolchains) and to
  simulate HDL code or full SoCs.

  Provides definitions/modules to build cores (bus, bank, flow), cores and tools
  to build a SoC from such cores.

  Provides platforms and targets for the supported boards. All Migen's platforms
  can also be used in LiteX.

[> Very Quick start guide (for newcomers)
----------------------------------------- has done an awesome job for setting up a LiteX environment easily in
the litex-buildenv repo:

It's recommended for newcomers to go this way. Various FPGA boards are supported
and multiple examples provided! You can even run Linux on your FPGA using LiteX
very easily!

Migen documentation can be found here:

FPGA lessons/tutorials can be found at:

[> Medium Quick start guide with Conda

0. Get miniconda by following instructions at

1. Clone LiteX
  git clone --recurse-submodules

2. Create a LiteX environment from environment.yml
  conda env create -f environment.yml

3. Enter conda environment
  conda activate litex

4. Build the target of your board...:
  Go to boards/targets and execute the target you want to build

[> Quick start guide (for advanced users)
0. Install Python 3.5+ and FPGA vendor's development tools.

1. Get script and execute:
   ./ init install
   This will clone and install Migen, LiteX and LiteX's cores.
   To update all repositories execute:
   ./ update

2. Compile and install binutils. Take the latest version from GNU.
  mkdir build && cd build
  ../configure --target=lm32-elf
  make install

3. (Optional, only if you want to use a lm32 CPU in you SoC)
  Compile and install GCC. Take gcc-core and gcc-g++ from GNU
  (version 4.5 or >=4.9).
  rm -rf libstdc++-v3
  mkdir build && cd build
  ../configure --target=lm32-elf --enable-languages="c,c++" --disable-libgcc \
  make install

4. Build the target of your board...:
  Go to boards/targets and execute the target you want to build

5. ... and/or install Verilator and test LiteX on your computer:
  Download and install Verilator:
  Install libevent-devel / json-c-devel packages
  Go to boards/targets

6. Run a terminal program on the board's serial port at 115200 8-N-1.
  You should get the BIOS prompt.

[> Contact
E-mail: florent [AT]